
Voies dans Funnel

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Affichant les 20 voies total.

Cotation Voie Style d'escalade Popularité
7b+ The Wrecker

This route was considered futuristic at its time and is often regarded as Sandstone's version of Separate Reality. Begin by climbing the crack that runs through the roof and make a brutal exit over the lip.

Moulinette 11m
7a+ One of our Buzzards is Missing

Starting from the ledge, ascend the rib located to the right of the bolt until you reach the roof. Perform a challenging move by reaching out to the left, using the pockets on the sidewall close to the rounded arete. Finish with a powerful exit above the roof.

Moulinette 11m
6B Love Without Resistance

The climb follows a sustained left-to-right traverse on large slopers, starting from Rib and ending at Harden Gully. Traversing the slightly higher break is Chelsea Traverse, f3.

6b+ U.N

A classic that utilises the indistinct crack system to ascend to the upper slab, where a challenging mantel onto the ledge awaits. The upper wall is incredibly steep, but features some surprisingly positive handholds, and culminates in an exhilarating top-out. Once you become familiar with the location of the good holds, the finish becomes somewhat easier.

Moulinette 11m
6b Rib

Ascend the nose of the rock formation by utilising a sequence of rounded bulges. Once you reach the top of the nose, encounter a short headwall that can be easily surmounted to complete the climb.

Moulinette 6m
6b Chris

A brief yet valuable ascent up the face, with the crux in the final moves. Typically, climbers end the climb at the ledge and descend via Birch Crack.

Moulinette 6m
6a+ Coolcaringer

Eliminate climb following the slab between Funnel and UN using only the holds on the wall to the right of Funnel's groove. Finish up the wall and arete to the left of UN.

Moulinette 6m
6a Dival's Diversion

Commence the climb by ascending the undercut wall situated 1m to the right of the short crack, then veer slightly towards the right before ascending the wall located to the left of the groove of Funnel.

Moulinette 6m
5b Nelson's Column

Located between Corbett's Slab and Dival's Diversion, begin the climb by ascending the crack and proceed directly up the wall situated just to the right of the slab.

Moulinette 6m
4c Corbett's Slab

Ascend the centre of the wall located to the right of Dib, and then continue up the right-hand side of the slab until reaching easier ground.

Moulinette 6m
4c The Scouter Direct

Instead of the traditional start up Nelson's Column, it is better to start directly up a juggy lower wall and continue up the corner slab and crack.

Moulinette 6m
4a Funnel

The climb begins with a challenging start, followed swiftly by an ascent up the upper groove, which may prove to be more difficult than it appears at first glance.

Moulinette 6m
4a Corbetts Nose
Moulinette 6m
4a The Scouter

Begin the climb by ascending the shallow crack located to the right of the pock-marked wall of Corbett's Slab. After reaching the ledge, move towards the left and continue up the obvious crack that is gently angled and leads to an old bolt.

Moulinette 6m
4a Kennard's Climb

Begin by climbing the crack, and then work your way up to the nose. Once there, execute a challenging mantelshelf finish to complete the climb.

Moulinette 6m
4a Dib

Embark on the climb by starting in the crack and meandering towards the left until finishing in the same manner as for Rib. An alternative option to consider is the logical and enjoyable 3c by connecting the beginning of the route onto The Scouter Direct.

Moulinette 6m
3c Birch Crack

A lengthy and moderately straightforward ascent up the gully, presenting a series of challenges to surmount.

Moulinette 14m
3 Chelsea's Traverse

Traverse the slightly higher break of Love Without Resistance

3a Harden Gulley

This straightforward route follows a gully and is sometimes used as a descent by adventurous climbers.

Moulinette 10m
3a Well's Reach

Ascend the gully and follow the fragmented left crack up to the upper ledge situated below the roof. Finish by moving to the right. This is a recommended approach to reach the following two climbs.

Moulinette 11m

Affichant les 20 voies total.

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