
Vias em South Buttress para uma graduação selecionada

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Mostrando os 4 vias.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Popularidade
Peter Pan Area
15 Peter Pan

A good climb on excellent rock. The moves from the top of the block are delicate and poorly protected, hence "Peter's Pan(ic)". Start left of Square Gully at a wide, rounded crack.

  1. 11m - Climb the crack to a ledge next to a large block leaning against the face.

  2. 37m - Up to the top of the block (large sling) and step onto the face - awkward for shorties - climb up for a few moves and then right to a thin crack. Up this to the top and what was a tree belay but now requires a topout.

FA: Peter Cocker & Peter Sands, 1966

Trad 48m, 2
Possum area
15 Carezza Variant

An alternate finish that is less contrived than the original. From the pillar at the start of the roof pull right up the flake and mossy wall above to the Possum ledge.

FA: Peter Mills, 1977

Trad 10m
15 Carezzissima Finish

Exposed with an exciting finish. Climb up the third pitch of Possum, then traverse left for five metres past some dubious blocks and up the steepening ramp of blocks. The finish over the top is awkward and can be avoided by a short, bracing hand traverse left.

FA: Bob Watt & John Hoskins, 1970

Trad 22m
15 Gutz

The line between Hortensia and Matrix. Start as for Hortensia. Pull onto the next ledge to climb a crack and blocks to a small stance. Continue up towards the steep crack above and where it bulges step right onto the wall. Traverse right and finish up a tight chimney.

FA: Nick Gallimore & Noel Beyon, 1971

Trad 40m

Mostrando os 4 vias.

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