
Nodes em Malabar

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Collection of easy climbs in a beautiful location. Some shade until early arvo. Climbs all stay pretty dry except in large swell.

Climbs described as you get to them from the beach following the shoreline.

The prown sector

Just below the car park – walk down the boat ramp and turn right (towards the beach) or walk in from the beach. This sector is a bit wet at peak tide.

V0 Waterever

Knob to top.

V0 Somefin

Undercling start

V2 Nofin

Left of wet streak. Friction undercling start

V2 Dolfin

Right of wet streak. Hop up to start edge under white patch and topout.

V2 Flukes

Stand start at flakes.

V1 The Prown


tidal dependence

These climbs are just left (beachside) of the boat ramp. Climbable only at low tide – at high tide the boulder are half underwater!

V0 New moon

Accessible at low tide only. Stand start from block

V2 Lunatic

Only at low tide. Stand start at layback and scoop, delicate move up and left and topout. Careful of sandstone choss at the very top, can bail by traversing left 1 meter.


Pre-slabs are 150 meters towards the ocean form the boat ramp. At high tide you may have scramble to the high track and scramble back down. Find the 90 degree block, the pre-slabs and the overhang are just in front of it.

V1 Jam Slab

Two solid hand jams in the overhanging crack then fight your way past the Westringia. Absolutely no slab engagement but you might want to tape up for this shredder.

V0+ Unslab

Where the legs ends, up the obvious crack. No stars!

V2 De-slab

Follow the shallow weakness trending rightwards. Arete/crack on the right it right out! Double top-out for good measure.

V0+ Layback slab

Trad-like corner

90-degree block

The following climbs are on the 90 degree block. The vertical flakes look very delicate but are surprisingly strong. Still, best to avoid the thinnest flakes or those that are not beaten by the sun.

V0- Multifacet

Straight up the agonisingly thin facets on the west side of '90-degree block'. The entire difficult of the climb lies in not breaking any facets.

V1 Normal

The seaside overhung arete. Hard sit start on vertical holds, straight up the arete.

V0 Perpendicular

Half a meter right of normal. Stand start on vertical holds, straight up.

V1 Orthogonal

Start inside the scoop/cave, swing out to jugs and then up

V0 Pitagora

Start as for orthogonal, but then keep on traversing right to easier topout.

V2 Half a pie

Traverse counterclockwise the overhanging half of the 90 degree block. The good bit starts seaside, 1 meter left off normal.

V2 Limpet

Traverse overhang from right to left along the lip. Could add a top out at the end at V3ish.


Around the corner, 20 m form the 90 degree block.

V3 Rosso malpelo

Red thin slab left of sandy white block. 5 meters left of red slab.

V3 Red Slab

Start on the shallow hole. Straight up to sloper rail. Jump off or traverse out left or right.

V1 Green Slab

Just left of the seeping streak. Touch greens at top. Climb down or jump.

V0 Wet slab

If not wet, provides easy descent for RS and GS.

V2 Black Slab

just right of seeping streak. Start on hole on right and move to hole on left (reachy) and up.

Alladin and Odin

50 meters towards the ocean again. Fun powerful moves. Some of the sitstart rail may still crumble off, but most of it should be good now.

V1 Lamp smoke

Sitstart up zigzag streak to sloper rail

V0 Alladin

Straight up. Finish on high jug.

V1 Genie

Right tending iron band. Standstart. No stars

V2 Vicky

Left corner sitstart.

V1 The Viking

sitstart left of hole. Straight up.

V2 Odin's Eye

Sitstart under big hole. Top just left of hole w knee bar

V3 Wodan

sitstart little flake. Tad left and up

V1 Frigg

Right corner. Sitstart

V3 Thor

Traverse from Frigg to Vicky.

V3 Dream pipes

Traverse from Vicky to Frigg

Malabar Rock Pool

At the south side of the bay where the Malabar rock pool is there are a few good climbs.

V3 Stay off the Bench

Sit start. Take care with the mantle and the bench.

V4 Off The Hook

Sit start. Up past the towel hooks.


Stand start about 4m left of Off The Hook, about 1m left of the white rock, where OW was carved in the rock. Up to the hole in the black rock and topout.

The wall near the pool shower is great for kids to try some bouldering.

The wall near the pool shower is great for kids to try some bouldering.

V2 The Hook

Overhang start, climb over edge to top. 100m from boat ramp

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