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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Bushranger Bluff Main Wall
3 Bullet Buttress

A pleasant, low-angled buttress.

Start: Start 20m L of Melville's Cave.

FA: Keith & Maurice Leslie, 1967

전통등반 20m
9 Holdup Line

Very nice.

Start: Immediately right of 'Bullet Buttress'. A steep wall leads to a baby chimney, then up easily and step left into BB.

FA: Maurice & Keith Leslie, 1967

전통등반 20m
14 Holdup Line Direct Finish
전통등반 20m
11 Stage Coach

Up via the offwidth slot then finish as for 'Long Bow'.

Start: Start just R of 'Holdup Line'.

FA: Ceri Law & Geraldine Thompson, 1981

전통등반 20m
11 Working Class Hero

Short chimney then finish as for 'Stage Coach'.

Start: Just right of SC.

FA: Bill Andrews, Ceri Law & Ian Wilson, 1980

전통등반 20m
10 Long Bow

The groove with snap-o-licious flakes and a tricky finish.

Start: 1m R of 'Working Class Hero'.

FA: Ed Briner & Norm Osborne, 1970

전통등반 20m
11 Ckup

Line immediately right of Long Bow.

FA: Adrian Ridgley, 1994

전통등반 20m
17 Kerfuffle

Start at crack two metres left of Ckinell but climb up grey slab on left to an easy stance directly below large thread. Straight up to middle of the two steep roofs. There's an undercling with a rattling tooth like block that is not going anywhere. Tricky gear and pumpy to place but regular gear can be found. Once over the roof follow the same line as Fracas to the top or head right to rap anchors.

FA: Freya Hik & Hywel Rowlands, 12월 2017

전통등반 28m
16 Fracas

Start at crack line two metres left of Ckinell, up crack, gradually veering left into second crack, then through large guano filled pocket and jug hall through the easier section of roof above pocket. Easy climbing to top or head right to rap anchors.

FA: Hywel Rowlands & Freya Hik, 12월 2017

전통등반 28m
18 Lost Gold

The overhung arete 1.5m left of Ckinell. Limited gear at roof and pumpy to place.

전통등반 28m
14 Ckinell

The slightly overhung corner. Beware snapping holds especially on the poorly protected start.

Start: Just L of Melville's Cave.

FA: Paul Gillis & Norm Osborne, 1970

전통등반 28m
12 Ckinothe

Long traverse.

Start: As for 'Ckinell' to gain Melville's Cave. Step right and traverse under the overhangs all the way to 'The Ghost Of Melville'. Meander right just above second cave, then up.

FA: Paul Gillis & Norm Osborne, 1970

전통등반 52m
24 Repo Man

Out through big roof in the main cave. Downgraded to 24 in recent guide.

Start: Beneath L side of Melville's Cave. Then the thin wall above.

FA: Geoff Little, Maureen Gallagher & Jon Muir, 1988

전통등반 25m
26 Climber-Model Denialists

Mosey up to the cave via the L crack, launch out onto the lip jugs of 'Repo Man', then veer R and up on good but spaced holds past two FH's into the finish of 'Cricket Bats In A Box'.

FA: Douglas Hockly, 2017

혼합 고전등반 20m, 2
22 Cricket Bats in a Box

Poor pro. The right side of the cave to a sickle flake, then left.

Start: Below the R side of Melville's Cave.

FA: Jon Muir & Geoff Little, 1988

전통등반 25m
9 Cave Climb

Step R from cave to ledge. Then up corner or nose, both with poor pro.

Start: Start as for 'Cricket Bats in a Box'.

FA: Maurice & Keith Leslie, 1967

전통등반 30m
12 Horse Drawn

Start 5m right of Melville's Cave. Up wall and through cruxy overhang.

FA: Peter Martin & Ian Howe, 1980

전통등반 20m
13 Sexless Sue

Start 10m right of Melville's Cave. Climb the rotten crack and go through the overhang at the top.

FA: Norm Osborne & Ed Briner, 1970

전통등반 20m
13 Sue's Crutchless Knickers

Cracks, then finish up gully or up crack to the left.

Start: 8m right of 'Sexless Sue'.

FA: Andrew Corlass, James Falla, Teddy Bear Thompson & Sue Magoo, 1983

전통등반 20m
7 Little Revolver Crack

Discontinuous cracks.

Start: Start just L of 'Revolver Crack'.

전통등반 20m
6 Revolver Crack

The deep crack.

Start 20m right of Melville's Cave.

FA: Maurice & Keith Leslie, 1967

전통등반 20m
14 Hangman

Lovely rock to start, and a dramatic exit to finish.

Start: As for 'Revolver Crack' then head R up thin crack.

FA: Bill Andrews & Julie Tulloch, 1975

전통등반 25m
15 The Ghost of Melville

ATTENTION: There can be a Bee Hive on this route, take care.

The major corner, facing the second cave.

Start: 3m R of 'Revolver Crack' up major corner facing second cave. Step left to finish.

FA: Bill Andrews & Julie Tulloch, 1975

전통등반 25m
12 Big Dog's Cock

Presumably this climbs just R of the corner taken by 'The Ghost Of Melville'... but the write-up doesn't say.

Start: R of 'Hangman'. Up slab, keeping right of corner to big pockets, over tricky bulge then directly up and through roof to top.

FA: Mark Witham, Steve Reynolds, Merilyn Reynolds, Michael Hartman, Rhonda & Emil, 1996

전통등반 28m
22 Red Right Hand

Bring some painkillers.

Starts in the second cave (Nick Cave) through the obvious weakness in the roof with one bolt.

혼합 고전등반 10m, 1
22 15 Feet Of Pure Steep, Bro

Fun roof climbing, past a slightly spooky block.

Starts in Nick Cave, on the right hand side past two bolts and finishes up headwall at a sling anchor.

Set: muki woods

FFA: muki woods

FA: muki woods, 1월 2018

스포츠 클라이밍 14m, 2
10 Six Wet Troopers

The least mossy line.

Start: About 3m right of 'Big Dog's Cock'

FA: Michael Hartman, Mark Witham, Steve Reynolds, Rhonda & Emil, 1996

전통등반 28m
10 Climb, sleep, repeat

The crack 6m right of 'The Ghost of Melville', through overhang and up gulch.

FA: Wendy Eden & Lassi, 1 11월 2018

Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Bushranger Bluff Back Wall
3 Trooper

FA: Peter Martin, 1981

전통등반 10m
7 Trooper One

Crack to horizontal break, then go 2m right and up crack.

Start: 1m left of small cave on the grey wall just left of the descent gully.

FA: Peter Martin, 1981

전통등반 10m
13 Trooper Two

Start just right of the cave, heading up until level with the top of it, then head diagonally up left until above the centre of the cave and continue straight up from there.

FA: Peter Martin, 1981

전통등반 10m
6 Trooper Three

The crack with a hard start.

Start at the right side of the grey wall.

FA: Peter Martin, 1981

전통등반 10m
2 Cartridge Arete

A pleasant jug-haul arete.

Start: The arete right of the walk-down gully.

전통등반 10m
6 Cartridge Wall

The wall between 'Cartridge Arete' and 'Cartridge Chimney'.

전통등반 10m
6 Cartridge Chimney

The chimney.

Start: Just R of 'Cartridge Arete'.

FA: Bill Andrews & Julie Tulloch, 1975

전통등반 10m
7 Dead Ned

A nice little line. Start up the left edge of the orange wall, then step right and proceed up the weakness on good holds.

FA: Unknown, 2000

전통등반 10m
14 Kelly Watch The Stars

The fun starting move up to the vertical finger slot directly up the wall between the grooves of Dead Ned and OC. Well protected.

전통등반 10m
15 Orange Crush

The crack.

Start: 3.5m right of CC.

FA: Tod Truscott & Oscar Poll, 1990

전통등반 10m
6 Cobb & Co.

The steep orange corner facing L.

Start 0.5m R of OC.

FA: Bill Andrews & Julie Tulloch, 1975

전통등반 12m
10 Tullah's Pleased

Start 3m left of Tullah's Tease and up the bouldery start. Straight up through the middle of the orange face on ripper incut jugs. Stay in the middle of the face the whole way up. Protection is great all the way.

전통등반 12m
7 Tullah's Tease

Layback for 5m then step right into crack.

Start: Start 5m right of 'Cobb & Co'.

FA: John Fisher, 1983

전통등반 12m
16 Rubbery Under Arms

Up the pockets through the overhanging wall, about 4m right of 'Tullah's Tease', then continue easily up the line above.

FA: Michael Creek, 1986

전통등반 12m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles 폐쇄 Declaration Crag Area Declaration Crag
16 Pot Boiler

Start 8m left of 'The Ferrets Are Coming', below a rock step. R up vague ramp then up.

FA: Bruce Sutherland & Keith Lockwood, 1984

전통등반 12m
17 Tonic

Start as for 'Pot Boiler' but continue up to the horizontal break at 8m, then head right and up.

FA: Keith Lockwood & Bruce Sutherland, 1984

전통등반 12m
17 Pot Boiler Right Hand Variant

Incorrectly labelled as 'Tonic' when first put on The Crag. FA details on this alternate finish for 'Pot Boiler' are unknown.

Start as for 'Pot Boiler' but continue heading right then up gross looking crack.

전통등반 12m
21 R The Ferrets Are Coming

Once graded 17! 21 for tall people and/or topropers. Fiddly to protect.

Start 7m left of 'Craddock Crack' and head up left leaning crack before moving back right.

FA: Peter Watson & Mike Law, 1976

전통등반 12m
9 Craddock Crack

This baby offwidth was possibly first climbed by Bob Craddock.

The left-most deep crack on the roadside face.

전통등반 13m
18 Raiders of the Lost Crack

Up 3m, left across 'Craddock Crack' to freaky block on arete, then up crack 3m left of arete. The RH Variant goes up the crack on the arete at grade 18.

Start: 1m right of 'CC'.

FA: Auston Rotheram & Tom Greenwood, 1984

전통등반 15m
10 Kristies Finger

Think this is the front of the little buttress immediately right of 'Craddock Crack', starting as for 'Raiders of The Lost Crack'.

FA: Mark Thomas & Kristie O'Brien, 2005

전통등반 12m
2 Sunny Gully

Hard start, then easy climbing to the ledge.

A direct finish continues up the crack above this ledge at about grade 18.

전통등반 12m
8 Marshmallow Sea DS

The undercut direct start to 'Marshmallow Sea' is definitely a little harder than the original.

전통등반 14m
7 Marshmallow Sea

Move left to the sparsely protected smooth wall facing the road.

Start: As for 'Deck Gully' but move left and up, finishing past the small overhang.

FA: Kevin Lindorff & Ken Taylor, 1975

전통등반 14m
2 Deck Gully

The rightmost deep gully facing the road.

전통등반 12m
20 Brit Milah

High traverse that circumscribes the wall above 'Deck Games'. The original purpose of the 'mystery' bolt.

Start at the top of 'Deck Gully' at the obvious traverse line. There is gear that protects the step out to clip the bolt. Scamper along the traverse line clipping a bolt on Gordy's route till you get to the front of the block. up and belay.

FA: Mark Wood, Ben Storey & Steve Wilson, 2011

혼합 고전등반 12m, 2
27 All Decked Out

This is the 2 FHs up the nice little face trending L from 'Deck Games'.

Start: As for 'Deck Games'.

FA: Gordon Poultney, 2000

혼합 고전등반 12m, 2
25 Deck Games

Very appealing rock.

Start: Under the nice bulgy orange buttress closest to the road and start up the left leaning crack only to break right almost immediately.

FA: Kim Carrigan, 1984

혼합 고전등반 13m, 1
26 New Wave Winos

Start as for Saggitarian, head left under bulge and dyno up left through it past a carrot bolt hammered into a break like a piton. Yes, you read that correctly, and that's why I've attributed the route to Mike Law as surely noone else would have thought this was a great idea. I just TR'd it.

FA: Mike Law, 1983

전통등반 15m
24 Scorpio

Left-hand finish to Sagittarian (Grade could be suspect ).

FA: Ingvar Lidman, 1998

23 Sagittarian

Steep crack 6m left of 'Sickle' to break, then move R and up past a bolt, onto easier ground.

FA: Peter Millington & Adrian Jones, 1969

FFA: Kim Carrigan, 1978

혼합 고전등반 12m, 1
21 Sagittarian Variant Start

Start as for Slip Knot and head up left to the bolt on Sagittarian. Easier and better than the original.

FA: 2014

혼합 고전등반 15m, 1
22 New Wave Wanks

Start up 'Slip Knot', then left across 'Sagittarian' to the arete, and a hard move up R to jugs.

FA: Phil Bigg & Chris Shepherd, 1983

전통등반 15m
19 R Slip Knot

Start 1m right of 'Sagittarian' and up poorly protected wall just right of the bolts.

FA: Kevin Lindorff, Mike Law & Mike Stone, 1977

전통등반 12m
7 Taya

Good beginner's lead.

Start just left of the plaque and right of the small overhang. Climb the wall between 'Hammer' and 'Slip Knot'.

FA: Taya Cross & Glenn Mostert, 1997

전통등반 12m
4 Hammer

Great beginner's route.

Start as for 'Sickle' and go up this a little way then step left to short ramp then up shallow corner. Climbing it direct is around grade 8, but has no protection.

FA: Doug Hatt, 1964

전통등반 12m
9 Sickle

Impossible to get lost on.

Starts above the plaque on the north-west side of the crag. It's the obvious wide chimney, that narrows to a crack near the top.

FA: Garry Kerkin & Co, 1965

전통등반 13m
16 R Marmot's Mall

The nice face between 'Sickle' and 'Little Thor' gets classed as "serious" as it has seen plenty of groundfalls and a death. However, the pro is fine if you know how to put it in. Treat it as an exercise to see how much you can place.

Start 3m L of 'Little Thor', immediately right of 'Sickle'. The nice glassy face with small cracks for wires and hardest moves at top. Note the arete just to the R has been done at 18.

FA: Rowan Webb, Dave Parkhurst & Kevin Sheehy, 1966

전통등반 12m
20 Little Thor

The lovely right-facing flake corner bordering the left side of the great blankish north-west wall. It's a pity that it gets heavily top-roped.

Climb the right-facing corner with hard moves past the little roof then keep cranking up slightly left to the top. Gear has a habit of unzipping on people; consider placing a directional at the start and being generous with the draws.

FA: Ian Guild & Peter Smith, 1965

FFA: Ian Lewis & Joe Friend, 1974

전통등반 12m
23 Little Thor Direct Finish

After the crux on 'Little Thor', continue straight up instead of scuttling off left. Take a bolt bracket.

FA: Toshihiko Hijakata, 1988

혼합 고전등반 5m, 1
29 Steps Ahead

Sustained crimpiness up microscopic edges. Fixed hangers up beautiful wall 3m R of Little Thor.

Tara Sutherland's Jan '98 ascent was the first Aussie female ascent of a grade 29, followed shortly after by Megan Osborne.

FA: Jean-Marc Troussier, 1984

스포츠 클라이밍 18m, 4
26 Hit the Deck

Originally climbed by Claw with a rest and named "Wild Drugs and Crazy Sex".

As for 'Look Sharp' to first bolt, then move left and up the wall past more bolts.

FA: Mike Law

FFA: Roland Foster, Philby & Eric Eastern Brown, 1984

스포츠 클라이밍 18m, 4
24 Look Sharp

Up weakness 8m right of 'Steps Ahead' to first bolt. Go slightly right to second bolt and hard moves lead to pin. Finish up right.

FA: Kim Carrigan & Tony Dignan, 1979

혼합 고전등반 15m, 2
22 A New Toy

Bouldery crux. Up crack 2m left of 'Problematic' to bulge and bolt. Onwards.

FA: Stuart Hickson & Allan Wilkie, 1982

혼합 고전등반 15m, 1
24 Remembrance Day

From the finish of 'Problematic', traverse L across the top of the wall under small roof-line with a piton, 2 BRs (take brackets), then over rooflet and left past a slung knob for pro.

Start: as for 'Problematic'.

FA: Chris Shepherd & Kim Carrigan, 1982

혼합 고전등반 20m, 2
22 Problematic

The short bulging crack on the right-hand side of the north-west-facing sheer orange wall.

FA: Kim Carrigan & Chris Baxter, 1979

전통등반 10m
17 Hog Jowls

Start left of 'The Pleb'. Up to ledge, traverse L to corner.

FA: Paul Hoskins & Phil Wilkins, 1996

전통등반 20m
13 Sir George

Start left of 'The Pleb'. Nice crack to ledge then bulge.

FA: John Fisher, 1984

전통등반 20m
5 The Pleb

The chimney on the south-west side of the outcrop.

FA: Chris Baxter & Andrew Smith, 1966

전통등반 27m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles 폐쇄 Declaration Crag Area Brain Death Boulder
V0 V0 problem on left

Sit start

볼더 2m
V1 V1 Problem (a)
볼더 3m
V3 Traverse
볼더 10m
V4 V4 Problem
볼더 5m
V3 V3 pocket problem
볼더 5m
V1 V1 Problem (b)
볼더 4m
V0 V0 Juggy Arete
볼더 4m
V0- V0 Problem
볼더 4m
23 Brain Death

Follow the wide crack the whole way up.

FA: Henry Barber

볼더 5m
V3 Brain Death - Piker's Variant
V3 L
볼더 6m
V2 S
볼더 6m
V3 D
볼더 6m
V5 The Big E
볼더 5m
Australia Victoria North West Arapiles Colosseum Wall Area Comic Strip Wall
19 Sausage Of The Century

Bouldery start then move rightwards into the line.

Start at the vague line towards the L end of the wall.

FA: Jon Muir, Rod Young, Mike Law-Smith & Glenn Tempest, 1981

전통등반 12m
21 Oogie Boogie

A pair of weaknesses lead to a bulge, which succumbs to a layback/mantle. Start just R of Sausage Of The Century.

FA: Mark Barnett & Rod Young, 1981

전통등반 10m
22 Boogie Boogie

A miniscule direct middle to Oogie Boogie. Straight under the DRB anchor.

FA: Douglas Hockly & Wendy Eden, 2 11월 2015

전통등반 10m
18 Limp

In the same vein as Je Suis Un Legend, links all the easiest bits of the existing routes to create a conceptual megaclassic. Unfortunately the climbing is only one star.

Start up Oogie Boogie, go diagonally right to join the top of Asteroids and finish up it. Up the slab (a touch runout) and right up the corner to finish. Its possible to keep traversing from the final corner/groove to the chains of Hyperspace Bypass (below top of cliff).

FA: Douglas Hockly & Wendy Eden, 7 10월 2015

전통등반 20m
20 The Wizard of Id

Steep jugs, crack, face. Start R of OB, just L of overhangs, beneath small flake on bulge.

FA: Rod Young & Mark Barnett, 1981

전통등반 10m
20 Popeye

Start in V corner, soon moving left until under large jammed blocks. Pull through the bulge, then up vertical seam, then step up and left. Soon after, traverse left to the ledge with rap station.

FA: Rod Young & Mark Barnett, 1981

전통등반 20m
22 Asteroids

Starts at the same corner as for Popeye, then steps up and right to a higher V-corner. Pass the bulge using the big pockets, then higher to where the angle eases. From here you can either traverse far left (to 'The Wizard of Id' abseil station), or veer right up the dirty weakness (to 'Vogon Destructor Fleet' abseil station).

FA: Rod Young & Chris Shepherd, 1981

전통등반 20m
23 Vogon Destructor Fleet

Start right of Asteroids, head up to small V in overhang below bolts. Follow bolts through bulges, then 2 bolts trending right through head wall to shared anchor with 'Hyperspace Bypass'.

FA: Wendy Eden & Douglas Hockly, 17 10월 2015

혼합 고전등반 20m, 4
22 Hyperspace Bypass

Up short corner 2m right of 'Vogon Destructor Fleet' to bolts, then up right line of bolts in head wall, finishing left to shared anchor with VDF.

혼합 고전등반 20m, 4

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