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~에 의한 분류 대량편집(최대100)

{수} {대상들}에서 {별}-{끝} 보이기

등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도
Cathedral Wall
16 Traverse Complete

Traverse the whole wall, either left-to-right, right-to-left. Easiest line possible with stemming rests.

볼더 30m
Regional Library
V0+ Reading, Writing and Arithmetic
볼더 4m
Dudley Northern End
Proposed Route 1
볼더시등 중 3m
Proposed Route 2
볼더시등 중 3m
Proposed Route 3
볼더시등 중 3m
V0 Blink and You'll Send It

Start with left hand on edge and right hand on good side-pull. Up you go.

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 3m
V1 I Must Be Emo

Start in good horizontal break at mid-height, left to side pull and up. Easier with the ledge on the right, more fun without.

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 3m
V1 Red Rocket

Start low in pockets, up to the rounded arete.

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 3m
Proposed Route 6
볼더시등 중 3m
V3 Captain Hook

Sit start low in pockets. Up past juggy slot to top out.

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 3m
V2 Captain Crocs

Start on low undercling between the two boulders. Move straight up to diagonal rail and straight up again to top out. The boulder to the right is out.

FA: Ollie Stirling & Joel Alston, 24 11월 2022

볼더 3m
V1 Captain Morgan

Low sit start on jugs.

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 3m
V0 Captain Underpants

Low sit start on jugs.

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 3m
V2 Captain Planet

Low sit start with sidepulls in middle of face pointing to sea. Up and over.

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 3m
V1 Captain Jack

Sit start with left hand in the pocket, up the arete.

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 3m
V0 Captain America

Sit start below the big pocket, then move up through it.

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 3m
V3 Captain Pineapple Slut

Hard undercling/sidepull start, up past crimp and sidepull to the top. Right arete is out

FA: Joel Alston, 24 11월 2022

볼더 3m
Rooflet Will Fall

See whats left when the roof falls off.

볼더시등 중
볼더시등 중
Proposed Route 7
Proposed Route 8
V0 Flake

Sit to right of flake and avoid block to left.

볼더 3m
Proposed Route 9
Proposed Route 10
Proposed Route 11
V2 Dippin Slots

Right hand mono, left hand undercling start. Up using the crack to topout.

FA: Dylan Hemson, 5월 2020

볼더 3m
V1 Double Double, Toil and Trouble

Start on shallow pockets halfway up ramp with a heel up. Straight up to topout.

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 3m
V3 Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble

Start as for DDTAT, following the ramp right and up to the lip. Then traverse right on decent holds without feet below until you reach the right-hand arete, then top-out.

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 5m
Proposed Route 12
Brittle Arete
볼더시등 중
V1 Mundian To Bach Ke

Sit start with undercling to the right of the fin feature. Follow the line of least resistance with decent holds straigt up to top-out.

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 4m
V1 Mundian To Bach Ke Remix feat. DJ Hemo

Start with kneebar between fin and starting hold of MTBK. Then up left of the gouge.

FA: Dylan Hemson, 5월 2020

볼더 4m
V1 Mundy and Tobaccy

Sit start hugging the arete below the right-hand pocket.

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 3m
Proposed Route 13
V1 Hot Kool Aid

Low sit, move into pocket and up to the apex.

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 3m
V1 I'd Like To Speak To The Manager

Sit and up left onto slab .

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 3m
V2 Knee-Slapper

Sit start on jug in groove. Up to slopey topout.

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 2m
Satan's Handjob Project

Start matched on feature on right hand side. Sidepull out left and jug up on right. Sharp, tough low start.

볼더시등 중
V0 3 Dimensions

Sit start on edge, then follow the fallen arete up.

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 2m
V1 Curvaceous

Sit start on jug with awkward feet, up right to crimp and jug to top out.

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 3m
Now I am become Death, the destroyer of hands

Hard, awkward start. Undercling pocket up to massive jug pocket ringed with sharp rocks.

볼더시등 중 3m
V0 Weakly Stationary

Sit start on crimp rail, up right to sloper and pinch. Don't use the other boulder beneath for feet.

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 3m
V1 Strongly Stationary

Sit start as for WS, up to sloper and left. Pinch rail is out.

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 3m
Novocastration Project

Start way under the boulder in pocket, and make way up overhang to top out. Tough and sharp. A low tide affair.

볼더시등 중 4m
How Low Can You Go Project

Start low under boulder with right hand on pocket/pinch and left hand undercling. Two very reachy moves to the top.

볼더시등 중
V1 Toll Booth Willy

Sit start low with left hand in big side-pull and right hand in small divot. Smear feet and upsy-daisy.

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 3m
V1 Dinga-Dinga

Start matched on groove on lip with heel out right.

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 2m
Pebble Project

Start as for beta spray, then left onto face and up.

볼더시등 중 4m
V2 Beta Spray

Start low on crimps and mantle the ledge or use crimps above.

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 3m
V0 They're

Start matched on bulb. Up to lip then left to topout.

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 5m
V0 Their

Sit start, straight up.

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 5m
V0 There

Start on jug and up left hand side of large boulder.

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 5m
V2 Big Softy

Start low in pockets. Up past crimp rail to top.

FA: Luke Yerbury, 5월 2020

볼더 4m
Dudley Middle
Proposed Route 1
Proposed Route 2
Proposed Route 3
Proposed Route 4
Proposed Route 5
Proposed Route 6
Proposed Route 7
Proposed Route 8
Proposed Route 9
Proposed Route 10
Dudley Southern End
Proposed Route 1
Proposed Route 2
Proposed Route 3
Proposed Route 4
Proposed Route 5
Proposed Route 6
Proposed Route 7
Proposed Route 8
14 Awabakal Slab

Starts up short rotten arete on low block to ledge passing 2 carrots. Step right from ledge onto wall and trend right up slab to DBB. Mixture of carrots and FHs.

Set: Jason Piper, 5월 2020

FA: Malin Dvoretsky, 31 5월 2020

스포츠 클라이밍 25m, 8
Corona Corner
17 Holiday Maker
18 Law Breaker
스포츠 클라이밍 7
24 Dude Leah

Traverse to the left on small delicate feet before heading upwards for some big moves.

Set: Jason Piper

FA: Jason Piper

스포츠 클라이밍 14m, 8
16 Essential Services

From pedestal up flake trending left then back right to anchors. Can be done direct via pockets

스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 4
18 COVID Crack

Scramble up to the base of the large crack feature in the corner. Starts to the left, opens wide and heads directly up to a more blank section towards the top of the climb. Lower offs on the right.

Set: Jason Piper

FA: Jason Piper

전통등반 20m
22 Interstate Travel

The arete right of Covid Crack

스포츠 클라이밍 20m
19 The Hand Sanitiser

Inset crack just right of arete.

전통등반 20m
15 Sargent Starfish

5 m left of the original routes in guidebook.

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 5
15 Storm Surge

Corner crack on the left.

FA: Sharon Mantle

18 Stinger

Start 3m right of the corner, up inital wall to good stance on ledge, continue up final wall to lower offs.

FA: Christoph Hornegger

스포츠 클라이밍 22m, 10

Vague arete to the right of "Stinger". Continue as per "Stinger" after belay ledge.

전통등반시등 중
17 Missed For 30

Crack in the middle of the wall.

FA: Christoph Hornegger, 2013

스포츠 클라이밍 23m, 12
Dudley Do Right
21 Stone Fish

The thin right hand face. Located 3m to the right of "Missed For 30"

FA: John Wilde, 2013

스포츠 클라이밍 25m, 13
10 Carrot practice slab

Designed to introduced fledgling climbers to outdoors

Set: Jason Piper

스포츠 클라이밍 6m, 3
14 Should we go higher?

good beginner climb

Set: Jason Piper

스포츠 클라이밍 8m, 3
13 Skaters boys

good beginner climb

Set: Jason piper

스포츠 클라이밍 8m, 4
24 Social Distancing
스포츠 클라이밍 4
25 Social Disco Dancing

Starts with big jugs on steep overhang, with strong moves up to preplaced chains through very cool tunnel thing with hands free rest, up around roof to double ring bolt lower off.

스포츠 클라이밍 6
The Red South of the stairs Slab world boulder
VB Down Slab

Left hand end downclimb

볼더 3m
V0 Ball bearings

Up the groove right of down climb

볼더 3m
V1 Mid slab

Up flutings in middle of boulder past horizontal to delicate top out

볼더 3m
V2 Loggit

Right hand end of slab next to log that may or may not last more storms

볼더 3m
The Red South of the stairs Stacked blocs
V2 Ironstone traverse

SS left end of boulder and traverse right to ramp walk off

볼더 3m
V1 Ironstone Up

SS left of ramp using that only for a foot and up on crimps to mantle over top

볼더 2m
The Red Sea level north
V3 Lay down Misere

Lay down start under roof and pull up through hand crack past a couple of horizontal breaks.

볼더 4m
The Butt Bouldering Cave Wall
V0- Wes's Arete

Right hand arete. Kiddies climb.

FA: Wesley Hollott, 2013

볼더 3m

{수} {대상들}에서 {별}-{끝} 보이기

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