
Use this Region Guide to easily find and compare Crags.

Table of contents

1. Extremadura 513 routes in Region



스포츠 클라이밍, 볼더링 그리고 other styles

Lat / Long: 39.211801, -6.116753

1.1. Malpartida 136 routes in Field

모두 볼더링

Lat / Long: 39.422469, -6.498356


Todo el mérito va para los organizadores de la Concentración Bloquera Los Barruecos, así como los aperturistas y escaladores locales. Para obtener más información, visitar la página de Facebook Barruecos, Concentración Bloquera.

Información adicional sobre la escuela en enlavertical.com.

1.1.1. El Tiburón 136 routes in Sector


Lat / Long: 39.419915, -6.493899


Se accede desde el aparcamiento Peñas del Tesoro a través del Camino de los Sentidos.


En este sector tuvo lugar en diciembre de 2022 la 15ª edición de la concentración bloquera de Los Barruecos.

1.2. Alange 98 routes in Crag

Mostly 스포츠 클라이밍

Lat / Long: 38.786007, -6.260161


Escuela cercana a Mérida, con vías de grado medio y bajo sobre piedra cuarcita, bien equipadas con parabolts y seguros cercanos, con predominio de orientación SW, perfecta para otoño y primavera.


La mejor época para escalar es otoño y primavera aunque en invierno hay sectores donde se puede escalar sin problemas porque da el sol todo el día (Fotosíntesis, Niebla y Chumbera). En verano si no hace excesivo calor se puede escalar en La Azotea por la mañana y en el Secreto o en el Bélico por la tarde, aunque la aproximación puede ser dura debido al calor y la distancia. Predomina la escalada sobre placas verticales con regletas, aunque existen algunas vías desplomadas, sobre fisuras, incluso algún techo, como en el sector Secreto.

접근 문제들

Está prohibido escalar en El Aparcamiento del 1 de enero al 30 de junio por ser época de nidificación de algunas especies.


En la autovía A-66 tomar la salida de Alange y continuar hasta llegar al muro de la presa. Nada más cruzarlo nos encontramos con el aparcamiento a mano derecha. Para acceder a los sectores más orientales (Fotosíntesis, Chumbera, Bélico, etc.), si se prefiere, se puede dejar el coche en el pueblo, junto al comienzo de la subida al castillo, ya que el acceso es algo más corto. Desde Mérida se accede por la carretera de Alange junto al Guadiana (también con carril-bici, 20 km).

숙박 장소

Está permitido vivaquear, aunque apenas podremos encontrar sitios. En el pueblo se dispone de algunos alojamientos.

1.2.1. Aparcamiento 0 routes in Sector

1.2.2. La Azotea 8 routes in Sector

모두 스포츠 클라이밍

1.2.3. Gotcha 13 routes in Sector

모두 스포츠 클라이밍

1.2.4. El Cactus 2 routes in Sector

모두 스포츠 클라이밍

1.2.5. El Desplome 1 route in Sector

모두 스포츠 클라이밍

1.2.6. Las Placas 11 routes in Sector

Mostly 스포츠 클라이밍

1.2.7. Callejón del Buho 11 routes in Sector

모두 스포츠 클라이밍

1.2.8. La Cueva 8 routes in Sector

모두 스포츠 클라이밍

1.2.9. Masakre 4 routes in Sector

모두 스포츠 클라이밍

1.2.10. Prechumbera 8 routes in Sector

모두 스포츠 클라이밍

1.2.11. Niebla 17 routes in Sector

모두 스포츠 클라이밍

1.2.12. Chumbera 12 routes in Area

모두 스포츠 클라이밍

1.2.13. Sector Secreto 3 routes in Sector

모두 스포츠 클라이밍

1.3. Puerto Roque 147 routes in Crag

모두 스포츠 클라이밍

Lat / Long: 39.349260, -7.296989


The school is located on the south face of the rocky outcrops known as Puerto Roque, this being the only zone with environmental authorization to climb within the great Quartz band in which it is located.

It has a diversity of sectors with a variety of climbing styles that were equiped in different periods. The first group, with Sector Yosemite, Barrio Sésamo, Machacas, Itis and the deactivated Pitufos date back from the 90's. Those require extra attention to the material quality and state. The other group of sectors, that counts with Luis Sancho, Placa del Dragón, Pandémico, La Cavalera, Diedros and La plaquita sectors, has been equipped in 2021 and 2022.

The slab style predominates and presents a multitude of textures and shapes due to the differences in the composition of the rock, in which we can find from bands of slate to areas of high concentration of quartz.

It is a south-facing school, so it is not recommended for summer or high temperatures.

Find topos here: https://www.gmchomolungma.es/puertoroque/sectores/ https://www.lapirca.es/guide/show/puerto-roque


Depends on the sectors, check in the description for each one.


The crags are located on private land. We must be respectful of the environment, not leave rubbish, pick up what others may have dropped, and in general contribute to our activity being seen as a value for the area and not as a nuisance.

La escuela se encuentra en una Zona de Interés Prioritario de la Red Natura2000, por lo que hay que ser respetuoso con las restricciones.

1.3.1. Yosemite 9 routes in Area


Lat / Long: 39.346131, -7.294012


Equipped in the 90s by the Extremadura Mountain School. Currently, its conservation status might be enhanced and needs further attention from climbers.

Find topos here: https://www.gmchomolungma.es/puertoroque/sectores/

접근 문제들

Park in the gas station.


Approach: From the Gas Station, walk towards Valencia de Alcántara for between 50 and 100 metres, to the left there is a little drawn path that in less than 10 minutes will take you to the crags of Yosemite, Barrio Sésamo, Machacas and Itis sectors (check images for an auxiliary map).

1.3.2. Barrio Sésamo 9 routes in Area


Lat / Long: 39.346280, -7.294203


Equipped in the 90s by the Extremadura Mountain School. Currently, its conservation status might be enhanced and needs further attention from climbers.

Find topos here: https://www.gmchomolungma.es/puertoroque/sectores/

접근 문제들

Park in the gas station.


Approach: From the Gas Station, walk towards Valencia de Alcántara for between 50 and 100 metres, to the left there is a little drawn path that in less than 10 minutes will take you to the crags of Yosemite, Barrio Sésamo, Machacas and Itis sectors (check images for an auxiliary map).

1.3.3. Machacas 15 routes in Area


Lat / Long: 39.346482, -7.294352


Equipped in the 90s by the Extremadura Mountain School. Currently, its conservation status might be enhanced and needs further attention from climbers.

Find topos here: https://www.gmchomolungma.es/puertoroque/sectores/

접근 문제들

Park in the gas station.


Approach: From the Gas Station, walk towards Valencia de Alcántara for between 50 and 100 metres, to the left there is a little drawn path that in less than 10 minutes will take you to the crags of Yosemite, Barrio Sésamo, Machacas and Itis sectors (check images for an auxiliary map).

1.3.4. Itis 6 routes in Area


Lat / Long: 39.346753, -7.294508


Equipped in the 90s by the Extremadura Mountain School. Currently, its conservation status might be enhanced and needs further attention from climbers.

Find topos here: https://www.gmchomolungma.es/puertoroque/sectores/

접근 문제들

Park in the gas station.


Approach: From the Gas Station, walk towards Valencia de Alcántara for between 50 and 100 metres, to the left there is a little drawn path that in less than 10 minutes will take you to the crags of Yosemite, Barrio Sésamo, Machacas and Itis sectors (check images for an auxiliary map).

1.3.5. Luis Sancho 12 routes in Area


Lat / Long: 39.353528, -7.304396


A more recent group of sectors, that counts with Luis Sancho, Placa del Dragón, Pandémico, La Cavalera, Diedros and La plaquita sectors, has been equipped in 2021 and 2022.

The slab style predominates and presents a multitude of textures and shapes due to the differences in the composition of the rock, in which we can find from bands of slate to areas of high concentration of quartz.

Find topos here: https://www.gmchomolungma.es/puertoroque/sectores/ https://www.lapirca.es/guide/show/puerto-roque

접근 문제들

For sectors Luis Sancho, Placa del Dragón, Pandémico, La Cavalera, Diedros and La plaquita it is better to chose P1 or P2 (check images).


For sectors Luis Sancho, Placa del Dragón, Pandémico, La Cavalera, Diedros and La plaquita there are two possible paths, starting from the national road N-521. Both take around 15 minutes. These different sectors are connected by a path.

One option is to park in the border from Portugal and Spain. Follow a path on the left (Portuguese side) until reaching a gate (50m). Before the gate turn right, the path is then well marked. (check figures for a map starting from P1).

The second option is to park between the border and the fuel station, on the Spanish side. Follow a path that should take you to ruprest art murals (check figures for a map starting from P2).

1.3.6. Placa Del Dragón 14 routes in Area


Lat / Long: 39.353529, -7.304753


A more recent group of sectors, that counts with Luis Sancho, Placa del Dragón, Pandémico, La Cavalera, Diedros and La plaquita sectors, has been equipped in 2021 and 2022.

The slab style predominates and presents a multitude of textures and shapes due to the differences in the composition of the rock, in which we can find from bands of slate to areas of high concentration of quartz.

Find topos here: https://www.gmchomolungma.es/puertoroque/sectores/ https://www.lapirca.es/guide/show/puerto-roque

접근 문제들

For sectors Luis Sancho, Placa del Dragón, Pandémico, La Cavalera, Diedros and La plaquita it is better to chose P1 or P2 (check images).


For sectors Luis Sancho, Placa del Dragón, Pandémico, La Cavalera, Diedros and La plaquita there are two possible paths, starting from the national road N-521. Both take around 15 minutes. These different sectors are connected by a path.

One option is to park in the border from Portugal and Spain. Follow a path on the left (Portuguese side) until reaching a gate (50m). Before the gate turn right, the path is then well marked. (check figures for a map starting from P1).

The second option is to park between the border and the fuel station, on the Spanish side. Follow a path that should take you to ruprest art murals (check figures for a map starting from P2).

1.3.7. Pandémico 19 routes in Area


Lat / Long: 39.354042, -7.305380


A more recent group of sectors, that counts with Luis Sancho, Placa del Dragón, Pandémico, La Cavalera, Diedros and La plaquita sectors, has been equipped in 2021 and 2022.

The slab style predominates and presents a multitude of textures and shapes due to the differences in the composition of the rock, in which we can find from bands of slate to areas of high concentration of quartz.

Find topos here: https://www.gmchomolungma.es/puertoroque/sectores/ https://www.lapirca.es/guide/show/puerto-roque

접근 문제들

For sectors Luis Sancho, Placa del Dragón, Pandémico, La Cavalera, Diedros and La plaquita it is better to chose P1 or P2 (check images).


For sectors Luis Sancho, Placa del Dragón, Pandémico, La Cavalera, Diedros and La plaquita there are two possible paths, starting from the national road N-521. Both take around 15 minutes. These different sectors are connected by a path.

One option is to park in the border from Portugal and Spain. Follow a path on the left (Portuguese side) until reaching a gate (50m). Before the gate turn right, the path is then well marked. (check figures for a map starting from P1).

The second option is to park between the border and the fuel station, on the Spanish side. Follow a path that should take you to ruprest art murals (check figures for a map starting from P2).

1.3.8. La Cavalera 8 routes in Area


Lat / Long: 39.353286, -7.304269


A more recent group of sectors, that counts with Luis Sancho, Placa del Dragón, Pandémico, La Cavalera, Diedros and La plaquita sectors, has been equipped in 2021 and 2022.

The slab style predominates and presents a multitude of textures and shapes due to the differences in the composition of the rock, in which we can find from bands of slate to areas of high concentration of quartz.

Find topos here: https://www.gmchomolungma.es/puertoroque/sectores/ https://www.lapirca.es/guide/show/puerto-roque

The route equipment was funded by the city hall of Valencia de Alcántara (Ayuntamiento de Valencia de Alcántara).

접근 문제들

For sectors Luis Sancho, Placa del Dragón, Pandémico, La Cavalera, Diedros and La plaquita it is better to chose P1 or P2 (check images).


For sectors Luis Sancho, Placa del Dragón, Pandémico, La Cavalera, Diedros and La plaquita there are two possible paths, starting from the national road N-521. Both take around 15 minutes. These different sectors are connected by a path.

One option is to park in the border from Portugal and Spain. Follow a path on the left (Portuguese side) until reaching a gate (50m). Before the gate turn right, the path is then well marked. (check figures for a map starting from P1).

The second option is to park between the border and the fuel station, on the Spanish side. Follow a path that should take you to ruprest art murals (check figures for a map starting from P2).

1.3.9. Chupitolandia 11 routes in Sector


Lat / Long: 39.353060, -7.304054


Vías cortas de 3/4 chapas pensadas para iniciación / formación equipadas en octubre de 2023

1.3.10. Diedros 11 routes in Area


Lat / Long: 39.353317, -7.303772


A more recent group of sectors, that counts with Luis Sancho, Placa del Dragón, Pandémico, La Cavalera, Diedros and La plaquita sectors, has been equipped in 2021 and 2022.

The slab style predominates and presents a multitude of textures and shapes due to the differences in the composition of the rock, in which we can find from bands of slate to areas of high concentration of quartz.

Find topos here: https://www.gmchomolungma.es/puertoroque/sectores/ https://www.lapirca.es/guide/show/puerto-roque

You can find shade in the morning in this sector. The different routes start being in the sun at different times. Around 14h everything will be in the sun. Some routes of this sector have been equipped with material donated by the City Hall of Valencia de Alcantara.

Es el sector en el que más tiempo aguanta la sombra, pudiendo escalarse a la sombra hasta las 14/15 horas.

접근 문제들

For sectors Luis Sancho, Placa del Dragón, Pandémico, La Cavalera, Diedros and La plaquita it is better to chose P1 or P2 (check images).


For sectors Luis Sancho, Placa del Dragón, Pandémico, La Cavalera, Diedros and La plaquita there are two possible paths, starting from the national road N-521. Both take around 15 minutes. These different sectors are connected by a path.

One option is to park in the border from Portugal and Spain. Follow a path on the left (Portuguese side) until reaching a gate (50m). Before the gate turn right, the path is then well marked. (check figures for a map starting from P1).

The second option is to park between the border and the fuel station, on the Spanish side. Follow a path that should take you to ruprest art murals (check figures for a map starting from P2).

1.3.11. La Plaquita 10 routes in Area


Lat / Long: 39.352912, -7.303682


A more recent group of sectors, that counts with Luis Sancho, Placa del Dragón, Pandémico, La Cavalera, Diedros and La plaquita sectors, has been equipped in 2021 and 2022.

The slab style predominates and presents a multitude of textures and shapes due to the differences in the composition of the rock, in which we can find from bands of slate to areas of high concentration of quartz.

Find topos here: https://www.gmchomolungma.es/puertoroque/sectores/ https://www.lapirca.es/guide/show/puerto-roque

접근 문제들

For sectors Luis Sancho, Placa del Dragón, Pandémico, La Cavalera, Diedros and La plaquita it is better to chose P1 or P2 (check images).


For sectors Luis Sancho, Placa del Dragón, Pandémico, La Cavalera, Diedros and La plaquita there are two possible paths, starting from the national road N-521. Both take around 15 minutes. These different sectors are connected by a path.

One option is to park in the border from Portugal and Spain. Follow a path on the left (Portuguese side) until reaching a gate (50m). Before the gate turn right, the path is then well marked. (check figures for a map starting from P1).

The second option is to park between the border and the fuel station, on the Spanish side. Follow a path that should take you to ruprest art murals (check figures for a map starting from P2).

1.3.12. La Proa 8 routes in Area


Lat / Long: 39.352374, -7.302786

1.3.13. La Pradera Alta 15 routes in Area


Lat / Long: 39.352503, -7.302715

1.3.14. Pitufos 0 routes in Area


This area was deactivated.

1.4. Las monjas, Cabezuela del valle, Extremadura, Spain 0 routes in Area


Climbing area in the Jerte valley, next to the village of Cabezuela del valle, Extremadura.


Área of 8 sectors, 54 routes. South to west oriented. Short and instance routes.

접근 문제들

Easy access, by car. There is two parking site (not signaled, grass zone next to the road) one at the bottom of the area and one at the top next to a water station


From the bottom, the first sector is just next to the road on the right. Then you can climb steeply next to it to access next ones If you park at the water station, there is a small hike on a dirt road for 5 minutes to access sector 6 and then you can go down to sector 5 and 4.

숙박 장소

No information about that.


No garbage, no fire, no camping.

1.5. Risco de San Blas 27 routes in Crag

Mostly 스포츠 클라이밍

Lat / Long: 39.221814, -7.016363

1.5.1. Insomnio intermitente 6 routes in Sector

모두 스포츠 클라이밍

Lat / Long: 39.221616, -7.015882

1.5.2. Este 4 routes in Sector

스포츠 클라이밍 그리고 볼더링

Lat / Long: 39.221577, -7.015288

1.5.3. Inferior 2 routes in Sector

모두 스포츠 클라이밍

1.5.4. Oeste 2 routes in Sector

모두 스포츠 클라이밍

Lat / Long: 39.221695, -7.016220

1.5.5. Azzimut 4 routes in Sector

모두 스포츠 클라이밍

Lat / Long: 39.221917, -7.016422

1.5.6. Inicios 3 routes in Sector

스포츠 클라이밍 그리고 고전등반

Lat / Long: 39.221865, -7.016331

1.5.7. El Peñón 4 routes in Sector

모두 스포츠 클라이밍

Lat / Long: 39.221754, -7.016409

1.5.8. Cuartos 2 routes in Sector

모두 스포츠 클라이밍

Lat / Long: 39.221627, -7.015977

1.6. Valcorchero 0 routes in Area

1.7. El Cerro 29 routes in Area

모두 스포츠 클라이밍

Lat / Long: 40.122819, -5.950818


Deja limpio el entorno, usa tu propio material para hacer top rope, los mosquetones de descuelgue solo para desmontar

1.7.1. Promesas 5 routes in Area



Deja limpio el entorno, usa tu propio material para hacer top rope, los mosquetones de descuelgue solo para desmontar

1.7.2. Calavera 7 routes in Area


1.7.3. Vivac 6 routes in Area


1.7.4. "X" 11 routes in Area


1.8. El Castellar 76 routes in Crag

Mostly 스포츠 클라이밍

Lat / Long: 38.419119, -6.445691


Histórica escuela que está siendo totalmente reequipada, gracias al generoso esfuerzo desinteresado de l@s escalador@s locales. Cuenta con vías de casi todos los grados.


En cuanto a las vías, abundan tanto los desplomes positivos como los negativos, en ocasiones con exuberantes barriguitas de buenas manos. Debido a su orientación, se puede escalar todo el año, salvo en las mañanas estivales. En los meses centrales del invierno es posible que la humedad y el musgo dificulten bastante las ascensiones. Por favor, mantened las cancelas cerradas, pues se trata de una finca con ganado, mayormente cabras y ovejas, a las que, por supuesto, se debe respetar para asegurar la supervivencia de la escuela.

1.8.1. tocho 0 routes in Sector

1.8.2. nidos 4 routes in Sector

모두 스포츠 클라이밍

1.8.3. fantasía 7 routes in Sector

모두 스포츠 클라이밍

1.8.4. artico 0 routes in Sector

1.8.5. cueva del más allá 0 routes in Sector

1.8.6. luna 20 routes in Sector

Mostly 스포츠 클라이밍

1.8.7. gnomo 0 routes in Sector

1.8.8. bordillo del cepillo 8 routes in Sector

모두 스포츠 클라이밍

1.8.9. escondite 0 routes in Sector

1.8.10. yugoslavo 0 routes in Sector

1.8.11. los hartitos 10 routes in Sector

모두 스포츠 클라이밍

1.8.12. fraguel 0 routes in Sector

1.8.13. gema 9 routes in Sector

모두 스포츠 클라이밍

1.8.14. placa del musgo 4 routes in Sector

모두 스포츠 클라이밍

1.8.15. infantil 14 routes in Sector

Mostly 스포츠 클라이밍

1.9. Puerto Peña 0 routes in Crag

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