
Ascensions dans Kenny Boulder

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Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 979 ascensions.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Falaise Qualité Grimpeur Date
V7 The Last Great Line Sit-start Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Super classique
Nick Clow
Sam 3 Mai 2008
V7 The Last Great Line Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Classique
Nick Clow
Sam 12 Avr 2008
the overlap pure as an eliminate

V7 The Nose linked into 7. Bloc Lindfield Rocks Classique
Nick Clow
Sam 28 Juil 2007
Traverse The Nose then R into Prob. 7

V7 13 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Nathan Condon
Lun 11 Déc 2017
V8 V7 13 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Andrew Unsworth
Lun 2 Août 2021
Put a couple sessions into ticking this one off. Feels like a v8 at least.

Andrew Unsworth

V7 13 - avec Pat Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Classique
Kerry Xu
Mer 11 Août 2021
Fun Burly Climb!

V7 13 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Super classique
Alex Bowes
Dim 26 Sept 2021
Classic cranker

V7 13 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Diego DeDiana
Dim 9 Oct. 1994
V7 The Nose linked into 7. Bloc Lindfield Rocks
Diego DeDiana
Dim 9 Oct. 1994
V7 Elimination Strategy Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Classique
Jack Woodley
Jeu 18 Nov. 2021
Sent 4th go during what was undoubtedly a session of a lifetime

V5 V7 Elimination Strategy Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Bon
Diego DeDiana
Lun 10 Mars 1997
Old problem, repeat of existing.

V7 Elimination Strategy Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Will Eyland
Mar 7 Juin 2022
V7 Elimination Strategy Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Jesse P
Sam 17 Sept 2022
Love this bloc.

V7 13 - avec Bri Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Tate Benham
Dim 6 Nov. 2022
V7 Facile Elimination Strategy Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Larsen Michael
Dim 25 Sept 2022
V7 13 — 9 essais Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Dim 26 Mars 2023
V7 Elimination Strategy — 9 essais Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Dim 26 Mars 2023
V7 Elimination Strategy - avec Chris Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Dim 16 Avr 2023
V7 Difficile 13 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Peter Jeavons
Sam 19 Août 2023
V6 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Classique
Nick Cormack
Sam 20 Jan 2007
A good lesson in smearing.

V6 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
dave white
Mar 13 Avr 2010
V6 Sit-start to 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Super classique
Nick Clow
Sam 22 Sept 2007
V6 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Donald Gibson
V6 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Guy Koller
Lun 1 Mars 2004
First V6. Very balancy and fiddley. Very frustrating because I can't throw for holds on a slab

V6 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Super classique
Nick Clow
Dim 18 Sept 2005
3 laps. Magical.

V6 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Bon
Daniel da Silva
Mar 13 Avr 2010
V6 Circumnavigatory Traverse Bloc 6m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Nick Clow
Lun 6 Août 2007
anti-clockwise traverse of the boulder (stays below top)

V6 The Nose linked into 3 Bloc Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Nick Clow
Mar 18 Mars 2008
V6 Circumnavigatory Traverse Bloc 6m Lindfield Rocks
Adrian Kladnig
Dim 11 Nov. 2012
Today was meant to be an easy day due to high gravity. But I thought I might as well have a play and what do you know, I got it!

Pity I tweaked my finger 10 mins later on a V3! Doh!

V6 Sit-start to 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Mar 20 Août 2013
V6 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Classique
Mar 20 Août 2013
V6 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Ben Jenga
Jeu 27 Fév 2014
Soft 6 but you really have to trust your rubber.

V6 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Phillip Booth
Sam 22 Mars 2014
My first V6 (with sit start). As a steep fan never thought it would be a slab.

V6 Sit-start to 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Phillip Booth
Sam 22 Mars 2014
My first V6 (with sit start). As a steep fan never thought it would be a slab.

V6 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Dim 25 Mai 2014
Interesting, but wasn't committed to more than a flash/recon attempt.

V6 Circumnavigatory Traverse Bloc 6m Lindfield Rocks
Sam 28 Juin 2014
V6 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Bon
Lyle Halliday
Mer 19 Août 2015
Friction dependent... on the feet?

V6 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Tom Collins
Lun 30 Mai 2016
V6 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Jimmy Bliss
Dim 14 Août 2016
V6 Circumnavigatory Traverse Bloc 6m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Tim Clarkson
Mar 3 Oct. 2017
Interesting and fun

V6 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Nathan Condon
Lun 11 Déc 2017
V6 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Simon Swalwell
Sam 30 Août 2014
V6 Circumnavigatory Traverse Bloc 6m Lindfield Rocks
Simon Swalwell
Sam 30 Août 2014
V6 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Sam 21 Juil 2018
V6 Circumnavigatory Traverse Bloc 6m Lindfield Rocks
Sam 21 Juil 2018
V6 The Nose linked into 3 Bloc Lindfield Rocks
Sam 21 Juil 2018
V6 Circumnavigatory Traverse Bloc 6m Lindfield Rocks
Dim 31 Mars 2019
V6 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Krzysztof Maciejowski
Ven 4 Oct. 2019
V6 Circumnavigatory Traverse Bloc 6m Lindfield Rocks
Krzysztof Maciejowski
Ven 4 Oct. 2019
V6 Circumnavigatory Traverse - avec Mike croker Bloc 6m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Mike croker
Ven 26 Juin 2020
Good shit

V6 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Dim 19 Juil 2020
Think I did what was described, but didn’t feel v6 at all ... not sure though

V6 Circumnavigatory Traverse Bloc 6m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Ryan Armstrong
Sam 9 Jan 2021
V6 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Jacob Kovacevic
Ven 2 Avr 2021
V6 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Jesse P
Lun 14 Juin 2021
This whole boulder is epic.

V6 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Emma Norrington
Dim 18 Juil 2021
V6 12 Variant Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Dans la moyenne
Andrew Unsworth
Mar 10 Août 2021
Cool one-arm dip to get up the lip but otherwise its heinous. Probably not worth the time.

V6 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Sam Henderson
Lun 16 Août 2021
more like 5

V6 Circumnavigatory Traverse Bloc 6m Lindfield Rocks
Diego DeDiana
Dim 9 Oct. 1994
V6 The Nose linked into 3 Bloc Lindfield Rocks
Diego DeDiana
Dim 9 Oct. 1994
V6 12 Variant Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Diego DeDiana
Dim 9 Oct. 1994
V6 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Diego DeDiana
Dim 9 Oct. 1994
V6 Sit-start to 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Diego DeDiana
Dim 9 Oct. 1994
V6 Freedom Day Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Jack Woodley
Jeu 18 Nov. 2021
I actually spent a whole session working this before realising it wasn't even an established problem! It strikes me as the most obvious and aesthetically-pleasing line on this end of the boulder and deserves many many repeats

V6 Freedom Day Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Phillip Booth
Mar 22 Mars 2022
Fun little problem. Worth being listed as it's own route for sure. The obvious "reversal" of The Nose.

V6 Freedom Day Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Andrew Unsworth
Sam 17 Juil 2021
Actually logged this one a while back when working on the v7 (thinking it was the v7), love the name given to the line and agree with the grade. Good stuff!

V6 Freedom Day Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Will Eyland
Mar 7 Juin 2022
V6 Freedom Day Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Jesse P
Mar 7 Juin 2022
3rd shot. Amazing bloc with great problems.

V6 7 - avec Paul Norris Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Cody waldon
Mer 16 Nov. 2022
V6 Freedom Day - avec Paul Norris Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Classique
Cody waldon
Mer 16 Nov. 2022
V6 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Marcus Saye
Mer 15 Mars 2023
V6 7 — 4 essais Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Mer 15 Mars 2023
V6 Freedom Day Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Larsen Michael
Mar 28 Fév 2023
Fun one! Day flash

V6 Facile Freedom Day - avec Chris Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Dim 16 Avr 2023
V6 7 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Susi Djami
Mer 22 Fév 2023
V5 12 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Sam 18 Juil 2009
V5 12 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Dim 10 Oct. 2004
Muscle it just a little bit.

V5 The Nose linked into 5 Bloc Lindfield Rocks Classique
Nick Clow
Sam 5 Avr 2008
V5 12 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Nick Clow
Sam 30 Juin 2007
V5 12 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Guy Koller
Lun 1 Mars 2004
Hard move. Suits me

V5 12 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Wayne Novach
Dim 1 Août 2004
V5 12 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Daniel da Silva
Mar 13 Avr 2010
did it using the arete can't wait to do the variant going straight to the sloper, was just too hot, but the moves are so cool. makes it twice as good

V5 12 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Sam 18 Juil 2009
V5 12 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Donald Gibson
Mar 1 Mars 2005
V5 12 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Classique
Ranger Dave
Lun 13 Déc 2010
Awesome Problem with powerful start! classic in my books

V5 12 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Tom Box
Sam 22 Fév 2014
V5 12 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Sam 28 Juin 2014
V5 12 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Niko Eltarenko
Sam 17 Jan 2015
Didn't think that I would get it. Sceptical of the tick feel like I maybe cheated, but can't really tell how. Started off semi seated/standing with my right hand on the broken hold and my left foot inside the small chalked slot - my left hand on sloper, heel hook around the corner followed by using both arrets all the way up to the top...

V5 12 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Lyle Halliday
Mer 19 Août 2015
Interesting compression, hard to know if you are doing it the "right" way. Most fun as a fridge directly up the nose.

V5 12 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Bon
Lun 19 Déc 2016
V5 12 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Nathan Condon
Lun 11 Déc 2017
V5 12 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Simon Swalwell
Sam 30 Août 2014
V5 12 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Tom Osborne
Dim 21 Juil 2019
Again large piece of Rock missing there's a fresh undercling but it doesn't help great V5 6C+ a long arm definitely helps.

V5 12 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Oliver Scott
Sam 24 Août 2019
V5 12 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Krzysztof Maciejowski
Ven 4 Oct. 2019
V5 12 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Cara O'Connor
Mar 12 Mai 2020
V5 12 - avec Mike croker Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Lun 15 Juin 2020
V5 12 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Jesse P
Lun 14 Juin 2021
Definitely coming back to clean this sucker up.

V5 12 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks
Jarrah Turner
Sam 3 Juil 2021
V5 12 - avec Grace Mackie Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Ben Hanley
Lun 26 Juil 2021
V5 12 Bloc 3m Lindfield Rocks Excellent
Andrew Unsworth
Dim 25 Juil 2021

Affichage de 1 - 100 sur 979 ascensions.

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