
루트들 Nemesis Area Boulders에서

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도
Golden Block
V3 Fanta Orange

Starts crouched. Straight up the face on good holds, just don't look down at the top to avoid fantaing your trousers.

FA: Andrew Andress, 1 4월 2017

V4 Golden Shower

Same start as Golden Power, bail right around the arete.

FA: Nathan Brand

V5/6 Golden Power

Start on arete, make your way left onto face and then straight up through big powerful moves.

FA: Nathan Brand, 1 5월 2017

Nemesis Posse
{US} V3 Lizard Sandwich

Start on the slab on the left. Go up and right.

FA: Emmanuel F, 2015

{US} V3 Dos

Start on small crimps in the mdidle of the face. Up and right to finish.

FA: 2017

{US} V1 Tres

Stand-start far right and traverse left and up to finish.

FA: 2017

Paradise ladder
V2 Paradise ladder

Nice. #juggy

Horse Boulder
V2 Farasi

Sit-down start on low jug and goes up left of arete on good crimps.

FA: Nathan Brand, 3 5월 2017

V5 Horse Trailer on a Cadillac

Same start hold as Farasi and goes left on a powerful traverse and topout.

FA: Andrew Andress?

{US} V2/3 Bigrock Horseman

Sit-start low to the right of the arete, go up on crimps and big left-hand gaston staying right of arete to the top.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 2 4월 2020

Kichwa Kobe
{US} V4 Kilpikonna

Sit-start from a squarish hold under the arete. Powerful first move up to a crack, then easier but fun moves up the arete to finish.

FA: Joel M, 31 10월 2020

{US} V2/3 Touching cotton

Sit-start at the furthest right and lower point of the big diagonal cracks. Work your way up this leftwards to get establish on good holds when the cracks end. From here either dyno to the top or use a poor intermediate crimp and bump up. Top out from there.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 31 10월 2020

{US} V1 Cigare au bout des lèvres

Not a classic but can be a good warm-up. Stand-start on a horizontal crack on the left of the boulder, then right and up on good holds.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 31 10월 2020

{US} V2 Prairie-dogging

Same sit-start as for Touching cotton, the lowest holds on the right of big diagonal cracks. From here move up right on holds in cracks and mantle over the top.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 31 10월 2020

{US} V1 Felix the Cat

A couple of variations on the left-hand side of the boulder, starting stood up at the horizontal rail and mantling. Very short but strenuous.

FA: Felix Berg, 2005

{US} V6 Berghain

Sit-start on the only real obvious holds through the middle of the boulder. Hard move to get established in the pocket, then hard moves to the top.

FA: Felix Berg, 2005

{US} V2 Mzunguzungu

Better than it looks. Stand-start in the middle of the overhang matched on okay holds and feet high. Get up to the big block and mantle above this to finish up the slab above.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 31 10월 2020

Mabati Roof Boulder
V3 Mabati Roof

Stack pads to start on the only jug you could possibly reach then climb left out of the roof on an incredible crack line. Really Fun and unique climb.

FA: Andrew Andress?

Slabba the Hutt
{US} V1 Slab in the face

Easiest and most obvious line up the boulder. Stand-start, follow the crack in the middle of the boulder.

FA: Ian Thorpe & Henrik, 8 11월 2020

{US} V1 Slabdash

Stand-start on big obvious holds to the left of the crack line and work your way delicately up avoiding the crack on your right.

FA: Ian Thorpe & Henrik, 8 11월 2020

{US} V2 Mvua inakuja

Short but fun problem. Start on lowest usable hold on the arete, one hardish move up to the big flakes, then work your way left along the arete and up to finish.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 8 11월 2020

{US} V3 Ukiyo

Start matched on the decent rail on the far right of the boulder. Couple powerful first moves up to the lip, then use holds a bit further right for a tricky mantle. Short but esthetic line.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 6 12월 2020

{US} V2 Yugen

On the left side of the boulder. Start on a good rail, then a big move to a decent hold just under the lip. From there find holds further in and mantle.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 6 12월 2020

{US} V4 Gekko

Start matched on the smaller crimp rail to the left of Yugen. Find a hold round the corner on the left, then up to the top edge and find a way to mantle up.

FA: Luca van Enckevort, 9 10월 2022

{US} V4 Tsuki no shutsu

Short but very fun. Start in the obvious slot to the left of Ukiyo. Big move up to the lip, then cut loose and match before moving left to better holds and mantling.

FA: Luca van Enckevort, 9 10월 2022

Roof Boulder 1
{US} V3 Cave Man

The firs ascent was done onsight, no crash pads, no shoes, no chalk, no warmup. A true spur of the moment ascent. Climb straight up from a sharp rail by way of one big move and a series of smaller holds lead to the topout.

FA: Peter Naituli, 25 4월 2021

Baboon Cliff Boulders
{US} V0 Jug Juggler

Stand-start, up the left-hand side of the boulder on good holds.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 31 8월 2022

{US} V1 Muscle-up Master

Sit-start on the big blocky holds low down, mantle this staying on the arete rather than the slab to the right, delicately reach holds on top of the boulder and muscle up to top out.

FA: Peter Naituli, 31 8월 2022

V0 Slab Slob

Stand-start. Up the middle of the slabby section of the boulder, good practice for finding feet and smearing on slabs.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 31 8월 2022

{US} V1 High-Step Hero

Stand-start. Start at the same spot as for Slab Slob, but go right up a less obvious section of the slab, via a high right foot and bellyflop.

FA: Peter Naituli, 31 8월 2022

Weakness Boulder
{US} V1 TBD1

Sit start, hands on the lowest holds. Only the arete is in.

{US} V0 TBD2

Sit start, both hands in the crack. Up the crack and left onto the half-way ledge. Straight up from there.

V3 The jammings are coming

Interesting problem with potential for varying jams and holds. Low sit start to establish, avoiding the boulder to left for whole problem, otherwise quality and difficulty is massively compromised.

{US} V3 Witness the Weakness

Crouch start with both hands in the big crack, on the left. Go straight up from there, avoiding Weakness Protection Programme which is further right.

FA: Eric Ducroix, 2 4월 2017

{US} V2 Weakness Protection Programme

Very similar to Witness the Weakness, but start further right with hand in the big crack and follow the line of the vertical crack above to the top.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 2 4월 2020

{US} V4 Line of Weakness

Crouch-start on the right of the boulder, where a small, shallow, horizontal crack on the middle of the boulder peters out. Start with both hands on decent crimps at this point (can be crossed), with bad feet, and work your way left along decent if small crimps. Go up and finish when you reach the first vertical crack (top of Weakness Protection Programme).

FA: Ian Thorpe, 19 2월 2023

{US} V0 Eskeletor

Easy warm-up or beginner lowball. Traverse left to right with hands on jugs on the arete.

FA: 2 4월 2020

{US} V2 Bolt-Free Froggies

Go up the arete opposite Witness the Weakness. Start on jugs on the left for easier, lower on crimps on the right for harder.

FA: Emmanuel F, 1 4월 2017

{US} V0 Croissant

On the far left of the boulder, from the platform of the large boulder below. Stand-start on obvious big jugs on the arete and go straight up more jugs.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 9 4월 2023

{US} V3 Pain au Chocolat

To the right of Croissant. Sit-start matched on a low small crimp. Hard first move from here up to a decent flat hold, then up to better more incut holds directly above. Stay right of Croissant and its holds the whole way.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 9 4월 2023

{US} V2 Pain au Raisin

Right of Pain au Chocolat. Stand-start on two crimps and go straight up, using an intermediate crimp and getting feet up.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 9 4월 2023

{US} V2 Chouquette

Right of Pain au Raisin and very similar. Stand-start on obvious holds, go straight up via a good horn and getting feet up.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 9 4월 2023

{US} V1 Baguette

Fun one-move problem. Stand-start on big obvious jugs. Straight up via a big move to jugs at the top. Just make sure you get the jugs or have a good spotter as the landing is awkward.

FA: Livio van Enckevort, 9 4월 2023

Barabara Blues
V4 Barabara Blues

Deceptively tricky. Stand/squat-start on two low crimps along the same crackline around the bulge. Hard first move, then easier to top, straight up.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 17 9월 2023

{US} V2 On the Road

Stand-start with hands matched on the big obvious flake. Move right and up the arete to mantle.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 17 9월 2023

{US} V2 On the Road Again

Awkward problem on the left side of the boulder. Stand-start with hands on slopers at shoulder level. Straight up a series of slopers.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 17 9월 2023

{US} V4 Shin tingler

Sit-start with hands matched in big low crack. Get to the lip straight above and slightly left then hard mantle to finish.

FA: Livio van Enckevort, 22 10월 2023

{US} V5 Slab beats claws

Sit-start matched in big low crack, right of Shin tingler. Move up to lip then even harder mantle.

FA: Livio van Enckevort, 22 10월 2023

{US} V6 Slopersaurus

Choice line in the middle of the boulder. Stand-start matched in a big horizontal pocket. Move up to the lip then work your way right to slightly more incut holds and use the left-hand edge of the rock on top to finish. Harder than it looks!

FA: Luca van Enckevort, 22 10월 2023

{US} V3 Dynosaur

Stand-start matched on the lowest good hold, directly underneath the separate rock on top of the boulder. One or two moves to set up then dyno to the top of the boulder under the rock. Use rock on top to top out.

FA: Luca van Enckevort, 22 10월 2023

{US} V4 Black tea

Stand-start matched on decent but sharp holds below a v-shape in the rock. Move up to the v and straight up from there. For feet, avoid using the different-coloured rock that protrudes out from under the boulder.

FA: Livio van Enckevort, 22 10월 2023

V4 Raspberry jam

Stand-start on decent holds below a squarish block with a zigzagging crack. Go up to this and straight up. For feet, avoid using the different-coloured rock that protrudes out from under the boulder.

FA: Luca van Enckevort, 22 10월 2023

{US} V2 Clotted cream

Stand-start on good holds just left of the cave. Move up on jugs then slightly left to a diagonal rail then to better holds to finish.

FA: Livio van Enckevort, 22 10월 2023

{US} V2 Scones

Stand-start in the far left of the cave. Come out of this to a good crack then up and right to another good crack just above the lip of the cave. Up from here on decent holds.

FA: Luca van Enckevort, 22 10월 2023

{US} V1 Maziwa

Stand-start on the left of the boulder with hands in decent holds in a horizontal crack. First move is hardest, to get a good hold higher, then up the broken ground above.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 25 10월 2023

{US} VB Walking stick

On the far left of the slab, behind a tree. Stand-start up the easiest part of the face.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 10 11월 2023

{US} V1 Moran therapy

To the right of the tree on the left-hand side of the face. Stand-start on two good feet where there is some quartz in the black rock. Once established on those, up to decent holds and top out.

FA: Ian Lekiluai, 10 11월 2023

{US} V2 Thunderthighs

To the right of Moran Therapy.Stand-start. Get established on a good left foot and slopey right foot, before popping up to a decent gaston - quite a unique move. Don't just jump up from the ground to the good holds higher up.

FA: Peter Naituli, 10 11월 2023

{US} V2 The Last Gaboli

Just left of a small fig tree growing out of the rock. Get established from a stand-start on the best holds within reach from a decent foot next to the tree. Up on crimps to top out.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 10 11월 2023

{US} V2 Kupe Mweupe

Up the right side of the boulder, starting right of the fig tree. Get established from a stand-start, then straight up.

FA: Peter Naituli, 10 11월 2023

{US} V3 Active recovery

Sit-start under the overhanging arete right of the very small fig tree starting to grow from the rock. Start with one hand next to the tree on a big hold (be gentle) and other on another jug to the right. Big move up to the lip, then easier climbing to finish up and left.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 10 11월 2023

{US} V3 Esoteric

Harder than it looks and a bit awkward. sit-start matched on the obvious big block left of the arete, then up to another obvious ledge above, then big move to top.

FA: Peter Naituli, 10 11월 2023

{US} V6 Boulders of the Third Kind

A mantling testpiece. Stand-start around the middle of the boulder with hands on the sloping edge, and feet on an obvious rail. Go up via a couple of small holds, hip flexibility and thrutching to better holds above and easy top-out.

FA: Livio van Enckevort, 20 1월

The Blade of Damocles
{US} V1 Low-hanging Fruit

The easy slab line on the section of the boulder furthest uphill. Stand-start on a rail and go straight up.

FA: Ian Thorpe, 20 1월

{US} V2 Tempered Steel

Stand-start under where the overhang starts, work up the slab and exit just right of the overhang.

FA: Livio van Enckevort, 20 1월

{US} V3 Damascus Steel

Same start as for Tempered Steel, but finish up and left through the initial overhand, aiming for big chickenheads. Pretty high.

FA: Luca van Enckevort, 21 1월

{US} V4 El Machete

On the side of the boulder facing the road.

Sit start with one hand on crimp and another on low sidepull. Make strong moves right and up to sloping rail and spicy mantle to top out.

FA: Peter Naituli, 1월 2024


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