
Ascensões em Australia por Tom Bes

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 617 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Qualidade
Fri 22nd Mar 2024 - The Cathedral
Main Crag
21 The Dynamic Duo - with Jake Delaney Sport 18m
I mainly climbed fisticuffs once I could reach the crack. Those jams are too tempting

18 Dobster's Diabolical Dihedral - with Jake Delaney Trad 15m Classic
Took my first Trad whip in a long time from a foot slip on the layback up the top. Blaming new shoes. Had a light bounce of the ledge below. Thrilling. Great climb. #7 is good for top

24 Prevenge - with Jake Delaney Sport 13m, 5
Feels hard. Would love an extra inch of reach on this one

16 Andromedary - with Jake Delaney Sport 15m, 4 Good
Tried to stay on the face too long. When I got back to ground my boots were full of leeches. Such is life

Sat 2nd Mar 2024 - The Cathedral
Main Crag
19 Vitez - with Jake Delaney Trad 25m Very Good
quotes from this ascent in chronological order: 'why do i have all this stuff?' 'these are the worst conditions i've ever climbed in' 'f*ck oh f*ck its a leech'

22 Hercules - with Jake Delaney Sport 15m Classic
I was suprised to get a clean repeat of this after having a heat death on vitez. But the highlight of the day was then catching Jake Delaminate on the Longest Survivable Whip™ on his greenpoint attempt. fell from the chains to just below the first bolt. jeez louiz.

Sun 25th Feb 2024 - Blue Mountains
Leura Sublime Point West Face (Main Area) Middle Cliffs Binary Cave
20 Torrential - with Jake Delaney Trad 25m
Oh lord. Insane lip contortion moves, loose choss everywhere. But I strangely loved it? Got to the last move and ran out of strength for the fingelock layback. Ended up finding a nice knee bar solution to get the top out.

19 Birthday Bolts - with Jake Delaney Sport 20m, 9
Retreatd on lead, too scared to fall on the slabby section. Glad I bailed as the next holds ended up sucking too! A fun top rope time

12 ~14 Constipation Chimney Variant Start - with Jake Delaney Trad 19m Good
A nice traddy time and a wet rainy day

Sun 17th Dec 2023 - Wahroonga Rocks
Abseil Wall/Main Wall
15 HJ Trad 6m Very Good
Great fun! Route of the day. Cool first move and even an option for finger jams up top

14 Stingray Trad 14m
Nope. Another 14 sandbag

14 ~15 Weeping Corner Trad 13m
Tricky after last carrot. Slap around for hidden jug

14 The Chimney Mixed trad 13m, 1
Some 14s here are not like the others. This one felt like 14 but none of the others!fun climb

16 Mixer 1 Mixed trad 14m, 1
Almost easier than the 14s to the right. Hard start but then fairly juggy

14 ~16 Marshall's Variation Trad 13m
Tried it on lead but bailed due to the stiff runout start. Not close to a 14 in my book

Sat 18th Nov 2023 - Bangor West
13 Chicanery Crack Trad 8m Good
Works well as an early Trad lead as suggested

17 Grotto Crack Sport 9m, 2 Very Good
Can't believe I've never done this properly. I have bailed into the crack from the hand traverse routes but never done the worthwhile start. Quiet wide and burly. Some good fist jams

19 Fixed Steps Sport 10m, 3 Classic
Not as strong as I remember

12 Mike's Photogenic Crack Trad 10m
I did this as purely an offwidth and had a great time! If you only use the crack and none of the great edges and jugs everywhere you can heel-toe and chicken wing the entire route! Good offwidth training.

14 Get Tracked Trad 11m Very Good
What a great hand crack! Shame it stops at 2/3rd height where it gets a bit trickier.

18 ~17 Active Trad 10m Average
Bit wet from seepage. Awkward moves and a trickier top. Glad to do it though.

Sun 15th Oct 2023 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Eternity Area
15 The Pharaoh Trad 33m Average
i stubbornly tried to climb this like an offwidth and only managed to completely tire myself out. then i resorted to hauling on the breaks and it was much easier but not as fun

Sun 15th Oct 2023 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Descent Gully Area
14 Great Unwashed Direct Start Trad 20m Very Good
awesome initial crack was a good challenge and then a lovely ease up to the top

11 The Bonatti Crack Trad 8m
jamz. if only it was longer!

Sun 15th Oct 2023 - Blue Mountains
Mount Victoria Area Mount Piddington Flake Crack Area
8 Faith Trad 52m Very Good
checking gear placements for my friend on their first mountains lead! a nice climb

11 Angular Crack Trad 25m Very Good
i thought this was great! it is definitely unusual 3D climbing but that wasnt a negative. loads more gear than you expect, mainly in the left face cracks

15 Tombstone Wall Mixed trad 30m, 3 Classic
NOTE: new carrots dont fit right angle bolt plates. so much going on in this climb. wild mantle, fairly limited gear and a pumpy overhanging topout. a real ewbank 15.... i made most of the mistakes i could possibly make and chickened out of the last moves above the bolt

Sat 30th Sep 2023 - Yates Yard
V1 LED Boulder 3m
classic boulder retreat: holds run out up high, sun in eyes, slopers all around, Nope

V0 Pristine Slab Boulder
yum holds

V0+ Big Palmer Boulder
such a good left hand start hold i had to get full value out of it.

V0 Chute Up Boulder
tufas and smears

V0 The Unbeatable High Boulder
Soundtracked by Riot by Dead Kennedys hence the name. a nice time. watch your head on the tree https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cxy8DuLypfT/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

V1 Smear Out Boulder Good
if you like smeary slabs you will have fun. balancey

V2 Low Traverse — 3 attempts Boulder 3m Very Good
great little climb!

V1 Up In Arms Boulder 2m Good
cooool gaston move

V2 Snowflakes Assist Boulder 4m
i think i did a messy combination of the 3 climbs in this spot.

V4 Snowflakes Boulder 4m
cool line, crimps seem to run out when it gets high

Sun 10th Sep 2023 - Earlwood
19 The Count Sport 9m, 3
Harder than I remember but great

16 Warm It Up Mixed trad 10m, 1 Very Good
Not as nut centric as I remembered. Beautiful climb though

15 Cornered Again Trad 8m
Did it 3 times and made the crux steeper move way harder 2 of those times.

14 Cornered Trad 9m
Got to place some big cams yum

15 Pax Sport 8m
Slopey fun up top

Mon 31st Jul 2023 - Jannali Reserve
V0 Corned Flakes Boulder

V0 Na Na Na (Suprise) Boulder Good

V1 Toms Thumb Boulder Very Good
Thumbdercling was very fun

V0 Pokemon Boulder
Pokemon mon mon

V0 Jug Jug Boulder Very Good
Great juggy route

V0 Central Jug Boulder
Happy good times

V1 Glob Boulder
In Glob we trust

V1 BA KU Boulder Good
an interesting time

V3 Oesophagus full of biscuits — 5 attempts Boulder Very Good
fave new climb in this section

Mon 10th Jul 2023 - The Cathedral
Main Crag
17 Bye Forever Trad 19m
I've been wanting to climb this crack for a long time. turns out it doesn't climb much like a crack. Named after the FA's ironic farewell at the start of every climb. And today was the last time we will climb together for the foreseeable future so it couldn't be called anything else. I'll miss ya Jake

18 Buffalo Bum Trad 18m Very Good
now i have the awkward first move dialled this climb is a joy

20 Tourniquet Mixed trad 18m, 2 Classic
climbed this the best i ever have. stayed left side in the whole way for a change. Green point

Sat 1st Jul 2023 - Carss Park
The Front Row
V0 People Power Boulder
V2 Slap-A-Slab Boulder Good
V2 Silky Smooth Boulder Classic
V1 Lux Interior Boulder Very Good
Sun 25th Jun 2023 - Blue Mountains
Bells Line of Road & Chifley Rd Cosmic County Area Cosmic County Memory Lane
19 Bairds Effort - with Jake Delaney Trad 37m
after entering full buns mode while on belay, i did a sickly aid second. this was the spark of a week of illness for me bleeehhh

15 Bell Bottom Pants - with Jake Delaney Trad 25m
i better warm up on this as im not feeling too good...

Sun 25th Jun 2023 - The Cathedral
Main Crag
20 Wench in a Trench - with Jake Delaney Mixed trad 18m, 2 Classic
where has the greenpoint tick type gone?? Anyway the greenpoint needed a #7 mainly and a #6 to leave behind in the tighter bits. and then gear of #1 and under for the top. I'll have the inserts ready soon to update page 175 of your guidebook with the greenpoint pic.

18 Buffalo Bum - with Jake Delaney Trad 18m Very Good
this felt easy today amazingly. a great confidence boost to start the day. but everything is easy when seconding

17 Hard Trivial Pursuit — 2 attempts - with Jake Delaney Sport 10m, 3 Very Good
dont believe the anti slab sentiment in the guidebook, it was a very enjoyable slab. once i figured out where to go. i stayed right of the first bolt to move up initially. great friction moves

Mon 29th May 2023 - Narrabeen
18 Muscoviet Mosquito - with Jake Delaney Sport 15m, 5 Very Good
Felt more tenuous, and harder, than lunatic. Less holds and more exciting for me. What a day of climbing, such a good easy to use crag.

18 Lunatic - with Jake Delaney Sport 19m, 5 Good
A lovely time in nice iron seam crimps. Got confused at the top and stepped left before the anchors when old mate Jake McMuscles went straight to the power top.

16 TPI - with Jake Delaney Trad 10m Very Good
So much good gear. More pieces than bolts on most climbs here. Great fun. Grade 16 Trad routes are probably my favourite thing to climb.

19 Kicks - with Jake Delaney Sport 12m, 4 Very Good
Get smeared. Really enjoyed this one, very engaging.

16 ~18 Ag Science - with Jake Delaney Sport 18m, 4 Very Good
First climb of the day and one of my favourites. Nice to be on a classic mike law route that isn't tough as nails.

18 ~17 Manic - with Jake Delaney Sport 17m, 4 Good
Felt easier to me than Ag science? I feel slabs are a bit hard to grade. Like offwidths. Another good slab.

21 Frantic - with Jake Delaney Sport 15m, 5 Good
Trying to figure out what holds belong to each climb seems to be part of the experience on this wall. A good one though. They are all good

20 Stan Lee Steamer - with Jake Delaney Sport 12m Good
Pulled on the first bolt to get off the deck then went trad till second to penultimate bolt when I got too tired to place more gear. Messily climbed by me but definitely all goes on gear.

Sat 20th May 2023 - The Cathedral
Main Crag
21 Medieval Remedies - with Jake Delaney Mixed trad 25m, 4
A nice way to finish vitez. Some thin stuff on that headwall. Thank Glob for toprope

21 Young Bumblies - with Jake Delaney Sport 10m
Somewhat akward powerful start into a fantastic slab of supreme slimperz.

20 The Quartermass Xperiment - with Jake Delaney Sport 12m, 3
A strange one. Great burly start. Friction slab is imposing and the route finding is possibly the bigger challenge. We found left of the penultimate bolt to be the way to go.

Tue 4th Apr 2023 - Evans Crown
Crown Buttress
18 Barad Dur - with Jake Delaney Trad 75m Classic
first pitch is an unusual crack/layback situation with a big hard move at the end. the TR in TRad stands for TRees are on right? then two well bolted slab options for pitch 2/3 (do as one pitch) we went left as it wasnt a 'lichen deathscape' as described by Cake Dalmeney. and then the triumphant final pitch of one of the most enjoyable offwidths ive ever done. its a bummer someone has bolted the easy looking headwall 1m right of the crack. dont be tempted, get wide!

17 ~20 Your Neighbourhood Bolter - with Jake Delaney Sport 25m, 4 Very Good
noticeably harder than the 19 slabs we had done on this trip. a lot more frictiony. awesome moves though

Tue 4th Apr 2023 - Evans Crown
Googolplex Crag
20 Rene's Ethical Neutrality - with Jake Delaney Mixed trad 25m, 6
has approx 10 bolts now. and i hung on many of them. great slabbing. still can pop the #3 cam in the volcano spot if you want but not essential

19 Saddam's Black Heart - with Jake Delaney Trad 25m
for some reason i am quite incapable of recalling this climb even hours after i did it. im sure it was good they all are.

Tue 4th Apr 2023 - Evans Crown
Deckout Buttress
19 Easy Jonestown - with Jake Delaney Sport 15m, 3 Classic
blew the onsight by going left up top onto the wet slopey zone and grabbed the chains instead of clipping. awesome climb though

Sun 12th Feb 2023 - The Cathedral
Main Crag
17 Ozone Action - with Jake Delaney Mixed trad 20m, 3
Oh man so much harder than I remember. And much less passive gear than I remember. I pumped out every few moves. Cathedral puts me in my place yet again!

21 Fat Crack - with Jake Delaney Trad 22m Very Good
I lord. It's like 3 hard crack climbs on top of each other. And they all are a bit of a grovel. Chimney at the top really wore me down. Or maybe is was that fat leech that sapped my send juice just before

16 Andromedary - with Jake Delaney Sport 15m, 4 Good
I always get confused when to step around the arete. Great first half though. And I didn't need to use the tree this time. It definitely goes without. But it seems to be via some holds that feel chipped. Did MikLawGelo get to excited? Maybe 3 24s in a row would have been too much.

Fri 3rd Feb 2023 - Little Bay
Cape Banks Tidal Area
V2 Crabs R Hilarious — 6 attempts - with Rohan Nowell Boulder 3m Good
found this fun little grippy arete full of scoops and edges. last climb of the day and only just had it in me.

Fri 3rd Feb 2023 - Little Bay
Cape Banks
V1 Express Corner — 4 attempts Boulder 3m

VB Barnacle Boulder 3m
Croc ascent

VB Bunco Boulder 3m
Croc ascent

V3 Suncorp — 3 attempts Boulder 4m
I only saw just now that it says to avoid the arete jugs of st George. Hmm we did it that way and it was fun and still felt like a v3

V2 St George Boulder 4m
Good times

Wed 25th Jan 2023 - Orroral area
Orroral Ridge Honeysuckle Crag Right Group
17 ~19 Live Injection - with Jake Delaney Trad 15m
Climbs like an offwidth. A slog. Fun though. Top half is off first size which was a battle. So it matches the arduous bushbashing needed to find this climb and to get to the whole crag. A battle but worth it.

Tue 24th Jan 2023 - Orroral area
Orroral Ridge Honeysuckle Crag Main Crag
16 ~17 Deep Space - Sickle - with Jake Delaney Trad 90m
Fun. Runout. Tiny ACT gear. The move into the crack in the last pitch was too scary so I got Jake to lead it. It wasn't as bad as I thought when I seconded. Good ACT slab timez

Tue 24th Jan 2023 - Orroral area
Orroral Ridge Legoland Atrium
16 California Dreaming - with Jake Delaney Trad 10m Classic
I had a great time on this. I was surprised to find it actually felt like a 16 to me instead of 2-3 grades harder I have come to expect from act granite.

12 Full House - with Jake Delaney Sport 15m, 3
We were a bit lost, no internet, hadn't seen any evidence of climbs all day until I spotted the shiny bolts on this guy. Then old mate Delaney managed to figure out where we were. So I though it would be good to climb this route that helped so much. We thought it was a different climb but still. Hard first 2 moves for the grade then a romp-a-saurus to the top. Anchor gear a bit fiddly

22 Easy Wind - with Jake Delaney Trad 20m
Seconded to remove gear. Aided through all the hard parts until I could stand upon a foot in the crack. Then I enjoyed the easier climb to the finish!

21 Pas de Deux - with Jake Delaney Sport 12m, 4 Classic
One peel off the wall. Damn. A really great climb I enjoyed every moment although every moment was foot pain. I need to develop those ACT slab big toe muscles.

Mon 26th Dec 2022 - The Cathedral
Main Crag
17 Hard Trivial Pursuit - with Jake Delaney Sport 10m, 3
Thought it would be an easy warmup to monopoly but felt even more committing. As Jake said; I may as well bake in the sun standing on crsytals of the climb I came here to do. Cool though

18 Monopoly — 5 attempts - with Jake Delaney Sport 10m, 3 Classic
Finally trusted those crystals. What a great slab. The slabbiest of slabs. Highly recommend.

23 Hercules Extension - with Jake Delaney Sport 22m Classic
So glad I wasn't doing the top moves on lead. Big first move of the extension seems a long way off too. But those rope moves are amazing.

Sat 3rd Dec 2022 - Carss Park
The Front Row
V2 Silky Smooth Boulder Classic
Mmmmmm so bulgy and prominent

V1 Lux Interior Boulder Very Good
Love it

V2 The Lichen Street Shuffle — 5 attempts Boulder
Spend half an hour balancing on your big toes trying to find some more feet. Who doesn't love a downward trending slab traverse?


Mostrando 1 - 100 de 617 ascensões.

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