
Sector 1 - Left




All routes left of Hard Stone City. Afternoon Shade.


어떤 내용들은 ~로부터 허가아래 제공되었습니다. © Cameron Roy (CC BY-SA 3.0 AU)


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등급 루트

Quite a nice little route. Start Where the graffiti is and climb the left hand side of the face. Climb through the vertical finger crack and once at the top traverse right until you are at the off width. Climb this to the top. Top out. Pay caution to the top as the rock deteriorates significantly here.

FA: pamelalansbury, 2 8월 2020

I pledge a legion to the life of the Quarryman. Do this route and you'll be a true Car Crash Quarryman! A left to right traverse of the entire quarry. The description is described with the pitches I did but the piteches can be done however you choose to do them. Gear is mixed.

Pitch 1. Start just left of 'Old School Face Slap' and traverse the underside of the overhang to the end of the big roof of Covid22. Scramble across the slab to a stance in the corner at half way height. Clip 'Fading Light's' third bolt and climb across this, around the arete. Anchor into 'Smearing on Mount McKinley's' third bolt.

Pitch 2. Climb across 'Technicolour Sunfish' keeping in in line with the third bolt. Climb through the 'Fear' crack, around the corner and above the Bee Hive (try not to get stung by any bees!) and head towards the chains of 'Stepping into the Unknown'.

Pitch 3. From here keep heading right through the high vertical cracks and around the arete. Join 'Hard Stone City' at it's horizontal sloping ledge. Downclimb this route slightly and head towards the chains of 'Rainbow Wall.

Pitch 4. Climb through 'Running To A Standstill' keeping at it's third bolt and into 'No Mans Land' slab. Keep going through the vertical crack of 'Naturalist' and into Exodus keeping at half way height of this line.

Pitch 5. Climb around the arete and into the centre of 'Sexy Love Slots' slab. Keep going at half way height until you reach the big semi detached block of 'Dont Touch Me There'. Climb under and around this, around the arete into the vertical Seam of 'Fisting A Shark' to a stance on this climbs big roof crack block.

Pitch 6. From Here downclimb 'Felch Me Directs' crack and join 'Felch Me' at it's second bolt. Climb this route into the V corner, across 'OCD' keeping just under the overlap and through the Chossy corner of 'Choss Stone City'.

Pitch 7. Climb around the slight arete, keeping in line with 'Taste The Pains' third bolt. Climb through this line and under the big roof of 'Disposable Garbage'. Pay extra caution to the blocks under here as they are loose. Climb around the corner and head for 'ELV's' chains.

Pitch 8. From here rest because the next pitch is the crux pitch. Downclimb the staircase and head through the V hold of 'Footloose', and climb 'Beg For Mercy' to the very end!

FA: pamelalansbury, 25 7월 2020

The often looked at but overlooked section of rock on the left-hand side of the quarry to the left of Urban Decay. Starts on the left-hand side of the overhang in the corner. Climb the corner to a good stance under the overhang. Head out and up the left-hand side face through a series of compression moves to the chains. Mixed.

The first bolt can be stick clipped from the slab just left if you did not want to lead it mixed.

FA: Peter Arcidiaco, 2017

Starts as for 'Old School Face Slap'. At the rooflet traverse right until you're at the obvious weakness. climb up and onto the slab and finish at Covit-22's chains.

FA: Ben Dickson, 2017

The line that goes through the V shaped small roof. Start under the V. Climb the face on good holds to the roof. Make some bouldery moves coming out of the roof and mantle the slab. Easy slab climbing to the chains.

FA: Ben White, 14 3월 2020

Up covid to roof. Use long sling on bolt under roof. Escape right and up out to ledge then up left easy up to slab. Caution on the slab

climbs the arête on smears to the over sized anchors. A technical piece.

FA: Hamish Meffin, 1991

FA: Rick Jeuken, 1991

One of the best routes at Car Crash. Follow bolts up the left wall of the amphitheatre, move left to the arete to finish at agricultural looking anchor.

FA: Ross Meffin, 1991

Finish up the crack and traverse left to the chains at the top.

FA: Ross Meffin, 1991

Start as for Barametric Pressure. Move up to decent RH side pull, then LH to the large vertical edge. Bust up to finish jug of BP.

5'9 dyno from crimps to the sloping jug

FA: 2009

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