
Ascensions dans Australie par Paul Frothy Thomson

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Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 4,213 ascensions.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Falaise Qualité Date
23 Pitch Blank - avec Heath Black
1 23 25m
2 15m
3 15m
Trad 55m Blue Mountains Bon Dim 24 Juil 2022
Pitch 1 only -though I kinda climbed some of the Project as well (it's a confusing bit of wall, here). Probably about gr23 the way I climbed it, though I would describe it as the most logical line. Old school, boulder-problems between mantles and ledges, with some huuuge runouts. Completely dry despite all the crazy rain.

25 Soul Catcher - avec Will Vidler
1 20 20m
2 25 40m
Trad mixte 60m, 10 Blue Mountains Bon Dim 29 Juil 2018
Onsight P1. Interesting climbing, but consists of actual disintegrating sand-choss for much of it.

Linked into P2 to try and climb it as a giant singlepitch, before getting scared of the rope grinding on the choss below and the alpine winds got the better of me. Reversed the crux and backjumped to the belay. Might be okay, but requires bolt plates, and probably a 0.5, 0.75 and 1 BD Cam to make it comfortable.

25 The Prozac Years - avec David Dearnley
1 24 40m
2 25 7m
3 20 20m
Sportive 67m Blue Mountains Classique Sam 28 Mai 2022
What a journey! I've wanted to do this for years (we've all seen that photo of Greg Child on the roof cut-loose and mantle), especially because I've never heard of anyone ever doing it (even asking many of the local legends). If it ever gets rebolted and a bit of TLC, this would be a genuine multipitch classic!

I linked P1 and P2 into a giant 40m Onsight, then set up an improvised belay just below the roof (using 2 bolts and a #1 cam) so I could reduce the roof and mantle to a manageable boulder problem. These pitches are beautiful, sustained face climbing on great rock. P2 in particular follows a super-cool vague-flake thing with tricky feet, and finishes with an old-school "padding" traverse.

Ticking the roof and mantle took me a bunch of shots (initially cause I was using totally wack beta) and at one point involved such a massive sideways fall that I broke a biner. Once I sorted my beta and rested up, it went down surprisingly easy. I'd probably call the mantle a V3?

Pitch three is quite easy, but has a proper gripping traverse at the grade. I'm glad I didn't fall off.

25 Viva La Vioxx - avec Will Vidler
1 25 25m
2 22 25m
Sportive 50m Blue Mountains Bon Mer 13 Juil 2022
Linked Pitches 1 and 2 cause I couldn't be bothered to rebelay... Not recommended (the rope drag was terrible!). P1 would be about gr21, but for a 2m V4/V5 sequence. I wouldn't say I worked out the crux in question, but I also didn't really try. Fun enough, but not one of the better aretes here. P2 had some cool climbing at the start, but was crazy runout (6 bolts in 25m!) I don't think I'll be back.

24 ~24 Merl - avec Heath Black
1 24 Sportive

In hindsight, I had no chance of onsighting this. The crux is not obvious at all, and the carrots sure as hell don't point the way -Without chalk or wear, I can't imagine anyone realistically onsighting it.

A pleasant start on orange rock, leads to a gnarly (but rad) arete sequence with some very cool pockets.

2 24 Sportive

Proper stoked to onsight this. Super duper sustained, incredibly hard to read, spaced and kinda scary carrots, untrafficked, and draining. Lots of gritstone-esque climbing. I linked this into the bottom pitch for a 45m monster -though drag at the top was terrible.

3 21 Sportive

The start is funky and kinda hard, and even the traverse is entertaining, but the headwall above is -at present- almost obligatory death with the crazy runouts, and the vegetated mossy topout. This pitch is not recommended.

Sportive 70m Blue Mountains Classique Dim 8 Jan 2023
Wild! Actually thought we were climbing a totally different route... it seemed kinda hard (considering we were expecting gr23 ).

Totally worthwile, and very much "of the era". Old school, weird bits of necessary gear, antique bash-in carrots in hideous locations... but still awesome.

Linked the first 2 pitches together.

24 Petrified - avec Simmo
1 23 15m
2 24 20m
3 21 15m
Sportive 50m Blue Mountains Excellent Sam 11 Juin 2022
Climbed this as a giant 50m pitch from the ground as well. This was by far the better of the 2 routes here, with better rock and climbing on every pitch. P3 might be the best pitch of the day!

P1 was a great sustained burly quest.

Fell off 2 bolts from the top of P2 on the onsight -got a bit lost from the bolt positioning and ended up in no man's land.

P3 was awesome rock and "oozy" style climbing.

25 SSCC4 - avec Will Vidler
1 23 25m
2 25 25m
Sportive 50m Blue Mountains Classique Mer 13 Juil 2022
My unchalked onsight of P2 ended at the 3rd last bolt (and the last real move) when I finally made a footwork mistake, with all the hardest climbing in the bag . Despite being aesthetically ugly, the moves on both pitches are brilliant, and I had to pull out every slab-climbing trick in the book on the onsight effort of P2. It was dissappointing to drop the ball right at the try-line, but it wasn't absent a whole-hearted effort -I tried hard.

Linked both pitches from the ground with minimum rope drag.

The start of P1 is rather nails, but the initial moves its only about gr21 to the top.

24 Dauntless - avec Match
1 15 En second grimpé en tête par Match
2 21 Trad
3 20 Trad
4 10 Trad
5 24 Trad
6 17 Trad
7 13 En second
Trad 170m Blue Mountains Excellent Sam 22 Avr 2023
Just one more big Katoomba Cliffs -with everything that encompasses- mixed epic off the list.

I liked P2, P3 and P5, but the other pitches are really just doddly, chossy access/egress pitches.

P2 had some cool, wandery, super runout face climbing, with more sideways than up. The opening mantles were tough! I got off route trying to free an old aid route at one point -eventually broke a hold and took a big whip, realised my mistake, lowered back to a big no-hands ledge, and continued onsighting the correct line. This was my favourite pitch of the route.

P3 was a sketchy solo on loose rock to the first bolt, then a cool fused corner, followed by an easy, but airy traverse.

P4 is just a short vertical walk.

P5 necessitated pioneering some new beta since the crux breakages. I eventually figured out some very unlikely morpho beta that went at the same grade. After the crux, its some pretty wild unprotected campus traversing to the belay.

P6 Is a long death by ironstone arete. Easy, but not much gear.

P7 is an even more death by ironstone pitch, with even worse gear, leading to a vertical gardening exit.

23 Jezreel - avec Sammy Zammit, Jared Anderson
1 18 15m
2 23 20m grimpé en tête par Paul Frothy Thomson
3 22 15m grimpé en tête par Paul Frothy Thomson
Trad mixte 50m, 2 Blue Mountains Excellent Dim 13 Fév 2022
A worthy adventure, where the crux pitch wasn't all that gnarly, but the exit was. Still a good day out, even though I dropped my 0.75 Friend into Katoomba falls

We chose to rap in from above the route for a number of reasons (one of which is how much water there currently is in the creek above Katoomba Falls!) though that proved rather tricky, and necessitated some reverse roof-aiding shenanigans. As such, we didn't do the P1 traverse.

P2 is mostly sub gr20 climbing on good but spaced gear, with a briefly hard crux past a carrot. Save a 0.4/0.5 cam for AFTER this section! (I didn't, and it made the top rather terrifying).

P3 was a type-2 adventure. Route finding was hard (its not obvious where it goes). The gear was spaced and kinda dubious, and the rock was somewhat crap. But my biggest problem is that in 2 attempts I simply could not do the topout roof mantle on link, as it was a waterfall, and the rock was frictionless, slimey ironstone. Took a couple of exciting whips onto a cam I really didn't trust. So, not a real send.

I also tried to pioneer a new top pitch out right with gnarly roof moves that avoided all the water. Came really close despite it being a steep questing adventure, until I whipped onto a black totem with only half its lobes in the rock. After that I got scared and downclimbed back to the belay It would actually be a great line on better rock if you had a cam 1-size smaller than the black totem.

21 Highway to the Dangerzone - avec Heath Black
1 15 20m grimpé en tête par Heath Black
2 21 20m grimpé en tête par Paul Frothy Thomson
Trad 40m Blue Mountains Bon Sam 29 Déc 2018
Both pitches climb better than they look, though the rock is not great and the route hasnt really been cleaned. P2 certainly is steep at times, though unerringly juggy. Some traddy thugging.

21 Bungleboori Crack
1 21 25m grimpé en tête par Paul Frothy Thomson
2 21 45m grimpé en tête par Paul Frothy Thomson
Trad 70m Blue Mountains Classique Mar 14 Avr 2020
A proper soaring line, and way more overhanging than you might think! Some sections of real choss (challenging to negotiate without dislodging on your belayer) but outweighed by the quality of such a proud bit of trad.

I fell off the first (wet and dirty) moves of P1, came down, and went again to send the pitch. The upper half is worthwhile, but the start up the thin crack is quite sandy and terrible.

P2 is the money, and probably tonnes of fun with 4+ #3's to actually protect it. As it was I had only a single set of large cams, and spent most of the time being quite terrified, and relying on inferior gear to protect surprisingly gymnastic moves through steepness. It probably made it all the more memorable, really.

I slung the giant bollard at the top for an anchor (since I had no gear left).

19 The Silk Road - avec Heath Black
1 17 35m grimpé en tête par Paul Frothy Thomson
2 19 30m grimpé en tête par Heath Black
3 19 35m grimpé en tête par Paul Frothy Thomson
4 16 25m grimpé en tête par Heath Black
Trad 130m Blue Mountains Excellent Sam 29 Déc 2018
Mostly good easny trad with interesting climbing, though the dug-out cracks are still dirty. Probably the only criticism is of the hideous vegetated grovels at the ed of P1 and P2... otherwise: worth a lap if this is your grade and your thing. I was well impressed with the effort the FA's have put into getting this route ready for repeat ascents.

19 Pine Crack - avec Gerry Narkowicz
1 19 35m grimpé en tête par Gerry Narkowicz
2 19 30m grimpé en tête par Paul Frothy Thomson
Trad 65m Moonarie Super classique Dim 14 Avr 2019
Absolutely brilliant. Aesthetically, rock-quality, and from a pure climbing perspective, this has to be one of the best gear routes at the grade I've climbed in Australia. Pitch 1 rivals Ramadan (at Ben Lomond) for quality, though they are stylistically different. Kinda intimidating at the grade, but worth every moment. The run-out taipan-esque bridging away from the gear on P1, and thugging out through the roof on P2 are very memorable.

27 ORANGE JAM - avec Glen Thomson
1 27 22m
2 19 35m
Trad 57m Blue Mountains Classique Mer 4 Juil 2018
2nd shot today, 11th total, placing the gear. Almost managed it as my warmup but botched a sequence at the very top, and then flash pumped into oblivion. Not muuuuch harder than on pre-placed, though pumpier and a bit scarier (I had to minimise my gear for all the hard stuff to a point where it was quite "engaging but probably safe". Pretty psyched to get it done in good style, as its the last of the harder classic cracks of the Blueys for me to tick.

After ticking P1, my Dad jumaared up to join me on the belay, and I onsighted P2. P2 is actually good, varied and sustained climbing, though unfortunately vegetated and bit dirty/snappy due to lack of traffic. It's actually kind of intimidating despite the grade (due to the composition) but totally worthwhile.

24 Tradfear - avec Heath Black
1 17 15m grimpé en tête par Heath Black
2 24 35m grimpé en tête par Paul Frothy Thomson
3 22 12m grimpé en tête par Paul Frothy Thomson
4 22 25m grimpé en tête par Paul Frothy Thomson
Trad mixte 87m, 6 Blue Mountains Bon Dim 3 Oct. 2021
A great outing up a major feature (visible from Perry's!) but not necessarily a great route. Steep and atmospheric, but generally average rock. All of the various cruxes are above gear, which makes this feel like a real trad route, despite a few bolts.

The quite bold start to P2 had me get scared and jump off twice before I could change my headspace and push through the runout crux for the send, after which I flashed to the top. A great pitch which is crazy overhanging through multiple roofs.

Pitch 3 is short and steep up an overhanging offset arete, but the rock is hideous.

Pitch 4 is basically unprotected until you regain Superdyke (after which the rock and climbing greatly increase).

22 Twisted Reality (Twisted Reality P1)
1 22 35m
Sportive 35m Blue Mountains Bon Dim 29 Juil 2018
P1 only. Long, interesting, wandery climbing, but guarded by a poxy start, and with quite fragile rock. Would be good if done solely as an access pitch to the routes above, and not as a route in and of itself.

22 27 String Theory Trad mixte 80m, 8 Victoria Range Excellent Ven 24 Juil 2015
Pitch 1 Only as a warmup. I had gear in Pythagoras Theorum so I lowered off to the ground, then had funky self-belay/aid/free fun seconding myself to get my own gear back. An awesome warmup if you're doing Pythagoras, though potentially a nuisence to clean. I got surprisingly pumped towards the end heel-hooking along the slopey break. P2 looks radical and obvious... intriguing.

22 26 Bisso of Orange - avec Rob Medlicott Sportive 180m Bare Rock Excellent Lun 25 Jan 2016
Only the 1st 3 pitches (too wet today for a big multi) Similar to Black Fire (maybe a bit less fragile) but with utterly abysmal bolting. Climbed P1 and P2 as a giant 60m pitch. Rob then moved the belay to the end of the easy P1, and I continued up P3 (to make another 60m pitch) before rapping. P1 is a slightly loose, super runout access doddle. P2 is a rather hard, technical slab. P3 is an enjoyable steep roof wander. I broke a hold off P3 2m off belay on easy ground and fell back to the belay

25 Big Nose - avec Heath Black
1 21 45 Sportive grimpé en tête par Heath Black
2 25 45 Sportive grimpé en tête par Paul Frothy Thomson
3 24 30 Sportive grimpé en tête par Paul Frothy Thomson
4 15 30 Sportive grimpé en tête par Paul Frothy Thomson
5 20 30 Sportive grimpé en tête par Heath Black
6 20 30 Sportive grimpé en tête par Paul Frothy Thomson
7 21 30 Sportive grimpé en tête par Heath Black
8 18 40 Sportive grimpé en tête par Paul Frothy Thomson
Sportive 280m Blue Mountains Bon Dim 13 Mars 2022
The climbing is upper echelon "Very Good", but the bolting is so unceasingly garbage that I can't give this better than "Good".

P2 was quite sustained, with consistently rad moves up the arete (and a funky gritstone finale) but seemed rather easy at the grade (though I can see it being nails if you're short). Regardless, I was pretty stoked to onsight it in good style.

The crux of the day were the moves to the 2nd bolt on P3, which was a solid V4 for me. I'm wondering if the recent storms have caused the block you start on to slide down the ledge, or whether perhaps there used to be a cairn there? I'm keen to hear others' opinions who repeat this after me.

Most pitches were good. The crazy roof on P5 was super unlikely, and the spine chiller traverse was great!

Regarding my criticism of the bolting:

  • Runouts with near constant ledgefall potential.

  • Terrible bolt placements -over-recessed (biner snappers) and constantly out of reach even at my height.

  • Irrational belay stances -Bolts too high, or far too low, or a hanging belay instead of on a big ledge?

Prospective multipitch new routers should climb this if only to learn what not to do.

25 Imogenation Sportive 22m, 11 The Cathedral Dans la moyenne Dim 21 Juil 2013
Straightforward super-duper thin climbing. A bit sandy, with some glued on holds that you really don't need. Really contrived to avoid stemming. Not QUITE the Mikl classic, in my opinion. Maybe 24?

23 25 Microdermabrasia (Microdermabrasia P1) Sportive 85m Blue Mountains Excellent Sam 15 Fév 2014
Pitch 1 (23) only. Great! Climbs an obvious feature, getting harder all the way to the anchors. The last 5m or so up the flake is quite challenging, and it was great to score the onsight.

25 The Free Route Trad mixte 65m, 8 Fortescue Bay Super classique Dim 11 Jan 2015
Another dream send to add to the list of mind-blowing climbing memories. Climbed with Gene. P1 - Onsight via Deep Play; P2 - Onsight; and P3 (short trad climb to the summit) - Flash. Adventurous rope management, epic position and staggering sustained arete movement for the full 40m of the money pitch. Hard, thin, tricky to read but blessed by sticky rock. This is truly world-class and I am stoked to be a part of it.

25 Hit and Run Sportive 27m The Paradiso Classique Mar 13 Jan 2015
A climb in 3 sections... crazy steep start with big moves on good holds to a rest; shorter, less-steep and less juggy middle-section to another rest; And a final face-climbing headwall with tricky, improbable moves on not-so-good holds to the anchor. The upper section makes this climb! The anchor (which is actually for another climb to the left) needs to be moved about 1m right.

25 Chainsaws, Guns and Dogs Trad mixte 30m, 16 Bare Rock Classique Mar 24 Fév 2015
Now this was a long fight, and hard work for a warmup. A long, wandery adventure. I used a #2 and #1 cam, but could also take a #0.75 and #3 if you dont like runouts. Only a short crux section, but lots of techy thin moves throughout that would be easy to mess up. The rightward traverse below the roof is a real chinese puzzle in itself. Quite stance-friendly. I totally bogged down below the final roof for a good 20min before suddenly unlocking it and scoring the onsight. Stoked!

25 Diamond Dilemma (Diamond Dillema) Sportive 30m, 15 Blue Mountains Classique Sam 18 Avr 2015
Awesome! With traffic it would be classic. About a 1/2 grade harder than Innocent Fortune. After the initial boulder problem, the angle eases, but the climbing is still quite sustained all the way to the anchors. Lots of very thin moves with tricky feet between good rest stances. So many sidepulls, pockets and underclings. Another LONG route. I enjoyed this very much.

24 25 The Goat Fucker Mega Route Sportive 15m, 7 GFC Classique Dim 26 Juil 2015
As close to perfect as I could want a route in this style (and in south-west sydney) to be. Only the "accelerated erosion" robs it of my megaclassic status. Sustained, intense, pumpy, technical, involved and on great quality and aesthetically pleasing rock. Need more adjectives to sell the quality of this climb?

25 Microdermabrasia Sportive 85m Blue Mountains Excellent Dim 22 Nov. 2015
Pitch 3 (24) only. An exciting onsight with no chalk on anything. Mostly this pitch is sustained thin pumping at hard 22. However, this climb harbours a seriously tricky crux featuring a desperately long reach off a 1/4 mono-crimp. The finish up the steep, groovy stemming feature is pretty cool when hanging out at the top of the majestic Bentrovato wall.

25 Mildly Amused Trad mixte 35m, 9 Mount Wellington Classique Jeu 24 Déc 2015
Super-psyched! It's not often I get to boast about onsighting a 35m gr25 mixed climb in Tassie! Engaging crack climbing for 15m on gear (at about grade 23) with some involved and improbable gear-protected moves. Then an outlandish fridge-hugging sequence past a square-cut rooflet and into technical face climbing (with a few token arete slaps) for the remaining 20m of climbing. Perhaps not too tough for the grade but with no chalk on it, and some wet holds, I'll take it!

22 25 Neon God Sportive 50m Mount Wellington Excellent Mer 2 Mars 2016
Onsight P1 as part of an onsight attempt on the whole route as 1 giant pitch. P1 on its own is great climbing on great rock, but far too contrived and too much of an eliminate to ever be a true 3-star classic. Disappointing considering its rep. Rad crack and flake features with thin face in between.

25 Echo Crack - avec Alastair McDowell Trad 190m Blue Mountains Classique Sam 26 Nov. 2016
If this is my last climb before I get unfit from my new job, at least it's a bloody awesome way to finish! Much better climbing than I expected (even the bottom "crap" pitches weren't all that bad by Blueys Adventure-Trad standards, merely "average"), and the money pitches were utterly spectacular. Not as good as Samarkand, but definitely worthwhile! I found the sustained crack sections on the upper pitches challenging, because (with my added refusal to use tape) they are a really bad size for my hands. P1 (Onsight) - Loose-ish easy corner-crack climbing; P2 (2nd Clean) - Okay climbing up a varied corner system for 2/3rds, then loose finale; P3 (Onsight) - Boulder problem to gain and get established into the crack (I ran this out into scary territory above "okay" gear), then very stance-friendly steep corner-crack climbing, mostly off-hands with a few fists in there; P4 (2nd Clean) - Sustained endurance steep fist-crack test-piece, with a funky -and tricky!- face crimping finale. In HINDSIGHT, my ideal rack for this climb would be: 1 x 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.75; 2 x #1; 3 x #2; 7 x #3 (with some "spaced but tolerable" placements). As it was, on the crux pitch, I ran out the crack quite a lot.

25 Gavia Sportive 20m Blue Mountains Bon Mer 18 Mars 2020
I was going to give this Very Good (and it probably is climbing-wise if you finish up Exile or Poggio), but the mess of bolts at the top of this to force a 3m contrived new finish just pisses me off.

The moves until the 2nd last bolt (ie. where the debacle begins) are actually really good, quite sustained, and follow a vague line of least resistance. Onsighting all of that was hard work with all the crux-chalk washed off.

25 Lockdown - avec Heath Black Sportive 36m, 17 Blue Mountains Classique Dim 22 Mars 2020
Brilliant! Super-sustained with so many moves that are puntable, but no true shutdown crux. The entire headwall is mega, but don't underestimate the slab (I came closest to falling off there). Probably hard for 24, but easy for 25? Substantially harder than its lefthand neighbour, but this is the real money of the crag.

25 Barbie Boys - avec Will Vidler, Match, Ben Young Sportive 20m, 9 Blue Mountains Excellent Ven 27 Août 2021
A tad crunchy, but really pleasant moves. Seemed rather easy at the grade, but I have no idea how to grade anymore.

25 Cant - avec Heath Black, Stephen Varney Sportive 25m Blue Mountains Excellent Dim 14 Nov. 2021
Cool! had to try pretty hard for a few moves, and thought I was off at the top for sure. Essentially: 3 boulder problems of increasing difficulty, separated by good stances. The middle boulder proved particularly tough and committing with a curious complete lack of chalk on it.

25 Eyes of Faith - avec Match, Rene Provis, Ben Jenga, Mitch Perkins, Gavin Sportive 25m, 11 Blue Mountains Excellent Dim 21 Nov. 2021
The finale is brilliant, and way easier than it looks despite some rather outrageous steepness. Exciting on the onsight with no chalk on the top half of this.

Probably only 24?

Full disclosure: not a true onsight, as a I broke a wet jug off on the headwall before I could actually clip the anchor. But, whatever.

25 Sparkle Motion - avec Match, Stephen Varney Sportive 20m, 9 Blue Mountains Excellent Mar 28 Déc 2021

Gets progressively harder all the way, and I had to delve deep into the bag of tricks to stick the top with no beta.

Not as good as the other routes here.

24 Survival Day Sportive 20m, 10 Blue Mountains Excellent Sam 29 Juin 2013
Surprisingly good climbing, with one reachy sequence. Probably more 23, if I'm honest, but the climbing is enjoyable regardless of grade. The top (easy) section was wet, but it wasn't really a problem. Another worthy addition to the Binary.

24 Anticoagulant Sportive 15m The Cathedral Excellent Dim 21 Juil 2013
Wow, this climb just gets progressively harder all the way to the anchors. The last 5m or so are very physically demanding. Awesome, desparate movement with a tricky crux finger-lock guarding the last moves to the anchors. Genuinely engaging climbing.

24 Work Injury Sportive 15m, 7 Blue Mountains Excellent Jeu 14 Nov. 2013
Good, but it's got nothing on Fashion next door (which I also thought was harder). Some extremely thin moves between pretty good stances, with reasonable criming to the anchors. The bottom few bolts are pretty bad.

24 Hate Mail Trad mixte 25m, 5 Point Perpendicular Excellent Sam 22 Fév 2014
Rad climbing, protection and rock. Tonnes of fun. I think that this is 23, rather than 24. If I hadn't read the guidebook about the "crux" at the end, I wouldn't have even stopped to place the "crux" cam as the runout to the anchors is fine. The anchors are pretty dubious.

24 Language of Desire Sportive 28m Blue Mountains Excellent Sam 19 Juil 2014
Pretty cool, quite straightforward with no real "stopper" moves (though definately a few distinctly harder moves), but quite a few tricky moves throughout. I like tgmhe runouts on the top half to keep it spicy... for a shipley route.

24 Mr McGuirkesqirter Sportive 15m Blue Mountains Excellent Dim 3 Août 2014
Better than I expected. I didn't find the "one move wonder" everyone keeps talking about all that hard, I found the moves out left to turn the little rooflet much harder. A few tricky moves broken up by good stances. Nicely spaced bolts.

24 La La Land Sportive 20m, 8 Blue Mountains Classique Lun 11 Août 2014
Stoked! The main headwall is sustained, pumpy thinness the whole way. Lots of small, techy, desperate moves on very average holds. A great route in iconic Blueys style.

24 Surprise Package Sportive 17m, 8 Blue Mountains Excellent Mer 29 Oct. 2014
Hard start and very hard finish. Definitely 24 for the onsight. The moves into the groove, then out onto the prow and into the hard crux to the anchors make this one memorable. Stoked to keep it together at the end, as I got lost on the final moves and it was a battle for place and clip the anchors. At least 2 rad no-hands rests on this one.

24 Heaven Can Wait Sportive 30m, 14 Bare Rock Classique Jeu 8 Jan 2015
Unerringly sustained from the very first move to the last. Slightly-steep, technical thin face-climbing with a wide variety of moves. I was on this for a long time fighting for the onsight, and it was worth every second. Classic!

24 Deep Play Trad mixte 20m, 6 Fortescue Bay Classique Dim 11 Jan 2015
Wow! Sustaimed spoogy technical thiness with 2 prominant cruxes and waves lapping at your feet. I struggled with warm-up flash pump as I fought to solve the committing puzzles before I fell off. What a way to commence a dream day on the Tote! Gene belayed from the ledge on the mainland to avoid most of the spray. Used 2 wires and a 0.3 cam between the bolts.

24 Groseness Sportive 210m Blue Mountains Classique Dim 29 Mars 2015
With Neil. Led P1, P3, and P5-P6 (linked). O/S all my pitches, and Clean 2nd on Neils. One of the best "harder" multis I've done in the Blueys. Generally great rock, no choss bands, minimal ironstone edge pulling, and 200+m of uninterrupted exposure. Great climbing on all pitches except the vegetated 10m exit pitch. Clean and mostly vegetation free. Quite runout on bash-in carrots (11 bolts in 45m gr24!) and each pitch is dangerously runout off the belay. With a face-lift, this would be CLASSIC!

24 Get a Black Dog Up Ya Sportive 35m, 17 Blue Mountains Excellent Dim 12 Avr 2015
2 laps. Climbed both pitches as a giant 45m pitch (with lots of loooong runners) for an Onsight warmup with almost no drag, and another lap seconding Neil (also clean). Somewhat inconsistent, with an enjoyable easy-ish traverse, some easy face climbing, a worryingly friable razor-thin lower crux, more nice face climbing, then a final 8m or so that just keeps getting harder until you top out. The final few metres are CRIMPY and PUNCHY through a bulge. Aesthetically pleasing. Like an adventure.

24 Charged Sportive 24m Blue Mountains Excellent Mer 2 Sept 2015
Great, fairly tricky face moves between tedious cave rests encompassing dubious rock. Still pretty happy with the onsight, as there wasnt a grain of chalk on this, and the two hard sections were quite sequency. Not as good as Transmission, but a bit easier.

25 24 Neon Knights Sportive 45m Bare Rock Classique Mer 10 Fév 2016
Stoked! The best of the climbs on Supernaut face. A full grade harder than Supernaut, and 1/2 grade harder than Into the Void. Very sustained all the way to the top. Bouldery start, then some technical thiness, to a desparate roof-turn, to more technical, wandery thinness, to a steep water-polished technical bridging finale up an overhanging V-groove, with a final easy (but exposed) roof to turn. Memorable! Might be nails 24 for the ultimate dialed red-point attempt, but 25 for onsight.

23 24 Enchanted to a Stone Sportive 45m Bare Rock Excellent Jeu 5 Mai 2016
End of day lash to the interim belay (3 bolts from the top anchors) on the big ledge just below the crux. I decided not to tackle the infamously nails crux today, and lowered off from here. Extremely technical, insecure face climbing on immaculate, slippery rock, with a few rooflets to negotiate. Quite enjoyable so far...

24 Land of Green Navels Trad mixte 30m, 10 Blue Mountains Excellent Sam 24 Sept 2016
Adventurous! Not much chalk, and it clearly doesn't get climbed much. A single 0.5 cam (purple) is all you need for this. As per the guidebook I took a tonne of gear up, and needed none of it. Sustained complex and varied sequences all the way up, separated by massive rests. The top crux is dissappointingly sandy, but features radical and improbable shouldery moves. The top roof was a waterfall today, which made for an exciting onsight.

24 Supercrack - avec Stephen Winnacott Trad 65m Blue Mountains Classique Sam 8 Juil 2017
Psyched for the onsight! A burly, perfect #2 cam roof-crack, that overhangs about 9m. Juggy jams, bomber rock, oodles of gear. Super streno with outrageous moves. Kinda intimidating, but not too hard at the grade. We skipped P1 (you can walk around it), P2 - Clean 2nd - intimidating without big gear, awesome steep stemming/chimneying; P3 - Onsight!

24 Evolution - avec Stephen Varney Trad mixte 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge Classique Mer 30 Août 2017
I finally got to do the 3 "classic" pitches on this route, and sure enough, they WERE bloody classic. P1-P3 - Repeat, Lead Clean (I've onsighted them previously when I climbed Aurora) - Very slabby. A Poxy start pitch, a very thin middle pitch, and a bold (but not as hard or as scary as I remember) finale pitch. Not as terrible as I remember; P4 - 2nd Clean - Probably the hardest bit of climbing on the route. I found this sustained, pumpy, technical and with terrible feet. Great!; P5 - Onsight - Great, sustained technical climbing up a vague corner-system. A proper classic. P6 - Onsight - Extremely juggy, steep-ish climbing on perfect rock. Very straightforward, but tonnes of fun in an exposed position. P7 - We chose to finish up the top (crux) pitch of Jumpmaster instead of the normal finish (which I ticked first go today placing all gear on lead).

24 Pokahontas Sportive 18m Blue Mountains Bon Dim 3 Déc 2017
Much harder than it looks, with a LOT of climbing for a very short route. Climbs an obvious left-leaning vague-flake system, with a few punch moves. The 4th bolt is extremely hard to clip, and all of the bolts are somewhat strangely positions, but it doesn't impact the climbing too much.

24 Second Wind Sportive 30m Blue Mountains Excellent Dim 7 Jan 2018
A great line, and very easy for the grade. It somehow conveys an "exposed" vibe, and is surprisingly steep at the grade. Totally worthwhile, but not as good as its gr22 neighbour.

24 The Darkest Hour - avec Jason McCarthy Sportive 25m, 12 Blue Mountains Excellent Mar 18 Sept 2018
Enjoyable climbing, but a rather "weird" line. The finale is quite exciting. I went for the "full-body barndoor while desperately trying to hold a blocky sloper" approach. That's definitely the beta.

24 Bloodnut - avec Emil Mandyczewsky Trad 25m Moonarie Bon Lun 22 Avr 2019
A great thin main crux, and lots of other hard moves, but also lots of rubbish rock. I thought this was very hard at the grade, and I power-screamed up it.

24 Hypertension - avec Emil Mandyczewsky, Gerry Narkowicz Trad mixte 45m, 3 Moonarie Classique Ven 26 Avr 2019
A great way to finish of the Moonarie trip. Awesome technical face climbing with 3 bolts amidst the trad to keep it sane, on generally beautiful rock. Marred only by dubious rock until the first bolt, and very dubious gear (read: RPs in cracked, hollow, moving rock) to get to the first bolt. Be careful. Quite sustained, though no particularly hard moves.

25 24 I Hurt it on the Grapevine - avec Lucas C Sportive 50m, 18 Blue Mountains Classique Mar 6 Août 2019
Absolutely nails, but bloody brilliant. Usually quite spectacular rock, though some sections of choss. There were so many moves on this where I was almost off, but stayed on by the skin of my teeth. On the onsight I did the crux move as one of the most ridiculous V5 boulder moves I've ever done on rock, but later found out a smarter way of doing it via a hidden hold. Totally worthy, but very demanding.

24 Substance Abuse - avec Christopher Glastonbury
1 22 45m
2 24 45m
Sportive 90m Mount Buffalo Bon Dim 29 Déc 2019
Accidentally got on this instead of Edge of Pleasure. Didn't take long to realise our mistake. Heinously hard friction slabbing on untrafficked, somewhat mossy, somewhat snappy rock. Getting up this clean is about as hard as I can climb in the style.

The stupid screw-in sheathed caving bolts on the lower pitch unscrew themselves due to the fixed hangers (one only had about 3 turns of thread left from falling out). I didn't particularly enjoy having to hand-screw in the bolts (not the nuts, the bloody BOLTS) on lead.

24 Octopussy - avec Heath Black Sportive 16m Blue Mountains Classique Dim 16 Fév 2020
Despite wet conditions and the arete running with water, this still managed to be a classic! Varied, technical, trad-y, and a little bit gripping. Really good all the way to the anchor!

24 Patience Zero - avec Heath Black Sportive 37m, 15 Blue Mountains Excellent Dim 22 Mars 2020
Super enjoyable long outing in an exposed position. Very technical face climbing with a proud headwall. Would be 23ish but for a single nails heartbreaking move to bump up the grade a smidge. A great warmup for its neighbour.

24 The Name Changers (The Lame Changers) - avec Heath Black Sportive 80m Blue Mountains Classique Dim 19 Juil 2020
1.5 hour round trip from rap-in to top-out at EOD. P1 is borderline mega-classic, and would be the best pitch of climbing at shipley... if it weren't at Mount Banks

Both pitches thoroughly worthwhile and very different in composition. Features some of the sexiest slopers in the Blueys, and a surprising amount of technicality. I was proper chuffed with this.

24 Driller - avec Viona Young Sportive 16m, 6 New Nowra - Braidwood Road Excellent Sam 26 Déc 2020
Kinda damp, and completely unchalked, this was a committing pocketed number for the onsight, but fortunately not too hard at the grade. Hope you like pockets and slopers.

24 Statue of liberty - avec Viona Young Sportive 30m New Nowra - Braidwood Road Excellent Sam 26 Déc 2020
Climbed as a giant pitch from the ground in the rain, which necessitated a fair bit of back-cleaning and draw skipping. Awesome second pitch, though not particularly hard. The finale was chalkless but I still felt solid on it. Found about 5 no hands rests on P2 =)

24 Itinerate Immigrants - avec Jared Tyerman Sportive 25m Blue Mountains Excellent Sam 26 Juin 2021
Better than it looks. The rock is consistently average, but the climbing is consistently fun and engaging, with plenty of rests throughout. The bouldery start wasn't too bad, and the surprisingly steep upper section is quite juggy.

24 The Breakdancing Bee - avec Heath Black, Ben Sanford, Stephen Varney Sportive 30m, 14 Blue Mountains Excellent Sam 28 Août 2021
Sustained thin face climbing, but not too hard at the grade. Despite looking impossible from the ground, it's all there at a reasonable difficulty.

24 Nuclear Winter - avec Match
1 23 20m
2 24 25m
Trad 45m Blue Mountains Classique Dim 31 Juil 2022
Pretty stoked with the onsight given the (obvious) lack of wear/traffic and dirty holds after the recent deluge.

Linked both pitches into a giant 45m pitch from the ground. I don't necessarily recommend this unless you use 2 ropes, or pull up and drop the rope (for a clean run of rope) at the end of P1, as the rope drag was horrible.

A very old school, wandery, cryptic, and intimidating line. P1 starts inauspiciously, but ends with some pretty hard slabbing a long way above a carrot. P2 features some heart-stopping climbing to gain the arete, turn it, and continue up the slab on the other side before finally getting another carrot. Both pitches were good fun if you like the style, but P2 proved gripping enough to be memorable, and I'll readily admit that I was a bit freaked.

24 Everyman and his Dog - avec Match Trad 60m Blue Mountains Excellent Sam 27 Août 2022
Was pretty chuffed to punch this out as a warmup, with the route unchalked.

The money pitch is short, and the rock is variable (though mostly quite good) but it's very sustained and insecure, and an excellent technical crack-climbing test-piece. In a few moments of desperation, I began using face-holds that would be called bad footers any other day of the week... I'm sure there's better beta

24 Black Gold - avec Mattyj Sportive 30m Blue Mountains Excellent Ven 24 Juin 2022
Backlogging due to my previous logged tick being lost by TheCrag.

Pretty chuffed with this onsight at the end of the day, because this route was obviously unchalked, untrafficked, and a touch unloved.

Good, balancy arete climbing. More scary than hard (due to the bolt position). Definitely only gr24.

23 Cryogenics Sportive 25m Blue Mountains Excellent Mar 4 Déc 2012
Really good! It felt like a walk in the park... Until I discovered that it had saved the hardest moves for the final 1/3rd, and they were consistent enough to keep me fighting. Harder than Good Big Dog in that all the hardest moves are of the same style, where as GBD has tough moves in various styles. One of the easier starts at The Freezer means that you have no excuse not to get on it.

23 Doris'll Getcha! Sportive 25m Blue Mountains Bon Mar 4 Déc 2012
I'd call it hard-22, when for the onsight with no chalk on any of the holds. A giveaway at 23. Having said that, Doris very nearly got me, as I was getting pretty desperate towards the end. I think that the easy slab start deceives your mind about the impending intensity of the finale. Good fun.

23 The Cramps Sportive 22m, 10 Blue Mountains Excellent Dim 7 Avr 2013
Stoked with this onsight, cause I felt like it demanded a lot of me (this just isn't my style of climb). Bouldery start, followed by some more boulderiness, and finishing with some reachiness. Great rock, and... um... bouldery climbing. Thanks Neil!

21 23 Imogen Sportive 15m, 7 The Cathedral Excellent Dim 21 Juil 2013
I agree with Leith on this one, it's definately 22. Hard and varied but worthwhile. Super-sharp rock which has a tendency to be a bit crusty on the feet (especially on the lower crux moves), but the variety and sustained nature of the climbing is worth the blood and skin investment. Tricky.

23 Static Trad mixte 35m, 8 Blue Mountains Classique Sam 5 Oct. 2013
Great blank technical stemming. Hard sequences, to great stances. I've been wanting to get on this for a long time, and it was worth the wait. Felt like a Frog 20, but regardless it makes for a brilliant route. The thin crack at the top is heaps of fun too. Take a rack of wires, and maybe a #3 and #.75 for the belay to bring up your second. Probably overbolted, would've been great with 3 bolts and more trad placements.

23 Speed Boat Wankers Sportive 25m Nowra Excellent Ven 8 Nov. 2013
Climbs like an adventure! Tricky slabbing, weird bolting, rope management, roofing, and long for this end of Nowra. Felt soft at the grade, but nevertheless I'm glad this was as enjoyable as I was hoping, as I've been meaning to get on it for a long time.

23 Fuzzy Logic Trad 25m Point Perpendicular Excellent Dim 23 Fév 2014
Great climbing, but contrived to avoid the corner. Not as good as Liquid Daze, but not as bold either. Has a nice runout to the end, however. I didn't think this was too hard for 23, and I enjoyed it immensely. Face climbing on predominantly gear is awesome!

23 Hidden Gem Sportive 12m, 6 The Hide Away Excellent Lun 21 Avr 2014
This felt quite straightforward to me, though enjoyable. The roof section was a bit desperate but I think that my height made the whole sequence more tolerable. If you didn't have to move PAST the roof, this would probably only be ~20/21 I think.

23 Weaveworld Sportive 25m Victoria Range Super classique Dim 4 Mai 2014
Stunning introduction to the Grampians. A little bit of every style and a dose of exposure (and moderate runouts) to keep it interesting. It was everything I'd been led to expect and more.

23 The Floating Cloud Sportive 15m, 5 Victoria Range Excellent Mer 7 Mai 2014
Fun climbing (mostly for the start and finish) but ample rests, and rather soft. Makes a good warm-up if you deliberately avoid the rests. Not on par with the other routes in this cave for quality.

23 Alien Signature Sportive 19m Blue Mountains Excellent Mer 29 Oct. 2014
Pumpy! Almost came unstuck on the nails move past the roof, but kept it together to the top. A genuinely good climb from start to finish.

23 Creep Show Sportive 18m Blue Mountains Excellent Mer 29 Oct. 2014
The easiest climb I did today, though after a long day of climbing I was cramping up on every move. Style aint in it, I just went for sheer desperate tenacity. Very straightforward, but pleasantly steep. Even the start on this one isn't too bad. Nice rock.

22 23 I Was a Teenage Werewolf Sportive 55m Blue Mountains Excellent Sam 1 Nov. 2014
Pitch 2 only as a warm up. With Gene. Might be 22 if clean, but it was dirty enough that it felt rather challenging despite being low angle. Great balancy moves up exposed blankness. I used a #2 in the belay and #3, 0.75 and #1 on the climb.

23 Wagon Wheel Express Sportive 25m Hidden Face Excellent Lun 5 Jan 2015
Amazingly varied moves. Thin pumpy layback start, tricky blank bridging in the middle, to a final committing step across move with more thinness to the anchors. Like a series of puzzles to be solved from good stances between moves. Thoroughly enjoyable.

23 Rime of the Ancient Mariner (Rhime of the Ancient Mariner) Trad mixte 30m, 7 Hidden Face Excellent Lun 5 Jan 2015
A great, committing trad line with a few bolts in the right places. A lot of this climb was wet (the crack was seeping!) and it felt desperate, but great fun. Strenuous start, a thin tricky bridging section in the middle, and a final desperate layback finale.

23 Super Charger Sportive 20m, 10 The Paradiso Excellent Mar 13 Jan 2015
Didn't have any trad gear, so I just didnt place any... The trad-protected moves are only like gr20, but I sure as hell didn't want to fall. Hard, bouldery start with tricky footers, and some wicked moves to gain and mount the arete before the anchors.

23 Give a Dog a Bone Trad 20m Bare Rock Excellent Dim 18 Jan 2015
Ouch. All gear off-width and v-groove steep chimney does not make a good warmup. Battled up the start at a snails pace, ate up the middle steep jamming and stemming, and breathed HARD on the final sporty steep laybacking. The last moves to the anchors is powerful with your gear far below. Not a true onsight, as I backed off the (easy, committing) start twice and used a cam I'd placed from the ground to get back to the ledge rather than downclimbing.

23 The Seventh Banana Pitch 1 Trad 20m Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Excellent Dim 15 Fév 2015
Super cruxy (I did the pocket sequence dynamically for airborn fun) surrounded by easier but engaging climbing. I only had wires and a few cams (most of my gear was being used by others on Sirrocco P1) which made the climbing even more exciting. A nice introduction to Taipan

23 Spot Gold Sportive 13m, 8 New Nowra - Braidwood Road Excellent Dim 5 Avr 2015
A rather hard, and surprisingly powerful thin start, with more pleasant easy steep climbing up the arete feature. Alright climbing, but discontinuous.

23 Truffle Shuffle Sportive 15m, 12 Blue Mountains Bon Sam 11 Avr 2015
Generally quite good, though inconsistent. Would be 21 (with a gr18 thin and enjoyable headwall) except for ONE quite burly move through the initial steepness. Hardish 22 for that one move? Perhaps not as good as Rocky Road .

23 Orestes Trad 40m Arapiles Classique Mer 13 Mai 2015
Awesome steep stemming and pumpy finale. 1 lap for the Onsight, and another clean on Second to get my own gear back. Didnt seem too hard for a 23, but I do LOVE stemming. Stonker wires (I only used 1 cam), great stances, stellar technical climbing and an exciting finish.

23 Supa Fun Happy Sportive 20m Wingello Classique Ven 22 Mai 2015
One of the best "soft sandstone" routes of its type I've ever done... A shame that the rock deteriorates towards the top (and that it isn't longer). Didn't feel too hard for a 23. Awesomely polished compact slopers, that ALMOST climbs like a Taipan-esque "water groove" route, completely with stemming and rad body positions. Thoroughly enjoyable.

23 Bondage and Discipline Sportive 23m Nowra Excellent Dim 7 Juin 2015
Another beauty but hard to differentiate from its neighbours. Didn't seem too hard at the grade, though some of the top sloper moves might be a showstopper if you're short. I particularly enjoyed the slopey seam section.

23 Arêtica Sportive 15m, 8 GFC Excellent Dim 12 Juil 2015
Good climbing and not too hard at the grade. Endurance and some crafty footwork make this sustained and enjoyable without being too stressful. Great moves once you leave the ledge. Probably should become the staple warmup for the harder stuff at GFC. As has been said before, if not for the Ledge, this would be classic. Now if only the "direct" (via the natural pocket) went free, now THAT would be outrageous climbing.

23 Sailing Away Trad mixte 45m, 3 Victoria Range Classique Sam 25 Juil 2015
Wow, an intense warmup. As Adam said, this climb is surprisingly bold, and kind of intimidating in the lower 1/2. Enjoyable thin arete and face climbing for the first 2/3rds, then steep, pumpy exposed arete and face finale. I struggled to find the good holds through the steepness, and it felt utterly desperate. I was so pumped I couldnt clip the top 2 bolts and just had to run it out. Brilliant, but not as aesthetic as I was expecting. Easy to clean on lower with an 80m rope.

23 Destined for Grayness Sportive 12m, 5 Blue Mountains Excellent Ven 14 Août 2015
Really enjoyable, and hard work as an End of Day climb on the walk out from the crag. Packs a lot of moves, and a lot of climbing into a bloody short route. I also found the "ledge" exposure and the fact you follow a grey streak very inspiring (hence: motivating). Short, Punchy, sustained steep climbing on good quality rock.

23 Heat Wave Sportive 18m Blue Mountains Excellent Ven 21 Août 2015
Consistently interesting climbing on generally good rock. Probably a 2-star route (considering the crag). The moves past the lip to gain the slab, and the slab itself are memorable when following the acquired pump of the lower section. Worth a lap.

23 Alive 'n' Kicking Sportive 25m Blue Mountains Excellent Dim 30 Août 2015
Great climbing, lots of tricky moves, and solid at the grade... Ruined by a crappy re-bolt (seems to be the theme of the re-bolted routes at this end of Bardens). Burly to gain the flake, techy up the flake, then a nice combination of power and techniness at the crux followed by sustained easier climbing on great orange rock. I was hanging on those crux holds for quite a while trying to figure it out.

23 Beavermart Sportive 15m Blue Mountains Excellent Jeu 10 Sept 2015
Generally quite easy, except for a single sequence with a big move to a slippery sloper off some mingen small, polished and slopey crimps. Not a bad little route. Reasonable rock quality.


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