
Nodes in Nuevo León

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Nuevo León

Excellent limestone, multiple styles: slab, pockets, tufas and freestyle (jk), best crags in Mexico, super short approach (maybe you can belay from your car) Regio culture, carne asada and climbing

La Huasteca

From all the climbing areas in Nuevo Leon "La Huasteca" is the closest one to Monterrey. The rock here is limestone and its color is pale gray to white. Most routs here are slab, with some exceptions.

La Huasteca
La Zona Roja del Paco

Rutas variadas muy cerca de la entrada y de los ricos elotes. ADVERTENCIA: PRIMERAS PLAQUETAS FUERON ROBADAS, EXTREMA PRECAUCIONES


La Huasteca La Zona Roja del Paco
Los Elotes

To the right of the small chappel

A la derecha de la capilla pequeña

La Huasteca La Zona Roja del Paco Los Elotes
Elotes Norte

on the chappel's right, includes the small blocky face pointing Northwest a la dereca de la capilla, incluye la cara pequeña y con bloques que apunta al noroeste

La Huasteca La Zona Roja del Paco Los Elotes Elotes Norte
5.11c Complementos Medianos

A la izquierda de Pedacito de mi Vida

Left of Pedacito de mi Vida

5.10c Pedacito de mi Vida

A la derecha de "Complementos Medianos" Diedro antes de reunión

Right of "Complementos Medianos" obvious dihedral before chains

5.10d Quesito Fresco

A la derecha de "Pedacito de mi Vida" sigue el arete del lado derecho

Right of "Pedacito de mi Vida" follows right side arete

5.10b Diedro de mi Deivid

Sobre la cara angosta que mira al noroeste

On the narrow northwestern-oriented face

5.10a Tocando el vacio

subir hasta el pequeño puerto donde se encuentra una manguera para transportar agua, subir todo el filo hasta terminar la cresta, bajar en rapel por la ruta mortal kombat

5.10a La maestra Yolanda

Escalada por la grieta offwidth hasta la pequeña cumbre, cuidado con las posibles rocas sueltas.

5.11 B Mortal Kombat

150 metros arriba del cauce del rio , la reunion de la ruta sirve para el descenso de tocando el vacio. regletas muy tecnicas

La Huasteca La Zona Roja del Paco Los Elotes
Elotes Sur

Opposite to Elotes Norte

La Huasteca La Zona Roja del Paco Los Elotes Elotes Sur
5.10d Chilaquiles

Primera ruta de izquierda a derecha First from left to right

5.9 El Desayuno

Primera plaqueta alta del suelo, la primera parte sigue una grieta profunda con agarres aparentemente grantes a una repisa antes de la primera plaqueta.

First bolt high from the ground, fist part is an obvious wide crack with seemingly big holds to a nice step before the first bolt

La Huasteca
Pico Licos

Primer pico con forma triangular justo frente a la entrada.

first arête just across the river in front of the park´s entrance.

La Huasteca Pico Licos
5.6 La Arista Licos

1er largo: 4ta clase 2do largo: 4ta clase 3er largo: 4ta clase 4to largo: 4ta clase con reunion trad 5to largo: 5.6

5.8 A1 Sur Licos

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

A1 La Che

Ruta por el centro de la placa del pico licos. climb the center of the dead vertical wall.

5.10c El Diedro Licos

acceso por el poniente, hay que subir por unas repisas de 4ta clase par allegar al comienzo de la ruta. vas a encontrar algunos clavos pero la ruta fue plaqueteada por Miguel Guerra en 2013.

La Huasteca
Las Rejas

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

La Huasteca Las Rejas
5.9 Tragando Camotes

Grieta ancha asemejando la parte media de un hexagono.

5.10a La Otra

comparte reunion con Tragando camotes

5.10b Tragos de amargo licor

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11a La Vagina

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.12a Clitoris

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.13a Punto G

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10a Fisura

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

La Huasteca

Zona clásica con rutones clásicos, grados sostenidos y de referencia, problemas de equilibrio, especial por sus agarres tipo pocket pero con crimps

Classic zone with classic routes, sustained grades.

La Huasteca Cazuelas
5.9 Tragando Camotes

Chimney 20 Yards up.

Chimenea a 20 Metros del suelo.

5.10 La Otra

To the right of "Tragando Camotes"

5.10d Tragos de amargo licor

Tough start and hard mid section. Really fun.

Comienzo duro y segundo crux casi al terminar.

5.8 - 10a Serpientes y Escaleras

Ultima via hacia la Izq. Armada por Marcelo Gonzalez. cuidado con bloques sueltos a la izquierda de esta via.

Ruta al lado izquierdo de Parasiempre.

5.10a Para Siempre

Ruta para principiantes, sostenida y divertida. For beginners, fun and sustained

5.13b SR Mandril

Hermosa Via en un 2ndo largo, entras por Serpientes y Escaleras y te sigues por ls placas justo arriba de esta via.

5.13b Mara

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.13c Veneno

Acceso por "Para Siempre" Access via "Para Siempre"

5.13b Samsara

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11b Semana Baja

Esta ruta es muy clásica y es de las mas escaladas en esta pared. Es muy cortita y es buena para calentar.

5.12c El Diedro de Chuy

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11d Macabrona

Por la cara entre el diedro de Chuy y el diedro de lágrimas de mi chorizo.

5.10c Lagrimas de mi chorizo

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10b Cuatro Fantasticos

Previamente la primer plaqueta estaba muy alta en el diedro vertical, debido al inicio sencillo que está a favor.

Ahora, si se comienza por la izquierda del árbol, hay dos plaquetas en el tramo a favor, la primera de estas se comparte con "Lagrimas de mi chorizo". (may'22)

La reunión ahora tiene tres plaquetas, y es posible ecualizarla. Para desmontar, la plaqueta derecha tiene una cadena larga, la central dos aros de rappel y la izquierda no tiene nada. (may'22)

Previously the first bolt was quite high on the vertical dihedral, due to an easy slabby start.

Now, if started left of the tree, now there are two bolts on the slab, the first of which is shared with "Lagrimas de mi chorizo". (may'22)

The anchor now has three bolts and is possible to equalize. To rappel, the right bolt has a long chain, the center one has two rappel rings and the left one has nothing. (may'22)

5.9 Veinte Años Despues

12 bolts + 2 reunión con permanentes (08/22)

"Veinte años después" es un diedro. Es buena ruta para principiantes.

5.11d Volar Sin Alas

Usar primeras plaquetas de 20 Años Despues. Use fist bolts of 20 Años Despues

5.12d Adicto A Matar

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11d Negro Apocaliptico

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.13a Black Mamba

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.13a Tres Mosqueteros

Muy buena ruta! Esta ruta es un clasico, esta muy hebrada pero los vuelos son limpios.

5.13a El Bandido

Comparte la entrada de "Tres Mosqueteros" y una sección media del "Sueño que de Niño".

5.13c Sueño que de Niño

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10d Mundito

short route.

Ruta corta con inicio cruxoso y sobado.

5.12d Mundo Grafico

Esta ruta está directamente a la derecha de la grieta/diedro de Mundo Perfecto y tiene plaquetas oxidadas muy viejas

5.12c Genesis

Movimientos super técnicos y muy divertidos de placa.

5.12a Grandes Diseños

Muy buena vía de equilibrio. Movimientos técnicos de placa. Muy divertida y recomendable!

5.12b Apocalipsis

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.12d Red Suzuki

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11c Electra

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11b Aunque Dios No Quiera

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10c Doña Petra

Tres Plaquetas, entrada pulida.

5.12d Desesperada Tranquilidad

Ruta que se encuentra a la derecha de la pared principal de cazuelas, del lado derecho del techo donde muchas personas realizan prácticas de rapel. Empieza con un bolt bastante alto (sugiero colocar con un clipstick), sube hacia una tufa obvia, pasando por una pared casi plana. Un clásico huastequero.

La Huasteca
Parque Uno

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

La Huasteca Parque Uno
5.11a Starve el Ego, Alimenta el Alma

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

La Huasteca
La Lulu

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

La Huasteca La Lulu
5.9 El Buho

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.9 El Ojo Del Buho

Angulos caseros y plaquetas, la ruta pasa por varias repisas, termina en la misma repisa donde termina la ruta de la derecha. 12 plaquetas + 2 reunion.

5.9 Llaves de la Troca

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.9 Cortita 1

Ruta corta pero con buenos movimientos, la repisa al final esta muy cómoda.

5.9 Cortita 2

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10a Botanera

Se empieza por una grieta. La ruta cuenta con una nueva reunión.

5.9 Pequeña Lulu Izquierda

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.9 Pequeña Lulu

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10b Andromeda

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10d Escorpion

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

La Huasteca
Pico Independencia (izq) y Pico Pirineos (der).

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

La Huasteca Pico Independencia (izq) y Pico Pirineos (der).
5.10c Las Espinas

Despues del tercer largo se mueve a la derecha, pasando por un largo pequeño con un diedrito, conectando con el largo que va a hacia la palma donde esta el crux. Los ultimos dos largos son cortos para salir al puerto entre la pared de juan de dios y la arista independencia, rapel por detras de 20 mts

5.10d El Infierno aka La Arista Independencia

La ruta es complicada ya que es deportiva. Pero recientemente construyeron una via ferrata, interfiriendo a lo largo de la ruta en varias ocasiones

5.9 Pirineos Sur

Esta fue la primer ruta de estos picos y esta en la cara sur por donde estan los rapeles

5.9 A2 La Norte Independencia

Tambien conocida como la checoeslovaca. Fue la primer ruta en la que se utilizo una cuerda dinamica como tal. Ya que antes se escalaba en l zona, con cuerdas de henequen. Probablemente por el mal estado de la ruta pueda llegar a ser A2-A3. Ya que muchos clavos y chavetas estan podridos

A3+ La Directisima

Esta iconica ruta fue la primera ruta por el centro de la pared Independencia. Intentada por varias cordadas hasta que finalmente PAUL VERA en un estilo impecable, hace el primer ascenso en solitario de esta via en el mas puro estilo aperturista. Huastequismo puro

5.12d The life you can save

Established by visiting British climber Gareth "Gaz" Leah during his initiative Project Wall-E and NGO, Escalando Fronteras. The route takes teh super direct line from the valley floor to the summit through a plethora of rock formations and styles. The route is very well equipped and the harder sections can be aided through by "french free" climbing. For those looking to climb the route over 2 days, It is possible to Bivi under the roof at the 7th pitch but a hammock is recommended.

5.10c María Urrutia

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10b Ernest Mallafre

Esta ruta se accesa por la canaleta que usan para hacer el rapel que baja a la cueva de la virgen. Esta a tres o cuatro metros a la izquierda de Reynas y Reyes y las únicas protecciones son chavetas y clavos viejos. La ruta tiene muy pocas protecciones y tiene hasta 20 metros de espacios sin anclajes, por esto es necesario/recomendable llevar stoppers y algunos cams. El cruz si tiene alrededor de 10 chavetas pero todas están oxidadas y la reunión es una sola chaveta antigua.

El primer largo son como 30 metros pero puedes juntarlo sin problema con el segundo largo. Pasas por una chimenea que requiere un poco de técnica. El tercer largo es un poco más fácil y acaba en una pequeña repisa donde inicias una travesía a la izquierda. El cuarto largo lo agrego solo porque es la travesía de 10 metros a la izquierda para dar belay de un lugar más cómodo y poder ver al escalador en la siguiente sección. El quinto largo inicia con una travesía a la izquierda y luego entras a la canaleta a la parte más aérea de la ruta, la reunión es una argolla con una cadena vieja, es más recomendable subir uno o dos metros más y montar una reunión con stoppers o cams. El último largo ya no entra de lleno a la canaleta, vas por un filito o arista la izquierda de la canaleta que sube el largo anterior.

Para bajar tiene que caminar un poco hacia abajo por la otra cara de la pared haciendo como un trayecto de media luna que baja y luego sube un poco hasta llegar a las cadenas del rapel. El primer rapel son como 45 metros, con una cuerda de 80 se pueda hacer y desescalar un poco. Sigues un caminito como si quisieras llegar a la pared donde termina la tirolesa de la vía ferrata, pasas un chorreadero y topas el caminito hasta topar con el siguiente rapel de aproximadamente 30 metros. Llegas a otra estación de donde ya no hay problema siguiendo las chavetas y las siguientes estaciones para terminar de bajar.

5.11c Reinas y Reyes

The route rappels are not by the same route. Watch out for rhe the snakes. Rappel es por la parte trasera del pico de independencia. Pero la ruta nunca toca esta pared. El pico q escalas es el pirineos en realidad.

Se baja por atras siguiendo los rapeles indicados con amarillo y azul en otra de las imagenes.

5.10b Primer Año

Cuidado con piedras sueltas. First pitch goes through a couple of bushes, next two pitches are a little less full of plants while the last pitch is a must do, great exposure and excellent quality rock and move on an exposed backdrop with a beautiful scenery of the parks entrance. (a set of stoppers could be of help) Bajas por atras de la cueva de la virgen, para bajar por el hike de esta misma.

Cueva trasera Pico Pirineos

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

La Huasteca Pico Independencia (izq) y Pico Pirineos (der). Cueva trasera Pico Pirineos
5.12d EL Lobo del desierto

El Lobo del desierto 470mts, 5.12d

Multilargo de escalada deportiva, roca de varios largos establecida por Rolando Larcher, Maurizio Oviglia y Luca Giupponi a principios de enero de 2016 Este ruta se ubica por las cara este y norte del Pico Pirineos en Monterrey en México. 12 largos en total hasta 5.12d, un gran muro impresionante, escalado, limpiado y liberado.

La ruta tiene 12 largos (470 mts) y está calificada como (5.12d). El gran muro se trepó desde cero sin utilizar ayudas entre un perno y otro.

Largos: 1- 12a 50mts / 2- 12b 40mts / 3- 12a 35mts / 4- 12c 40mts / 5-11b 40mts / 6- 5.9 30mts / 7- 12a 40mts / 8- 12b 35 / 9- 11c 40 mts / 10-12d 40mts / 11- 11a 30mts / 12- 11d 50mts.

Este multilargo esta armado con estilo deportiva, pero los armadores sugieren llevar equipo adicional de apoyo. VER INFORMACIÓN EN TOPO DIBUJO

Puedes hacer medio multilargo (7 largos) , si sales por la cueva trasera de la virgen e inicias por la canaleta de lado derecho. (ver fotografia de parte trasera de la cueva)


La Huasteca
Cueva de la Virgencita

Es la cueva más pequeña que está debajo de la cueva de la virgen.

Las Hienas

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

La Huasteca Las Hienas
5.11b Bellota

Muy cortita pero bonita

5.11c Maquinaria Diesel

Recomiendo que enclipes la primer plaqueta desde el piso con un palo.

5.11b One for the head

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.12a Fire

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11c The nut breaker

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.12a MAMMUT

las 2 vias son 5.12a

La Huasteca
La Martha

This great area with 5.10 and 5.11 routes is located below the Virgen and Virgencita caves.

La Huasteca La Martha
5.11c Susurrando Mentes

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.11c Tetas de Perra y Pinchazos de Hamburgesa

The access is controlled by policemen who lookout for irregularities, just slow down and wait for them to ask you to keep driving. During raining season there are chances that the river is too high to cross, making this climbing area inaccessible.

5.10b Anillo de poder

Grieta a la izquierda del pilar. Crack left of the flake.

5.10b Torre inclinada

Ruta sobre pilar/laja grande en piso. Route on big flake.

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