
Ascensiones en Frenchmans Cap Area

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 151 ascensiones.

Grado Vía Estilo de equipamiento Calidad Escalador
Vie 8.º Mar 2024 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
16 The Sydney Route - con Henry Burt Clásica 380m Ni te molestes
Philip C
Amazing scenery and quite unique to be on a wall this size in Australia. The devils staircase pitch is nice. The rest of the route is hands down the worst summer multi-pitch climbing I´ve ever done.

Sáb 17.º Feb 2024 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
17 The Chimes of Freedom - con Josh Ring Clásica 270m Muy buena
A route that has lead me to reflect on my climbing deeply.

The seriousness of this route had my full attention as we were climbing, so much so that I wasn't able to experience much else. Not excitement, joy, fear or otherwise. I was focused on being as safe as possible and succeeding. Both those goals were achieved, but a certain emptiness remains. Much more self reflection to come; on climbing and - as usual - how that relates to life.

The morning walk to the start of the route was serendipitous, as sunrise silently rose over a sea of mountain peak islands bathed in the rising alpine fog.

3 day mish. 27km first day. Route the second. 27km out third. Would recommend taking more time to enjoy your time here. It's a lovely place.

Lun 12.º Feb 2024 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
16 Tierry le Fronde - con Lee Prescott Clásica 150m Clásico
Dylan Glavas
So so nice, good crack moves, walked back to vera hut after this day

Sáb 10.º Feb 2024 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap East Face
20 The Lorax - con Lee Prescott, gerrard
1 De segundo
2 Clásica
3 De segundo
4 Clásica
5 De segundo
6 De segundo
7 De segundo
Clásica 390m Megaclásica
Dylan Glavas
Goddamn what a route, most exposed position I've ever been in and biggest and most beautiful wall I've seen, so fucking sick. Have so much appreciation for everything now. Was wigging at that exposure, was tired, cooked finger etc. it's just about getting to the top of the cliff. Lowered off crux and lee went up, ledge traverse was nuts exposed!! Sick route, 15.5 hours on the wall with party of 3 and a bit of fucking around. Full write up in tahune hut logbook

20 The Lorax - con Dylan Glavas Clásica 390m Muy buena
Lee Prescott
A serious undertaking! Spent 15 hrs on the wall total as a party of three, only the last pitch in the dark thankfully. Roped up first pitch 'scramble' was wet and sketchy, the crux pitch felt a bit harder than 20 and the traverse was my favourite part- the only actual 3 star part of the climb. Gets three for the location and length though. Was in my head about the last two sparsely protected pitches, but after getting to them the gear was better than anticipated with modern RP's and microcams. Still have to pull a few hard moves above minimal gear, but the challenge is route finding. An epic day out with two good friends, lots of traumatic bonding and appreciating life through the taste of death.

Dom 26.º Feb 2023 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap East Face
19 The Ninth of January Clásica 160m
James Hockey
Squeezing this in the day after Sydney probably added another year onto when I’d return, Three stars.

Dom 26.º Feb 2023 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
16 Tierry le Fronde Clásica 150m
James Hockey
Dom 26.º Feb 2023 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
16 The Sydney Route Clásica 380m Clásico
James Hockey
Such a rich experience to climb at Frenchman’s, not all positive, not all negative but all memorable. Managed to catch a beautiful 5 day weather window and all our routes were bone dry. I got the pointy end of the rope on the Devils staircase which Is more than a bit stiff at 16. Also finding the start was a whole ordeal and I assume I was somewhere near the original. I went up the main gully, sus traverse on vegetation to a grassy ledge then up a “botanically influenced” crack for a full rope length until I spied the chimney on P3. Second tick off the lifelist in a week.

Vie 17.º Feb 2023 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
16 Tierry le Fronde Clásica 150m Clásico
James Collins
Sáb 14.º En 2023 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
16 The Sydney Route - con Emdehn
1 36 Clásica
2 36 Clásica
3 18 Clásica
4 36 Clásica
5 24 Clásica
6 30 Clásica
7 30 Clásica
8 30 Clásica
9 16 21 De segundo
10 33 Clásica
11 30 Clásica
12 30 Clásica
13 30 Clásica
Clásica 380m Buena
Hard to find and hard to stay on. Followed up some mates. Big big day with a wet pitch 8. Sandbagged route (especially pitch 8 and 9). Swimming in the lake at midnight after getting back to the hut is the real beta. Would recommend if you like choss and can solidly lead grade 20 trad 😜

Jue 12.º En 2023 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
16 The Sydney Route - con Trent Clásica 380m
Such a memorable day out climbing. Wowee! Got lucky with great weather and a bluebird day. 17 hours hut to hut. Found the crux pretty darn hard for a 16! Some pitches were still wet despite days of no rain. Lots of moss and choss on some pitches, but otherwise amazing day out.

Sáb 7.º En 2023 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
16 ~18 The Sydney Route - con Tom Scott Clásica 380m Muy buena
Harley Mills
Wow what a day. Was off route pretty considerably for the first 4 pitches, but then pretty sweet once on route. The pitches leading up to the crux were awesome and full value. Lots of moss, dirt, plants, loose rock/boulders and the like. Crux pitch is for sure harder than 16. An inverted staircase, 300m off the deck, that has some decent protection and rest stances, but is definitely harder than 16... All in all, an awesome, full value day!

Vie 6.º En 2023 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
16 Tierry le Fronde Clásica 150m Muy buena
Planned bail-out after the 2nd pitch as we were spooked off by the walls intimidation factor. Felt pretty solid up to there and probably would have pushed through if we had started the route earlier in the day or brought head torches along. Definitely putting this one on my list to get back and send.

Vie 6.º En 2023 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
16 The Sydney Route - con Harley Mills Clásica 380m
Tom Scott
What a day, completely off course at the start but just kept questing up and right until we rejoined.

Another serious climb, but an amazing one. Harley did an amazing job leading the crux (no way its 16). The whole experience was amazing

Probably no rain on the mount for 12 days before we went up (and temps hovering in the high 20s), but the top of the route was still pretty wet. Would really want to pick your windows for this. Pitch 8 was super run out and wet holds really added to the spice

Vie 6.º En 2023 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap East Face
19 The Ninth of January - con Harley Mills Clásica 160m
Tom Scott
Oh boy. Glad we did this route before attempting lorax. Really put the seriousness of the wall into perspective.

Massive runouts, some questionable rock and gear. Glad Harley was leading the crux pitch. Super route, the traverson on P2 was crazy

Jue 5.º En 2023 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap East Face
19 Duro The Ninth of January - con Tom Scott Clásica 160m Buena
Harley Mills
Good climbing, very questionable rock at times particularly on pitch 1. The crux is unprotectable and run out, and is some of the scariest trad I've done... proceed with caution. Pitches 3 and 4 were cruisy and nice despite pulling some holds off! The tat for the rap off the top is old and questionable, probably worth replacing.

Vie 30.º Dic 2022 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Philps Peak
10 The Gendarme Ridge Desconocido
Caleb Skirrow
First try of alpine climbing! What an epic/challenging day! Brittle rock, lots of soloing, but so grateful to have done it. 7hours to get 3/4 of the way along, 3 to get back to Barron pass via a 70m rapp of the needle

Mié 15.º Jun 2022 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
16 Tierry le Fronde Clásica 150m Buena
Mié 15.º Jun 2022 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
16 ~17 The Sydney Route Clásica 380m Clásico
Vie 25.º Feb 2022 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap East Face
20 The Lorax Clásica 390m Megaclásica
What a day! What a route!

Lead free: 4, 5 and 7

Mié 23.º Feb 2022 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
17 The Chimes of Freedom Clásica 270m Clásico
Lead free:2, 4, 7 Spectacular but heaps of wet rock (first and second pitch, finish of pitch 5, the corner crack of p 6) Was raining the previous day

Lun 21.º Feb 2022 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
16 Tierry le Fronde Clásica 150m
William Skea
Lun 21.º Feb 2022 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
16 The Sydney Route Clásica 380m
William Skea
Mié 16.º Feb 2022 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
17 The Chimes of Freedom Clásica 270m Clásico
Rob Watson
Incredible, this route has been on the life list for a very long time. A striking corner crack followed by an unprotected and butt puckering exposed traverse across the void to another corner system. Definitely the most serious but rewarding pieces of climbing I've had the pleasure of doing!. Wild

16 The Sydney Route Clásica 380m Muy buena
Rob Watson
An epic alpine adventure complete with huge exposure, plenty of loose rock and less than desirable belays. Fantastic!

17 The Chimes of Freedom Clásica 270m
William Skea
Sáb 22.º En 2022 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
17 16 The Sydney Route Clásica 380m Clásico
Kieran Norwood
Sáb 20.º Feb 2021 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
19 The Newcastle start to Sydney route Clásica 80m Buena
Vanessa Wills
We couldn’t suss out the start the day before due to the amount of rocks being dropped by a party on the route, so just headed up early morning to see if the super direct approach worked. Any placements we had needed major excavation, so whilst it’s possible the line has been done it didn’t feel like it. Felt a bit R even for Frenchman’s standards, but was enjoyable in a type 2 fun way.

16 The Sydney Route Clásica 380m Clásico
Vanessa Wills
After doing an interesting 2 pitch start, we got onto the route proper and made up time. Alt with Dave. After the horrible 3rd and 4 th pitches the rest was fun, and choss mostly avoidable. Climbed right wall of exit chimneys as much as possible. Visionary routing by Pettigrew and Allen that could be tidied up and do with a better description. Led 3/4, 6,8,10,12/13. Back eating dinner before dark.

Sáb 20.º Feb 2021 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
16 Tierry le Fronde Clásica 150m Muy buena
Vanessa Wills
Rpt, in much better weather than 9 years ago. Led P2 and 4 this time. Booty sling and wire. I seem to recall exiting to the left before, ( now called a grade 22?). Really good for the grade.

16 Tierry le Fronde Direct Start Clásica 45m Buena
Vanessa Wills
Better than the gully.

Lun 15.º Feb 2021 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
16 Tierry le Fronde - con Zi Hui Lie, Anton Korsun Clásica 180m Megaclásica
16 Tierry le Fronde - con Zi Hui Lie, Brandon Clásica 160m Megaclásica
Anton Korsun
A fun day with quality climbing until the last "roof" pitch which is unfourtunately quite loose and showered us with 3 painful blocks.

Luckily no serious trauma or core shots, but we took the time to patch up and climbed slower for the remaining 1.5 pitches.

Upon descent we agreed that aspining ascentionists would appreciate some sympathetic beta for the rooves. If you, my friend, believe that the meaning of life is found under a driving range of death blocks piled higher than the Great Pyramid, read no more...

But for the mortals, go 5-6m up juggy crack from grassy corner belay. Then easily traverse right across the gearless wall to good rest under two black gullies. Do not take the left gully. Instead head up the right gully/chimney to good ledge. From there a short (10m?) escape pitch remains.

(Total length thus feels 160m or 220m with the solo approach gully)

Despite the delay, climbing at night in the heavy mist that descends upon the Cap at dusk was a truly surreal experience and reminded me of why we do this to ourselves. Enjoy!

Sáb 13.º Feb 2021 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
16 Tierry le Fronde - con Pauly G, Eugene Clásica 150m Muy buena
Nut Busting Unicorn
Epic & exposed what a climb 🤩

Jue 21.º En 2021 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
17 The Chimes of Freedom - con Tim Winterflood Clásica 270m Clásico
Hunter Cole
What an unreal experience! We got spectacular weather, however, quite a bit of seepage in sections. Good gear for most of the way (recommended rack as mentioned by others), yet, enough no fall zones you certainly want to be confident at the grade, especially for that goddam traverse! For sure the most exciting Trad adventure I've had so far!

Jue 14.º En 2021 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
22 TLF No Pants Variant - con Grace Bloom, Lachlan Short Clásica 25m Buena
Michael Lehmann
Climbed directly from the Mike law variant. Annoyed I blew the onsight, kept slipping with wet feet and hands, took a couple of big whips onto the belay. The exposure at the crux is full value adventure trad!

16 Tierry le Fronde Clásica 150m
Michael Lehmann
First 3 ish pitches? We linked a few so was hard to tell. Enjoyable climbing with spicey protection.

17 Tierry le Fronde Direct Variant Clásica 25m
Michael Lehmann
Did a huge run out going direct up the arete, rock was dirty but the movement was great with lots of exposure!

Jue 14.º En 2021 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
17 The Chimes of Freedom - con Ryan Siacci Clásica 270m Clásico
Dylan Tubaro
One of the reasons I started climbing , two years ago i bivouacked at the summit and met crazy John & clair who topped out on the great flake on dark. That Definitely had a deep impact on my climbing journey. So happy to have done this route, can't wait to come back out and tackle some of the bigger harder lines!

Jue 14.º En 2021 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
16 Tierry le Fronde Direct Start - con Ryan Siacci Clásica 45m
Dylan Tubaro
16 Tierry le Fronde - con Ryan Siacci Clásica 150m Muy buena
Dylan Tubaro
How's the fucking view on it. Outrageous at the grade for sure

Sáb 9.º En 2021 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap East Face
19 The Ninth of January - con Mark Feeney
1 19 160m escalada de primero por Alec Landstra
2 escalada de primero por Mark Feeney
3 escalada de primero por Alec Landstra
4 escalada de primero por Mark Feeney
5 escalada de primero por Alec Landstra
Clásica 160m Muy buena
Alec Landstra
Very fun climbing on mostly good rock! Pitches 2 and 3 were excellent! Ended up climbing 3 more pitches on the headwall behind for an exciting finish. Not sure if these were part of an existing route as they were very dirty and Chossy. Best of all, we did it on the 9th of January!!!

Vie 8.º En 2021 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
14 The Sydney Route Direct Start - con Mark Feeney
1 14 62m escalada de primero por Mark Feeney
2 escalada de primero por Alec Landstra
Clásica 62m Muy buena
Alec Landstra
17 The Sydney Route - con Mark Feeney
1 17 36m escalada de primero por Mark Feeney
2 36m escalada de primero por Alec Landstra
3 18m escalada de primero por Mark Feeney
4 36m escalada de primero por Alec Landstra
5 24m escalada de primero por Mark Feeney
6 30m escalada de primero por Alec Landstra
7 30m escalada de primero por Mark Feeney
8 30m escalada de primero por Alec Landstra
9 16 21m escalada de primero por Mark Feeney
10 33m escalada de primero por Alec Landstra
11 30m escalada de primero por Mark Feeney
12 30m escalada de primero por Alec Landstra
13 30m escalada de primero por Mark Feeney
Clásica 380m Clásico
Alec Landstra
A fantastic outing! Pitches 6 onwards are fantastic! Couldn’t have asked for better weather

Mié 9.º Dic 2020 - Frenchmans Cap Area
White Needle
10 6 Ordinary Route Alpina 200m Medio
Andrew Beckett
Great fun, alpine route. I feel like the grade 6 designation is for the "Scrub clutching scramble", that we used for decent. Took us 4ish hours and 6 pitches including lunch halfway. Sharp rocks, flakey rocks, poorly protected in spots. Excellent views.

Jue 12.º Mar 2020 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
16 The Sydney Route - con Chris Clásica 380m
Andrew Serack
The second closest I came to dying in Australia. Helluva day out.

Mié 11.º Mar 2020 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
16 Tierry le Fronde - con Chris Clásica 150m
Andrew Serack
Nice and consistent

Sáb 22.º Feb 2020 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap East Face
20 The Lorax - con steve postle Clásica 390m Megaclásica
Kris Penn
Wild wild wild, an astonishing effort by Peter and Garn.

Lead onsight alternating with Steve, the access pitch is horrendous and would highly recommend roping up for it, first few pitches are loose and spacey gear common to be 10m+ between pieces, money pitch is stonker gear, brining the belay 4m under the cave is highly recommended good belay and straight line to next belay, the ledge traverse is insanity, on the traverse pitch for belay definitely step around the arete to big ledge good gear in corner.

We were pretty casual about it and naive in hindsight started at 9am 12 hours on the wall 14 1/2hrs hut to hut topped out in the dark.

An emotional roller coaster, extraordinary position, classic line..... wow!

Mié 1.º En 2020 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
12 ~16 Deceptive Gully - con Tom Veit Clásica 120m Muy buena
Dom 29.º Dic 2019 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
16 Tierry le Fronde - con Cameron Hickling Clásica 150m Muy buena
Matthew Robbins
Rounding out the Frenchmans Cap hat-trick!

What was meant to be an "easy" day out but turned into 8.5 hours hut to hut. Not a huge day but considerably more than expected.

Compared to The Sydney Route and The Chimes of Freedom, Tierry Le Fronde was the easiest line to find and follow. It also had the most outrageous exposure of the 3 routes. We are talking tiny belay ledges hanging on prows 200+ meters off the deck and chimneys with nothing but the sucking void beneath you. Radical stuff!!!

For future climbers, pitch lengths from The Sarvo and the guidebook are likely incorrect (in our humble opinion). We found that the pitches are probably more like:

  • P1 - 45m
  • P2 - 35m
  • P3 - 40m
  • P4 - 30m
  • P5 - 40m
16 Tierry le Fronde - con Matthew Robbins Clásica 150m
Cameron Hickling
8.5 hours hut to hut

Sáb 28.º Dic 2019 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
16 The Sydney Route - con Cameron Hickling Clásica 380m
Matthew Robbins
Done in 11 pitches (instead of 13 listed in guide).

An incredible achievement for its day and a historic line. I can only imagine the grit that Bryden Allen and Jack Pettigrew had to pull off this line almost 55 years ago.

The climb itself, while enjoyable, suffers from oodles and oodles of loose rock, moss and tricky route-finding. Finding the start was challenging (I'm still not sure we started in the right spot) and route-finding was tricky all the way up to the start of the traverse. Cam and I would regularly stop on lead and double check the route length and description to make sure we were in the right spot.

All in all, it took Cam and I 14 hours hut to hut.

16 The Sydney Route - con Matthew Robbins Clásica 380m
Cameron Hickling
14 hours hut to hut

Vie 27.º Dic 2019 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
17 The Chimes of Freedom - con Cameron Hickling Clásica 270m Clásico
Matthew Robbins
11.5 hour hut to hut.

We soloed pitches 1+2 (it's basically a vertical garden) and then mossied our way up the remainder. That crack on pitches 4+5 is stonker and the traverse pitch is wild wild wild!

Found that the scariest part of the day was scrambling up that effing col. Loose and steep scree plus big falls is mildy scary to say the least

17 The Chimes of Freedom - con Matthew Robbins Clásica 270m
Cameron Hickling
11.5 hours hut to hut

Vie 27.º Dic 2019 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
18 Cold-Steel Dawn Clásica 97m Megaclásica
Fantastic climbing

Jue 26.º Dic 2019 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap East Face
16 Waterloo Road Direct Clásica 300m Buena
Nice alternate finish to NoJ instead of the scramble up the gully. Only top pitches

17 The Ninth of January Variant Clásica 25m Clásico
Climbs very nice, don't scramble up the gully after, instead lead top pitches of Waterloo Road Direct

Mié 25.º Dic 2019 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
16 Tierry le Fronde Clásica 150m Muy buena
16 Tierry le Fronde Direct Start Clásica 45m Buena
Mar 24.º Dic 2019 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
17 The Chimes of Freedom Clásica 270m Clásico
Absolute classic with beautiful pitches but definitely not for the faint hearted. Take lots of # 1s and peanuts plus the usual gear (micros, nuts, cams) double set doesn't hurt

Lun 23.º Dic 2019 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap East Face
20 The Lorax Clásica 390m Muy buena
80% headspace, 20% climbing, min distance between protections feels like 10m

Vie 1.º Mar 2019 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap East Face
19 The Ninth of January - con Mikey Musch, Anthony Shilton Clásica 160m Clásico
Andrew Connolly
Takes a great feature. Led pitches 1 & 3 (Mikey led P2 and Anthony P4). I did, however, manage to break a hold on P3, hit a ledge and break my foot - although I wouldn't discover this until I'd hiked out and returned to Melbourne ! Aside from the odd bit of fractured rock (and bone !) it's really atmospheric, leaving you hanging out over the valley below, while climbing on grade 8 jugs. Finished by simul-walking up the gully. Could probably find a better line on the main cliff behind the tower if we tried hard enough to finish it in style, but by this point we were ready to return home.

Jue 28.º Feb 2019 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap East Face
20 The Lorax - con Anthony Shilton Clásica 390m Megaclásica
Andrew Connolly
Probably the most significant ascent of my climbing life to date. An astonishing route in a breathtaking location taking the middle of the highest vertical cliff in the country.

I have solo'ed heaps of stuff in my time, but I do not recommend solo'ing up to the start as per the guide. Too much vegetation, too much loose stuff and too wet. Instead, park yourself directly under the super-shiny slab near the top of the broken cliff and lead it normally up to there. It's 60m from the ground and places you in the right spot for the rest of the route.

From there, it's all climbing to the top. Pitch 1 was okay, 2 was a nice crack / corner ramp, 3 was a highlight (correctly graded at 20 and the gear is good, but you'll still want a very good head). Pitch 4 is the outrageous traverse which teases you when you have to leave the ledge - something I'll never forget. Pitch 5 is a good clean crack and pitch 6 starts with the hardest moves on the route through the rooflet. Pitch 7 was fun - we were running out of daylight so I speed-led it in ~10 minutes or so to top out on one of the great finishes ... you climb right to the very top of the cliff and belay with your feet hanging over 400m of air. Finished with the last light of the day and made it back to the hut in the dark.

Led pitches 0, 2, 4, half of 6, and 7. One of the great moments for me.

20 The Lorax - con James, Martin Cankov Clásica 390m Muy buena
Ludek Sykora
Some serious alpine stuff. Better be prepared and do easier rout first. Otherwise unforgettable experience...

Mié 27.º Feb 2019 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
17 The Chimes of Freedom - con Anthony Shilton, Mikey Musch Clásica 270m Megaclásica
Andrew Connolly
The second best route here. Pitches 4 & 5 linked together as a single pitch is surely the best on the mountain. Easy hand jamming with feet on smears to your right for 50m. We did that with only 1 x #1 and #2 camalot ... there are large wires everywhere although more cams would make it easier. The pitch 6 rising traverse is pretty unforgettable too - put in a little bit of gear at the start, then leave the crack and trust your climbing skillz ! Led pitches 3, 6 & 8

16 The Sydney Route - con James, Martin Cankov Clásica 380m Buena
Ludek Sykora
I've got Dolomites feelings.

Mar 26.º Feb 2019 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
16 Tierry le Fronde - con James, Martin Cankov Clásica 150m Buena
Ludek Sykora
Lun 25.º Feb 2019 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
14 The Sydney Route Direct Start - con Anthony Shilton Clásica 62m Buena
Andrew Connolly
Vastly superior way to start the route. But still with some gardening and loose rock. Led by Anthony

16 The Sydney Route - con Anthony Shilton Clásica 380m Buena
Andrew Connolly
Important, historic line, but suffers from a lot of loose rock and intermittent rambling. We did it in 8 pitches including the direct start (vastly better than the gully scramble of the original route). Went too high on pitch 5 and had to downclimb to get to the Devil's Staircase. Led pitches 3, 5a, 7-8, and 10-12 as one giant 68m rope stretcher. The wall R of the chimney on pitches 10-12 offers better climbing than the chimney itself. Finding the true start is tricky, but the key is to aim for the giant detached pinnacle with a chimney on its left ... about 120m up. From there you'll probably be okay. Pitch 6 is the highlight. Pitch 3 has some terrible rock on it.

Dom 24.º Feb 2019 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
19 17 Tierry le Fronde Direct Variant - con Anthony Shilton, Mikey Musch Clásica 25m Clásico
Andrew Connolly
Very clean rock, very solid rock in great positions and some good movement. Given 19 on TheSarvo (and then confusingly listed as 16), this route is definitely 19 ! Aim for the 5m super clean wall with a splitter finger crack. We also started by pulling the rooflet at ground level right near the very bottom of the buttress. Was lulled into a false sense of rock-security here because everything was so solid

16 Tierry le Fronde - con Mikey Musch, Anthony Shilton Clásica 150m Muy buena
Andrew Connolly
Welcome to Frenchmans. Did the super-direct start (19) which made it a much better route. Lead pitches 1 and 4 which were probably the two best. Also probably had the most consistently solid rock of the entire trip.

Vie 15.º Feb 2019 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
17 The Chimes of Freedom Clásica 270m Clásico
hugh sutherland
Getting to the start of the route is quite dangerous. There is a loose rock gully that you have to scramble up. Wear a helmet and dont be underneath your partner.

Dom 27.º En 2019 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
16 Tierry le Fronde - con David Tan Clásica 150m Muy buena
Kim Walls
Lun 31.º Dic 2018 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap East Face
20 The Lorax - con David Tan Clásica 390m Clásico
Kim Walls
Kudos to David Tan for leading every pitch. Quite an adventure. Smoothly executed by the methodical cool headed Canadian. Outrageous climb. Crux crack pitch and the traversing pitches afterwards were the highlights.

20 The Lorax - con Kim Walls Clásica 390m Clásico
David Tan
Lead every pitch in a 12 hour hut to hut mission. The crack and traverse pitchs are incredible. Every other pitch was loose, mossy, and poorly protected....

Dom 30.º Dic 2018 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
16 Tierry le Fronde - con Yants Clásica 150m Muy buena
Matty Lawler
Amazing line, looking forward to climbing some more out at Frenchman’s

Sáb 29.º Dic 2018 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
18 Cold-Steel Dawn - con Kim Walls Clásica 97m Clásico
David Tan
Lovely route with the right amount of spice. Pitch 1 is the good shit

Vie 28.º Dic 2018 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
18 Cold-Steel Dawn - con David Tan Clásica 97m Clásico
Kim Walls
sweet, spicy and exposed

16 Tierry le Fronde Clásica 150m Muy buena
David Tan
Jue 27.º Dic 2018 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
16 Tierry le Fronde - con Kim Walls Clásica 150m Muy buena
David Tan
Mar 13.º Nov 2018 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
16 The Sydney Route (Sydney Route) Clásica 380m
Fraser Darcy
16 The Sydney Route - con Fraser Darcy Clásica 380m Megaclásica
Chad Freak
What a place! And what a climb. We walked in to the new Tahune hut and sussed the route in the arvo and then we're lucky enough to have good weather the next day! The Crux pitch felt hard for a 16.. but maybe I was tired from the walk in. Great adventure climbing!

Mar 6.º Mar 2018 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
16 Tierry le Fronde Clásica 150m Megaclásica
Tomas Dorrington
Last pitch discription is a little vague. Should be ‘Up for 5m, then climb the V shaped chimney to horizontal brake follow brake around to the right to an easy escape through the roofs”

Mié 21.º Feb 2018 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
16 The Sydney Route Clásica 380m Buena
Nathanael Hinton
Wanted to climb the direct start but it was too wet. Made our own direct start starting directly underneath the bottom of pitch 3/ top of the chimney. We then proceeded go off route at the start of pitch 5, A large fall and the delay caused by our 'direct start' caused us to decide to retreat back down the route.

Sáb 27.º En 2018 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap East Face
20 The Lorax
Clásica 390m Megaclásica
Seb Oliver
Tim onsighted every pitch. I had a good old rest at the crux. Mega weekend out

Vie 25.º Dic 2015 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
10 Southern Parapet Clásica 200m Medio
Richard Pattison
Our plan was to climb Tierry le Fronde, but the forecast was an afternoon storm, so we elected for a minimal commitment route in case the storm came early. We chose this route because it involved a bit of bushwalking, interesting route finding descent to the base, and a different view of the mountain. Climbing wasn't great.

Jue 24.º Dic 2015 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
16 The Sydney Route Clásica 380m Clásico
Richard Pattison
Great adventure, rock loose in places, protection far better with modern gear than the 1960s beta indicates. The devils traverse & belay was scary / memorable / unnerving / fantastic :o)

Sáb 19.º Dic 2015 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap East Face
19 The Ninth of January Clásica 160m
Alex Mougenot
Was going to get on The Lorax, but hearing the story of a climbing team who retreated off it the day before put us off. Maybe next year. Did this instead to smash out a shorter one, but ended up taking us longer cos of uncertain routefinding and us being unaware of the scramble-death topout! Pitch 2 was the standout. Bring double ropes! Would've been hell with a single.

Jue 17.º Dic 2015 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
17 The Chimes of Freedom Clásica 270m
Alex Mougenot
(Sorry Gene. Couldn't be bothered with descriptions on my phone!) Brilliant. Just brilliant. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone, not even most people, but I highly recommend it for those with a head for adventure, spaced gear, and exposure! What a route, though. I discovered that a small part of me enjoys the delicacy required when climbing on choss (like the first and last couple pitches.

Dom 1.º Feb 2015 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
16 The Sydney Route - con Steve Toal, Martin Jackson, dave nelson Clásica 380m Clásico
Craig Orgill
Mar 20.º En 2015 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
16 Tierry le Fronde - con Rich Clásica 150m Muy buena
Alt leads. Started at the wrong spot. strung 2 & 3 together. found the old piton on pitch 3 (looked like a cadbury flake) and a stuck nut in the crack system to the right of the line proper (poss fall? nasty roof move) Real alpine flavour, 32kg packs, 4 days walking, 2 days of snow, 1 day of climbing weather. Worth every moment!!

Vie 2.º En 2015 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
17 The Chimes of Freedom - con Geoffrey Hernandez Clásica 270m Clásico
Jean-Philippe Dumas
New years eve trip with the Rasta Rockets!

Jue 1.º En 2015 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
16 Tierry le Fronde - con Geoffrey Hernandez Clásica 150m Clásico
Jean-Philippe Dumas
New Years with the Rasta Rockets! Epic start at 4:30pm to finish overhanging pitch at night to get back at the hut by midnight, and off to Chimes of freedom in the morning

Sáb 31.º Dic 2011 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
17 16 The Sydney Route Clásica 380m Buena
With Jed. Didn't find the chockstone at the end of the first pitch, but good gear at about 40m for a belay. If we were doing the correct 'obvious' line...Good finish

14 The Sydney Route Direct Start Clásica 62m Megaclásica
With Jed Awesome middle pitches! Even the 'climb the overhanging wall on bad rock' bit was great! Pitch 3 is just plain scary though. No gear until after pulling over the big slimy overhanging, bad rock, all while directly over a big, spiky block... Definitely a route with a bit of character

Vie 30.º Dic 2011 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
17 The Chimes of Freedom Clásica 270m Clásico
With Jed. Heady traverse!

Mié 28.º Dic 2011 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap Tahune Face
16 Tierry le Fronde Clásica 150m Buena
With Jed

Dom 2.º En 2011 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap South-East Face
17 The Chimes of Freedom Clásica 270m Buena
Vanessa Wills
In sleet and rain. Wet cracks. Numb hands. As mountaineering as you can get in OZ

2011 - Frenchmans Cap Area
Frenchmans Cap North-West Wall and Environs Cox's Castle
17 Electra Clásica 100m Muy buena
Vanessa Wills
Excellent first pitch. Amazing glassy quartzite


Mostrando 1 - 100 de 151 ascensiones.

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