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~에 의한 분류 대량편집(최대100)

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등급 루트 장비 스타일 인기도
Approach boulders
V4 Ants, So Many Ants

Low stand start on wide sidepulls, left of the boulder on the ground. Move up and right to head up the prow. Watch the landing...

FA: Jack Folkes, 31 12월 2016

볼더 4m
17 Silver Spoon

A face climb up the thinning crack on the north-east side of an isolated boulder. The boulder is a couple of metres left of the main track, half way between the Hog Wall track and the northern entrance to the Atrium.

FA: Mike Law-Smith (solo), 1986

전통등반 9m
19 Pasadena

A short wall and crack on balanced boulders visible behind Silver Spoon, 15m off the path.

FA: Neil Montgomery & Adam Blizzard, 1987

전통등반 7m
20 US Blues

The finger then fist crack 4m right of Pasadena, on the same boulder.

FA: John Smart & Ajax Greene (solo), 1978

전통등반 6m
23 K-Mart Special

Cheap, nasty and totally worthless. The seam and crack on the steep side of the passage into the atrium, opposite 'California Dreaming'. Protect with cams in the horizontal break.

FA: Mike Law-Smith, 1987

전통등반 6m
16 California Dreaming

One of the better, if typically short, cracks at 'Legoland'. The obvious crack in the right (western) wall of the passage into the atrium. Walk right and scramble to descend.

FA: Norm Booth & Ray Lassman, 1974

전통등반 10m
V1 Try Troy's Traverse

This has probably been done before but is worth recording as it is fun and serves as a great warm up for the area. Start standing on the flake just off the ground about 2 metres right of 'The Renaissance Man'. Traverse right along the horizontal crack past 'California Dreaming' to top out at the far right of the wall.

볼더 7m
21 The Renaissance Man

Short slab arete with a hard start.

Set: Duncan Brown

FFA: Duncan Brown, 11월 2016

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 2
15 Oleo

Near the California Dreaming passage is a corner with a leftward leaning crack. Step off the boulder and climb the crack to a tree belay as for California Dreaming.

FA: Ray Lassman & Norm Booth, 1975

전통등반 10m
27 Freedom Of Information
1 27
2 17

A good trad pitch on perfect rock with ample protection and amazing movement.

Frees the old aid climb "Information".

  1. Start up the off width corner, 'Oleo' and then traverse left along the finger crack that trends slightly downwards. Perfect gear all along the crack although hard to place on lead in many places so running out the cruxes is the way to go. Technical movement on bad feet and flaring, slopey finger locks along almost the whole route is the name of the game. Finish at the far left arête and do the second pitch from there.

  2. From the far left arete, continue to follow the rising crack traverse to the far left of this wall and top out to the summit from there. Technical, balancey movement for the grade and good small cams for protection. Trad belays.

FFA: Duncan Brown, 8 1월 2017

전통등반 45m, 2
17 M3 Information

The horizontal line left of 'Oleo'.

  1. 25 metres (15M3) - Free up 'Oleo' and aid horizontally to a hanging belay on the left arete.

  2. 15 metres (17) - Continue free along the diagonal line.

FA: Phil Georgeff & Mike Law-Smith, 1987

인공 40m
19 Furry Floss

Opposite the Empty Step slab a thin crack leads to a ledge. Slab and mantle past a bolt to the top. Bouldery crux may make for a tricky onsight. First couple of ascents used small wires, BD3-5. Take cams, BD0.3-1 to belay off at the top. Scramble down the back to get off.

FFA: James Lister, 11월 2016

혼합 고전등반 10m, 1
23 Empty Step

The wall with three bolts to lower-offs. A thin crux past the first bolt.

FA: Adam Blizzard & Neil Montgomery, 1987

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 3
21 Pas de Deux

A pleasant climb up the arete right of Empty Step with four bolts to lower-offs.

FA: Neil Montgomery & Adam Blizzard, 1987

스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 4
22 Easy Wind

The best climb at 'Legoland'. The obvious rightward diagonal crack on the face right of Pas de Deux. Move off left to belay at the Pas de Deux anchor.

FA: John Smart & Ajax Greene, 1978

전통등반 20m
22 Easy Wind Direct Finish

As for Easy Wind and keep heading right under the overlap. A very good continuation in the same style.

FA: Mike Law-Smith & John Smart, 1982

전통등반 25m
25 Rentokill Surprise

Originally a stick and RP aid problem up the left leaning crack which joins 'Easy Wind'. It is now free with the aid of a chipped foothold, but the bouldery start is still protected in the same manner.

FA: Pat Butler & Greg Pritchard, 1980

FFA: Mike Law-Smith, 1988

전통등반 20m
12 Full House

The arete left of Ace High. Start from adjacent boulder, reach first bolt then step on and right to the slab and up past 3 bolts to a trad anchor and then walk off.

Set: Ray Spencer & Duncan Brown, 11월 2016

FFA: Ray Spencer & Duncan Brown, 11월 2016

스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 3
10 Ace High

Walk up the rather slick slab. Start: opposite 'Rentokill Surprise'.

FA: Ray Lassman & Norm Booth (solo), 1974

전통등반 15m
11 Running Flush

The slab right of 'Ace High'.

FA: Ray Lassman & Norm Booth (solo), 1974

전통등반 15m
Spirit Animal

This is a serious and commiting, ungraded highball. Down through the hole right of 'Running Flush' to the hidden courtyard. Immediately through the entrance hole and on your left there is a short steep wall capped with a high slab. Start on the obvious big feature, move right, mantle the lip and quest up the high slab, exiting top left. Do not use the wall behind you, but it is there as a safety net if you freak out halfway up. Some hollow flakes to be wary of and top rope pre-inspection is highly recommended.

Set: Patrick John Reynolds, 11월 2016

FFA: Patrick John Reynolds, 11월 2016

볼더 10m
20 ODub Shenanigans

Right of 'Running Flush' there is a slot down in between the large boulders, through a small hole that puts you in a courtyard platform in the middle of the cluster of boulders. On the right side (facing the valley) in the open courtyard you will find a short, overhanging off width crack. Take a 3, 4, 5 and 6 Camelot to protect. Trad belay and easy walk off. Feisty little number!

Set: Duncan Brown, 11월 2016

FFA: Duncan Brown, 11월 2016

전통등반 10m
9 Centre Direct

In the middle of the low angle slab (back side of the 'Information' block) scramble up to the wide ledge at the start from the left to belay and start the routes here. Up the slab past 1 bolt to a trad belay. Scramble down

Set: Duncan Brown, 11월 2016

FFA: Duncan Brown, 11월 2016

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 1
5 Skyline

On the far right side of the lows angle slab (back side of the 'Information' block) scramble up to the wide ledge at the start from the left to belay and start the routes here. Up the slab past 2 bolts to a trad belay. Scramble down

Set: Duncan Brown, 11월 2016

FFA: Duncan Brown, 11월 2016

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 2
7 Unnamed

The chimney between the slab block and the back of poachers forms a nice start to Skyline

전통등반 4m
21 Portable Pygmy

On the uphill side of the northernmost boulder is an enjoyable brushed wall with a high bolt.

FA: Mike Peck, Peter Fisk & John Carlson, 1984

혼합 고전등반 10m, 1
23 Nobface, Robin Waring Memorial Climb

Up the face and through the overlap past four bolts.

FA: Stephen Waring, 2012

스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 4
25 Poacher's Pantry

Lean across from the boulder to clip the first bolt. Step onto the arete. Follow the bolt ladder, levitating past the fifth bolt.

FA: Oliver Story, 2012

스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 6
22 Bad Press

Steeper than your average face. The well protected, friable wall with four bolts on the downhill side of the boulder. Often started at a cairn a few metres left of the bolts. Trad or sling belay, then rap from the Poacher's Pantry rings.

FA: Mike Law-Smith & Simon Carter, 1986

스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 4
24 The Polymath

A short, sharp, thin tips crack. Difficulty dependent on finger size.


전통등반 7m
21 In-your-endo

To the right of 'Bad Press' is an entrance to the cave. This route is directly ahead of you as you enter the cave.

Straight up the wall.

FA: Ben Jones

스포츠 클라이밍 2
21 Smear and Innuendo

A short friction traverse on an undercut slab.

Up to the first bolt and traverse across. A hard move, then up easily to the top of the boulder.

FA: John Carlson, Mike Peck & Peter Fisk, 1984

스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 4
Open Project

Open Project - all yours if you want it! In the open courtyard inside the cave complex before scrambling up to ' Stepping Out'. On the northern side of the open courtyard. Bolts up the crimpy wall to a rappel station on top as for 'Anakey to Life', etc.

Set: Duncan Brown, 11월 2016

스포츠 클라이밍시등 중 15m, 5
25 Non Caffeinated Organism

In the open courtyard inside the cave complex before scrambling up to ' Stepping Out'. On the southern side of the open courtyard. Bolts and gear up the wall and huge hanging boulder to a trad belay on top.

Scramble up and start from the top of the boulder that creates the halfway ledge on the left side of the route. Belaying from the ground level of the cave is best. Place a low cam and then lean out to clip the bolt, pull out onto the face and hard, technical crimping out to the right leads to a delicate slab to the top.

The direct start past one bolt from the ground level is now an open project - all yours if you want it!

FA: Duncan Brown

Set: Duncan Brown, 11월 2016

FFA: Duncan Brown, 23 3월 2019

혼합 고전등반 20m, 6
V5 R Elation

Highball pillar in the cave, vert to slab, can be rehearsed on tr using trad gear to rig a line


FA: Chris, 28 3월

볼더 8m
The Blackfish King

This is another high and serious addition from Pat Reynolds. Deep in the large main cave underneath Legoland, entered from The Platform sector, at the far end of the cave is a tall feature that looks like a fish head that looms over a serious landing. Start up the small slab to the lower jaw of the fishes head, then compression climbing up the upper jaw to top out over the top of the head and down climb easily off the back. This problem has serious consequences if a fall is taken so top rope inspection and lots and lots of pads are highly recommended.

Set: Patrick John Reynolds, 11월 2016

FFA: Patrick John Reynolds, 11월 2016

볼더 10m
21 Famous Redheads

Start just outside and to the right of the entrance to the cave, about 10 metres right of 'Bad Press'. Step off the boulders in the gully, then up the wall. Has grown an additional two bolts with the rebolting effort in 2017

FA: Mike Peck & John Carlson, 1984

스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 4
21 Anakey to Life

Right of Famous Redheads and left of Going Grey. Step left into the start of the crack; follow it then slab above past six bolts to a bolt belay.

FA: Daniel Gordon & Oliver Story, 2012

스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 6
22 Going Grey

Start on the boulder opposite 'Moonbeam'. Stick clip the first bolt. A tricky and bouldery start then up the arete past three bolts to rap anchor.

FA: Neil Montgomery & Adam Blizzard, 1987

스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 4
19 Calm and Insight

A short, pleasant escape route from the top of the 'Famous Redheads' boulder. Up the slab with one bolt. Belay on gear.

FA: Adam Blizzard & Neil Montgomery, 1987

혼합 고전등반 8m, 1
15 Stepping Out

Start on the boulder platform in the western window of the cave. Clip a bolt and step up left into the flared chimney. Easily up this or the slab ("friable and unprotected"!! - Simon Carter) on the right. Double bolt belay.

FA: Neil Montgomery & Adam Blizzard, 1987

스포츠 클라이밍 16m, 1
21 Moonbeam

Friable holds on the wall two metres right of 'Stepping Out'. Move left onto the arete after the third bolt. Double bolt belay.

FA: Adam Blizzard & Neil Montgomery, 1987

스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 3
22 Forbidden Fruits

The bolt ladder three metres right of 'Moonbeam'. Nice moves up a steep arete. Double bolt belay. Your decision whether to start on the boulder or from a bit lower, possibly a bit harder if so.

FA: Simon Carter & Mike Peck, 1987

스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 4
15 Wormtongue

Starts 10 metres right of 'Forbidden Fruits', on the opposite side of the same boulder. Step across the gap, up the twin cracks, then left up the leftwards slanting off-width cum chimney. A large cam increases confidence.

FA: Liam Mack, Cathy Styles, Adam Blizzard & Neil Montgomery, 1988

전통등반 10m
24 Motown

The arete downhill from 'Anakey to Life' with four bolts to lower-offs. Sharp on the tips. Originally led with a rest on the top bolt.

FA: Mike Peck & Gordon Poultney (24M0), 1987

FFA: Mike Law-Smith, 1988

스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 4
16 Crazy Mama

The clean cut chimney in the corner halfway between 'Motown' and 'Technocrat'. Well protected with tubes and larger cams.

FA: Ray Lassman & Norm Booth, 1974

전통등반 25m
15 Duplo

Lovely flake/overlap with underclings and laybacks. Located directly downhill from ‘Crazy Mama’, but before ‘Goose Step’.

FA: Andrew Cadogan-Cowper, 8 12월 2018

전통등반 15m
9 Playdough

The other side of the Duplo flake. Start and slab finish are the same.

FA: Andrew Cadogan-Cowper, 26 12월 2018

전통등반 15m
15 Goose Step

The hand crack in a slabby stepped buttress. From 'Crazy Mama' walk downhill and right (facing the valley) along the base of a broken buttress for about 50 metres.

FA: Peter Mills & Lincoln Hall, 1975

전통등반 15m
27 Technocrat

The hardest route in the ACT for quite a while, climbed on the seventh separate attempt. The thin and technical arete with six bolts.

FA: Mike Law-Smith, 1988

스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 5
8 Anamosscity

Two bolts up the slab on the boulder opposite Technocrat. Bolt belay.

FA: Ana Diaz & Daniel Gordon, 2014

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 2
8 Caribou Cafe

Straight up the middle of the slab using the first two bolts on Crossmoss.

FA: Thurein Halpin, 2017

스포츠 클라이밍 8m, 2
8 Crossmoss

Introductory Route on the left hand side of the Anamosscity face

FA: Amelie Burrell, 3월 2017

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 3
22 Patty Plate-Glass

Start on the boulder below 'Technocrat', 10m left and around the corner from Anamosscity. Climb the wall with three bolts, moving left and up at the third bolt.

FA: Mike Peck & Adam Blizzard, 1988

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 3
19 Drunk and Disorderly

Takes the arete four metres left of 'Party Plate Glass'. Well protected (as usual) with four bolts.

FA: Simon Carter, Mike Peck & Ken Luck, 1987

스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 4
24 R Space Lego

Knob cranking up a short wall facing the valley past two bolts. From 'Drunk and Disorderly' walk downhill for 10m then duck through a narrow gap on the left. Turn left for 10m then down a short gully and left to find the climb. There's no gear to be found, and descent is by rap/scramble off the top

FA: Adam Blizzard & Craig Kentwell, 1988

스포츠 클라이밍 15m, 2
Valley side
16 Padarn

Start: in the open cave facing the valley, at the left end of the sector. Climb the crack which is formed by a slab and the roof.

FA: Chris Larque, Norm Booth, Damien Jones & Lincoln Hall, 1974

전통등반 12m
24 Anticipation

A nice traverse to take your mind off all those slabs.

Start on the edge of the open cave facing the valley, with 'Padarn' at your back. Traverse right past eight bolts. At the last bolt pull up and mantle to a double bolt belay.

To descend, scramble down the back of the boulder at a short corner. If your second isn't game to follow, then reverse the climb or backjump to clean.

FA: Oliver Story, 2011

스포츠 클라이밍 20m, 8
V3 Blain

The crack in the roof of the windy tunnel, finishing up the squeeze chimney.

FA: B.Aikman, 2012

볼더 5m
20 Inside Straight

The classic off-width at the left end of the wall.

FA: John Smart, Ray Lassman, Ajax Greene & Norm Booth, 1978

전통등반 20m
21 Games on the Freeway

Start five metres right of Inside Straight at a crack and corner, initially overhanging. Up the crack for about five metres until an awkward move can be made to clip a bolt on the left wall. Continue leftwards up the wall (crux) to a ledge. Move up to a short crack on the left then up to a horizontal break and easily to the top.

FA: Mark Colyvan, Mike Peck, John Wood & John Carlson, 1983

혼합 고전등반 20m, 1
18 Revenge Finish to Childs Play

Start as for 'Games on the Freeway'. Much better and more direct than the original. Up the crack to the little saddle then left up the slight groove and arete with "subtle" RP placements.

FA: Neil Montgomery, Hira Verick & Allana Blight, 1990

전통등반 25m
17 Child's Play

A crack and corner with a hard start. Up the crack and corner, descend into the chimney and finish as for 'Kid's Stuff'. First climbed in two pitches.

FA: Lincoln Hall & Norm Booth (alt.), 1973

전통등반 25m
8 Kid's Stuff

From back when kids were tough. The horrendous chimney five metres right of 'Child's Play', and just left of 'Leaning Tower', originally done in two pitches.

FA: Lincoln Hall & Norm Booth (alt.), 1973

전통등반 22m
18 Leaning Tower

An enjoyable start but poorly protected at the top.

FA: Lincoln Hall & Norm Booth, 1973

전통등반 35m
22 Flying Legal

Good, sustained face climbing. Start on the arete 5m right and around the corner from 'Leaning Tower'. Climb the wall past two bolts to a jug-flake. Up the flake and arete to the top.

FA: Richard Watts & Rob Topfer, 1984

혼합 고전등반 25m, 2
20 Manic Depression

The imposing off-width corner, just right of 'Flying Legal', which overhangs at the top.

FA: Norm Booth & Ray Lassman, 1974

FFA: John Smart & Norm Booth, 1975

전통등반 22m
12 Eavil Weevil

The mossy crack a few metres right of 'Manic Depression'. Done in two pitches.

FA: Peter Mills & Lincoln Hall (alt.), 1974

전통등반 20m, 2
Hog wall
23 Pigs on the Wing

Step off a boulder just left of 'Hog Wall' proper and clip the first bolt, then up the face and crack past another bolt. Trad belay.

FA: David Jenkins, Neil Montgomery & Mike Law-Smith, 1988

혼합 고전등반 10m, 2
7 Playtime

The chimney above the path between 'Pigs on the Wing' and 'Swine Fever'.

FA: Lincoln Hall & John Eiseman, 1974

전통등반 20m
21 Swine Fever

The left-hand line on the metallic 'Hog Wall'. A bouldery start, then hard moves past a bolt followed by easier climbing past another to the top. Trad belay.

FA: Mike Peck, Peter Fisk, John Carlson & John Wood, 1984

혼합 고전등반 15m, 2
20 Porky Boys

Good granite wall climbing up the central line on 'Hog Wall'. Up the brushed wall past two bolts. Trad belay.

FA: John Carlson & Peter Fisk, 1984

혼합 고전등반 12m, 2
21 Place Without a Pig

No ethics police, but plenty of bolts! Run it out up the wall two metres right of 'Porky Boys' past three bolts. Trad belay.

FA: Craig Kentwell & Alan Caldwell, 1987

혼합 고전등반 12m, 3
21 Horny Hogs

Up the right-hand cleaned strip on 'Hog Wall', clipping a bolt. Trad belay.

FA: Mike Peck & John Carlson, 1984

혼합 고전등반 12m, 1
20 Rock in a Sock

The left of two climbs on the blunt boulder beside Hog's Wall.

FA: Chris Warner, 2008

스포츠 클라이밍 10m, 2
21 Never Enough

Right of 'Rock in a Sock'. Start by stepping off the boulder. Easiest to climb RIAS first and rap to the starting position.

FA: Chris Warner, 2008

스포츠 클라이밍 12m, 2
Scattered boulders
18 Blue Funk

A leftwards leaning fist-and-wider crack. From 'Leaning Tower' walk downhill and slightly left (as you face the valley) for 20m, then zig back right for 20m.

FA: Norm Booth, Ray Lassman & John Smart, 1974

전통등반 8m
15 Freewheeling

On the undercut boulder 120 metres directly downhill from 'Leaning Tower', among a group of isolated boulders. Climb the crack on the right.

FA: R Curtis & Damien Jones, 1975

전통등반 10m
16 Stretch

On a boulder left of Freewheeling. Climb the wall traversing right to the top.

FA: Peter Cocker, 1975

전통등반 9m
Elephant special
8 Half Moon Chimney

The obvious curving chimney at the left end of the 'Elephant Special' outcrop. Takes the chimney and crack in its right wall.

FA: Lincoln Hall & John Eiseman, 1974

전통등반 20m
20 White Witch

"A cold kind of bitch." The strenuous off-width in the corner five metres right of 'Half Moon Chimney'.

FA: Mike Law & Damien Jones, 1974

전통등반 24m
14 Shag Alley

Downhill and right from 'White Witch' is the initially overhanging crack.

FA: Lincoln Hall & Peter Mills, 1974

전통등반 12m
15 The Elephant Special

Nice, clean family fun. Starts well above the finish of 'Shag Alley', taking a small rightwards leaning flake; step right to a thin crack and up.

FA: John Stone, Paul Daniel, Al Zeller, Peter Fisk & Tony Caine et al., 1978

전통등반 16m
18 Early Start

The slab with an overlap and some good holds, five metres right of the latter part of 'The Elephant Special'.

FA: Adam Blizzard (solo), 1990

전통등반 10m
23 Freebird

Impressive. The fine diagonal crackline on the steep concave face, originally climbed mostly with aid. The free version uses the corner on the right.

Start: on the northernmost substantial boulder of the group, facing 'Legoland'.

FA: John Wood & John Carlson, 1983

FFA: Mike Law-Smith, John Smart & Dave Sargent, 1984

전통등반 15m
8 Pavlova

Start 20 metres right and downhill from 'Freebird'. Climb the short crack which leans left for the first two metres.

FA: Matthew Boyd & Brenden Boyd, 1989

전통등반 7m
21 Recumbency

At the same level as 'Freebird', about 100 metres south (towards 'Tower Rocks'). Off the boulder and up the overhanging hand crack.

FA: John Smart, 1980

전통등반 7m
20 Rust

The offwidth left of Powder Finger.

FA: B Aikman, 2019

전통등반 10m
21 Powder Finger

On the side facing the small valley, about 30 metres right of 'Recumbency'. The thin finger crack with a wall start.

FA: John Smart, 1980

전통등반 15m
Other Trackside (Bouldering)
V1 That Arete

Sit start on the good edges. Up the blunt arete.

FA: Jack Folkes, 30 3월 2018

볼더 3m
V2 That Slab

Stand start on the good low ledge, grab some crimps and slab your way up.

FA: Jack Folkes, 30 3월 2018

볼더 3m
V3 A King Amongst Ants

Stand start the nice looking slab. Head straight up. Some funk required.

FA: Jack Folkes, 30 3월 2018

볼더 4m
V2 Anti-Ants

Stand start the arete from a high RH sidepull and a low LH sidepull. Watch the hollow flakes. Good balancey moves.

FA: Jack Folkes, 30 3월 2018

볼더 4m

Stand start and up via the angled crack. Watch out for the ants.

볼더시등 중 4m
V2 Non-essential Oils

Stand start from conglomerate pebble then climb up and top out.

FA: Bevan Ashby, 20 1월 2019

볼더 3m
V3 That Undercling

Sit start the underclinging the crack. Jumping off here is the descent.

FA: Jack Folkes, 30 3월 2018

볼더 3m
Left of The Other Problem

Sit start as for The Other Problem. Head left on the crimps then battle the mantle.

볼더시등 중 3m
V3 The Other Problem

Sit start with LH on flat edge and RH on prow. Climb the prow.

FA: Jack Folkes, 31 12월 2016

볼더 3m

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