
Grades on theCrag

While the general information about climbing grades and grade conversion is described in the article Grades and Grade Conversions. Amongst many other things, this article describes

  • how theCrag is using and displaying grades,
  • how theCrag assigns grades to routes and ascents,
  • what protection ratings are and how they are applied on theCrag,
  • what grade contexts are, and
  • which grade systems are used per country.

Grade displayVoltar a conteúdo

Grade bandsVoltar a conteúdo

theCrag has segmented climb difficulty into 5 broad categories - Beginner, Intermediate, Experienced, Expert e Elite. These definitions are somewhat arbitrary, but they allow for a quick overview and have some statistical basis that was developed over the years.

There are two common area difficulty graphs used throughout theCrag, the grade band and the condensed grade band.

The grade band chart shows the relative number of routes at the particular difficulty bands. This is shown at each area and gives you a quick summary of the area's relative difficulty.

Example of grade band chart. Note that the width of the individual bars reflects the actual width of each grade.

The condensed grade band shows similar information in a condensed way when looking at multiple areas in e.g. list view

Example of condensed grade band chart

The table below gives a brief description of each band.


The level of difficulty for your first couple of days of climbing (seconding or top roping). Many people may achieve these grades on their first day of climbing. There are still some very scary and/or dangerous climbs at this level (eg Bard).

Intermediate Typical grades for people with less than a years climbing. Note that most people cannot climb this level on their first couple of days of climbing. Statistically speaking, most outdoor climbing is done in this band. A lot of experienced climbers end up backing off to this level as they enjoy their climbing into old age.
Experienced People can achieve these levels if they have been climbing fairly regularly for a couple of years. These grades are where the social climbers start becoming rare.
Expert You really need to be training in a focused way to climb at this level. Not so many people reach this level.
Elite You climb for a living, are sponsored and have a full time trainer and masseur looking after you. This is the best of the best. If you are normal, you would not have a hope of even dogging up one of these climbs.

Universal grade conversionVoltar a conteúdo

In general, theCrag displays grades as they are entered and in the area specific context. Meaning that for example if you look at a crag in Australia you will most likely see sport and trad climbing grades displayed in Ewbanks and bouldering grades in V-scale. If you look at a crag in France, you will most likely see sport and trad climbing grades displayed in French scale and bouldering grades in Fontainebleau scale.

However, If you are a registered user you can set your preferred grade system for major gear styles on your profile page, allowing you to look at any climbing area worldwide (and many other grade related information) in the grade system you are most used to. In some places, the converted grade and the original grade are displayed next to each other for your convenience.

Use the Convert button just above any list of routes to apply your preferred grade conversion to the current view. If the checkbox 'Browse using grading systems' on your profile page is checked, you can convert back to the original grading system by clicking the same button.
Warning: We strongly suggest that you switch to unconverted grades when assessing a climb! Grade conversion may result in minor shifts of grades (as grade systems often overlap) and additional factors such as protection ratings might get dropped during conversion.

How are grades assigned to routes?Voltar a conteúdo

Routes have an assigned grade and a list of independent user and publisher grade contributions. The user and publisher grade contributions are displayed on the route page. The official grade of the route according to theCrag is given by the assigned grade.

Please consider the assigned grade as the grade that has been accepted by the community. This may change over time.

Assigned gradeVoltar a conteúdo

The assigned grade is the official grade of the route, and is used throughout theCrag website and publications.

An assigned grade may have multiple components, for example:

  • A free climbing grade (5.12a) and an aid grade (A3), combined would read 5.12a A3.
  • British technical (4a) and adjectival (MS), combined would read MS 4a.

A route may have official grades from several different grading systems (e.g. in Thailand many routes have an official French and Australian grade). For example:


The above route, 'Knights In White Satin' has an assigned grade of 7b+ French and 26 Australian Ewbanks. Because Thailand is assigned the French context the French grade will be shown on the site.

Once a route has an assigned grade it can only be changed by an Editor and is not affected by subsequent user contributions.

Grade contributionsVoltar a conteúdo

Any registered user may make a grade contribution. A route may have several grade contributions from users and publishers.

When you add a new route, the grade you enter becomes your grade contribution. For new routes your grade contribution also becomes the assigned grade.

You may add your user grade contribution to an existing route using the edit route function. If the route already has an assigned grade then this will not affect the assigned grade (unless your contribution is the first one and thus becomes the assigned grade).

Grade rangesVoltar a conteúdo

Behind the scenes everything is a grade range with a minimum grade and maximum grade. Mostly people will use just one grade, but on occasions it is useful to use a grade range for a particular route (e.g. you may input 5.10a-b, which will be interpreted by the system as a grade range and displayed as 5.10a to 5.10b).

Grade ranges may be useful for e.g. new routes where the assigned grade is not yet clear and are also necessary for grade conversions. Few grade systems match exactly, there is usually overlap. For example 5.8 in the Yosemite Decimal System maps to both 15 and 16 in the Australian Ewbanks system or UIAA 11 maps to both, 8c+ and 9a in the French System.

Aid eliminatesVoltar a conteúdo

A route may originally be a 5.10b A4, then later somebody may climb it as a 5.11a A0, then later as a 5.12c. In this scenario the route should have the cleanest grade as its assigned grade, but may have all the other grades listed as grade contributions.

Special rating systemsVoltar a conteúdo

Although not part of the assigned grade you can include some additional rating systems in your grade contributions. These include:

Protection ratingVoltar a conteúdo

You may use the YDS Protection Rating in your grade contribution or assigned grade. For example 5.10d X. Letters for Protection Ratings are borrowed from the American system for rating the content of movies. Whereas G (Good), PG (Pretty Good) and PG13 (Pretty Good 13) might be used, they are typically omitted. R (Run-out) and X (eXtreme) are more commonly used and warn the lead climber of dangerous or lacking protection. Be aware that ratings vary widely from area to area and are very subjective. On some pages the system does not display the mild ratings to avoid clutter.


  • US Sport 5.10d X Grade with Protection Rating (eXtreme) and
  • AU Trad 21 R Grade with Protection Rating (Run-out).

StarsVoltar a conteúdo

If you add a *, ** or *** to the end of your grade contribution the system will recognise this a star rating. See Stars and route quality.

How are grades assigned to ascents?Voltar a conteúdo

Currently when you log an ascent the ascent will automatically take up to two of route's assigned grade components as the ascent grade. If there are two grade components (e.g. British Adjectival and Technical or Free and Aid) then both will be catered for. If there are more than two (e.g. Free, Aid and Protection), then one will be dropped.

A logged ascent has a primary grade and secondary grade independent of the route's grade. This means you may update your ascent to any grade you want, such as a different grading system or different grade to the route.

The minimum level of difficulty of the ascent grade and the route grade is used for Climber Performance Rating (CPR).

Grade contextsVoltar a conteúdo

Our aim is for you to contribute grades as you see them in guidebooks and for the platform to be smart enough to work out what you mean.

Grade context meaningVoltar a conteúdo

What does it mean if you type in the grade '5c'? If you were in Britain you would think it was the Experienced British grade 5c, but if you were in France you would think it was the Intermediate French grade 5c. If it was a bouldering route in Fontainebleau then you would think it is the Experienced Fontainebleau bouldering grade 5C. Interpretation of grades is dependent on where you are and the style of route, this is what we term grade context.

A Grade context is a way of the platform working out how to interpret potentially conflicting grades written in plain text, and we set a grade context typically at the country level.

A grade context is simply a priority list of which grade systems it should check first when matching a grade. For instance in Australia, you can use a French grade, but it will check it first against the locally used Ewbank, and V-Grade bouldering grade systems first, and then if it doesn't match it will check against all the other grade systems. The platform defines as few contexts as possible in order to eliminate conflicts. In general most countries can use the default context.

You may set the default context for any area which overrides the inherited area above. You may also set the context on a route.

Currently the system defines the following contexts:

Código Grade context Países e Sistemas de Graduação



General grade systems: Alaska


Australian (Ewbanks ...)

Australian rating systems including Ewbanks and aid systems.

Countries: Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Tonga

General grade systems: Ewbanks, V-Scale, Aid, Protection Rating

Additional via ferrata systems: Ferrata Schall, Ferrata Num, Ferrata French

Additional deep water solo systems: DWS Safe

Additional ice systems: Mixed Rock/Ice




Countries: Brazil

General grade systems: Brazil Technical, Brazil General, Distance, Exposure

Additional via ferrata systems: Ferrata Schall, Ferrata Num, Ferrata French

Additional deep water solo systems: DWS Safe

Additional ice systems: Mixed Rock/Ice

Additional boulder systems: Fontainebleau



Fontainebleau bouldering system used in european bouldering - same labels as French grading system, but different difficulty levels.


General grade systems: Fontainebleau

Additional via ferrata systems: Ferrata Schall, Ferrata Num, Ferrata French

Additional deep water solo systems: DWS Safe

Additional ice systems: Mixed Rock/Ice

Additional traverse systems: Font Traverse




Countries: Finland

General grade systems: Finnish

Additional via ferrata systems: Ferrata Schall, Ferrata Num, Ferrata French

Additional deep water solo systems: DWS Safe

Additional ice systems: Mixed Rock/Ice

Additional boulder systems: Fontainebleau



French rating systems including free, bouldering, aid and alpine systems.

Countries: Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cuba, Egypt, Estonia, France, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Malta, Moldova, Morocco, Netherlands, New Caledonia, Peru, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, Vietnam

General grade systems: French, Annot B-Scale, V-Scale, IFAS, Aid, Aid, Ferrata Schall, Committment Level, Protection Level (trad), Protection Level (sport)

Additional via ferrata systems: Ferrata Schall, Ferrata Num, Ferrata French

Additional deep water solo systems: DWS Safe

Additional alpine systems: Russian

Additional ice systems: Mixed Rock/Ice

Additional boulder systems: Fontainebleau, Annot B-Scale

Additional traverse systems: Font Traverse


Hong Kong

Hong Kong

Countries: Hong Kong

General grade systems: French, V-Scale, Aid, Aid

Additional via ferrata systems: Ferrata Schall, Ferrata Num, Ferrata French

Additional deep water solo systems: DWS Safe

Additional trad systems: British Adj., British Tech.

Additional ice systems: Mixed Rock/Ice




Countries: Norway

General grade systems: Norwegian

Additional via ferrata systems: Ferrata Schall, Ferrata Num, Ferrata French

Additional deep water solo systems: DWS Safe

Additional ice systems: Mixed Rock/Ice

Additional boulder systems: Fontainebleau




Countries: Poland

General grade systems: Polish

Additional via ferrata systems: Ferrata Schall, Ferrata Num, Ferrata French

Additional deep water solo systems: DWS Safe

Additional ice systems: Mixed Rock/Ice

Additional boulder systems: Fontainebleau


South African

South African

Countries: Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, Uganda

General grade systems: South African, Old South African, V-Scale, Aid, Aid

Additional via ferrata systems: Ferrata Schall, Ferrata Num, Ferrata French

Additional deep water solo systems: DWS Safe

Additional ice systems: Mixed Rock/Ice

Additional boulder systems: Fontainebleau

Additional aid systems: Aid, Aid




Countries: Sweden

General grade systems: Swedish

Additional via ferrata systems: Ferrata Schall, Ferrata Num, Ferrata French

Additional deep water solo systems: DWS Safe

Additional ice systems: Mixed Rock/Ice

Additional boulder systems: Fontainebleau



Saxon free rating systems.


General grade systems: Saxon, Jumps

Additional via ferrata systems: Ferrata Schall, Ferrata Num, Ferrata French

Additional deep water solo systems: DWS Safe

Additional ice systems: Mixed Rock/Ice

Additional boulder systems: Fontainebleau



UIAA free rating system but also includes bouldering and aid systems.

Countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Montenegro, Slovakia

General grade systems: UIAA, V-Scale, Aid, Aid, Ferrata Schall, Protection Level (trad), Protection Level (sport)

Additional via ferrata systems: Ferrata Schall, Ferrata Num, Ferrata French

Additional deep water solo systems: DWS Safe

Additional alpine systems: Russian

Additional trad systems: Russian

Additional ice systems: Mixed Rock/Ice

Additional boulder systems: Fontainebleau



British rating systems including technical, adjectival, bouldering and aid systems.

Countries: Ireland, Jersey, Kenya, United Kingdom

General grade systems: British Adj., V-Scale, Aid, Aid, French

Additional via ferrata systems: Ferrata Schall, Ferrata Num, Ferrata French

Additional deep water solo systems: DWS Safe

Additional alpine systems: Scottish Winter, Scottish Winter Technical

Additional trad systems: British Tech.

Additional sport systems: French

Additional ice systems: Mixed Rock/Ice, Scottish Winter, Scottish Winter Technical

Additional boulder systems: Fontainebleau


American (YDS ...)

American rating systems including YDS, aid, bouldering, alpine and ice systems.

Countries: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Belize, Bhutan, Bolivia, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Fiji, Georgia, Ghana, Greenland, Guatemala, Honduras, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mexico, Micronesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, United Arab Emirates, United States of America, Venezuela, Yemen

General grade systems: Class, YDS, V-Scale, B-Scale, S-Scale, P-Scale, Joshua Tree Scale, Aid, Aid, NCCS Alpine Grade, Protection Rating, Alpine Ice, Water Ice, Mixed Rock/Ice, NCCS Scale, Ferrata Schall, DWS Safe

Additional via ferrata systems: Ferrata Schall, Ferrata Num, Ferrata French

Force grading systemVoltar a conteúdo

You can force a grading system when you input a grade by starting with the grading system label followed by a colon then the grade. For example 'FR:6a+'. The table below shows available grading system labels.

Etiqueta Sistema de avaliação
VF_FR Ferrata French
SA South African
RPROT Protection Level (trad)
SCTWT Scottish Winter Technical
MIXED Mixed Rock/Ice
BRZ Brazil Technical
AU Ewbanks
WICE Water Ice
NWG Norwegian
UK British Adj.
PROT Protection Rating
FB Fontainebleau
BLDS S-Scale
SPROT Protection Level (sport)
BRZ_DEG Brazil General
COM Committment Level
BLDB B-Scale
SCTW Scottish Winter
OLDSA Old South African
BLDV V-Scale
RUS Russian
BLDP P-Scale
ALSK Alaska
DST Distance
CLS Class
SX Saxon
FR French
SCHALL Ferrata Schall
UKT British Tech.
EXP Exposure
AICE Alpine Ice
FB_TRAV Font Traverse
ANNOT Annot B-Scale
NCCS NCCS Alpine Grade
SWE Swedish
FIN Finnish
POL Polish
BLDJT Joshua Tree Scale
JUMP Jumps
VF_NUM Ferrata Num

ExamplesVoltar a conteúdo

The best way to explain how the system converts the plain text you enter into grades is to look at some examples.

If you see a new way of writing a grade in a guidebook then please test it out. If it does not work, please contact us so we can enhance the system.

Try it yourselfVoltar a conteúdo

Grade context:

Estilo de equipamento:

Sua entrada:

Converter a sistema de graduação:

Converter grau:

Contexto Estilo Texto introduzido Graduação Comentário
US Trad 5.12a
US Trad 5.12 The system has a grade system where grades are expressed as 5.12-, 5.12 and 5.12+.
US Trad 5.12+
US Trad 5.12a+ Note that + does not always form part of the official grade, in which case it is ignored.
US Trad 12a The system is able to work out common partial grades.
US Trad 12 Partial grades can be very dependent on the context (in US context this is 5.12, in AU context this is 12).
AU Trad 12 Compare to above example.
US Trad 5.12a-5.12c This is interpreted as a grade range.
US Trad 5.12a-b Common abbreviated grade ranges.
US Trad 5.12a/b The forward slash '/' is interpreted as a range, which means the system difficulty is assigned in the middle of the grades.
AU Trad 17/18
US Trad 5.10,5.12d,5.9 Commas used to indicate multi-pitch, in which case the system will assign the highest grade.
US Trad 5.9 S Protection rating is displayed as part of the grade.
US Trad 5.10a X,5.12 Multipitch may include protection rating.
US Trad 5.10a,5.10b M1,5.9 M4 Multipitch may include aid grades.
US Trad 5.9**

The contribution will also be attributed with . Learn more about Stars and route quality.

FR Sport 5c The French grade.
UK Sport 5c The British technical grade.
FR Boulder 5C The Fontainebleau bouldering grade.
FR Boulder 5c The Fontainebleau bouldering grade can also be written in lower case.
UK Trad E2 5c The British adjectival and technical grade.
UK Trad D The British adjectival.
UK Trad Difficult Yup, according to the British adjectival system, difficult is a beginner's route - go figure. I think climbing developed faster than they could keep up.
AU Trad 19 Australian Ewbanks grade.
SA Trad 19 South African grade (compare to level of difficulty for an Australian Ewbanks grade 19 above).
AU Trad 21 (S) Australian Ewbanks grade with a sport route indicator. This is in for historical reasons (common for Australian guidebooks to use this notation), but because of it's potential confusion with the protection rating S we don't want it to be used anymore. For sport routes just tick the sport route indicator. Note the sport indicator must have brackets.
AU Trad 21 M2 Australian Ewbanks grade with an Australian aid grade.
AU Aid M2 Australian aid grade.
US Trad Class 2
US Trad Class IV
US Trad F6 NCCS Scale.
UIAA Trad 11- UIAA grade.
SA Trad D3 Old South African grade.
SX Trad VIIa Saxon grade.
US Trad 5.6A1+ Free plus Aid grade.
US Aid 5.6C1+ Free plus hammerless Aid grade.
US Aid A1+ Straight Aid grade.
US Boulder V4 Vermin V-Scale for bouldering.
US Boulder B5.6 The little more obscure Expanded Gill B-Scale for bouldering.
US Boulder B2- And another B-Scale.
US Boulder S4- Bouldering Smith Rocks S-Scale.
US Boulder P10 Bouldering Phoenix P-Scale.
US Boulder C+ Bouldering Joshua Tree Scale.
AU Boulder V0+ But really the bouldering V-Scale is accepted everywhere, so just use that.
US Ice AI5- Alpine Ice.
US Ice WI5- Water Ice.
US Ice M3 Mixed rock and ice.
FR Trad PD IFAS (International French Adjectival System).
US Alpine VI National Climbing Classification System (NCCS) Alpine Grade.
US Alpine VI 5.11c A2+ Alpine route with free and aid climbing.
UIAA Via ferrata E Via ferrata Schall.
UIAA Via ferrata 4 Via ferrata numeric.
UIAA Via ferrata TD Via ferrata french.
UIAA Via ferrata Difficile Via ferrata french using words.
AU Sport 12 # i think You can add comments to your grade contribution by using '#'.
FR Sport UKT:5c+ You can force a grading system in a foreign context by appending the gradings system label (note that it must be the explicit grading system label, not a context label).
HK Sport 5c Hong Kong uses French grading system for sport routes.
HK Trad 5c Hong Kong uses UK technical system for trad routes.
HK Boulder V2 Hong Kong uses V-Scale for boulder routes.
UIAA Boulder 5 UIAA uses UIAA system for bouldering sometimes.
UIAA Boulder 5c UIAA uses Fontainebleau system for bouldering sometimes.
UK Sport FR:4c 4c would normally covert to the British Technical grade in UK context, however the override sets the system to French.
UIAA Trad 8- [6+ A1] Alternate grade with aid modification. System assigns the most free grade.

Grades in a gymVoltar a conteúdo

Some gyms decided to use their own grade system, often using colors or icons to denominate relative difficulty. On theCrag, gyms can opt to use their own color codes or any other available grade system. See Gym Solution by theCrag for more information.

In case gyms opted for a color scheme, theCrag color scheme does not apply to their routes on theCrag, but rather the color specified by the gym for that route.

Country contextsVoltar a conteúdo

Default contexts are set at the country level but can be overridden at any area below the country. For example Germany has a UIAA context, but there are crags which override to a Saxon (SX) context. The following table shows the current system settings for country context.

Código País #vias Contexto
AF Afghanistan 2 US
AX Aland Islands 0 US
AL Albania 291 US
DZ Algeria 2 US
AS American Samoa 0 US
AD Andorra 0 FR
AO Angola 97 US
AI Anguilla 0 US
AG Antigua and Barbuda 0 US
AR Argentina 7,469 US
AM Armenia 270 US
AW Aruba 0 US
AU Australia 97,946 AU
AT Austria 34,815 UIAA
AZ Azerbaijan 0 UIAA
BS Bahamas 0 US
BH Bahrain 0 US
BD Bangladesh 0 US
BB Barbados 0 US
BY Belarus 0 UIAA
BE Belgium 6,268 FR
BZ Belize 24 US
BJ Benin 0 US
BM Bermuda 0 US
BT Bhutan 15 US
BO Bolivia 263 US
BA Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,288 FR
BW Botswana 46 SA
BV Bouvet Island 0 US
BR Brazil 12,706 BRZ
IO British Indian Ocean Territory 0 UK
BN Brunei Darussalam 0 US
BG Bulgaria 5,326 UIAA
BF Burkina Faso 0 US
BI Burundi 0 US
KH Cambodia 163 US
CM Cameroon 0 US
CA Canada 30,903 US
CV Cape Verde 0 US
KY Cayman Islands 0 US
CF Central African Republic 0 US
TD Chad 0 US
CL Chile 3,038 US
CN China 12,878 US
CX Christmas Island 0 US
CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands 0 US
CO Colombia 1,824 US
KM Comoros 0 US
CD Congo Democratic Republic 0 US
CG Congo Republic 0 US
CK Cook Islands 0 US
CR Costa Rica 120 US
CI Cote d'Ivoire 0 US
HR Croatia 6,013 FR
CU Cuba 465 FR
CY Cyprus 0 US
CZ Czech Republic 88,065 UIAA
DK Denmark 1,241 UIAA
DJ Djibouti 0 US
DM Dominica 0 US
DO Dominican Republic 0 US
EC Ecuador 570 US
EG Egypt 236 FR
SV El Salvador 74 US
GQ Equatorial Guinea 0 US
ER Eritrea 0 US
EE Estonia 360 FR
ET Ethiopia 76 US
FK Falkland Islands 0 US
FO Faroe Islands 0 US
FJ Fiji 2 US
FI Finland 8,388 FIN
FR France 110,080 FR
GF French Guiana 0 FR
PF French Polynesia 0 FR
TF French Southern Territories 0 FR
GA Gabon 0 US
GM Gambia 0 US
GE Georgia 509 US
DE Germany 106,506 UIAA
GH Ghana 33 US
GI Gibraltar 0 US
GR Greece 18,947 FR
GL Greenland 71 US
GD Grenada 0 US
GP Guadeloupe 0 US
GU Guam 0 US
GT Guatemala 167 US
GG Guernsey 0 US
GN Guinea 0 US
GW Guinea-Bissaau 0 US
GY Guyana 0 US
HT Haiti 0 US
HM Heard and McDonald Islands 0 US
HN Honduras 52 US
HK Hong Kong 3,354 HK
HU Hungary 3,011 UIAA
IS Iceland 591 US
IN India 1,549 US
ID Indonesia 763 US
IR Iran 329 US
IQ Iraq 0 US
IE Ireland 2,816 UK
IM Isle of Man 0 US
IL Israel 1,346 US
IT Italy 77,542 FR
JM Jamaica 0 US
JP Japan 3,093 US
JE Jersey 118 UK
JO Jordan 624 FR
KZ Kazakhstan 265 US
KE Kenya 1,875 UK
KI Kiribati 0 US
KW Kuwait 0 US
KG Kyrgyzstan 138 FR
LA Laos 767 FR
LV Latvia 0 FR
LB Lebanon 223 US
LS Lesotho 47 SA
LR Liberia 0 US
LY Libya 0 US
LI Liechtenstein 32 FR
LT Lithuania 0 FR
LU Luxembourg 283 FR
MO Macau 0 US
MK Macedonia 844 FR
MG Madagascar 162 FR
MW Malawi 55 US
MY Malaysia 1,454 FR
MV Maldives 0 US
ML Mali 2 US
MT Malta 1,274 FR
MH Marshall Islands 0 US
MQ Martinique 0 US
MR Mauritania 9 US
MU Mauritius 0 US
YT Mayotte 0 US
MX Mexico 9,825 US
FM Micronesia 1 US
MD Moldova 42 FR
MC Monaco 0 FR
MN Mongolia 0 US
ME Montenegro 548 UIAA
MS Montserrat 0 US
MA Morocco 1,573 FR
MZ Mozambique 0 US
MM Myanmar 25 US
NA Namibia 262 SA
NR Nauru 0 US
NP Nepal 298 US
NL Netherlands 1,266 FR
NC New Caledonia 173 FR
NZ New Zealand 21,509 AU
NI Nicaragua 7 US
NE Niger 0 US
NG Nigeria 0 US
NU Niue 0 US
NF Norfolk Island 0 US
KP North Korea 1 US
MP Northern Marina Islands 0 US
NO Norway 23,909 NWG
OM Oman 95 US
PK Pakistan 121 US
PW Palau 0 US
PS Palestine 0 US
PA Panama 52 US
PG Papua New Guinea 1 AU
PY Paraguay 48 US
PE Peru 1,049 FR
PH Philippines 523 US
PN Pitcairn Island 0 US
PL Poland 24,281 POL
PT Portugal 6,524 FR
PR Puerto Rico 0 US
QA Qatar 0 US
RE Reunion 0 US
RO Romania 8,375 FR
RU Russia 4,930 FR
RW Rwanda 0 US
SH Saint Helena 0 US
KN Saint Kitts and Nevis 0 US
LC Saint Lucia 0 US
PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon 0 US
VC Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 0 US
WS Samoa 0 US
SM San Marino 0 US
ST Sao Tome and Principe 0 US
SA Saudi Arabia 391 US
SN Senegal 0 US
RS Serbia 1,917 FR
SC Seychelles 0 US
SL Sierra Leone 0 US
SG Singapore 150 FR
SK Slovakia 11,449 UIAA
SI Slovenia 5,475 FR
SB Solomon Islands 0 US
SO Somalia 0 US
ZA South Africa 19,497 SA
GS South Georgia 0 US
KR South Korea 3,146 US
ES Spain 108,797 FR
LK Sri Lanka 25 US
SD Sudan 8 US
SR Suriname 7 US
SJ Svalbard 0 US
SZ Swaziland 0 US
SE Sweden 20,725 SWE
CH Switzerland 47,037 FR
SY Syria 0 US
TW Taiwan 964 US
TJ Tajikistan 259 US
TZ Tanzania 237 US
TH Thailand 2,840 FR
TG Togo 0 US
TK Tokelau 0 US
TO Tonga 82 AU
TT Trinidad and Tobago 0 US
TN Tunisia 49 FR
TR Turkey 3,253 FR
TM Turkmenistan 0 US
TC Turks and Caicos Islands 0 US
TV Tuvalu 0 US
UG Uganda 143 SA
UA Ukraine 4,682 FR
AE United Arab Emirates 198 US
GB United Kingdom 61,787 UK
UM United States Minor Outlying Islands 0 US
US United States of America 181,833 US
UY Uruguay 0 US
UZ Uzbekistan 0 US
VU Vanuatu 0 US
VA Vatican City 0 US
VE Venezuela 126 US
VN Vietnam 851 FR
VI Virgin Islands 0 US
WF Wallis and Futuna 0 US
EH Western Sahara 0 US
YE Yemen 5 US
ZM Zambia 0 US
ZW Zimbabwe 0 US

Further readingVoltar a conteúdo

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