
Vias em Pharos Gully

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 169 vias.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Popularidade
Vanoise Area
4 Reusables

Even shorter corner L of SN, then follow front of buttress to the top. Great route for kids.

FA: Goshen Watts & Asher, Mar 2018

Trad 15m
12 Shitty Nappies

Short corner and arete on left side of wall, starting 2 metres left of "Party Tricks". A bit contrived up high.

FA: Campbell Mercer & Julie Nitschke, 1992

Trad 15m
23 Party Tricks

Face 3 metres left of the seam of "I Can't Breathe" to undercling, then up and right to finish up "I Can't Breathe".

FA: Rob Allen & Evab Bieske, 2000

Trad 15m
25 I Can't Breathe

Attractive seam up middle of buttress opposite "Vanoise". There is good gear if you can hang on long enough to place it. Double ropes can be advantageous on this route

FA: Chris Shepherd, 1982

Trad 15m
15 The Venus Trap

Quite a nice, subtle climb. Start up the flake on the left wall of the chimney-gully right of I Can't Breathe for 3 metres then go diagonally left to finish up I Can't Breathe

FA: Campbell Mercer & Julie Nitschke, 1992

Trad 15m
20 Cranky Babies

Flake on the left side of the chimney-gully just right of "I Can't Breathe" continuing straight up where "The Venus Trap" moves off left.

FA: Cathy Blamey & Chris Shepherd, 1982

Trad 12m
5 Romper Room

Easy chimney immediately right of "Cranky Babies", finishing up right wall.

FA: Mike & Jenny Ashton, 1987

Trad 15m
16 R Beer, Product of Australia

The right arete of "Romper Room" is a bit runout.

FA: Jon Muir (solo), 1993

Trad 10m
12 Lights in the Sky

Deep crack 2 metres right of "Romper Room". Take big gear, knee pads and crack gloves.

FA: Mike & Jenny Ashton, 1987

Trad 15m
12 Bites in the Pie

Borderline for a star but an interesting jamming experience. The crack right of "Lights In The Sky"

FA: Greg Pritchard & Jon Muir, 1993

Trad 10m
11 R.I.P. Sludge

This sits almost directly above "Defector" on Ministry Wall; combining the two could be quite nice. Otherwise, to get to the start, scramble up the descent route on the left side of the Vanoise Wall and go left a little or come down from the top.

Central line up little brown tombstone-shaped buttress above and left of descent route.

FA: Greg Pritchard, Paul Hoskins, Suzie Frost & Dave Clarke, 1993

Trad 10m
15 Brushless

Still surprisingly clean. Climb cleanish streak about 15 metres left of the little hanging corner at the left end of the long roof-line on Vanoise Wall.

FA: Robin Miller (solo), 1984

Trad 15m
13 Beat Route

Onto small ledge and up shallow, right-facing corner to ledge below main overhang. Step left and up.

Start: 25 metres left of "Vanoise".

FA: Chris Baxter, Joy Fletcher & Greg Garnham, 1982

Trad 40m
17 The Peasants are Revolting

A harder finish to "Beat Route". Up this to roof and pull over on brittle holds to right.

FA: Robin Miller (solo), 1982

Trad 40m
14 Tamesis

Up crack for 7 metres, step left and go up to and over high roofline.

Start: Start at crack 20 metres left of "Vanoise".

FA: Chris Dewhirst & Bruno Zielke, 1969

Trad 42m
17 Greenwich Reach

A good, varied pitch with an exciting steep finish that was originally dirty, poorly protected and with significant loose blocks. Now cleaned up and with a couple of tweaks to avoid runouts and loose blocks as well as a rap anchor. The thin crack section is a little contrived but keeps the line flowing.

Start as for Tamesis, the first crack system left of Vanoise.

Up the crack (originally climbed poorly protected face 2m to right) and at about 7 metres, instead of stepping left into the obvious continuation, follow thin cracks up the face to little step in the roofline. Swing right through this step (originally moved up left into next corner over dangerous blocks). Easily up for next 5 or 6 metres to twin cracks through top bulge. Initially up right-hand edge of right-hand crack then finish steeply between the cracks to anchor. 30m rappel.

Be careful with the rap – new 60m ropes doubled reached the ground with about half a metre to spare whereas an old 60m doubled was about a metre off the ground. Don’t rap or get lowered off the end of the rope.

FA: Kieran Loughran & Keith Lockwood (alt), 1995

Trad 30m
21 Goodbye Cool World

Start up Greenwich Reach for 3-4m until it is possible to diagonal across right to break in the roof. Through roof, up to next and through it then diagonal left up to anchor on Greenwich Reach. Gear at 2nd roof a little iffy.

FA: Louise Sheperd, Ying Ying He & Wendy Eden, 26 Nov 2016

Trad 32m
22 The Beat Goes On

A bit mossy these days. 5 metres left of The British Beat and about 4 metres right of Tamesis is a rusty carrot down low. Up past this to roof which is easy and leads to the Labouring The Point anchor.

FA: Mike Law & Steve Howden, 1982

Mixed trad 50m, 1
21 The British Beat

Lovely, technical thin face. Be careful not to fall off clipping the second bolt.

Start: 4 metres left of the 'Vanoise' corner. Smooth orange wall to rap chain. (Worthless variant start goes up lichenous streak on right to join route below 2nd bolt Jamie Holding, Rosemary Weaver 16-05-1990)

FA: Glenn Tempest & Paul Hoskins, 1981

Mixed trad 15m, 2
20 Vanoise Direct Start

A worthwhile alternative start making Vanoise a more sustained and independent line. Start 3 metres left of the shared crack start with Labouring the Point, below a small V crack. Climb to V crack and follow weaknesses to where Vanoise and Labouring the Point diverge then finish as top of Vanoise.

FA: Hywel Rowlands & Grace Went, 8 Oct 2021

Trad 20m
20 Vanoise

Really interesting corner on the right side of the smooth orange face. It gets harder as it arches over further to the left to chain under roof. The climb originally continued to top of cliff but it's not worth it so no-one bothers.

FA: Bruno Zielke & Chris Dewhirst, 1969

Trad 20m
16 Labouring the Point

The original climb followed the upper roof-line all the way left until it ends at a short corner. An amusing concept that no-one can be bothered repeating. Stick to the first pitch as described.

FA: Mike Law & kim Carrigan, 1975

Trad 90m
19 R Strange Tails

Follow buttress all the way, taking crux bulge on right via obvious loose flake.

Start: Between 'Vanoise' and 'Agent Orange'.

FA: Jon Muir & Greg Pritchard, 1993

Trad 30m
17 Secret Agent Orange

Straightens out Agent Orange. At the roof corner, step left then up and into AO.

FA: Rhys Boyar, 27 Jan 2019

15 Agent Orange

Conjures up an image of Chris Baxter clutching a bush and screaming as he hurtles down "Vanoise".

The little flake just right of the initial corner has also been climbed at 19.

Start: At small, right-facing corner 3 metres right of "Vanoise".

Rap chains.

FA: Chris Baxter & Paul Daniels, 1981

Trad 25m
19 Eye Spy

Takes the unlikely bulging wall between Agent Orange and West Coast Dogma. Start up wall and thin flake 2m right of AO (had been climbed previously) to join AO at its roof. When AO veers back left, continue straight up from obvious horizontal pocket following an independant line all the way. Gear is adequate. (Another option is to start up AO which makes it about grade 18)

FFA: Gareth Llewellin & Jessie Rushbrooke, 22 Nov 2014

Trad 30m
14 West Coast Dogma

Start at chimney-cleft 10 metres right of "Vanoise". Up line. At small overhang step onto right arete and up steep wall. Abseil as for Agent Orange.

FA: Phillip Stranger & Chris Dewhirst, 1967

Trad 33m
22 Not Bad for Bunnies

Apparently the grade drops to 16 if you start by bridging 3 metres up 'West Coast Dogma' then reach right into hanging crack to join line.

Start between 'West Coast Dogma' and 'Dead Beat Sax' beneath small hanging block. Up to block, right, then into line going left, then straight up shallow crack. Up to bulge which is climbed on right.

FA: Jon Muir & Greg Pritchard, 1993

Trad 30m
10 Dead Beat Sax

Crack 5 metres right of 'West Coast Dogma'.

FA: Phillip Stranger (solo), 1967

Trad 30m
22 Beat More Meat

Boulder up to break and the first runners. Continue straight to top.

Start: Start 2 metres right of 'Dead Beat Sax' at smooth wall.

FA: Mike Law & Doug Fife, 1982

Trad 33m
21 Scathed

The "protection" style might appeal to the budding aid climber.

Start 2 metres right of 'Beat More Meat' at very thin, almost closed groove. Up groove with micro-wires and Crack'n'Ups (or hand-placed peckers maybe) for token protection. Finish up wall above.

FA: Mike Law, Steve Howden & Eddy Ozols, 1982

Trad 30m
7 Stairway to Heaven

A gentle ramble with spectacular views all the way. Sort of a companion route to Spiral Staircase. The name also derives from the fact that the first ascent team had a combined age of 269, and featured more than 200 years of climbing experience. Starts between West Coast Dogma and Sombrero, where there is an obvious ledge 2m above the ground.

  1. 30m Mantelshelf onto the ledge and continue up and left to a nice flat ledge.

  2. 20m Up easily from the left end of the ledge for 3-4m. An unlikely traverse left around bulge at the horizontal break (nice exposure) leads to the base of a gulch. The enigmatic Duck Crag is up on the right.

  3. 40m Follow the shoulder all the way to the top.

FA: Keith Lockwood, Keith Royce, Bob Ryan (alt leads), Ray Lassman & Miss Given, 16 Apr 2015

Trad 90m, 3
8 Sombrero

Not great.

Some distance down right are low-angled mossy faces with ledges in between. Scramble up to deep, right-facing chimney. This is your mission should you choose to accept it.

FA: Lloyd Lobbe & Daryl Carr, 1967

Trad 84m
13 Default

The first ascent party were not fans. Left-facing flake right of Sombrero.

FA: Mark Shelton, Bill Andrews & Peter Watling, 1976

Trad 42m
14 Robinson Crusoe

The wall right of Sombrero has been dubbed Treasure Island - I have my doubts. Climb the slab and steep wall midway between Sombrero and South Pacific. Continue easily, then finish steeply up the centre of the headwall left of South Pacific.

FA: Keith Lockwood & Kurt Pitts, 5 Apr 2015

Trad 35m
7 South Pacific

The "obvious" right-facing corner on the wall right of Sombrero, then the left of twin lines up the headwall.

FA: Kurt Pitts & Keith Lockwood, 5 Apr 2015

Trad 35m
5 Davy Jones Locker

Start up the South Pacific corner, then take the right-hand line past an unusual rock crypt.

FA: Keith Lockwood, Kurt Pitts & Hamish Pitts, 5 Apr 2015

Trad 35m
13 The Black Pearl

Start by the huge native pine. Sail straight up the central seam, finishing centrally over steepening. Continue easily up the shoulder of the outcrop.

FA: Keith Lockwood & Kurt Pitts, 2 Apr 2015

Trad 35m
13 Blackbeard

Seam 2m right of The Black Pearl (this seam is left of a short little corner), finishing easily as for The Black Pearl.

FA: Keith Lockwood & Norm Booth, 8 Apr 2015

Trad 35m
8 Long John Silver

Best approached by one of the other climbs in the vicinity. Step across the tree-filled gully behind the top of South Pacific etc, follow the weakness in the wall and finish centrally up the juggy tower.

FA: Keith Lockwood & Norm Booth, 8 Apr 2015

Trad 30m
8 Pieces of Eight

The easiest slab at Arapiles(?). Could be done as an approach pitch to Long John Silver. Climbs central weakness in the slab around right from Blackbeard. Scramble up to start. Gentle slab split by a juggy crack.

FA: Keith Lockwood, Laurie Bennett & Shaun Norman, 21 Apr 2015

Trad 18m
Duck Crag
18 Duck Crack

Little jam-crack on left.

FA: Kirsty Hamilton, 1993

Trad 6m
20 Is Vanya a Duck?

Bold line 3 metres right of 'Duck Crack'. Alternative finish is to diagonal 2 metres right to flake.

FA: Paul Hoskins & Greg Pritchard, 1993

Trad 8m
18 Another One Bites The Duck

Obvious traverse line.

FA: Paul Hoskins & Greg Pritchard, 1993

Trad 10m
18 Duck Addendum

Supposed to be good.

From loose block on ground, up to horizontal, step right and up shallow. left-facing corner.

FA: Paul Hoskins & Greg Pritchard, 1993

Trad 10m
24 Anatadaephobia

Fear of being watched by ducks!

From block swing right to flake, up.

FA: Paul Hoskins & Greg Pritchard, 1993

Trad 10m
23 Fluffy Duck

Start at big jug down left of 'Anatadaephobia' (place a couple of wires in this for protection). Up to horizontal break

FA: Paul Hoskins & Greg Pritchard, 1993

Trad 10m
12 Home for Tea

These two climbs are on the gentle wall opposite Duck Crag, directly below a slackline launch site. Easily approached via the disabled lookout. Home for Tea is an obvious finish to Duck up the Stairs.

Crack on the wall opposite the northern edge of Duck Crag. The crack leads to a gentle slab, trending left to the top.

FA: Keith Lockwood, Norm Booth & Kieran Loughran, 8 Sep 2018

Trad 15m
7 Back by Three

Take the clean orange slab above the southern edge of Duck Crag, finishing on the left side of the summit block.

FA: Kieran Loughran, Keith Lockwood & Norm Booth, 8 Sep 2018

Trad 15m
Baker's Wall
16 Stale Bread

The left one.

FA: Geordie Webb & Wendy Eden, 14 Jan 2017

Trad 15m
14 Soggy Muffin

A few metres left of Lou Will be Pissed are two flake lines. This is the right one. Not the best routes in the world but not really any worse than the other route routes on the wall.

FA: Wendy Eden & Geordie Webb, 14 Jan 2017

Trad 15m
17 Middle Aged Nathan

Straight up to and through obvious weakness between Soggy Muffin and Lou will be pissed.

FA: unknown

Trad 15m
17 Lou Will Be Pissed

Up breaks then slab left of 'Prendergast' roof.

Start: Start about 6 metres left of the 'Prendergast' flake.

FA: Greg Pritchard, Paul Hoskins & Suzie Frost, 1993

Trad 10m
16 Flabbergast

Good. Wall 4 metres left of Prendergast flake and through roof just left of middle.

FA: Greg Pritchard & Paul Hoskins, 1993

Trad 10m
12 Prendergast

Layback flake to right end of roof. At roof, traverse left and up.

Start: Start at the layback flake 30 metres left of diagonal.

FA: Keith Lockwood & Doug Palmen, 1977

Trad 15m
13 Dotage

Start: 10 metres right of 'Prendergast', 20 metres left of diagonal is a bulbous hanging nose. Start under the left corner of this. Up slab, over left of 2 obvious loose flakes. Finish up corner.

FA: Dave Gairns & Chris Baxter, 1985

Trad 20m
16 Shadow Foxing

Some very good moves on lovely rock.

Start below orange hanging nose.

Up slab, stepping left around overhang into corner on left side of nose. Now back out right onto nose, pull up steeply then easy ground.

FA: Chris & Sue Baxter, 1985

Trad 20m
13 Hugh Goes West

Climb flake and wall above.

Start: Start below easy right-facing flake 4 metres right of 'Shadow Foxing'.

FA: Chris & Sue Baxter, 1985

Trad 20m
18 Second Thoughts

Quite sustained and poorly protected. Start 2 metres right of Hugh Goes West. Up to diagonal, then right along horizontal break, up and across to bottomless corner and climb this.

FA: Charlie Creese, Chris Baxter & Dave Gairns, 1985

Trad 20m
14 Marcia’s Route

A nice corner-crack behind tree leading directly to the foot of Squirrel & Baker's Delight. If only doing this climb, belay on the first ledge and walk off left.

FA: Richard Smith, Greg Pritchard & Marcia, 2006

Trad 10m
20 Bakers Delight

Lovely looking wall but start (at least) is reachy. Climb the attractive orange wall 4m to the left of Squirrel. Finish up a short handcrack near the top. Rap anchor: 20m to start of climb, 30m to ground.

FA: Ingvar Lidman

Trad 20m
17 Squirrel

Logically done as a two-pitch combo with "Marcia's Route". The initial wall is fingery and tiring to protect: small cams and beware of ledge-fall. Prominent black streak into a chimney-gully is harder than it looks. Descend via Bakers Delight rap.

FA: Chris & Sue Baxter, 1985

Trad 25m
24 R Bakers' Route

Good, bold line.

Start 3 metres right of 'Squirrel', below and left of diagonal above roof.

Up to roof, traverse right and pull into diagonal.

FA: Mike Law (solo), 1982

Trad 15m
20 Load Shooter

Quite good but unbalanced with a bouldery start. Stepped corner right of Bakers' Route, moving left under first roof and up wall.

FA: Doug Fife (solo), 1982

Trad 10m
Heckle and Jeckle Area
15 Jewish Humour

Line 1.5 metres left of 'Hopelessly Obscure'.

FA: Greg Pritchard & Kirsty Hamilton, 1993

Trad 9m
18 Hopelessly Obscure

Crack through bulge on right side of small face.

FA: Bert Levy & Kate Jacobsen, 1990

Trad 9m
22 R Laughing Like A Fat Spider

A typically bold route by Paul. Not much gear on the crux.

The route Logical Conclusion (1997) written up recently (2009) by Bert Levy is a repeat of this climb.

Start: Start left of 'Fantoochi'.

FA: Hoskins & Bride, 1996

Trad 12m
20 Fantoochi

Steep seam on orange rock. Step L and do the not-quite-direct-but-better-climbing finish. If you want. Don't let us pressure you.

FA: Eddy Ozols, Natalie Green. Finish as described: Eric Jones & Chris Baxter.., 1985

Trad 13m
17 Double Decker

Line 2 metres right of 'Fantoochi'.

FA: Dave Gairns, Chris Baxter & Charlie Creese, 1985

Trad 13m
17 The Creesed Palm

Climb wall and step right to tiny, left-facing corner which is followed until you can swing right to arete. Up.

Start: Start 1 metre right of 'Double Decker'.

FA: Chris Baxter, Charlie Creese & Dave Gairns, 1985

Trad 14m
22 Wok Full of Custard

A neat little climb squeezed between Bed Lag and The Creesed Palm. Originally set as a top rope problem; there is enough gear in the corner to keep things sane.

Start up Bed Lag, then move left into the corner on the arete. Small wires protect the run out to the rooflet, then move left to finish up The Creesed Palm.

FA: Douglas Hockly

FFA: benwiessner, 2 Oct 2021

Trad 15m
21 R Bed Lag

Starts up 'Wogs at the Piles', but instead of breaking right continues straight up the face. At times the gear is small and spaced.

FA: Charlie Creese & Robin Miller, 1985

Trad 14m
21 R Wogs at the Piles

Previously described as "Good climbing but has some runout moves above not brilliant protection". Circa 2017 two retrobolt were added: one at the start (shared by Bedlag), and another bolt halfway (this has since been removed).

Start at the arete of 'Bed Lag' and do a rising traverse through bulge across flakes to right arête. Up and finish slightly left.

FA: Charlie Creese, Chris Baxter & Dave Gairns, 1985

Trad 15m
24 Derros in the Pines

A contrived direct start to Wogs. Up past a shallow pocket to meet Wogs half way up.

Trad 15m
18 Uncle Fester

Start as for crack attack then step L around corner to stance (no more bolt?). Up on the L of arete over sus gear to rail, move L and up.

FA: Glenn Tempest & Karen tempest, Aug 2015

Trad 19m
17 Crack Attack

Steep climbing up the corner left of 'Mr Hyde'.

FA: Chris Baxter, Charlie Creese & Dave Gairns, 1985

Trad 15m
15 Mr Hyde

Good, sustained jam crack up left wall of 'Heckle'. Take a few large cams or hexes.

Graded 15 by Mentz & Tempest, Arapiles Selected Climbs Guide Book.

FA: Keith Lockwood & Norm Booth, 1968

Trad 15m
7 Heckle

The major corner-chimney bounding the left side of the black slab, mainly climbed on the slab.

FA: Norm Booth & Murray Taylor, 1968

Trad 15m
9 Girl Talk

Clean black slab right of 'Heckle'.

FA: Robyn Storer & Sue Baxter, 1985

Trad 18m
13 R Rush of Blood

Well-protected technical climbing low-down leads to a runout finish. Crucial protection in the top half of the climb is provided by an insecure sling; double ropes help.

FA: Keith Lockwood, Sue Key & Ed Neve, 1979

Trad 18m
13 Rush of Blood Direct Finish
Trad 18m
15 Murph Takes the Plunge

Distinct black streak midway between Rush Of 'Blood' and 'Jeckle'.

FA: Chris Baxter & Mike Stone, 1985

Trad 18m
18 Jeckle

The very technical, bouldery start was always a bit of a shock to people expecting a grade 14! The rest of the route is substantially easier.

FA: Garry Sudholz & Keith Lockwood, 1968

Trad 18m
18 Goodbye Gumby

Up flake, at top step right on orange wall and go up slightly right to easier finish.

Start: Start at right-facing flake right of 'Jeckle' and before the streak of Clap For Kiwis.

FA: Eric Jones & Chris Baxter, 1985

Trad 18m
22 Clap for Kiwis

Brushed streak right of 'Jeckle' and left of the diagonal of 'Sheckle'. Now has a bolt on the crux, originally done without. Impressive by Lou.

FA: Louise Shepherd & Robin Miller, 1984

Mixed trad 18m, 1
22 Scouting for Boys

Begin up the diagonal, step left at horizontal break and continue up face.

Start: Start at the right-leading diagonal on right side of face.

FA: Louise Shepherd & Eddie Ozols, 1984

Trad 18m
20 Sheckle Indirect Start

Start at the orange corner and inch your way up and right. It appears that some people who have done this route thought they were on Sheckle (grade 13)?

Not great gear or climbing.

13 Sheckle

The right-leading diagonal flake on the right end of the black slab.

FA: Mike Law (solo), 1982

Trad 18m
Voidoid Pinnacle
19 Unemploid

Arete left of Flights Of Fancy doing first 2 metres left of arete.

FA: Paul Hoskins, Greg Pritchard & Phil Wilkins, 1993

Trad 15m
23 Jumping for Jugs

Steep and gymnastic good rock good gear.

Start: Start as for "Flights of Fancy", clip the first bolt stepping off a big boulder to gain the horizontal break leading left with vague pockets, monkey up to second bolt and good jug, straight up to more gear before moving back right to join FOF then head back left and then up to the top, traversing right along a ledge to gain anchors

FA: Muki Woods & Ingvar Lidman, 2009

Mixed trad 20m, 2
24 Jumping for Fancy

The logical bits of Flights of Fancy and Jumping for Jugs if you can't do the dyno of FOF. Up JFJ until you can move back right, and finish up FOF. Fun steep climbing with a thin runout finish (but if you have a decent wing span it feels very contrived to avoid the holds out left)

Mixed trad 25m, 2
27 Flights of Fancy Direct

Start: Start at crack directly below the lone bolt in the middle of the south face (facing 'Heckle' and Jeckle) and head straight up past big dyno.

The original route by Steve Monks traversed right at first break, up arete then back left somewhere at 25.

FA: Steve Monks, 1986

Trad 20m
19 Voidoid

Pull into undercut line and up two left-facing corners, then step right and up.

Start: Start around right of Flights Of Fantasy below arete.

FA: Eddy Ozols & Colin Reece, 1978

Trad 20m
22 Totally Foxed!

On the west face is a blank piece of rock capped by a roof. Start 1m L of No Turning Back, passing some horizontal breaks to reach the roof. Crank through the roof to finish up the vertical seam. Gear is not great.

FA: Steve Monks & Chris Baxter, 1986

Trad 20m
19 No Turning Back

Distinguished line in middle of west wall.

FA: Chris Baxter & Dave Gairns, 1985

Trad 20m
8 Barefoot in the Park

Nice rock, nice moves, brilliant nut pro. With that many superlatives it's gotta be worth a star, right?

Start: Start right of 'No Turning Back'.

FA: Keith Lockwood & Tim Lockwood, 1995

Trad 15m
7 A Walk In The Park

Twin cracks 2 metres right of Barefoot In The Park.

FA: Sally Bentley & Eddy Rawlins, 2000

Trad 10m
Huey and Satellites
22 Vapour Trail

Varied and interesting. Start 4m R of Huey. The start has some long reaches protected by adequate gear in horizontals, then up the bottomless V-corner.

FA: John Smoothy & Dave Humphries, 1980

Trad 15m
23 Sanitize review

Not a popular pasttime. Climbing looks good but it's squeezed in. Probably bold like most of Roland's routes.

Bottomless right-facing corner then bulge between Vapour Trail and Huey.

FA: Roland Foster, 1983

Trad 15m
18 Huey

This beautiful thin crack is so good it just about rates three stars. Maybe if it was five metres longer?

Pull into the flake just left of the cherry ballart then continue up the face-crack.

FA: Dave Neilson & Keith McNaughton, 1968

Trad 16m

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 169 vias.

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