
Ascensiones en Yesterday Gully como varios tipos de ascensiones registradas por Douglas Hockly

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Mostrando los 38 ascensiones.

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Jue 3.º Dic 2015 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Yesterday Gully Upper Gully Parsley Area
21 Parsley Clásica 12m Muy buena
This is excellent. Start is technical on great rock, finish is a bit easier. Looks like 23, even when you're on it! Might be a bit scary to lead in the bottom half. Top half would be fine.

21 Sage - con Wendy Eden Clásica 12m Buena
Good climbing, would be a bit worrying to lead in the lower third I think. And maybe a touch runout at the top.

18 Rosemary - con Wendy Eden Clásica 10m Buena
Good fun, plenty of gear.

Sáb 14.º Nov 2015 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Yesterday Gully Upper Gully
27 Genug - con Gordon Poultney Clásica mixta 15m, 2 Buena
Has a very, very cool crux move - drive by from layaway to undercling

26 Yesterday Clásica 27m Megaclásica
I think this is borderline 27. I'm always so impressed when people onsight this as it's hard, sustained and technical till close to the end.

23 Lunatic Clásica mixta 25m, 3 Clásico
If only it didn't have the rest in the gully.. fabulous climbing. A small cam (green alien? blue alien? I forget) is a very, very good idea to back up (or replace) the peg.

18 Psychotic - con Juergen Bollinger Clásica 20m Medio
Wouldn't bother doing it again. Doesn't come together that well.

19 Moo Hawaii Clásica 25m Buena
20 Blue Hawaii Clásica 35m Buena
Dodgy rock at the start detracts.

22 21 Yesterday's Rooster Clásica mixta 22m, 2 Buena
I always find this a bit scary - rock and gear at the start are a bit iffy. And it feels like 22

12 Sweet Bugger All Clásica 30m Ni te molestes
I thought this was awful!

20 The Last Resort Clásica 30m Medio

15 Future Past - con Ben Weissner Clásica 31m Buena
Actually good! Some loose blocks though.

23 Haphazard - con estherenita Clásica 15m Muy buena
Great - hard, continuous and varied. Only just managed to squeak up this one.

23 Not Just a Pretty Face Clásica 35m Buena
23 Fever Pitch Clásica mixta 30m, 2 Muy buena
22 Black Spasm - con Paul Deacon Clásica 20m Buena
Eases a lot after the roof. Some bees nearby.

Sáb 14.º Nov 2015 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Yesterday Gully Lower Gully
24 Pattern Juggler Direct Start Clásica 15m Buena
25 More Moves Clásica 10m Medio
Looks good but doesn't really come together

23 Milk Blood Variant Finish Clásica 10m Buena
I find this easier than the original!

23 Milk Blood - con Gordon Poultney Clásica 10m Muy buena
Went for it off the wire at the rest... and fell off the last move.

23 Pattern Juggler Clásica 15m Buena
Good climbing - yet another worthwhile 23 in Yesterday Gully

18 Tomorrow Clásica 10m Buena
Twicky, and be careful of the start

18 Undertow Clásica 15m Buena
Good, and probably easier than Tomorrow!

20 The Same Issues Clásica 10m Buena
19 Changin' Times Clásica 10m Ni te molestes
Crap gear and dodgy rock

Vie 13.º Nov 2015 - Arapiles
The Pharos and Surrounds Yesterday Gully Lower Gully
20 Hypnosis Clásica 15m Medio
22 In Lemon Butter Clásica 15m Muy buena
You think you've done the crux, but you haven't.

23 Snow Blind Clásica mixta 15m, 1 Muy buena
Very good but slick

18 Four Sticks Clásica 20m Buena
22 Ephemeral Direct Finish Clásica 22m Muy buena
22 Ephemeral Clásica 20m Buena
24 Les Ordures Blanches - con Wendy Eden Clásica 20m Buena
22 White Heat - con Kate Dooley Clásica 20m Muy buena
21 21 R More of the Same Clásica 25m Buena
I thought gear was OK on this, but I've only done it once. My impression is that it doesn't deserve the R rating. Climbing was cool.

18 Turquoise Clásica 25m Muy buena
A little scary up the arete at the top as the rope stretch would land you on the ledge. You could belay on the ledge which would help if 18 is close to your limit.

19 19 R Green Shirt Clásica 25m Buena
Start is fun, finish is scary! There's a #3RP that is too low to keep you off the ledge and a loose flake you have to pull on. Happy not to do this one again.

23 23 R Cat People - con Gordon Poultney Clásica 25m Medio
Had my best day ticking ghosts when I did Spasm, Genug and this.. though Gordy had to show me how to do this by the end.


Mostrando los 38 ascensiones.

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