
루트들 Copacabana에서

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~에 의한 분류 대량편집(최대100)

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도
V2 Trident

Start matched on left side of block, then right move out to compression then top out.

FA: Matt Hingee

V3 The Black Pearl

Sit start far right with LH in obvious scoop and RH/feet wherever comfortable. Traverse left staying low until big move around the corner to juggy pocket. Mantle around the prow and then top out. Top of the Boulder is out until you mantle the prow.

V4 Defeatist

Sit start in the obvious low undercling gaining the ledge, then move through the sloper to topout. All the pockets to the left and right of the climb are out. The high left sidepull is also out.

볼더 2m
V1/2 Deep Blue Cheese

One of the last boulders when walking north, clearly visible up on the left. Sitstart to some great moves on juggy pockets to a classic mantle.

Video link https://www.instagram.com/reel/CZEaNkTJ4u5/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

FA: Martijn van Eijkelenborg, 22 1월 2022

볼더 5m
V5 The Aquarius

20m before Deep Blue Cheese down on the right (can be wet at high tide/swell). From the low edge (shared with The Pisces) go right and up.

FA: Martijn van Eijkelenborg, 22 1월 2022

볼더 2m
V8 The Pisces

Sit/crouch start as for The Aquarius, but go straight up with hands using the two crimpers on the left only.

Video link https://www.instagram.com/reel/CZDNsqOATFQ/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

FA: Tom Hodgson, 22 1월 2022

볼더 3m
V6 The Taurus

A low traverse along the sloping edges on the face that finishes as for "The Aquarius". Stand-start with hands matched on the good edge on the right and head leftward along the sharp-angled slopers/crimps without using the lip for your hands. Make hard moves to the side pull on "The Aquarius" (at the arete) before using the lip to mantel. Somewhat contrived but fun.

FA: Jamie, 2 1월 2023

볼더 3m
V2/3 Sagittarius

On right hand side of the same bloc as The Aquarius.

Low start on small crimps. Climb up and left using good edges until you make the arete and then traverse up and right along it until you make the “V” shaped jug 2/3rds of the way up. Top out from there to finish.

Video link: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CZYgUPWJA6b/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

V4 Sagittarius Sit Start

Sit Start to Sagittarius, makes a good problem even better!

Tricky start from a bad left hand crimp and a right hand side pull.

V5 The Scorpio

Shared start with Sagittarius Sit, but move out left around the arete to top out.

Mauricio Chino

V1 Cancer

Arete to the right of sagittarius, Sit start, make your way up via a few pockets and jug holds exit via scoop or arete. Dont Fall

FA: Chris

볼더 4m
V1/2 Scratch Traverse

A lowball traverse about 30m south of the 'The Aquarius'. Start on the right, feet low and hands on the solid middle ledge. A first move to a high jug followed by a traverse left sticking to hands on the ledge. Make the crux move across the first major break of the ledge, then up and over. Avoid all crumbly jugs/edges.

FA: Lachlan Duignan, 3 4월 2022

V2 Ronald Banks

First boulder you get to when walking in. Pumpy V2. Start near the sign and traverse the edge to mantle near the arete.

FA: Martijn van Eijkelenborg, 27 1월 2022

볼더 3m
V1 Barry Manilow

Sit start.

FA: Martijn van Eijkelenborg, 27 1월 2022

볼더 3m
V11 Aquagamma

Starts matched on the lowest flat edge with a bad right smear foot and heads straight up, using edges and underclings

V8/9 AquaGamma Stand

Stand start on a right hand edge and left hand undercling around head height. Make a reachy move to some dimples with the right hand and make your way up on edges to top out.

FA: Tom Hodgson & Sam Healy

볼더 3m
V6 Cowabunga

Start as for slopey bread loaf in the middle of the wall, mini hop to weird pocket and top out

볼더 3m
V3 Her name was Lola

Sit start on sloping rail and head out left to the sloping arete, head straight up to top out.

FA: Martijn van Eijkelenborg, 22 1월 2022

볼더 4m
V0 Showgirl

Avoid the crumbly crimpers

FA: Martijn van Eijkelenborg, 27 1월 2022

볼더 4m
VB Yellow Feather

Avoid the crumbly crimpers

FA: Martijn van Eijkelenborg, 27 1월 2022

볼더 4m
V4 She Would Merengue

Sit start trending right through pocket

FA: Martijn van Eijkelenborg, 27 1월 2022

볼더 4m
V2 His name was Rico

Sit start from the low horizontal sloper rail and work your way up using the arete, top out left.

FA: Martijn van Eijkelenborg, 22 1월 2022

볼더 3m
V3 Pearly Lips Traverse

Start left of the lip and traverse around to the middle to top out.

FA: Martijn van Eijkelenborg, 22 1월 2022

볼더 4m
V11 Siren Song

Start on the two slotted edges and do a tricky 1-2 dyno to the lip. Easy mantle into the dish. Tom Hodgson (FA)

FA: Tom Hodgson, 5월 2024

볼더 4m
V0 Eighth Metal Jacket

Sit start

FA: Martijn van Eijkelenborg, 27 1월 2022

볼더 3m
V3 Conscription

Fun technical slab traverse. Sit start matched on jug on the corner and make your way around using large flake. Some tricky feet to gain the undercling and then two crimps before the final jug and top out. Top edge is out until you reach the last hold.

Video link: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CZYhgKoJlvo/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

볼더 2m
Flying Fish Proj

This boulder has sadly been crushed by another boulder

볼더시등 중
V4 Single Female Lawnmower

Behind the huge block 30 metres further south. Start as low as you can span.

FA: Martijn van Eijkelenborg, 27 1월 2022

볼더 3m
V3 Private Dawson

Start as for Low double pockets make large move up to crimp rail and topout

FA: Matt Hingee, 2022

볼더 2m
V4 Burnt Honey

Sit-start using a low left hand on the arete and the low pocket on the brown stone. Head up using the crimps and the arete, then top out.

볼더 3m
V2 Bee Sting

On the right side of The Hive bloc, sit start using the lowest holds. Go straight up. Anything to the left of the vertical iron band is out for hands.

FA: Sara Gebicki, 16 10월 2022


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