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Affichant les 68 voies total.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Popularité Falaise
V2 Nom Nom Nom

Sit start with your right hand in the maw of the mouth, then up and slightly left.

FA: Brendan Heywood, 2012

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V0- Big holds

Easy obvious holds up.

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V0- Sister Nell

Stand start climbing the wide arete using the plenty friendly large edges. A nice beginner problem!

FA: Bruce Taylor

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V0- Soft Way Out

Start low on the good holds found in the break, and then climb straight up.

FA: Bruce Taylor

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V0 Sasquat

Squat start, typical awkward Bruce start.

FA: Brendan Heywood, 2012

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V1 Rubies on Rails

Up the large rail.

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V1 More Interesting

A cool traverse, leaving "Soft Way Out" to venture out right past more good holds for a metre or so, and then mount the ledge and follow the slab to the top.

FA: Bruce Taylor

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V3 Finessive Aggressive Progressive

Up side pulls and slopers avoiding the rail, a more direct version of 'Finessive Aggressive'.

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V2 Finessive Aggressive

Start with left on ok hold, swing right big hold, then up.

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Bloc 4m Toohey Forest
V4 Unseen Friend

Sit start on the knobbly orange hold, then straight up past a couple slopers and a harsh but bomber fingerlock to a slopey topout, following the direct line.

Bloc 4m Toohey Forest
V0- Easy Crack

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V3 Mid Strength

Starts on the high right side pull where the seam opens up. Move LH to a small crimp rail over the top, find something to stand on and try not to grate any skin off your knees as you top out.

FA: Evan Hunter, 2012

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V2/3 Crimpy goodness

Sit start on positive edges, up to sloper city and topout easy slab.

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V3 Num Num Num

As from 'Nom Nom Nom' but then head right to a cool pinch and up.

FA: Brendan Heywood, 2012

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V0- Broken Plate

Start in the centre of where the plate use to be, using the good crimps it left around its perimeter to go up.

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Bloc 2m Toohey Forest
V0- New Castle

Sit start on whatever holds you can use just right of the arete. Up to the bomber horizontal crack and top out.

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Bloc 2m Toohey Forest
V1 Yakini

Stand start with your right hand on small knob, then and up left to a diagonal ledge. Shares holds with 'Broken Plate'.

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V0- Family Assistance

Sit start. Throw to large hold from small holds then easy exit.

FA: Bruce Taylor

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V0- Dodgy

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V4 Gnosh

Start with right hand in small slot, left hand inside the mouth of the cave. Move right to the good pinch of Num Num Num and follow this line to the top.

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V0 Hate The Chef

Just worth it. Start just left of the missing plate.

FA: Bruce Taylor

Bloc 2m Toohey Forest
V0 Behind Enemy Lines

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V0+ Reach

FA: Brendan Heywood, 2012

Bloc 4m Toohey Forest
V0- Easy
Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V0 Buck tooth

FA: Brendan Heywood, 2012

Bloc 4m Toohey Forest
V3 Rainbow Warrior

FA: Bruce Taylor

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest

Sit start to the right of the tree on a good hold to the massive flake. Use this to gain the flat top and mantle away!!! Gets a star just for the epic flake!

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V0 Who Gives A Fuck

Stand start on the big obvious flat hold and straight up. Shares some crimps out left with 'I'm Sinking'.

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Bloc 2m Toohey Forest
V0- Broken Start

Similar standing start to Yakini and up to the right and a broken hold.

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V4 Yakini Sit Start

Sit start with LH on undercling/sidepull/crimp on broken hold, RH on crimpy gaston slightly higher. Move up right then bust out left to the knob of the original Yakini standstart, and finish left up this.

FA: David Jefferson, 27 Avr 2020

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V5 Country Bumpkin

Sit start matched on low crimp rail. Pull on and reach LH to slit pocket, then move up and right encountering crimps, slopers, and then finally a jug. Top out to the right of the white streak.

FA: David Jefferson, 14 Juil 2020

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V0- Crud

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V0 Time Off

Barely worth it. Scramble up the left corner of the boulder, left of 'Broken Plate'.

FA: Bruce Taylor

Bloc 2m Toohey Forest
V1 Creaky flake

Stand start at obvious flake, up on bad feet.

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V2 Hold The Elephant

Sit start using the right hand sloper and then launch up to a bulbous left hand sloper. Straight up using the horizontal and mantle.

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Bloc 2m Toohey Forest
V0 Deception

FA: Brendan Heywood, 2012

Bloc 4m Toohey Forest
V1 Cup

FA: Brendan Heywood, 2012

Bloc 4m Toohey Forest
V0- Even Shitter

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Bloc 2m Toohey Forest
V2 Suspected Terrorists

Sit start to the left of the tree, with a left hand sloper in the crack. Up using a good flat hold and a very good hold in the horizontal crack. Tricky feet.

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Bloc 2m Toohey Forest
V2 Topaz

Start on the low crimps just to the right of the corner. 4 metres left of Easy Crack. Left of the big right-facing shelf, then up to sloper and right to topout. Cool flowy problem with lovely holds.

FA: Alex Mougenot, 2014

Bloc 4m Toohey Forest
V1 Rail

FA: Brendan Heywood, 2012

Bloc 4m Toohey Forest
V0- Shit up

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Bloc 2m Toohey Forest
V1 Play-Doh

Sit start with the large good hold. Head straight up past some good holds, to a cool holdless mantle over the top!

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V1 I'm Sinking

Sit start up to good crimp rail and then good hold to pull up on.

FA: Bruce Taylor, 2012

Bloc 2m Toohey Forest
V3 Creaky Flake Sit

Start on pockets with a high left toe, bump left hand to a positive sloper and move right into the flake. Get on it before the flake ekes out its last creak!

Bloc Toohey Forest
V3 Short Stack

This problem is located on the low boulder just to the left and slightly uphill of #8. Sit start on the layback flake feature. Ascend on perfect edges. Diminutive, but what it's got is good.

FA: David Jefferson, 27 Avr 2020

Bloc 2m Toohey Forest
V1 Lone Shark

Sit start at the left arête on bitey holds. Move RH up to small knob then throw a heel on and top out up the arête.

FA: David Jefferson, 14 Juil 2020

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V5 Mangia Mangia!

Start on Sasquat, cross right hand to small crimp and move left on sidepulls and pockets to finish up Nom Nom Nom.

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V1 Home Alone

Sit start beneath the bulge in the middle of the face on generous pockets with a good left heel hook. Move straight up the bulge to top out.

FA: David Jefferson, 14 Juil 2020

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V6 City Slicker

Sit start on the rail of Nick's problem but move left using cross over to pocket and finish up Mid Strength.

FA: Brad Simpson, 2013

Bloc Toohey Forest
V3 Alternate yakini sit start

Sit start with right hand gaston on what would be the left for the standard yakini sit. Left hand far left to great square left hand. Up from here. Sit on floor, not on pad for full effect.

FA: Jack Mullaly, 29 Juil 2021

Bloc Toohey Forest
V1 The Cookie Crumbles

Sit start on the far right side of the boulder, with left hand in the obvious slot and right hand on something decent in the break slightly above.

Pleasing climbing with an easy mantle if you take the time to figure it out.

Iain Hunter

FA: Iain Hunter, 28 Mai 2023

Bloc 2m Toohey Forest
V2 Perch

Sit start at the right arête of the small boulder to the right of Layercake with RH in a slopey pocket around the arête, LH on a very low sloper sidepull. Get perched on the boulder and move LH to jug sidepull. Throw a heel on and top out up the arête.

FA: David Jefferson, 14 Juil 2020

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V2 Left without dabbing

Start as per rather dabby but after gaining the lip with hands head left and up to to good eye height edge. Mantle this way.

FA: Jack Mullaly, 29 Juil 2021

Bloc Toohey Forest
V3 Rather dabby

Sit start hands in sharp slopey pockets on second bulge (not the bulge that forms the lip, the one below). Throw to lip and an interesting mantle. Try not to dab on throw. Graded V3 but compared to the grading on one other sit starts on this boulder it might as well be a VB.

FA: Jack Mullaly, 29 Juil 2021

Bloc Toohey Forest
V4 Snakes out

Sit start on good holds. LH up to 3 shallow pocket pinch and RH up to nice side pull. Some technical feet to get solid for the top out.

FA: Adnan Ahmetagic, 28 Août 2021

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V3 Dungeon Escape

Climbs the blunt arete directly above the cave. The most striking line on the boulder, with the best rock quality and tallest profile.

Sit start with left hand on good hold, right hand on the crimp at the same height. Up via another RH crimp and some sidepulls until you reach the break (easy topout).

Iain Hunter

FA: Iain Hunter, 28 Mai 2023

Bloc 2m Toohey Forest
V2 Slice of Life

Sit start on the left of the cool rising diagonal rail and follow this right until it ends. Swing a heel over the right side and top out.

FA: David Jefferson, 27 Avr 2020

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V2 Sun gazer

Stand start with LH in deep crimp and RH on undercling. Move LH up to mono. Use small rocks on top of the boulder to establish the top out. Using the good holds to the left makes this climb a V0-V1.

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
V2 This One's Actually Possible, I Promise!

Sit start from similar (or the same?!) position as "I'm Sinking".

LH starts on high sidepull, RH lower down on the okay rail. Smear left foot wherever, pull on and smack up to the crimpy lip. Match, traverse a bit right, then mantle with right foot on the juggy lip of "Left Without Dabbing".

Given two stars, because it's so much less frustrating (and broadly more achievable) than other sit starts on this boulder.

FA: Iain Hunter, 12 Fév 2023

Bloc 3m Toohey Forest
Traverse of the Eighth

A beautiful traverse along a varied assortment of slopers and mingin' crimps! Will go at maybe V7+?

BlocProjet 7m Toohey Forest
V0 R Arete

Stand start the featured R arete.

Bloc 2m Toohey Forest
V1 Big ol hole

Sit start at the big round hole.

Bloc 2m Toohey Forest
V2 100 Grit

Sit start the undercut part of L boulder. Up to slopers and friction to topout.

Bloc 2m Toohey Forest
V0 Beginner sit start

Sit start with hands on great jug thigh height off the ground. Straight up.

FA: Jack Mullaly, 17 Août 2021

Bloc Toohey Forest
V2 Chicken wing

Sit start. Hands on ledge. Feet on face and ledge half way up the face. Mantle it straight up.

FA: Jack Mullaly, 17 Août 2021

Bloc Toohey Forest
Left of I'm sinking (project- open)

The topo and description for I'm sinking isn't clear as there are two possible starts by that description. Based on the old topo (taken from far left) we think the right was the original start. Thus we have added this variation. Sit start on pocket/ ledge thing and up right to join I'm sinking.

Bloc Toohey Forest
Through the broken plate (project - open)

Start on angled rail at chest height. Straight up through the mark left by the broken plate.

Bloc Toohey Forest

Affichant les 68 voies total.

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