
루트들 Between the Sheeps에서

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~에 의한 분류 대량편집(최대100)

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도
V3 Railroad

Left most problem. Sit start and move up to the good edge in the break, then gaston and undercling your way out the lip to an interesting mantle. Classic.

V4 Carpet Crawler

Start as for 'Railroad' then finish as for 'Cinema Show'.

V4 Slot Machine

Sit start with the good slots just right of 'Railroad' and make a big move (crux) up to the good holds in the roof. Finish as for the mantle on 'Railroad'. Punchy!

V4 Railway Machine

Start as for 'Slot Machine' and traverse right into 'Cinema Show'. Finish up this.

V3 Cinema Show

An independant and direct line right of 'Slot Machine'.

V4 Orange Goblin

The line left of 'Kamikaze'. Could be the flakeline ending nowhere in particular.

V8 Bonsai

Start left of Kamikaze and head left.

V6 Kamikaze

Should be obvious due to the name, the nature of the crux, and the whereabouts of the 30ft slab under the final move. Sit start and make a HUGE move out of a RH pocket undercling to the massive jug out on the lip, either direct or via the intermediate sloper. What ever you do - don't come off the match!

V4 To Catch a Thief

A variation of the previous problem, but better. Starting off the sloper above the shelf (right of previous problem), make a move left to the good pocket, then cross to the prominent 2-finger pocket and span out left into 'I Must Have Been the Thief'. Finish as for this.

V3 I Must Have Been the Thief

Awkward sit start off the raised platform from two good large pockets, then up directly via more pockets (clue - gaston) to lip jug.

V7 Bomb Shell

Start as for To Catch a Thief (V4) on the two big pockets, link this into Remains of the Sheep (V6). The ledge is out.

V6 Remains of Sheep

A variation, but one of the best lines here. Starts as for 'Chas Remains' to the 3-finger pocket, then gaston right and continue rightwards past good pockets and a pinch, finishing as for 'Between the Sheeps'. A great 13-move pumpfest. Watch the landing on the final move.

V6 Between the Sheeps

A direct line out from the start of When We Were Kings to a 'thread' undercling, then big move out to the large pocket, then finish directly (same finish as for 'Remains of the Sheep'). Watch the landing! Note: The original write up finished as for 'Chas Remains' and was given V7.

V11 When We Were Kings

Only one of the moves on this 14 move roof traverse is hard. Unfortunately all the rest require exactly the same muscles, ensuring a month long bicep ache. Fred Nicole didn't do it! Can you?

FA: Klem Loskot, 1999

V12 Kings Cross

A more direct line into When We Were Kings, starting further to the right.

FA: Klem Loskot, 1999

V12 Big Buck Hunter

Start off big flake, out to undercling and huge move to pocket. Finish as for When We Were Kings.

V12 War Chief

Listed as a project (#19) in the 2016 guide. Sit start on chossy looking jugs 2m right of Big Buck Hunter, up direct into the finish holds of When We Were Kings.

V6 Family Loss

The name becomes apparent as soon as you take position in the sit start (there's a tree between your legs). Awkward low start then up via crimps and a fantastic finish jug.

V5 Anal Head

The very attractive line right of 'Family Loss' starting with a very low sit start under the roof utilising a LH pinch/pocket on the rib and a large RH gaston. Up through slopers and another gaston (or sidepull) to finish.

V4 Wirschllsiada

Line just right of 'Anal Head'.

V4 Chas Remains

Dangerous. Probably even more committing than 'Kamikaze'. Start off the shelf and reach up for a prominent 'spike' jug, then climb directly out to the deep 3-finger pocket. Turn 90 degrees and place your feet on the holds of the next problem, and make a most worrying couple of moves for the big 'flake' jug out on the lip. 15 spotters and a blow up bouncy castle useful...or just pre-order the ambulance.

V0 Project#2

Project to the right of the finish of 'Kings Cross'.

V3 Bunny

Sit start on the left, follow wavy cracks up on lovely slopey holds.

FA: Stefan H

볼더 3m
V4 Rat Poison

Start off rock on slopey jug, head up and right through committing moves between jugs.

볼더 8m
V9 Poison Salad

Rat Salad into Rat Poison. Mega!

V8 Rat Salad

Sit start on edges, bust out the roof via shouldery moves and finish up right. Either downclimb or shuffle along the shelf to top out.

볼더 4m
V5 Fallen Watchtower

Stand start, big move to lip and mantle.

볼더 4m
V5 Crumbling Castle

Sit start with udercling and crimp, up to edge and throw for sloper. Head left on slopers and mantle. Low right foot ledge is out. Bit crumbly but still worthy.

볼더 3m
V6 Stage Fright

Sit start on good holds, head up and right to join the rail before topping out as the landing falls away.

V6 Wing Entrance

Sit start on jug, head up and traverse left on slopers to finish as for Stage Fright.


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