
Giant's Staircase

  • Contexto de grado: UK
  • Ascensiones: 28




The wall that extends from Giant's Staircase presents some demanding routes, but unfortunately, they are frequently damp along the lower break, which can be a source of disappointment.

Restricciones heredado de Harrison's Rocks

Harrison's Rocks is owned by climbers and is managed on their behalf by the British Mountaineering Council with funding from the English Sports Council. Car Parking is Pay and Display. If approaching from the train station, do not trespass the private property to get to zig-zag wall, instead follow the path to the left.


Use the Top Path Approach, which involves proceeding beyond the favoured Long Layback Area and Giant's Staircase.

Ética heredado de Harrison's Rocks

The Sandstone is very soft -- leading is not allowed. Most climbs are top-roped, and ropes should be extended over the edge and set up in a way such as to minimize the wear on the rock. Top-out and down-climb is preferred to lowering. Abseiling is, also, forbidden.

More details: https://www.thebmc.co.uk/southern-sandstone-guidelines https://www.thebmc.co.uk/bmcNews/media/u_content/File/access_conservation/access_publications/Sandstone%20Code%20of%20Practice.pdf



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Ascend the conspicuous and captivating attribute with a bit of discomfort. Conclude by surmounting the wall above.

Climb the buttress just left of a blunt arete. Use of the arete is not allowed.

Ascend the slab and the vertical surface above it. This particular route is highly sought after by novice climbers.

Ascend the corner crack.

Climb a short route located in the middle of the face.

An ascent through a dim and obscure chimney.

The section of the wall extending from the Giant's Staircase offers a variety of routes that are both technically demanding and difficult. Unfortunately, the lower section of these routes frequently remains moist.

Climb the arete just right of "Longbow Chimney", using an obvious pocket about 1/2 way up.

Line of flakes just right of "Grist"

Eliminate between "Quiver" and "Toxophilite"

Next set of flakes right of "Quiver".

This climb features slender and intricate movements. Begin by executing a difficult mantel onto the first ledge, then delicately navigate upward to conclude the climb to the right of the tree stump.

Ascend the brief, slightly inclined scoop, and finish with ease once reaching the top ledge. The route offers several potential starts, with the most favourable being underneath the nose and then moving towards the left to reach the ledge.

Commence the climb in the same manner as for Sagittarius, but promptly ascend the steep surface to the right of the curved scoop slab.

A short problem between Giant Staircase and Arrow Crack.

Climb the slab and use a small right hand Gaston and a high left foot to rock over and reach the hold below the ledge. Then, head direct up the ledges above and mantle out to finish.


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