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~에 의한 분류 대량편집(최대100)

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도
Jungle Gym
13 Calling Hop Harrigan

More or less climbs the middle of the black wall right of the pinnacle.

FA: Dave Gairns, Chris Baxter & Ian Ravenscroft, 1989

전통등반 20m
16 Varicose Vines

The good section is too short.

Start: Start about 8 metres right of "Calling Hop Harrigan" on the right arete of the face at a little yellow groove.

FA: Chris Baxter & Ian Ravenscroft, 1988

전통등반 20m
18 Varicose Vines Double Bypass

Straightens out "Varicose Vines"

FA: Graeme Smith, Glenn Donohue & Peter Cunningham, 1994

미상 20m
23 Jungle Juice

Climb the flake crack, which rises up to the left, to a rounded, mossy exit.

Start: Start 25 metres right of "Varicose Veins" below a tiny recessed wall with a roof above and a large conifer in front.

FA: Simon Mentz & Ian Ravenscroft, 1989

전통등반 8m
14 Suspended Animation

A major line at the left end of the cliff. The start is undercut by a cave.

FA: Chris & Sue Baxter, 1988

전통등반 20m
19 Storm In A D-Cup

The attractive crack 15 metres right of "Suspended Animation".

FA: Chris Baxter, Dave Gairns, Simon Mentz & Ian Ravenscroft, 1989

전통등반 28m
18 The Wreckery

Sustained jamming up a beautiful diagonal crack on smooth rock.

FA: Chris Baxter & Ian Ravenscroft, 1988

전통등반 30m
18 The Wreckery Direct

Instead of traversing left and joining up with 'Storm' In A D-Cup at 15m keep climbing the face directly above, eventually heading slightly right up short diagonal flake to top. Makes the route a lot more sustained.

전통등반 28m
17 Circumcision Ritual

The line right of "The Wreckery" at the right-hand end of the face.

FA: Simon Mentz, Chris Baxter, Dave Gairns & Ian Ravenscroft, 1989

전통등반 22m
23 Hang Me High

Blunt arete with 2 fixed hangers left of "The Bounty Hunter" ? which is where?

FA: Neil Monteith & Nick McKinnon, 2002

혼합 고전등반 18m, 2
19 Geoffs Arete A

FA: Geoff Butcher

전통등반 20m
16 The Tour

Black slab on right side of dark gully around left of "Hang Me High"

FA: Neil Monteith, Geoff Butcher & Marten Blumen, 2001

혼합 고전등반 20m, 1
21 Dju Dju

Nice thin grey face situated on block near the top of "Jungle Gym".

FA: Marcel Geelan, Geoff Butcher & Neil Monteith, 2002

혼합 고전등반 15m, 2
23 Pussy Whipped Wuss

Start in the left-hand corner at the base of the main corner. Move right at overhang into main corner and continue to stance. Now crack in left wall past big block.

FA: Glenn Tempest & Richard Smith, 1993

전통등반 32m
6 Waggy Tail

Worthless. Start off big block against cliff.

FA: Michael Hampton & Rhyl Shaw, 1993

전통등반 40m
15 Sniffer Dog

Pull into corner then climb the centre of the juggy right wall.

Start: Left again is another big undercut corner.

FA: Geoff Butcher & Rhyl Shaw, 1993

전통등반 25m
19 The Bounty Hunter

Apparently cool gritstone climbing. Haven't been able to find a description so location is guesswork.

FA: Geoff Butcher, 2001

혼합 고전등반 20m, 1
14 Juggernaut

Boulder start up large buttress leaning in front of cliff. Step across void onto the orange wall. Move diagonally left towards arete and up.

Start: Start on the first buttress up and about 50 metres right of "Circumcision Ritual"

FA: Peter Cunningham, Graeme Smith & Glenn Donohue, 1994

전통등반 25m
20 Just Left Of The Stump

Remote. Might even be in The Labryinth.

Start: Start about 30-40 metres right of "Juggernaut", slightly up a broad gully and a few metres right of a tight, short chimney.

FA: Glenn Donohue, Graeme Smith & Peter Cunningham, 1994

전통등반 20m
Mount Cactus
16 X The Scream

A bold, strong lead up the outstanding crack line at the left end of the huge cave.

  1. 40m (16) Follow the crack, and sometimes the left wall, to a large ledge. The rock is better than it looks and improves as you get higher but has a touch of sea-cliff uncertainty.

  2. 20m (-) Up awkward mega-jugs to a tree-filled gully. Scramble up gully to summit.

FA: Andy Long, Gordon Talbett (alt) & james McIntosh, 1994

전통등반 60m, 2
16 Untitled Route

Well to the right of the huge cave and below the slabs of the descent route, is a steep band of rock leading up and left.

FA: James McIntosh, Gordon Talbett & Andy Long, 1994

전통등반 25m
Generation Gap
15 Dracula's Blood

Steep, juggy climbing and some disconcerting rock.

Start: Start at right-hand end of cliff at obvious flake ramp sweeping up right.

FA: Melanie & James McIntosh, 1991

전통등반 45m
17 On For Young And Old

OK but some poor rock.

Start: Scramble 5 metres up the ramp above "Dracula's Blood" to belay.

  1. 25m (17) Easily up ramp. Up onto wall and traverse left along line to above the belay. Up weakness to overhang, undercling around left and climb line to stance.

  2. 20m (-) Rotten line above, then left and up.

FA: Steve Hamilton & Chris Baxter, 1989

전통등반 45m, 2
21 R Don Quixote

Great but both pitches are bold and require drive.

Start: Start right of the huge wall, where a smooth wall rises out of the forest.

  1. 60m (21) Step onto wall from a boulder on the right and climb the vague prow on excellent rock. When things ease, move left and up to belay.

  2. 40m (21) Step left and up another vague prow in the wall until a right-leaning flake-line leads up to the roof-line. Ste left at roof then climb around it at its narrowest point. Move right on the brink of the roof, then up headwall past right side of upper roof-line.

FA: Keith Lockwood, Steve Monks & Jane Wilkinson, 1991

전통등반 60m, 2
23 R Cervantes Wall

Takes the smooth convex wall left of "Don Quixote", starting by the shady gum tree.

  1. 55m (23) Delicately past bolt at 6 metres then step right to good nut. Up and slightly leftward until the climbing eases. Tend rightward up beautiful rock to an incut ledge.

  2. 20m (-) Up thin vertical crack directly above belay, with a slight detour via a flake on the left. Finish via a cave under the summit roof (as led) or straight up the overhanging white cleft (as seconded).

FA: Keith Lockwood, Steve Monks (alt) & Norm Booth, 1992

혼합 고전등반 55m, 2, 1
24 X Tilting At Windmills

A grand route with solid climbing well out from runners.

Start: Start at the left end of the long ledge under the main wall, under a small flake high up.

  1. 40m (24) Move up on the left, then balance delicately up right to a break. Move right then precariously up to the next break. Traverse back left then straight up to the flake. Step left at top of flake and boldly up wall above to stance.

  2. 30m (-) Up, then tend left up wall until able to gain right-hand end of huge horizontal block at the summit overhang. Pull over roof-line to top.

FA: Mark Hopkins & Keith Lockwood (alt), 1992

전통등반 70m, 2
19 Baltic City

Head up right to a bush, up thin crack, left along break to a bolt, then straight up past another bolt and the left edge of the crater.

Start: Start about 20 metres left of "Tilting At Windmills" on large boulders, below a crater high on the wall.

FA: James & Melanie McIntosh, 1992

혼합 고전등반 50m, 2
21 R Sancho Panza

Runout climbing up a superb wall.

Start: Start just left of "Baltic City"

  1. 35m (21) Up left a bit then straight up, about 10 metres left of "Baltic City". At about 30 metres traverse right to a wide flat jug then back left along a dyke-seam then up to the end of the big ledge.

  2. 15m (-) Up easily.

FA: Keith Lockwood, James McIntosh (alt) & Melanie McIntosh, 1993

전통등반 50m, 2
Wall Of The West Wind
19 Gone With The Wind

Steep, sustained and pumpy on the hard section, with a few suspect little flakes to pull on. From the L end of the wall, climb the juggy grey crack behind the conifer to a broken area. Take the distinctive thin orange diagonal up R and then up. Exit R at the summit overhang.

FA: Dave Gairns & Chris Baxter, 1988

전통등반 30m
17 Winds Of Change

Good face climbing up weakness at R end of face, which leads to the R arete before a steep conclusion.

FA: Chris Baxter & Dave Gairns, 1988

전통등반 20m
Muline Creek
16 Jungle Drums

Quality easy climb lurking in HB territory.

FA: Geoff Butcher & Michael Hampton, 1995

전통등반 30m
15 Timpani

Corner of "Jungle Drums" to overlap. Move 1 metre right, climb the overlap and finish up the face.

Start: Start as for "Jungle Drums".

FA: Geoff Butcher, 1995

전통등반 30m
16 Tabla

Start off the block and follow the central line. Exit from the second ledge on the left.

FA: Geoff Butcher, 1995

전통등반 22m
16 Bongo Bonanza

Do the first few moves to the corner, then move left on to the arete. Take arete to crack and exit on first ledge.

Start: Start as for "Tabla".

FA: Geoff Butcher, 1995

전통등반 22m
16 Oooga Booga

Follow teh horizontal break then climb the wall between the scrappy flake/corner and the arete.

FA: Geoff Butcher & Michael Hampton, 2000

전통등반 20m
Muline Crag
24 Krankandangle

Steepo left leading cave route on far left side of crag. Sport all the way.

FA: Simon Mentz

스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 5
28 Middle Path

Link Krankandangle into Path of Yin via low bolt.

FA: Nick Sutter

스포츠 클라이밍 15m
31 The Flying Duck

Start up Middle Path, where Middle Path joins Path of Yin continue traversing right into steepness. Do the big dyno and then traverse further right into Eye of the Tiger and finish as per it's anchors.

FA: Nathan Hoette, 2012

스포츠 클라이밍 25m, 8
32 The Waddle Inn

A shameless linkup but worthy none the less! Start up middle path and continue as per the flying duck. Do the crux dyno of the duck and then immediately head left into a rest before finishing at the path of yin anchors.

Set: Nathan Hoette, 2015

FA: Gerhard Deiter, 2015

스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 8
30 Path of Yin

One of the best in Oz. The only bad thing about this climb is that it was cruelly stolen from HB by a UK darkhorse. This should be on everyone's tick list. They simply don't get much better.

Start: Start 5m down R of 'Krankandangle'.

FA: Ken Palmer

스포츠 클라이밍 14m
29 Eye Of The Tiger

Crikey it's good. Which is better Path Of Yin or Eye Of The Tiger? Truly superb rock architecture, with fair dinkum good moves. Was a lot harder but then some creative thinking enabled the roof passage to be climbed with out too much strength, which produced an enormous increase in it's popularity! Incredibly steep, at least 15m overhung.

Start: Start at the back of the cave beneath the huge "eye" in the roof.

FA: Scott Walter

스포츠 클라이밍 25m, 10
29 Eye of Yin

Links eye of tiger start to path of Yin finish via a fun looking flake feature & a few new bolts

FA: nathan hoette

스포츠 클라이밍 25m
28 Tail of the Tiger

Fantastic climbing on an outrageous feature. Batman to 4th bolt.

FA: Lee Cossey, 2015

스포츠 클라이밍 27m
Nathan Project

Unfinished bolted line in the middle of the blankness, 4 bolts with a bail biner. Lee Cossey sent this in 2015 as Tail of the Tiger (28) with a batman start but the first 3 bolts are yet to go.

스포츠 클라이밍
30 Central Latitudes

Lunacy endurance traverse. Your forearms will explode.


스포츠 클라이밍 45m
32 Long Arm White Spider

Starts as per PFOD then joins CL for a couple of bolts. Takes traverse line a few meters south of CL to same anchor

FA: Nathan H, 2014

스포츠 클라이밍 50m
31 Parisian Thumbs

As for Cl but keep going straight up via very reachy moves.

Start: Start as for CL.

FA: Nick Sutterish, 2010

스포츠 클라이밍
23 Pocket Full of Dreams

A beautiful gobsmacking line. The manky old carrots at the start have now been placed with rings. A long stick-clip is required as the crux is the start.

Start: Start 3m R of the base of the rock step separating the upper and lower tiers of the crag.

FA: Keith Lockwood, Malcolm Matheson & Norm Booth, 1991

혼합 고전등반 25m, 2
Nick Sutter Project

Start: The line of bolts a couple of metres R of 'Pocket Full of Dreams'.

스포츠 클라이밍
26 After Midnight
전통등반 55m
26 After Midnight Pitch 1

A strong natural line but a bit chossy in the middle.

Start: The hanging left facing corner in the centre of the crag, where the walk-in track meets the cliff, and about 10m R of PFoD.

FA: Malcolm Matheson & Keith Lockwood, 1991

혼합 고전등반 20m, 3
24 R After Midnight Pitch 2

Choss. Like climbing the worst sea cliff in Sydney. Not sure why Malcolm did this?!

FA: Malcolm Matheson & Keith Lockwood, 1991

혼합 고전등반 15m, 4
30 Snap Dragon

A great line that was strangely one of the last routes added. Seems so obvious now.

Start: Start 5m L of 'Desert Rose'.

FA: Nathan Hoette, 2005

스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6
27 Desert Rose

Another superb line. The best 27 in the 'Grampians' - although most think its actually 28!

Start: Start about 8m R of After Midnight.

FA: HB, 1994

혼합 고전등반 30m, 8
30 Demon Flower

The original Vic Ranges hard route. Mega. Some think it might be 31...

Start: Start 5m R of DR at major scoopy weakness. Power endurance classic past 6 bolts to anchor

FA: HB, 2000

스포츠 클라이밍 25m, 6
33 Flower Power

One of the hardest routes in 'Victoria'. A sustained full frontal assault on the highest part of the cave.

Start: Start just R of DF.

FA: Nathan Hoette, 2003

스포츠 클라이밍 20m
30 Wild Orchids

Tough rightwards heading line right of Flower Power. Slopy.

FA: Nathan Hoette, 2002

스포츠 클라이밍 17m
30 Pa Pa Poppy

A bit of a glue job. The glued on hold has come off once again. Probably impossible atm january 2015

FA: Nathan, 2000

스포츠 클라이밍 15m
27 Jumping Geraniums

Start up 'Sullivan Street' then bust out left and up bulging wall above. #2 Camalot can be placed after last bolt to protect runout finish. Needs rebolting!

FA: Nathan Hoette, 2002

스포츠 클라이밍 17m
26 Sullivan Street

Very tough bouldery start that has shut down quite a few strong international climbers. Bring a medium cam for the finish moves. Lower off last bolt.

FA: HB, 2000

스포츠 클라이밍 15m
24 Munro Street

7 bolts across lovely flake feature.

스포츠 클라이밍 15m
29 Path Of Garth
전통등반 15m
23 Nothing Lasts Forever

Short punchy route on left of cave. 'Nowra' like!

FA: Kent Paterson, 2010

스포츠 클라이밍 8m
25 Coffee And TV (Upper Cave)

Follows bouldery rib to juggy finish.

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 7
25 Marlon Brando (Upper Cave)
스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 6
25 Blinded by the Lights

Starts on far right of cave and finishes as for NLF. Nice pumper!

FA: Kent Paterson, 2010

스포츠 클라이밍 15m
29 Body Blow (Emu Cave)

Left hand start to minimal tech.

전통등반 15m
28 Minimal Tech (Emu Cave)

THE line of the cave. Power Endurance.

전통등반 15m
26 Middle Park

Link up minimal tech into loose cannon.

전통등반 12m
29 Loose Cannon (Emu Cave)

Just another stunner

전통등반 15m
29 McLovin' (Emu Cave)

Steep and very crimpy

전통등반 12m
31 Bikini Revenge

The only bolted line in this cave.

Classic Power Route.

스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 5
24 Malcolms Upper Route

Furthest right of the upper tier routes. Crazy roof climbing. Belay off double FHs. Three FHs on the route itself. No anchor so back jump to clean.

FA: HB, 2000

스포츠 클라이밍 15m
18 Some Like It Hot

Pull onto wall at right-hand end of overhanging section and go up, veering left.

Start: Just along from and at right-angles to the right-hand end of the cave terrace is a small wall with an overhanging left side.

FA: Edwin Young & Kate Hilton, 1995

전통등반 10m
18 Too Hot to trot

Up middle seam right of "Some Like It Hot". Follow grassy, right-leading crack, then up.

FA: Michael Hampton, Rhyl Shaw, Kate Hilton & Edwin Young, 1995

전통등반 10m
16 Tattoos of Memories

Spectacular stuff. Takes a hanging rib which bisects two big red caves, then a sweeping blade arete above. 'The caves' feature the roof climb "Path of Garth".

Start: Starts: On big cliff down and right of main 'Muline Crag'. From the car, walk up track as far as the second rocky outcrop. Skirt right 50m around base of outcrop to cliff.

  1. 20m (16) A ramp leads out the right side of a scoop. Continue up orange bulging wall to base of rib.

  2. 20m (16) Rib, then arete. Walk off left.

FA: Tim & Keith Lockwood (alt), 2006

미상 40m, 2
Doritos Wall
20 Quick Draw McGraw

This route takes an obvious crack through a roof 4m off the ground a few metres L of 'Homework'. 1) 18m Up through the roof (crux) to a ledge. Traverse L to belay in a small cave. 2) 20m Traverse out R from cave, and up R-ward leading flake/crack to ledge. 3) 15m Up on jugs to the top.

FA: Jeremy Boreham & Mike Wust (alt), 1993

전통등반 53m
18 Homework
  1. 20m Up arete and step L into L facing corner then diagonally L up steep wall to join 'Quick Draw McGraw' at belay ledge. 2) 35m Up rotten corner to top (or last pitch of 'Quick' Draw McGraw).

Start: Start 12m along from L end of undercut section.

FA: Mike Wust, Wayne Maher (alt) Jeremy Boreham & Jerry Maddox, 1993

전통등반 55m
26 Little Room
미상 35m
28 Pistol Whipped

As for blind man with a pistol until headwall. Follow crazy dihedral left to a classic power endurance crux.

미상 35m
26 Blind Man with a Pistol

Classic pumper! Starts in corner at left hand edge of the cliff. Fun juggy start leads to a rest. Trend right following a grey streak with hidden beautiful dyke edges. A punchy end guards the anchor.

FFA: Toby Pola, 28 7월 2018

스포츠 클라이밍 31m
25 Nothing gets Crossed Out

Great line through the middle of the cliff, following a long thin black streak. Bring a couple of long draws to help with potential rope drag.

스포츠 클라이밍 35m
23 Chinese Knockoff (Link-Up)

Notable as its the easiest sport route up the cliff. Do the first pitch of China Fingers. After this do a run out traverse into the fantastic headwall of Nothing Gets Crossed Out. Be careful of rope length when lowering. Maybe 24?

FA: Kent Paterson, 2018

스포츠 클라이밍 50m, 2
28 Don't Retreat at the First Gunshot

Start as first pitch of CF. Traverse left off the ledge and weave up the awesome orange face. Classic Pumping.

스포츠 클라이밍시등 중 35m, 2, 9
28 China Fingers

Start up the orange flake line on the right hand side of the cliff. The first pitch is tenuous and a little goey. The 2nd pitch goes directly up the beautiful black streak littered with small quartz dykes.

스포츠 클라이밍 2
29 Life in the Shadows

Starts as first pitch of China Fingers. Blast directly up orange face and corner. Veer left on flakes to slight brown streak. Final boulder guards the anchor. Massive pitch.

미상 38m
25 Methotrexate

Right most route, left of where the cliff breaks down. Start up easy ramp and directly into very continuous, thin techy face climbing. After the 5th bolt head left and then up to a small overlap and steep head wall climbing between the twin cracks, which finally relents to a little slab and then steep flake.

Set: adam demmert

FFA: adam demmert & Oz, 28 7월 2018

스포츠 클라이밍 35m, 12
13 Nile

Left of "Whipping Boy" is a big orange wall. Nile takes the right edge of this wall.

  1. 20m (13) Climb slabby wall trending up right until below overhang. Pull around left side of overhang and up juggy arete to ledge.

  2. 20m (13) Up left and up wall to the left of black slab. Step right to ledge. Abseil off bollards.

FA: Tim Lockwood, Keith Lockwood (alt) & Norm Booth, 2005

전통등반 40m, 2
Emu Rock
16 Whipping Boy

Excellent adventure climbing following the obvious curving line on the L end of the cliff. Generally sound rock and good holds compensate for the tasty steepness. Start at L end of wall at corner under roof.

  1. 30m (crux) Up, then move out L to pass overhang. There’s a couple of steps back R to follow the line. Belay on ledge at half height.

  2. 30m Continue up curving line to steep exit through notch.

  3. 20m Scramble to the top or walk L along terrace to abseil bollard.

FA: Chris Baxter & Maureen Gallagher (alt) Sue Baxter, 1987

전통등반 80m
16 Wallscrawl

The first of three routes which are direct variants of 'Whipping Boy'. Start 6m R of Whipping Boy.

  1. 37m (crux) Climb blunt arete under R end of roof. Pass roof and traverse L to line about 3m R of Whipping Boy. Up to SHB level with Whipping Boy’s belay ledge.

  2. 30m Straight up, then veer R on buckets, before going up again to join Whipping Boy at the head-wall.

  3. 20m As for Whipping Boy.

FA: Dave Gairns & Chris Baxter (alt), 1988

전통등반 87m
17 Sheet Of Water

The second pitch was first led in driving rain. A variant on 'Wallscrawl'.

FA: James & Melanie McIntosh (alt), 1992

전통등반 100m
16 Mother Superior

More of the same with less pro.

FA: Dave Gairns & Chris Baxter (alt), 1989

전통등반 90m
18 Sufferers' Palestine
  1. 35m Start as for 'Sahara' but traverse L across steep wall where 'Sahara' veers R. Through friable section, then up to wall between 'Mother Superior' and 'Sahara'. Face, then vague runnel at 15m, wall. HB at dyke. 2) 25m Directly up wall until it eases, then veer L to meet 'Whipping Boy' at weakness in head-wall. 3) Roped scrambling to top.

FA: Anton Bartlett & Simon Murray (alt), 1995

전통등반 90m
17 Sahara

Sustained and great.

  1. 35m Climb the little corner just R of Wallscrawl, moving R on to the vague arete after the friable section. Up and R on to main wall, then up through smooth section and a little L into the line of weakness which leads to a SHB at central of three deep cracks just above the first main dyke.

  2. 25m Continue steeply up the line to tilted horizontal line. Step L, then climb cracks above to a patch of grass, which is just below the second dyke. Head up and R to crack/slot, then straight up crossing horizontal that becomes overlap further R to a dramatic exit L via first weakness R of Whipping Boy etc.

FA: Dave Gairns & Chris Baxter (alt) Geoff Gledhill, 1989

전통등반 90m
19 Sahara Direct Finish
17 Cyclops

A fantastic route - it's like an easier version of Archimedes Principle (Eureka Wall)! The rock is superbly featured, but it can be rather brittle (esp on first pitch).

  1. 35m It's pretty hard to determine exactly where pitch 1 should go, but all options seem to be about the same difficulty. Aim towards the right most of three deep cracks just above the first main dyke.

  2. 30m Up and slightly R, aiming for the distinctive eye (which provides the means for passing through the second dyke). Keep on the same up-and-right trajectory to pull through the overlap to weakness in head-wall.

FA: Keith Lockwood & Parrish Robbins, 1990

전통등반 80m
16 Patagonia

Climbing in superb positions up the most imposing line on the wall. The first ascent was completed in true Patagonian conditions; gale force winds, torrential rain and hail.

FA: Dave Gairns & Chris Baxter (alt), 1988

전통등반 130m
16 Patagonia direct finish

FA: Steve Monks & Jane Wilkinson, 1991

전통등반 60m
21 Drung South

Hotter than the 'Sahara'. Starts just R of 'Patagonia' at L edge of giant boulder. Either long ropes or a short first pitch would avoid the need for second and leader climbing simultaneously. Up the juggy crack to a seam, The wall is now climbed direct, veering slightly R at half height to a knee bar at the overlap. Step L and continue up the upper wall to the top, crossing Patagonia's original second pitch traverse on the way.

FA: Parish Robbins & Keith Lockwood, 1990

전통등반 60m
18 Sorority Babes
  1. 30m From bottom R toe of the wall, climb intermittent, diagonal crack system up wall to above small, friable cave. Veer L up wall on vague dyke below base of large cave. HB where rising dyke meets major horizontal dyke. 2) 50m (crux) Traverse L across wall along dyke to HB on L arete of face. 3-4) 65m As for 'Whipping Boy'.

FA: Simon Murray & Tim Peterson (alt), 1995

전통등반 150m

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