
The Pipelines

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The last word in Canberra sea-cliffs. Mixed climbing (rock & lichen) on a big ugly slab, but the river's nice on a hot day & new routes await the avid gardener, landscape architect or demolition crew.

접근 문제들

Fairly remote and probably requiring equal effort from upstream (Coppins Crossing by bike) or downstream via Stockdill drive.


Get yourself to Stockdill Dr, Holt, & follow it a way until you can glimpse the water treatment plant in the gaps between trees.

Drive past Shepherd's Lookout to a locked gate on your left & a plastic bollard with various pictograms saying what you can't do. Go over this gate as it is in Nature Reserve, whilst the paddock on the left is Private Property.

Follow the fenceline (keeping it on your left) and some feint wheeltracks below the dam and keep following it until you reach another gate in the corner. Turn left and keep hugging the fenceline an following feint vehicle tracks crossing the first gully & then passing just to the right of 2 large trees on top of the following crest. Continue straight as the track crosses another gully, and keep hugging the fenceline until it takes a left hand dog leg. Follow this until you head down the hill and see a vehicle track. Follow the vehicle track down towards the river across the sandy deposit and around the rocks. Not advisable during moderate/high flows!

Alternatively, if riding from Coppins Crossing go all the way through 8 numbered (and mostly unlocked) gates (leaving them as you find them) until you reach a gate marked private property. ideally go below the fenceline (in reserve) and follow road (don't head up the hill to the north) instead follow the contour road, and then get onto the track heading down to the river and follow as per above description.

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수요일 17 5월
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