
Algímia d'Alfara

  • Contexte de la cotation : FR
  • Photos : 7
  • Ascensions : 176
  • Aka: Picaio Redó

Roche: Precaución con la roca

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Unspectacular cliff with easy to moderate routes on medium to poor rock quality overlooking a noisy highway.


Con alrededor de 20 vías, este es una escuela bastante pequeña. El rango de grados es generalmente de 5 y 6. Este es una pared orientado completamente al sur, así que el invierno será la época preferida para escalar. Sea o no la temporada, lo más probable es que esté solo en este peñasco.

La calidad de la roca es bastante pobre ya que la pared consiste en bloques de roca que se encuentran uno encima del otro. Las grietas que se rompen o se desprenden no son, por desgracia, muy raras aquí. Se aplicó algo de pegamento en algunos lugares para mantener los bloques en su lugar.

La ubicación del peñasco en la cima de la colina ofrece una vista. Desafortunadamente, la autopista cercana se cruza justo debajo - y eso también se puede escuchar como un constante ruido de fondo.

En general, probablemente es mejor conducir un poco más lejos a Altura o Jérica.

Las reseñas originales de los equipadores están disponibles en PDF, por ejemplo aquí:

With round about 20 routes, this is a rather small crag. The grade range is generally 5s and 6s. This is an entirely south-facing crag, so winter will be the preferred time of climbing. Whether or not it's season, you'll most likely be alone at this crag.

The rock quality is rather poor as the wall consists of blocks of rock sitting on top of each other. Holds breaking or coming off is unfortunately not all too seldom here. Some glueing was applied at places to keep blocks in place.

The location of the crag on top of the hill offers a view. Unfortunately, the nearby highway is crossing just underneath - and that can also be heard as constant background noise.

All in all you're probably better off driving a little bit further to Altura or Jérica.

Original topo and crag description by the route setters available as PDF, e.g. here:


From the parking (39.753292, -0.377075) next to a grey concrete hut follow a poorly marked footpath uphill for ten minutes to the base of the crag.

In case you leave your car down by the road, make sure not to block the passage of heavy machinery (tractors, delivery trucks, etc.). The road is frequently used by the residents of nearby Algímia.


Où dormir

You don't want to stay for this one.

Éthique hérité de Comunidad Valenciana

  • La piedra caliza es blanda - por favor, limpie sus gatos antes de escalar.
  • Use su propio material para top-ropes.
  • Cepille las vías y el magnesio al terminar la vía.
  • Llévese su basura, colillas, y papel higiénico.
  • Aparque con consideración y no bloquee pasos de tractores.

  • Limestone is soft – please, clean your shoes off dirt before climbing.
  • Use your own gear for top-rope set-ups.
  • Brush the line and remove all tick marks and chalk excess.
  • Pick up rubbish, cigarette butts, and your toilet paper.
  • Park considerately and don't block essential laybys or farm access.


Graphique de l'historique des voies

Routes bolted in 2010 by Nacho Aznar, Luís Compte, Asunción Vives, Carlos de Dios, Esther Fresneda, Ximo Fuertes, Tomas Vives, Rosa Real, Carlos Tudela.


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Climbing up the ramp is a short but worthwhile endeavour.

Slab with 1-2 tricky sections

Interesting climb with a crack that changes from right-hand to left-hand. A small bulge with good holds ends the climb.

The first line bolted on this crag.

Start below a small overhang. Good holds help you overcome it quickly. Some technical face climbing and good foot holds will see you past the most difficult part of the climb. Big holds on big blocks further up. Feels soft for a 6b+.

Actually a good climb, but a lot of loose rock lessens the joy.

Sigue el diedro. Paso más duro para alcanzar la reunión.

Fisura muy evidente entre 'Libro de Asun' y 'No a tot'.

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