
Vías en Thunder Ridge

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Mostrando los 17 vías.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Popularidad
Black and Tan Wall
5.12a Glenmorangie

Climb the face 15 feet left of Black and Tan off of an independent top-rope anchor. This line is open to bolting by a motivated party.

PA: Glenn Schuler

Top-rope 15m
5.12a Black and Tan

Leftmost bolted line at Black and Tan

PA: Glenn Schuler

Deportiva 15m, 6
5.11b Black Ape

Second bolted line from the left. Starts under an overhang and ascends a crack (protected with trad gear) up to the first bolt, follow bolt line up a black streak to a 2 bolt anchor.

PA: Glenn Schuler

Clásica mixta 18m, 4
5.10c Boilermaker

Rightmost bolted line at Black and Tan Wall, ascends a steep right-angling crack to a bulge and the first bolt, follows featured rock from there to a 2 bolt anchor

PA: Glenn Schuler

Clásica mixta 18m, 4
The Quarry
5.11d PG13 Smashing

Leftmost route on the left side of the Quarry Wall. Begins under a roof and ascends a slab into a seam.

PA: Glenn Schuler

Clásica 18m
5.10a R Sidewinder

Shares a start with The Waffle in a shallow corner to the right of Smashing, follows an s-shaped crack to shared anchor with Smashing and The Waffle.

PA: Glenn Schuler

Clásica 17m
5.9 PG13 The Waffle

Starts in same shallow corner as Sidewinder, ascends the slab above the corner to shared anchor with Smashing and Sidewinder.

PA: Glenn Schuler

Clásica 17m
5.10d Hang Ten on the Wall of Glenn

20 ft right of The Waffle. Ascend the slab to the leftmost side of the prominent overhang, then follow bolts rightward above/along the overhang lip.

PA: Kevin Stricker & Kevin McLaughlin

Clásica mixta 35m, 6
5.8 R Pulp Friction

Follow bolt line up incut holds on the left side of a large black water streak.

PA: Glenn, Glenn Schuler & Judy Schuler

Deportiva 21m, 6
5.10c No Pressure

Ascends bolt line between two water streaks.

PA: Dave Montgomery & Kristen McIlrath

Deportiva 21m, 8
5.11d Event Horizon

Climbs bolt line along the water streak to the right of No Pressure and Pulp Friction.

PA: Mark Milligan & Glenn Schuler

Deportiva 18m, 4
5.10d Undertow
1 5.10d
2 5.10a

Pitch 1 (60 ft) climbs the obvious right ward arching flake in the middle of the Quarry Wall to a two-bolt anchor. Pitch 2 traverses out from the anchor to the right side of the large roof and then up easy terrain to the top of the formation.

PA: Kerry Gunter

Clásica 2
5.12a Glenfiddich

Starts right of Undertow then climbs the face above the flake following bolts, when bolts end at a ledge, rejoin Undertow and finish at it's anchors.

PA: Glenn Schuler & Mark Milligan

Clásica mixta 21m, 6
5.12d Not Even

Climbs the blank middle of a featured face to the right of Undertow.

PA: Glenn Schuler

Clásica mixta 21m, 5
5.12d The Rodeo

Bolt line along a black streak between Not Even and Slippery Nipple.

PA: Dave Montgomery, 2010

Clásica mixta 21m, 9
5.10d Slippery Nipple

Climbs lieback crack to the right of the metal pipe in the rock then up a bolt line on the slab above.

PA: Glenn Schuler & Lou Kalina, 1995

Clásica mixta 29m, 5
Swamp Corridor
V15 Defying Gravity

PA: Daniel Woods, 2013


Mostrando los 17 vías.

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