
Vías en Kentucky para grado seleccionado

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 851 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
Dawson Bluffs Park Wall
V0 - 1 Iron Traverse Búlder
5.7 Drug Helmet Deportiva
5.7 Short Bus Deportiva 8m
V0 - 1 Got Dirt On You Búlder
5.7 Virgin Waters Deportiva 9m
Dawson Bluffs Raggae Rock
5.9 The Bushwhacker Deportiva 9m
5.8 Hope Daddy Doesn'T See Top-rope 9m
Dawson Bluffs Camp 4 Overhang
5.7 Rated X Deportiva 8m
Dawson Bluffs Zion Boulder
5.7 Paratrooper Deportiva 9m
5.9 Green Monster Deportiva 9m
5.9 Back In A Sec Top-rope 9m
5.8 Fire Pit Deportiva 9m
Dawson Bluffs Mid Bluff Cove
5.8 Green Carpet Deportiva 9m
Dawson Bluffs Flathead Flathead Wall 1st Level
5.9 Human Rope Test Deportiva 11m
5.8 High Step Deportiva 11m
Dawson Bluffs Flathead Flathead Wall 2nd Level
5.7 Rambunctious Rhodents Clásica
5.8 Stupid Step Deportiva 18m
5.9 Hob Knob Deportiva 15m
Red River Gorge Gray's Branch Region Spring Wall
5.9 When Push Comes to Shove
Red River Gorge Gray's Branch Region Tunnel Wall
5.8 Sideshow
5.8 Big Top
5.9 Exhibition
Red River Gorge Gray's Branch Region Gray's Wall
5.9 On the Road
Clásica 30m
5.7 Hang Over
Clásica 12m
5.9 Never Again
Red River Gorge Gray's Branch Region Military Wall
5.9 Things That Go Bump In the Night
Clásica 53m
5.9 Jungle Beat
Clásica 55m
5.9 Mercy Miss Percy
Deportiva 15m
5.7 Decays Way
Clásica 18m
5.9 Moonbeam
Deportiva 15m
5.9 Sunshine
Deportiva 15m
5.9 Sailing Shoes
Clásica 18m
5.9 Not Worth It
Clásica 15m
5.7 Blade Runner
Clásica 24m
5.8 Thought It Was Bubbles
Clásica 24m
5.7 G.I.
Clásica 40m
5.9 Gullyneering
Clásica 24m
Red River Gorge Gray's Branch Region Left Flank
5.8 Face Up to That Crack

PA: Kevin Pogue & Elisa Weinman Pogue, 1992

Clásica mixta 21m, 8
5.8 Mr. Bungle

PA: Jeff Moll, 1992

Deportiva 18m, 6
5.9 Brother Stair

PA: Porter Jarrard, 1992

Deportiva 12m, 4
5.9 R Birthday Party

PA: John Lahr & Andy Shirk, 1996

Clásica 23m
Red River Gorge Gray's Branch Region Raven Rock
5.9 Nevermore
Clásica 61m
5.9 Ravin' Maniac
Clásica 18m
5.7 Premature Burial
Clásica 18m
Red River Gorge Lower Gorge Region Pebble Beach
5.9 Broken Arrow
5.7 The Arrowhead
Clásica 18m
5.9 Scabies
Deportiva 12m, 4
5.8 Zambezi Plunge
Clásica 30m
5.9 Central Scrutinizer
Clásica 15m
5.7 Environmental Impact
Clásica 40m
5.8 Small Change
Clásica 9m
5.9 Big Money

PA: Mark Strevels

Clásica 21m
5.9 Blood Money
Deportiva 15m
5.9 Punkin Head
Clásica 18m
5.7 Roaming the Halls
Clásica 20m
5.8 Offwidth 1
Clásica 18m
5.7 Offwidth 2
5.8 Berlin Wall
Clásica 15m
Red River Gorge Lower Gorge Region Pistol Ridge
5.8 April Flowers
Clásica 8m
5.7 danger mouse
Deportiva 14m
5.7 Please Don't Feed the Triceratops
Deportiva 11m
5.9 It's a Wonderful Life
Deportiva 24m
5.8 Bitchmobile
5.9 Rubella
Clásica 15m
5.7 Ol' Yeller
Clásica 14m
5.9 Trident
Clásica 6m
5.9 Knitting Club
Clásica 27m
5.7 Ride 'em Cowboy
Clásica 12m
5.9 Supergun
Clásica 6m
5.8 The Refrigerator
Clásica 12m
5.8 Refrigerator Left
Clásica 12m
5.7 Welcome to Bosnia
Clásica 21m
5.8 Edge of Night
Clásica 12m
5.8 Masters of Rubble
Clásica 15m
Red River Gorge Lower Gorge Region Tarr Ridge
5.8 Good Intentions
Clásica 18m
5.9 Dead On Arrival
Clásica 34m
5.7 Brain Damage
Clásica 30m
5.9 Lost in the Woods
Clásica 14m
5.9 Genital Hairpiece
Clásica 23m
Red River Gorge Lower Gorge Region Willie's Wall
5.8 Missing the Obvious
Clásica 24m
5.7 She Loves Me
Clásica 24m
5.9 Lust At First Sight
Clásica 23m
Red River Gorge Lower Gorge Region Brighton Wall
5.7 Brighton Rock
Clásica 17m
5.7 Birth Canal
Clásica 17m
Red River Gorge Lower Gorge Region Symphony Wall
5.7 Pop Tart
Clásica 23m
Red River Gorge Lower Gorge Region Jazz Rock
5.7 Piranha

PA: Willie Hunt & Jerry Bargo, 1994

Clásica 21m
5.8 Mashed Potatos

PA: Jesse New & Dwayne Palazzolo, 2004

Clásica 17m
5.9 Green Beans
Red River Gorge Lower Gorge Region Bear Wollor Hollor
5.7 Fever
Clásica 24m
5.8 Yahoo
Clásica 21m
5.9 In the Doorway
Clásica 11m
5.7 Wollor World
Clásica 12m
Red River Gorge Lower Gorge Region Between Wall
5.8 Tunnel of Love
Clásica 24m
5.7 Squirm Summo
Clásica 14m
5.8 Now Squirm
Clásica 14m
5.8 Hemlock Rap
Clásica 18m
Red River Gorge Lower Gorge Region Muscle Beach
5.9 Close Encounters With a Wench
Clásica 21m
5.7 Carnivorous
Clásica 9m
5.7 Woman Trouble
Clásica 15m
5.8 Muscle Shoals
Clásica 12m

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 851 vías.

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