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Author(s): Sandro von Känel

일자: 2023

ISBN: 9783906087580

A selective guidebook describing a selection of rock climbing and sport climbing routes at grades from F6b and above, in the Western Swiss Alps, including Freiburg, Bernese Oberland, Vaud, plus the entire area of the Valais.

Author(s): Sandro von Kanel

일자: 2023

ISBN: 9783906087528

A selective guidebook describing the rock climbing and sport climbing in the Western Swiss Alps between Fribourg and Goschenen, including Interlaken.

Author(s): Christoph Klein & Jürgen Winkler

일자: 2023

ISBN: 978-3-95611-182-2

Hört, seht und staunt - alles in allem warten hier 120 Pause-Touren! DAS ultimative Werk für Extremkletterer und für alle die von den ganz großen Kletterrouten der Alpen träumen (wollen).

Im extremen Fels - Die "legendären" Alpinklettertouren in den Alpen

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