
Ascensões de Leaning Peak North Face Route como Onsight

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Mostrando os 3 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Local de escalada Qualidade Climber Data
13 14 Leaning Peak North Face Route Trad 410m Mt Barney Very Good
Alex Mougenot
Fri 14th Jul 2017
Really good as an adventure climb by Queensland standards! I was expecting long cracklines to follow for pro, but was granted with really nice slab pitches instead, with these awesome little pockets and grooves perfect for cams. Good belays, cruisy runouts, loooong pitches, a bit of loose rock to keep things engaging, and gorgeous views all round. Got off-route on this, but I'm barely sure if there's an on-route. It's really a choose-your-own adventure sort of cliff! It's an epic adventure that really should get explored more often. 12 hrs car to car. Descended via Rocky Creek.

14 Leaning Peak North Face Route - with Scott Birse Trad 410m Mt Barney Very Good
Adam Sanders
Fri 18th Jun 2021
Turned into a bit of an epic. The climb being the easiest/most enjoyable part - the upper pitches being absolutely sublime! Rocky Creek descent by head torch was a challenge of the will. 22 hours car-to-car. Would descend Short Leaning Ridge next time for sure.

13 Leaning Peak North Face Route - with Adam Sanders
1 13 410m
Trad 410m Mt Barney Very Good
Fri 18th Jun 2021
The crux was rock hopping down the creek bed at 2.30am after 22hrs of climbing/walking/abseiling. Good to see what the mind can push through! Pretty sure it's called leaning peak cause I was leaning on stuff and things the whole way to stop falling over from fatigue.


Mostrando os 3 ascensões.

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