
Routes in Kenya

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Showing 1 - 100 out of 1,750 routes.

Grade Route Gear style Popularity Crag
{FR} 6a Leap of Faith

Start about 6m right of As Good As It Gets, leap for first hold (or opt for a stylish start if you can!) and then up into scoop. Move up leftwards, then direct to finish.

FA: Iain Allan & Ian Howell, 1999

Sport 22m, 6 Lukenya
{FR} 5b Bliss of Nemesis

The easiest route on Nemesis, located round the corner at the right-hand side of the crag. Slightly slabby start up to good jugs to the top. Try not to pull too hard on the flakes!

The last bolted climb to the right of the crag, round the corner. Climb the first few meters of the slab, then step left and straight up the route with the crux of the moves coming after 10m of climbing. Multiple options for holds enable climbers to finish it in various different ways. Be gentle with the flakes.

Set: Henrik

FA: Henrik, 2017

Sport 15m, 5 Lukenya
{FR} 6a+ Peaches and Cream

To the immediate right of Leap of Faith. Slightly tricky and crimpy start, then lovely moves through the middle section. Keep your nerve through the slabby run-out after the last bolt.

FA: Iain Allan & Ian Howell, 2000

Sport 22m, 6 Lukenya
{FR} 6a+ As Good as it Gets

Same start into the scoop as Turbulence, but at the second bolt keep moving rightwards and up. A beautiful route.

FA: Iain Allan & Ian Howell, 1999

Sport 25m, 6 Lukenya
{FR} 5c Smooth

Start about 5 feet to the right of a flake-like boulder that is separated from the main face. Move up and left to the crux at the second bolt showing faith in friction. After that, left into a scoop and then up to rail. After the last bolt there is about a 5 metre run-out to the anchors, up and left on easy ground but potentially scary and dangerous for beginners.

FA: Iain Allan & Ian Howell, 2000

Sport 20m, 4 Lukenya
{FR} 6b Nemesis

Between Jason's route and KL. An excellent, steep, juggy climb. Pumpy, but not as hard as it looks. A lovely route.

FA: S. Marlow & W. Dove, 1999

Sport 22m, 5 Lukenya
{FR} 5b Dapper Flapper

Start up a tricky slab to a stance before tackling a few more hard moves to reach the third bolt. From here, romp up better holds on steeper terrain to the anchor.

FA: Kris Fiore & Luke Mendola, 14 Jan 2020

Sport 5 Lukenya
{FR} 6b+ Turbulence

Start 6 m right of K.L. Corner, move up into a scoop and then after passing the second bolt, move straight up and then left below an overhang, which is pushed through before reaching Happy Birthday Piers Wood. Keep going past the third bolt, even if you're pumped.

FA: Iain Allan, 2000

Sport 25m, 6 Lukenya
{FR} 4c Nyani gani?

Sure to be a classic. Work up the easy slab to good holds. From here swim up perfect jugs through the steep upper section to a two-bolt anchor.

FA: Luke Mendola & Kris Fiore, 14 Jan 2020

Sport Lukenya
S 4a Arthur's Horror

Immediately right of buttress is a large black slab. Start in the middle of this and climb slab direct to steep wall. Up this to good ledge. This ledge is great for attempting the previous climbs instead of the cave belay. The second pitch works its way up the main ridge of the buttress on easy rock to a large belay block beneath the final wall. Climb up flake and step right to small ledge below overhang. A long traverse continues rightwards (crux) keeping under the overhang until a steep wall covered in jugs allows access to the top of cliff.

FA: Arthur Firmin & Evelyn Baring, 1936

Trad 60m Lukenya
{FR} 6c+ Twisted Sisters

Named after two women who keep the route opener on his toes. To the left of a small tree is a thin crack that trends leftwards, finishing left and up of the last bolt (anchor hidden behind a small ledge over the overhang. A steep route that has a sting in its tail.

FA: A. Fiksman, 2000

Sport 25m, 6 Lukenya
D Jacob's Ladder

Start at foot of centre slab and ascend line of pigeon holes, moving right. Continue to summit by moving left-handed. An excellent first lead as it can be easily and adequately protected. An intermediate belay may be arranged below the final wall.

Trad 31m Lukenya
{UIAA} 4- Southeast Face of Nelion

Season: Christmas to mid-March. Time: Allow 6-7 hours for the ascent of Nelion and a further 3 hours for reaching Batian and returning to Nelion. It’s advis­able to spend a night in the Howell Hut on Nelion’s summit.

The route is rather complex, and much of the climbing is not above grade III. With difficult ice conditions the Gate of the Mists may be IV. An ice-axe and crampons are recommended. Throughout the climb care is needed to avoid dislodging loose stones.

From the Austrian Hut cross the Lewis Glacier and scramble up the scree, which has many precariously balanced boulders and can be dangerous in half-light. Start climbing up a side groove about 55 m left of the obvious Brocherei Couloir. 18 m of easy climbing brings one to a wide, boulder-strewn ter­ race, at the left end of which is a gully (Donkey Walk) leading up to the left. Scramble up the gully for 25 m, then a mounting traverse back to the right up a series of easy ledges on the face.

A move round a corner (III) leads to the foot of Mackinder’s Chimney. Instead of climbing the chimney, descend 21/2m and traverse right 6 m to a platform below the Rabbit Hole then climb a rib immediately right of the Rabbit Hole (III) and follow easy rocks to a platform at the top of Mackinder’s Chimney. One o’clock Gully (quite easy, unless ice-filled) now leads up right for 40 m. Where it steepens, mount the left wall then traverse back right to reach block steps leading up to the crest of the main ridge. When it appears obvious, make a long traverse right across slab then up toward the base of Mackinder’s Gendarme. A tin shelter (Baillie’s Bivi), is found just below the notch beneath Mackinder’s Gendarme on the main ridge. This is approximately half-way up Nelion. Turn the Gendarme on the left by first descending 7 to 10 m and then up a large gully.

Most parties nowadays follow the De Graaf's Variation, which is the easiest and most direct route (IV inf.). Avoid Shipton’s and Rickety Cracks by a traverse left for some 12 m out of a large gully, following the ascent of the square-cut groove for about 20 m and then straightforward climbing to the ridge leading to the Amphitheatre.

Alternatively, instead of traversing 12 m out of the large gully, continue up the gully to two short chimneys known as Shipton's Crack's (IV inf.), which lead to a small platform (Windy Gap), between the Gendarme and the main face, recent years many parties have found the traverse of the Gendarme the easiest and quickest way of reaching Windy Gap. From Windy Gap climb 2 m over a bulge on the face to reach a ledge; follow this right until peters out on the main face From here Rickety Crack (IV inf.) leads upwards for about 8 m to a platform. (A jammed nose of rock 2 m above the bottom of the crack can be used for protection on the first awkward exposed moves up the crack). Climb 30 m up a ridge to the right leading to a point overlooking the Amphithatre.

Belay at the edge of the Amphitheatre and climb down 8 m to the right (III). Work round the back wall of the Amphitheatre to cracks leading up left into the bed of the gully. Ascend the gully, much loose rock, for two pitches to a plat- form A 5 m wall is climbed by a shallow chimney (III), followed by a scramble over loose rock to a col overlooking the Diamond Glacier. Turn sharp right and up easy rocks to the summit of Nelion.

Variations: The Crack directly above Windy Gap has also been climbed out of season (Pfeffer and Pauer, August 1957). The chimney to the left of the point where the route traverses right into the Amphitheatre was climbed first by E. Sladen in 1938.

The summit of Batian is only 140 m away in a hori­zontal distance, but drop of nearly as many metres 'nto the Gate of the Mists is involved. The ridge may be followed from Nelion, traversing down on the north side, then turning towards the Gate. Keep under an overhanging cliff and descend to a boss of rock just above the Gate. Climb down this (III or IV), possibly leaving a rope to facilitate the return, as there’s usual­ly ice in the cracks. Cross the snow in the Gate (which may be corniced); as the icework is less than a rope’s length it is possi­ble to belay from either side. Traverse round the base of the Tower, on its north side, up scree or snow, and over the ridge behind the Tower onto the South Face of Batian. Ledges lead left across the face into a gully. This is then followed to the summit, but if it’s ice-filled take the wall to the right of the gully and chimney, taking care because of loose rock.

There is now a bolted abseiling route down Nelion. Follow arrows. Best done with 25 metre abseils. See here for details:

Major variations: Two variations have been done to join the Normal Route at Mackinder's Gendarme. 1a - East Ridge: This ridge of Nelion which rise from Flake Col consists of very loose shattered rock. Start 50 m left to the col and ascend ramp to ridge. The first four pitches are on poor rock and the fifth and sixth pitches are the most difficult. Climb the ridge then abseil into the top of the Brocherel Couloir and traverse to Mackinder's Gendarme. (A.G. Chinery and T. Welker, 14th Jan. 1965. Grade IV sup.).

1b - Brocherel Couloir: This prominent couloir right of the Normal Route start was climbed by P. Snyder and R. Collister in 1974. Grade V.

FA: E.E. Shipton & R Wyn Harris, 1929

Trad 300m Mt Kenya
{FR} 4c Si Rahisi

One of the original lines. Work up to a first bolt through one of a few variations to start. Hardest and most interesting variation is to go direct up the slab (4c is for this direct variation).

This route was rebolted in January 2020. The bolt placements were kept the same as the FA party. There is a new bolted anchor.

FA: Asa Forsman & Ia Westman

Sport 12m, 3 Lukenya
{FR} 6b Faithless

Immediately to the left of Leap of Faith. Very crimpy start to the first bolt, easier ground after that.

Sport 12m Lukenya
{FR} 4b Sleazy Greasy

One of the original lines, rebolted in 2020.

A few variations possible, but hardest and most interesting is straight up a thinner start under the first bolt.

FA: Asa Forsman & Ia Westman

Sport 15m, 3 Lukenya
HVS 5a Drowning in the Shallow End

It has to be admitted that this is a little short on pro, but it is excellent and the few who have led it say provided it is approached with calm and stealth, the need for pro is secondary. Begin 6m right of Bandstand and climb easily for 25m to the right-hand and slightly higher nettle tree. From here up directly to distinct grey ledge at 6m. Awkward move left 1.5m, then up 3m before trending rightwards until directly beneath obvious bulging wall. Straight up bulge (crux), and steep wall above 7.5m to prominent groove. From this point pro is excellent. Climb groove and slightly left to mantleshelf move just below top. Finish up steep wall rightwards on good holds. 2020 edit: It turns out the need for pro wasn't secondary for some - somewhere around 2000 a bolted anchor was added at the grey ledge, with 3 more bolts on the second pitch - the first just above the awkward move left and up and the next two spaced out above.

FA: Iain Allan, Philip Winter & Clive Ward, 1990

Trad 55m Lukenya
{FR} 4b Viti Vipi

The second bolted route. Begin up a tricky slab to great holds. Through an easy slab to a short steep section and a lower-off anchor (hooks - no need to clean).

FA: Emilia Smith, Luke Mendola & Kris Fiore, 13 Jan 2020

Sport Lukenya
HVS 5a The Seventh Wave

One of Lukenia's best with a ripper finish. Step left from belay and straight up wall on right of brown streak passing a good thread belay/flake at 12m. Above is a bulging yellow wall which is surmounted from the left by a tricky mantleshelf move onto a good ledge below steepening wall. Step right and move up on good holds until flakes (bolt on left), until forced out unabashedly rightwards and up to finish.

FA: Iain Allan, Philip Winter & Clive Ward, 1990

Trad 25m Lukenya
{FR} 5a Heebie Jeebies

A difficult start that can be avoided if traversing from the right. From here, work up easier terrain to a stance below the face. A final tricky section lies in wait at the top!

FA: Kris Fiore & Luke Mendola, 14 Jan 2020

Sport Lukenya
{FR} 4b Tangawizi

Start under the obvious scoop of rock with a high first bolt. Continuous and fun with some runouts.

This route was rebolted in January 2020. The bolt placements were kept the same as the FA party. There is also a new lower-off anchor.

FA: Ia Westman & Asa Forsman

Sport 15m, 3 Lukenya
{FR} 4b Supu ya kuku

Just left of where the middle vegetation starts. Similar to the last climb, mantle to an easy slab and finish up on steep holds, ending to the right of the tree. Lower-off anchor.

FA: Luke Mendola, Emi Smith, Kris Fiore & Emilia Smith, 13 Jan 2020

Sport Lukenya
VD Normal Route

This climb goes up the south-west face (the one which faces Mt Longonot). A prominent groove with a large fig tree at its foot splits the upper half of the face. Start below and to the right of this point. Scramble up to the wall beneath the tree then make a few easy moves to the foot of the groove. Up groove a few feet then step right onto arete. Climb diagonally rightwards to obvious ledge. Up onto this then left up summit boulders.

FA: H.C. Pereira & J. Moore, 1949

Trad 37m Hell's Gate
{FR} 4c Fickle Pickle

A quick mantle leads to an easy slab and a perfect steep upper section just left of the tree. Lower-off anchor (hooks - no need to clean).

FA: Kris Fiore & Luke Mendola, 13 Jan 2020

Sport Lukenya
HVS Hope Floats

Climb first pitch of Arthur's Horror. Start second pitch as far as the traverse right. Just before you climb vertically up towards the exit of Arthurs Horror, you should see a bolt (first of three) at about 2m. Climb directly up past the bolt and slightly left on good hold to reach the second bolt. Continue leftwards toward 3rd bolt, again on good holds. Exit climb slightly left.

Mixed trad 3 Lukenya
S Guillotine Groove

The shallow chimney with the guillotine blade shaped chockstone. The easiest climb of the whole group - pleasant.

FA: I.D. Sandilands & R. Pillinger, 1969

Trad 16m Hell's Gate
{FR} 4b Mambo Mamba

A Steep romp up perfect jugs to a lower-off anchor.

FA: Kris Fiore & Luke Mendola, 14 Jan 2020

Sport Lukenya
{FR} 5c The Accidental Tourist

Originally climbed in order to show a visiting continental party that small wires can fake you a long way, and bolts are not always necessary. Ironically the Hot Rock team didn't know this had been climbed on wires and accidentally bolted it. It is important to climb this route the correct way and not cheat leftwards only the Finis jugs. Because of this some might say it's a little forced, but this does not detract from the experience. The climb Finis ascends the jug-covered wall 1-2m right of the main corner. This superb route climbs the steep face some 3m right of corner. Start from ledge system some 4.5m up from base of cliff. Some 4m right of corner there are two obvious scoops and the climb starts between them. Up on small holds 6m to prominent overlap. Step right and climb direct to welcoming jug. Straight up on better holds to top. On trad gear originally graded E1 5a. With bolts the sport grade applies.

FA: Iain Allan & Magnus Karlsen, 1990

Sport 23m, 5 Lukenya
{FR} 6a 5000 mile shoes

Follow bolts directly, with crux in the dark section at the top. Becomes 5c if you move left of the bolts at the crux

Sport 25m Mt Ololokwe area
D Boulder Original

Start at point of slab below scoop 2m up. From here take easiest route moving slightly right-handed and keeping a few feet right of the broken corner. Move left to finish. Belay at flake 5m back.

Trad 17m Lukenya
VS Bouboulinas Street

5 m right of Guillotine Groove is a slab which contains a crack which narrows and closes at 8 m. Climb the crack for 6 m and step right to a ledge. Climb the thin crack on the right until the peg is reached.

FA: R.J. Black, 1970

Trad 13m Hell's Gate
{FR} 5b Luggas

Fairly consistent, moderate slab climbing, with a few delicate moves in the upper section

Sport 20m Mt Ololokwe area
HVS 5a Death of Disco

Between Sweet Fanny Adams and Scarab is a wall topped by a hanging block. There is a recess at the base of this wall which is climbed to a pigeon-hole. Step left at 3m and climb until level with a bolt on the right. Traverse right past this, to the bottom of the hanging block and easier ground. Straight up the wall above on jugs.

FA: Clive Ward & Philip Winter, 1989

Trad 25m Lukenya
{UIAA} 4+ North Face Standard route

Season: July to October. Time: 10 hours.

This route is the least difficult on the north side of the mountain. Start from Kami Hut, where a 40-minute walk below the foot of the North Ridge is made to the starting gully, which is marked by a cross in a circle chipped on rock. Climb straight up from the marker and move right at 6 m into the gully (IV inf.). Continue over easier rock until it’s possible to scram­ble for 90 m up the gully to a steep wall. An obvious crack brings one onto a large terrace beneath a third steep wall (III sup) Climb 6 m up an easy gully on the left, traverse back into the centre, then straight up (III sup.) and scramble into the Amphitheatre.

Scramble about 120 m across this until it steep­ens, in the direction of Firmin’s Tower, which is at the top left- hand corner. Climb 25 m to a wide sloping ledge (III), then tra­verse right along the ledge for 20 m (III), until it is possible to gain the ridge on the left-hand skyline. A 9 m scramble brings one to the foot of Firmin’s Tower. Climb the crack for 20 m to where it breaks into two branches. Chimney up the right-hand one for 15 m to the top of a massive loose block (overlooking the Amphitheatre).

Move left into the original chimney and continue up for 9 m. Scramble for about 18 m and up to the toD of the Tower (IV sup.)- Descend to the ridge and scramble along it for 60 m until it steepens. Continue along the ridge for another 30 m (IV inf.). Move up to an obvious ledge then traverse right to a small Amphitheatre (III). Further scrambling brings one to the junction of the West ridge where there is a superb bivouac site. Whilst it is possible to climb along the ridge it is easier and safer to traverse horizontally from the bivouac site for about 120 m to Shipton’s Notch. The rock in this area should be treated with care. This route is suitable for descent.

Variations: 1 - On the crux section of Firmin’s tower it's possible to move right from the loose block along an obvious ledge to the foot of a steep crack which is climbed direct (Grade V sup). 2 - The Firmin Tower has been bypassed to the right with a difficult and exposed mixed pitch above the Northey Glacier (V). the main ridge being rejoined just above the Tower (A. Schoon and H. Graafland, July 1958). 3 - A Japanese party made an ascent of the Kami Hut face of the North Ridge of Batian to join the North face Standard Route just below the tip of the gully before entering the Amphitheatre (1965). The whole of the North Ridge was climbed by J. Moss and J Linke in July 1974 (Grade V). 5 - From the starting point of the North Face Standard Route, the grey rock area immediately left of the gully was climbed for 15 pitches to the base of Firmin's Tower (M. Anglada and party, August 1971).

FA: A.H. Firmin & P. Hicks, 1944

Alpine 820m, 16 Mt Kenya
VD Joseph

Start 12m right of Jacob’s Ladder at prominent band of quartz. Ascend groove, moving left-handed and cross over extreme right-hand point of overhang to finish by moving right. An alternate finish (Severe) is to traverse right into recess behind tree and climb back wall direct.

Trad 26m Lukenya
{FR} 5c No Hurry in Kenya

Extended crux at the end with some delicate, technical moves on small holds. Shares anchor with Twende

Sport 25m Mt Ololokwe area
VS 4b Bandstand

A grand old Lukenia classic and a superb introduction to this cliff. At the left end of the cliffs a prominent crack with a rightwards rising ear at 4.5m. Climb crack and step right around ear. Continue easily up to ledge and left-hand fig tree belay. Climb white-coloured wall left of big groove with a tricky step left onto good position on arete, and move up to ledge & belay. Move out rightwards 3m past small nettle tree, and up to horizontal crack. Up directly over this and up wall (crux) above to obvious recess. Traverse left 3m and straight up to top.

FA: Alan Owen

FA: Michael Adams and, 1958

Trad 55m Lukenya
S Papyrus

Start as for Pharaoh's Wall. From left-hand side of platform ascend crack direct. Pull up past overhang and easy rock to finish.

From the lefthand side of the platform ascend crack direct. Pull up past overhang and easy rock to finish.

FA: A. Owen & F. Richardson, 1961

Trad 22m Lukenya
E2 5c DIY

Start to the left of the Ulf Carlsson Memorial Plaque, following a curved line of 3 bolts. Get established on small crimps at the start and traverse right with bad feet to the second bolt. Power straight up past the third bolt, then traverse delicately right across a blank face to get established on a pillar. From here join the top section of Pharaoh's Wall and keep an eye out for hornets!

FA: Ulf Carlsson & Ian Howell, 1997

Mixed trad 20m, 3 Lukenya
{FR} 6b+ Bold Brothers

Fun line up the black streak between Nemesis and KL corner. Stay strong through the crux low down to finish on easier, fun climbing to the top. Found, FA'd and named by two strong young brothers!

FA: Livio van Enckevort, Luca van Enckevort & Sven van Enckevort, 28 Feb 2021

Sport 15m, 5 Lukenya
{FR} 6a The Mouse

The original route on the Mouse climbed the face just left of the N arete using a mixture of aid and free climbing. Subsequently climbed free, with new bolts added in 2019 now making it a very safe sport climb.

Start at a chimney at the Left side of the W face.

  1. 10m. Climb the chimney then traverse left to easier ground leading to ledge, bolt belays.

  2. 20m. Climb the steepening slab then wall above, old bolts and pegs in place, on creaky flakes.

FA: Ian Howell & Roger Higgins, 1968

Trad 30m Mt Ololokwe area
{FR} 3 Lemon Squeezy

The first sport route on the left. Begin up an easy slab to steeper terrain. Somewhat runout.

This route was rebolted in January 2020. The bolt placements were kept the same as the FA party. Currently (1/25/20) no anchor but it's possible to traverse right to an anchor.

FA: Ia Westman & Asa Forsman

Sport 15m, 3 Lukenya
VS 5a Boiler Plate

It has been said that one member of the Mountain Club makes the journey to Lukenia once a fortnight solely to do battle with this little beauty, If he succeeds on one safari, the only certainty is that it will defeat him on his next Originally climbed by traversing in from the Junction ledge on the left, parties in recent years have preferred a more direct approach. Start 3m left of Bandana at a "pigeon-hole" about a meter off the ground. Climb wall by "pigeon-hole" and step left at 3m to diagonal crack rising rightwards. Move right and over the overlap at 5m, directly above start. Climb face above moving slightly right to ledge. Mantle shelf up leftwards to ledge below black streak, and climb delicately up slab (crux), on right of bolt to top. Original route was to climb up to shallow cave and the move up rightwards.

FA: Michael Adams & Alan Owen, 1959

Mixed trad 25m, 1 Lukenya
S Colin's Caper

Start halfway between Arthur’s Horror and Dilemma, directly under a long grass ledge at 20m.

  1. 50m. Straight up to grassy ledge, then climb the face to the right of the huge flake, moving slightly to the right into a black scoop level with the ledge on Arthur’s Horror.

  2. 25m. Straight up from the scoop to a groove at 15m. Either climb the nose to the right of the groove or the wall to its left, traversing right across the groove to finish.

Trad 75m Lukenya
HS 4a Le Pelley's Variation

Start at left end of overhang.

  1. 15m. Tier of steep rocks leads to traverse under overhang to left up to point of large semi-detached boulder. Ascend wall to fig tree and move right 4m to base of crack and belay.

  2. 10m. Ascend crack and face to foot of chimney with small tree.

  3. 5m. Climb up chimney on right in final block to belay at fig tree.

FA: R. Le Pelley, 1949

Trad 30m Lukenya
{FR} 6a+ Leopard Hunt

2nd route from the left on the main wall. Powerful, bouldery start to establish yourself on the first ledge, before some technical moves until above the 4th bolt. More mellow middle section before the final, tricky overhang before the anchors. Take care - there may still be a couple of loose flakes.

Sport 25m Mt Ololokwe area
{FR} 6a+ Modern Warrior

Longest route at baboon cliff. The opening 10-15m are the crux, with tricky slab climbing on small edges up to a ledge. Then mellower slab to a huge ledge, before the final fun moves up a detached boulder to the anchor.

Sport 32m Mt Ololokwe area
{FR} 5c Speed bump

Crux at blank section around 5th bolt

Sport 20m Mt Ololokwe area
E1 5b Waterloo

A delicate exercise in nut placing. This worthy trip takes the left side of the Castle where there is an orange overhang with a steep grey wall above. A 18m doddle up the lower slabs ends at a good belay in horizontal cracks some 5m below the overhang. Up this direct via a slanting flake and the grey wall above is reached by way of a thin vertical crack up on the right. Move up delicately 5m to good pro. Mantelshelf steep wall above and easier ground to top.

FA: Iain Allan & Magnus Karlsen, 1989

Trad 43m Lukenya
{FR} 7a+ Jason's route

Beautiful route between Nemesis and Twisted Sisters, with interesting but pumpy moves and one decent rest. Now has new anchor bolts installed. In memory of Jason Spindler!

Sport 18m Lukenya
{FR} 6a Fight or flight

Furthest left climb on the main wall of baboon cliff. Fun moves with two cruxes at the third and fourth bolt and then again at the final overhang.

Sport 22m Mt Ololokwe area
VS The Amazing Journey

This route begins approximately 91 m left of the prominent overhanging area. It is easy to find for at this particular section the wall is less steep with a broken area some 46 m up from the ground. The route starts 12 m right of 'Caiaphas' at the base of a series of cracks

  1. 30 m Up cracks and trend leftward for approx 10m mounting a series of ledges. Move up towards a bulge and take an obvious traverse line leading off right below it. Continue along traverse for 12 m to an arete. Tension around this (peg in place with a 6foot cordalette), with precarious but exciting moves. Place small gear in a crack to protect your second. Continue onward rightwards for approx 6m with tricky moves up to a good platform and belay. (VS)

  2. 18m Move up leftward off the belay, traversing for approx 9m to a large obvious ledge. Gain groove up on right by way of a short steep wall, and climb groove for 9m threading your way among loose chock stones to a broken ledge. Possibly best to belay from the top of groove rather than in the broken corner above.

  3. 18 m Climb crack with questionable rock above for 6 m then step carefully right below a large block system along sloping shelf. Descend 3 m onto large ledge with tree.

  4. 37 m From ledge head up to follow obvious crack / corner system above. The rock is not great but decent placements can be found with hexes and nuts. At the top of the crack step left and make a couple of steep moves to gain a series of ledges that allow you to gain a ramp that will take you easily to the top

Seriousness: 2-3

FA: Iain Allan, John Cheesmond & Alan Walker, 1975

Trad 120m Hell's Gate
S 4a Cemetery Corner

Start at base of crack at right-hand corner of slab where there is a prominent fault. Move left-handed under edge of overlapping slab. At left-hand point of overlap climb onto wall and move back right-handed to smooth wall and chimney. Back up over chockstone boulders to platform (root belay). Delicate move onto left-hand wall and traverse until wall can be climbed directly or a swing up can be made on small block. Move left- handed to finish.

Trad 23m Lukenya
S Boulder Five

Start 4m to the right of Boulder Original in middle of very smooth black slab. Climb direct to top, aiming for top of boulder against skyline. Belay on spike of boulder 6m back on right.

Trad 20m Lukenya
VS 4c Golden Anniversary

The best easiest way up the Castle, and superior to Committee Wall. Ian Howell first climbed it in 1982 but to this day can't remember who his second was. Some parties belay half-way up in the Committee Wall 'keyhole', but this might not be the best belay in the world. It can be done in one long pitch, but watch your pro carefully for the last thing you want on the final moves is rope-drag. The climb takes the East face of the Castle and starts in a gully where there is a leaning block below and right of the Committee Wall 'keyhole'. From block move up leftwards past a bolt, step left and continue leftwards to the arete. Straight up to 'keyhole'. Move up rightwards some 6m and gain a prominent ledge system which leads up diagonally leftwards. Hold your breath and traverse left along this (crux), until holds allow an exit above.

FA: Ian Howell & ?, 1982

Trad 46m Lukenya
VS Flying Dutchman

Begin in the shallow corner just right of the arete in front of #7. The groove left of the hanging gardens. Climb the left-side, hand-sized crack in the shallow double corner to a hammered pin at 6m. Continue up slightly overhanging crack to anchors at top of left-side arete.

FA: T. Phillips, J. Kelly, R. Pillinger & R. Chambers, 1969

Trad 16m Hell's Gate
D The Cakewalk

Start at right-hand corner. Up groove 6m. Across platform to left and out onto face. Climb this - 12m. Climb to notch to finish - 10m.

Trad 30m Lukenya
{FR} 6a Arobaini

Hike to the base of the cliff (you can either go around the slabs to the left, or solo up). There's an easy way which takes about 20 minutes from the campsite, ask someone to show you (GPS track as of December 2019:

Fish’s 40th birthday present. The rock is solid with excellent friction but sharp. As it hasn't seen much traffic yet, take a helmet.

  1. 35 meters. Starting at the belay anchor (two bolts) at the top of the easy slabs, up and then leftwards to a grassy ledge with the anchor on its right. Mantle no.1 onto the ledge.

  2. 30 meters. Traverse right from the ledge then follow the bolts to an anchor on a slab. Mantle no.2 around the 5th bolt. Beware of the loose flake after this, don’t pull too hard on it.

  3. 20 meters. Straight up to the slight overhang, Mantle No.3, then traverse a few meters leftwards to find an anchor on the arrete.

  4. 30 meters. Up the arete and then traverse right past a big block (mantle on this if you feel like) resting on the slab. The anchor bolts are on the giant boulder.

Bring 11 quickdraws + biners for the anchors.

You can abseil down the route with a 60m rope (don't forget knots as some of the abseils are nearly exactly 30m). You can also walk down (climber's left after going behind the huge rock).

FA: Emmanuel F & climbingfish, 13 Dec 2019

Sport 120m, 4 Ma-Voloni
{FR} 6a+ Twende

Crux at the end. Shares anchor with No Hurry in Kenya

Sport 25m Mt Ololokwe area
{UIAA} 3 South East Gully

Climb the prominent wide gully on the SE Face. Take the right-hand branch leading to the main ridge at a prominent sharp V-notch. The most difficult parts are just before reaching the main ridge, and from here to the summit.

Variation: Where the gully branches, the left-hand route may be taken. This gully, less clearly defined, joins the other route on the summit ridge. (Grade III, J I Moore and H C Pereira, Aug. 1949). When free of snow this gully can be climbed down without abseiling (III). The tower buttress right of the South-East Gully may also have been climbed by a Cape Town University party, in January 1965.

FA: R.E.G. Russell & Eric Shipton, 1929

Trad 350m Mt Kenya
S Boulder Three

Start 2m to right of pigeon-hole in Boulder Two on smooth slab. Direct ascent to ledge and then to an almost-detached flake 2m above on wall. Continue direct to top. Belay 6m back on boulder.

Trad 17m Lukenya
E1 4c Guiness and Goat

A route heading straight up to the right side of the pillar. The climb starts on the top of a ramp near a small tree (possible to climb a first pitch below). All belays are bolted (enabling abseil if you bring your own karabiners/maillons). The route is mixed trad/bolts and is very runout as it was bolted ground up.

  1. 45m. Head up tending leftwards to cross a small overhang, then clip a bolt. Continue straight up to a nice belay ledge.

  2. 50m. From the ledge, head left to cross small overhangs then head straight up, clipping a bolt on the way. Stay on the rock to the right of a cascade of grass. The belay is at the top of the grass on a nice grassy ledge.

  3. Traverse right for a couple of meters, then head straight up, clipping one bolt on the way. Belay in a black scoop.

  4. Head up tending slightly leftwards. The rock isn't so good on this pitch but bolts protects the worst parts (still runout).

  5. Traverse a bit right, then up and a bit more right to clip a bolt. Then head straight up, one more bolt. Aim between two grassy ledges, clipping one bolt. The left ledge has a palm tree sticking out, that's where the belay is.

  6. Head straight up to the small steepening at the top of the slab. Clip one bolt below the steepening, then traverse right to a large cave above a big palm tree.

  7. Belay on roots (no bolts) to traverse right and up out of the cave. Final belay on a tree.

Variation: A thrilling finish heading directly up the tree roots to the roof overhang above the large cave was climbed by Peter Naituli and Ian Lekiluai on the 3rd ascent (17th March 2022).

Access: you can abseil from the top, or walk to the bottom of the route. Walking, get to the bottom of the cliff, then stay low while you aim for the big rock with orange overhangs separated from the main wall. Walk around that wall and find a way up (some scramble might be needed). There's a small flat spot on top of some white rocks to camp. Abseil: walk to the end of the tourist path, then walk along the cliff to a boulder tucked inside a forest. Follow a rough trail down. You can ask MCK for a GPS track. Find your way into the cave, then get to the first belay and abseil down the route (two 60m ropes needed), it's more or less straight but easy to miss a belay.

FA: climbingfish, Emmanuel F & Julian Wright, 25 Jul 2021

Mixed trad 290m, 7, 19 Mt Ololokwe area
VS Hourglass Crack

The next jamming crack with a narrowing in the middle. The narrowing is hard to pass and the top is still hard.

FA: Ian Howell & R. Pillinger, 1969

Trad 16m Hell's Gate
E1 5b K.L. Corner

The corner crack between the two faces is climbed free (natural pro).

FA: D.D. Gray & Ian Howell, 1971

Trad 22m Lukenya
{FR} 6b New Home for Nkulupa

Named in honour of the black scorpion hiding behind a big flake pulled off the route. Fun, varied vertical climbing with a sting in its tail! On the big rock perpendicular to Baboon Cliff proper.

FA: Ian Thorpe & Fish Shah, Aug 2019

Sport 15m, 5 Mt Ololokwe area
VD Boulder Six

Start on the right-hand corner of crag from point of almost-detached flake. Keep generally to corner of crag, climb crack to top.

Trad 20m Lukenya
V2 Chickenhead

Sit-down start matched on really nice jug, moves left and up with a big move to a nice edge up at the lip. One of Lukenya's best!

FA: Andew Andress

Boulder Lukenya
V2 Oversized shorts

Crouch start on far right of prow, traverses just a few moves left and then up the face

FA: Lindsey Andress

Boulder Lukenya
E2 5b Los Penitentes

On the red face facing south picnic tree. One bolt at start, then traverse diagonally to the right, move up to holes. Then traverse left on horizontal crack until it thins down, with another bolt above the crack. Finish at bolted anchors.

FA: Ulf Carlsson & Nicolas Ganzin, 1996

Mixed trad 2 Lukenya
HVS 5a AU:17 The Lizard

What a joy this old classic is for the way it sorts out Lukenia climbers who can't get up cracks. There used to be a tree 9m up, which has now disappeared, adding to the quality of the climbs. Begin by thin crack in main bay where three or four technical moves leads to the overhang. Traverse left 1m and up flake to tricky move left to ledge (where the tree used to be). Move up a few feet and crux move into crack on right which is climbed to easier laybacking. Move left to gully and abseil cable.

FA: Barry Cliff & Anne-Marie Weber, 1961

Trad 23m Lukenya
{FR} 5a Blue Velvet

Fun slabby route that finishes under the tree.

Set: Sean Grobler & Bernard Moulins

Sport 30m, 13 Twin Peaks Crag
E2 5b The Keep

A brilliant climb which takes the main South face of the Castle. Start right of a flake on the ground an 50' of easy climbing leads to a point where the lower slab meets the steepening wall. A long pitch leads up right to the right-hand side of a flake, then up aot a prominent quartz-hole. Traverse diagonally leftwards to an obvious niche, then move right and up a cruzy wall to a horizontal crack (fixed peg pro on right). Move left to wall below bolt and make difficult move up to obvious finishing groove. Easier to top.

FA: Ian Howell & Brian Thomas, 1977

Mixed trad 55m, 3 Lukenya
VS Sword of Damocles

The crack 1.5 m right of Doddle is capped by an overhang at 6 m. The route follows the crack. Climb the crack to the roof which is passed on the right. Traverse left across block and round the arete until polished cracked slabs can be easily followed to the traverse line.

FA: R. Black & H. Black, 1970

Trad 16m Hell's Gate
VS Lot's Crack

Next right from Lot’s Mistress. The steep jamming crack between the pillars, with no resting place and no protection.

FA: R. Pillinger & T. Phillips, 1969

Trad 14m Hell's Gate
VS Babylon

The twin cracks right of the hanging gardens. The upper part is hard as the obviously rotten jug on the left is ignored.

FA: T. Phillips, H. Lather & J. Kelly, 1969

Trad 16m Hell's Gate
VS AU:17 Stiletto

The highest section of the Main Wall is steep, pale and overhangs at the top. Just right of the top an obvious gully descends the cliff for 30 m. The climb starts immediately below this in a steep groove to the left of a grey column. Pegs should not be carried on this route.

  1. 30 m Climb crack until a move right can be made onto a ledge. Move along this and belay in niche up on right.

  2. 30 m Up slightly then step right on buttress and up to ledge. Move up left then back right to steep black wall which is climbed to belay at triangular flake.

  3. 25 m Up ramp and ridge to belay below overhangs.

  4. 37 m (THIS PITCH HAS CHANGED) From in situ belay peg, traverse 2 m left to break leading up through overhangs. Now traverse right across slabs to finishing gully. Seriousness: 3

FA: Iain Allan & Chris Wilson, 1968

Trad 120m Hell's Gate
{UIAA} 3 NE Gully and Ridge

Time: Half a day. An obvious fully leads to the North-East Ridge. Then rope down to another gully which leads to the summit. A much better (if harder) variation to this route is to follow the first gully until the wall steepens. Go up and traverse left, then follow cracks up to a tat belay. Fun, maybe Severe climbing with a well-protected crux. From belay go up until te ridge, then follow right to top. Descent is back down the same route on tat anchors. Check this and add your own tat. 3 proper pitches, the initial gully can easily be scrambled or simul-climbed.

FA: Eric E. Shipton & H.W. Tillman, 1930

Unknown 3 Mt Kenya
VD Spreadeagle

Start in groove 5m left of Jacob’s Ladder route. Traverse out onto left-hand wall. Continue climb moving slightly right-handed but not meeting Jacob’s Ladder.

Trad 31m Lukenya
S Tramlines

Start at foot of large fig tree in gully. Layback to top of flake on right. Traverse left a few feet to ledge at foot of upper gully. From here thin twin cracks up right- hand corner of gully take route out onto face on right which is then climbed direct.

Trad 35m Lukenya
E2 6a The Joker

Take Arthur's Horror as far as the big block belay below the final pitch. Take the obvious flake up from here and step right to small ledge. Continue up rightwards to a point below bolt. This route thrillingly makes its way up to the right of the bolt, edges leftwards above and up (fixed peg pro), to awkward moves on final few feet of cliff. You'll love every second! Downgrade to E2 6a in 2022.

FA: Iain Allan & Clive Ward, 1990

Mixed trad 60m, 2 Lukenya
D Standard Route

Start at base of face below apex of groove 2.5m' to right of tree at ground level. Climb left to overhang at easiest point, surmount this and move up to reasonable rock that leads to finish.

Trad 33m Lukenya
S Archway Supersuperdirect

Alternate start to Archway Direct. Further round corner to right at narrow crack with fig tree. Climb crack in entirety, including section above ledge. Rejoin route at ledge and finish as for Archway Direct: ascend steep wall behind to ledge. Climb wall and slab directly behind to finish.

Trad 28m Lukenya
VD Archway Direct

Start at point of slab directly below tree on overhang, a pigeonhole 1m above ground. Move right-handed to platform, ascend steep wall behind to ledge. Climb wall and slab directly behind to finish in bushy trees. Abseil from here Two alternate starts may be made: Superdirect and Supersuperdirect.

Trad 20m Lukenya
{FR} 5a Leicht Beaut

Shorter climb on far right with higher start in chimney and anchor sitting lower down.

Sport 15m Mt Ololokwe area
S Dilemma

Start at foot of rib to left of crack with nettle tree. Follow rib for 25m, move right to platform. Left-handed to final wall and twin cracks, finish on right of these.

Trad 80m Lukenya
HVS 5a The Last Voyage of The Titanic

From cave belay move up left to brown streak in groove. Climb this direct to steep brown-coloured wall. Up this with ease to overhang. The overhang is split by a prominent narrow ledge, which is gained from the left. Bolt. Move up trending rightwards to top of the cliff.

FA: Herve & Nathalie Sergeraert, 1990

Trad 25m Lukenya
VS 4b Tombstone

Start at the very base of slab at small bush some feet right of boulder. Climb centre of 3m nose and 8m slab above to vertical wall. Traverse left and climb directly into groove above. Up groove to prominent horizontal crack. Move left onto wall and climb to fig tree belay.

FA: W. M. Adams, A. Owen & Horsfall, 1959

Trad 20m Lukenya
VS 4c Frogman

Probably worth doing if for no other reason than the rare pleasure of climbing a crack at Lukenya. At the left end of Upper Cliffs is a dark bay. The Lizard takes the line up the corner, and immediately left of the bay is a steep wall with an overhang at 4.5m. Left of this is a thin crack. Ascend crack on finger-locks for 10m, then easily up arete to abseil cable.

FA: Iain Allan and'@ianhowell, 1989

Trad 22m Lukenya
VS AU:16 The Devil Drives

At the extreme right end of the Main Wall there is an obvious corner where the cliff bends sharply into Entrance Wall. This route makes its way up to the left of the corner. Start below the prominent nose by a large detached block.

  1. 25 m. Climb onto block then up steep crack to ledge. Follow crack above until it is possible to step right, then up blocks to good belay.

  2. 25 m. Climb above belay and step right to ledge. Now up to higher ledge, from where a traverse leads left for 5 m to a crack. Up this and belay on a detached block. Peg belay.

  3. 30 m. Straight up slabs above for 10 m to recess (peg runner). Descend a few feet then traverse left across steep wall to crack. Up this to ledge then finish up broken rock to the right. Seriousness: 3

FA: Iain Allan & Alan Walker 24/9/72, 1972

Trad 80m Hell's Gate
HVS 5a Swog

This route is a 8m boulder problem at the top of a nondescript slab, which is located some 8m left of the start of Cemetery Corner. The lower slab leads easily to the first bolt, and the route continues straight up past a second bolt to the top. Near the top it is difficult staying clear of Tombstone. Worth doing but the climb would be far superior with one less bolt.

FA: Ulf Carlsson & Nicolas Ganzin, 1991

Mixed trad 16m, 2 Lukenya
VD Cakewalk Direct

Start on sandy coloured tower to left of standard route. 7m - Up tower in middle. 12m - Up red wall on right of gully. 9m - Slightly left to climb ‘cheese rings’ to left hand end of overhang and take this direct. An alternative start may be made up the black groove to the left of the sandy-coloured tower. An alternative finish is to climb through the nick in the overhang to the right.

Trad 30m Lukenya
{FR} 6c As Good as it Gets Direct Start

The much harder direct start to As Good as it Gets. Crimpy, cruxy moves straight up until you join up with the easier ground of the top half of As Good as it Gets.

Sport Lukenya
VS West Rib Variation

At the foot of the West Rib there is an obvious edge with a blank wall on its right. Up delicately, then layback to easier wall above and join route.

FA: Iain Allan, 1966

Trad 40m Hell's Gate
HS 4b Thin Wall (original)

Start in crack behind clump of trees where there is a thick grey tree root.

  1. 12m. Climb crack 4m and move right onto wall and to platform. Move left across crack to wall with good holds and climb into sentry box. Belay to column on right.

  2. 17m. Ascend back of sentry box until a prominent crack, slightly right is reached. Climb this and move left-handed across wall leading to small bush. 4.5m leads to boulder for belay. Alternate finish by traversing left from top of back of sentry box to fig tree.

FA: R. Caukwell, P. Campbell & Heeroma, 1954

Trad 30m Lukenya
HVS 5a The Groove

The prominent groove capped by a triangular block on the face overlooking the entrance to the gorge. Climb groove to its end then step right into crack. Up this a few feet then move left across lip of overhang and straight up to summit.

FA: Martin Harris & Ian Howell, 1967

Trad 37m Hell's Gate
VD Tidy

Start almost precisely halfway between Tombstone and Hammer and Sickle and go straight up to the right- angled corner at the left-hand end of the overhang. Climb to corner and finish on the upper slab.

Trad 20m Lukenya
D Ammon

Start at the right-hand corner of buttress. Climb to ledge at 4.5m. Step across gully to corner on right and follow corner to top.

Trad 20m Lukenya
V3 Mom Pants Traverse

Same start as Oversize Shorts with low left traverse and finishes up Carolyn's Baby. Really fun moves on the overhung traverse.

Boulder Lukenya
V3 Rooster Tail

Sit-down start on the same jug as Chicken Head, moves right and up. (Very tensiony for shorter climbers and probably a full grade harder due to the heinous intermediate side-pull crimp before the jug near the top.)

FA: Andew Andress

Boulder Lukenya
5b+ Dors

Nice sport route with some steep moves.

Set: Sean Grobler & Andrew Ines

Sport 25m Twin Peaks Crag

Showing 1 - 100 out of 1,750 routes.

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