
루트들 The Parrot Shelf Cliffs에서

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  • 바위형태
  • 관점
  • 스타일
  • Vegetation
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  • 식수 처
  • 적법성
  • 제 시간에 도착
  • 경사진 곳에 들어서다
~에 의한 분류 대량편집(최대100)

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도
24 The Devil & the Deep Blue Sea

Set: Nick Hancock, 2012

스포츠 클라이밍 30m, 8
18 Prince of Darkness

FA: Danny Wade & Simon Bischcoff, 12월 2018

혼합 고전등반 25m, 3
23 Black Fish

A nice deep-water solo with a heady crux at about 8 metres with excellent movement and a safe fall. A wet hold below the roof and a slightly crozzly top out detracts from the quality somewhat. Traverse horizontally from the main ledge on good holds till you get bellow the hanging chimney. Head up the cracks to powerful moves going left below the roof. Pull into the Hanging chimney and finish up the easier cracks above.

FA: Simon Bischoff, 12월 2018

딮 워터 솔로 20m
16 Low Road
전통등반 18m
12 Lost Sheep
전통등반 18m
16 Better Than It Looks, Three Stars
전통등반 18m
12 Wanker Diver
전통등반 15m
16 Pib and Pog
전통등반 15m
20 Geronimo
전통등반 15m
20 First Launch
전통등반 15m
15 Diller
전통등반 12m
15 Open Cut
전통등반 12m
21 Lay Line
전통등반 12m
18 Black Cockatoo
전통등반 12m
17 Cirrostratus
전통등반 20m
20 The Gift

FFA: 2004

전통등반 12m
14 Octopussy
전통등반 12m
18 Do Worms Eat Finger Tape

FFA: 2004

전통등반 14m
20 No Stove, No Key, No Telli!

FFA: 2004

전통등반 14m
8 Polly
전통등반 14m
17 True Grit
전통등반 14m
19 Dog Barf Road

FFA: 2004

전통등반 14m
21 Brimful of Asher

FFA: 2004

전통등반 14m
16 Kelpie
전통등반 14m
20 New
전통등반 14m
13 Cracker

Bloody steep for a grade 13! Well protected line through a roof left of Indigo.

전통등반 14m
18 18 left of Indigo

Obvious line about 2m left of Indigo. A few nice face moves up to a hand crack in a corner. Excellent protection.

전통등반 12m
16 Indigo

The left side of the pocketed wall, with a tricky finger crack up high.

전통등반 12m
17 Zephyr

The right most route on the main wall at the Parrot Shelf, starting just left of a low nose. Up and through awesome pocketed wall. Your faith that there will be protection will be rewarded.

전통등반 12m
20 South Parrot Shelf 1
전통등반 20m
16 South Parrot Shelf 2
전통등반 10m
17 South Parrot Shelf 3
14 South Parrot Shelf 4
전통등반 10m
18 South Parrot Shelf 5
전통등반 10m
11 South Parrot Shelf 6
전통등반 10m
10 South Parrot Shelf 7
전통등반 10m
11 South Parrot Shelf 8
전통등반 10m
17 South Parrot Shelf 9
전통등반 10m
19 South Parrot Shelf 10
전통등반 10m
16 South Parrot Shelf 11
전통등반 10m

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