
Embed and API

Sharing and collaborating is in theCrag’s DNA. theCrag is not only inviting everyone to share and collaborate, theCrag also provides the possibility to share and connect with it on a technical level. The technical integration capabilities of theCrag allow you to make use of the world’s largest rock climbing and bouldering platform in an automated fashion. This applies to content and functionality. There are two key approaches to connect with theCrag on a technical level:

  • Application Programming Interface (API)
  • Embedding

While the API - provided you receive a valid key - allows you to call certain functions and access select content from external programs, the embedding function allows you to integrate content from theCrag on your web-site or blog without much technical knowledge. If you are using Wordpress for your web-site or blog, you might use the dedicated Wordpress plug-in to embed content from theCrag. Read the following articles to learn more about integrating with theCrag.

Feel free to contact us if you have an idea, a project or an awesome application you want to integrate with theCrag. However, please be aware that we have limited resources and thus can only support the most promising project ideas. In order to manage expectations please be aware that access to the API requires you to sign a legal agreement with theCrag.

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