
North Wall

Flora and Fauna: Possum living in FYL ledge

There is a possum sleeping in the horizontal traverse crack, right below the bolt. It appears to be pretty set up there with old poop and food scraps having landed lower on the route.

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Routes are described right to left.

접근 문제들 Morna point으로부터 상속된

Access is dependent on the tide. Keep an eye on the tide and swell, as the only way out of the main crag is to climb out if the water comes up.



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Start left of access point, climb onto large block. Then up past two RB and good 0.5 cam and small wire options to UBB.

FA: Vanessa Wills, 2004

Start 3M left from the access bolts. Up and left of the large block, up the slab, then traversing right near the top to 'Neptune's Necklace' anchors

FA: V Wills, 2004

Trad route with top out. Up corner 2m R of Flotsam and Jetsam. Tricky but adequate gear. Pleasant stemming up corner. Reasonable rock and anchor options at top.

FA: V Wills & D Blaadt, 2004

Start at L Backbone. Belay in alcove of WASM, continue across to FYL and up and across to anchors on TAS.

FA: Trent Lee & V Wills, 2004

Traverse right to left along the horizontal crack past bolts to anchor at top of fish gut ramp. Has been done on trad gear.

Start as for Racing Tide, traverse R to clip first bolt on Lizards Backbone then 2 more RB to DRBB

FA: Vanessa Wills, 2004

Follow 4 bolts, sustained climbing up left leaning seam

Follow bolts along the flake

FA: Clint Siggins, 2004

Climb from right to left onto the main ramp, finish on 2 anchor bolts

A couple of metres right of Stinger Missile. Easy untill the end, then it's commiting and hard. Balancy clip then hug the hanging fridge to anchors.

Starts below obvious arete halfway down the North wall. Bouldery start to easy middle then left to follow the arete to a couple of jam moves then back right to anchors.

RIP Trent Lee 3/12/79-20/9/20. . . Trent looked at this line and after several attempts, gifted me (JJ) the line. Trent was a great guy and was always looking to his next adventure as well as being a gear pig. Thank you for the gift Trent, the name came as a thanks to Trent and a rhyming pun. From memory I think I flashed it, so it’s not a benchmark for the grade, enjoy the gift. . . . Bouldery start past a couple of bolts to ledge then more boulderyness to large break. Have a good rest here because it's your last one. The climb finishes at the top of the delicate wall 1.5m past the anchors.

FA: JJ, 2004

Excellent face climb with good moves the whole way. Starts 3m further into the cave past Rent Free.

FA: Trent Lee

Easier variant to Orgasm Donor. Same start, then traverse left, up to break and then right to finish as for Orgasm Donor.

FA: Trent Lee, 2004

Start as for Flash Your Lips, then clip the third bolt of Organ Donor, traverse right along break and then up to finish on Organ Donor

FA: Trent Lee, 2004

Start as for Orgasm/Organ Donor, then after third bolt traverse left along break to finish as for Flash Your Lips

FA: Trent Lee, 2004

Starts in the dirty corner around from Orgasm Donor. Easy start to left traverse and crux mantle. Funky moves to anchors. Commiting and good, can be done trad.

Start at the flake left of FYL start, up to rooflet and traverse right across to join FYL. (Trad gear) - Easy to top rope once you've done FYL.


Start up FYL to the first bolt then head left and traverse via thin flake and hanging block. Continue to join un-named 25, clip 4th bolt of Twitch and Salivate and finish at anchors for Hail to the Thief.

FA: Trent Lee, 2004

Starts 3m right of Flash Your Lips corner. Up thin wall past 2 bolts then follow even thinner seam with RP's and micro cams to the top of block then up. Around 26

Up the obvious hanging flake, up 5 bolts

FA: V Wills, 2004

Just a link up from the 4 th bolt of T&S left to the anchors of HTTT. Probably a better finish to that route now.

Left-most route on north wall.

FA: V Wills, 2004


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Author(s): Tim Haasnoot

일자: 2013

ISBN: 9780975129319

An area that has steep sport routes, trad cracks, deep-water-soling, sea cliff climbing and bouldering all within a short drive to some beautiful beaches and national parks is surely worth a look in. The Newcastle and Hunter Rock Climbing guide by Tim Haasnoot is feature packed and includes all the areas worth a day trip from Newcastle. This guide features over 950 routes, 170 boulder problems and 100 DWS with full topo maps and navigation info.

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