
Ascensões de No Space in Time como vários tipos de ascensões registradas

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Mostrando os 37 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Qualidade Climber
Fri 7th Jul 2023 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time — 4 attempts Mixed trad 20m, 7
Zac Lazatin
Sun 2nd Jul 2023 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time — 2 attempts Mixed trad 20m, 7
Zac Lazatin
28 No Space in Time — 7 attempts Mixed trad 20m, 7
Zac Lazatin
Tue 13th Jun 2023 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time - with Aidan Cox, Gerry Narkowicz, Steve Postle Mixed trad 20m, 7 Classic
Patrick Munnings
2 sits

Sun 4th Jun 2023 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time — 2 attempts Mixed trad 20m, 7
Zac Lazatin
Sat 3rd Jun 2023 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time - with Zac Lazatin Mixed trad 20m, 7
Martin Brown
Working. 4 shots over the weekend. So so good.

Sun 28th May 2023 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time — 8 attempts Mixed trad 20m, 7
Zac Lazatin
Mon 15th May 2023 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time - with Gerry Narkowicz Mixed trad 20m, 7 Mega Classic
Aidan Cox
Best attempt yet. One hang. Easily the most pumped I've ever been

Sun 2nd Apr 2023 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time — 3 attempts - with Gerry Narkowicz Mixed trad 20m, 7 Classic
Patrick Munnings
New high point. After the crux. Just got to hold the pump together and dial the sequence for the top

28 No Space in Time Mixed trad 20m, 7
Zac Lazatin
Fri 24th Mar 2023 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time — 3 attempts - with Gerry Narkowicz Mixed trad 20m, 7 Classic
Patrick Munnings
Two sits on my last attempt. Getting there.

Sat 28th Jan 2023 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time Mixed trad 20m, 7 Mega Classic
Dylan Tubaro
made it past the crux but didn't work out the clipping positions. probably would have fallen anyways as i was pumped to the shit house. 1 hang

Sun 4th Sep 2022 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time - with Hannah Rose, Gerry Narkowicz Mixed trad 20m, 7 Classic
Patrick Munnings
Got to the top this time! And turns out, thats where the rest of the stars are collected. So fun and pumpy!

Sun 3rd Jul 2022 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time - with Maddie Campbell Mixed trad 20m, 7
Jacob Dean
Sun 29th May 2022 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time Mixed trad 20m, 7 Classic
Unlocked some beta, becoming quite feasible now. Quite the inspiring line.

Mon 23rd May 2022 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time - with Gerry Narkowicz Mixed trad 20m, 7 Mega Classic
Aidan Cox
2 and a half laps on this incredible mega line. Continuous mind bending sequences the entire way. Got all the moves and had some promising links. Two laps had me absolutely destroyed and my third was abysmal. Very keen to come back for this one

Wed 9th Mar 2022 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time Mixed trad 20m, 7 Mega Classic
Dylan Tubaro
Absolutely amazing climbing! Just didn't have enough endurance to get it done, was absolutely flaming after doing the crux move ahah.

Sun 11th Jul 2021 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time Mixed trad 20m, 7
Shopping for a new project. Had two exploratory laps on top rope. It's growing on me

Tue 4th May 2021 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time - with Will Vidler Mixed trad 20m, 7
Last climb of the trip super sold and inspiring!

Wed 28th Apr 2021 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time - with Gerry Narkowicz, Match Mixed trad 20m, 7 Mega Classic
Will Vidler
Warm up and to put Gerry's rope back on it.

Sun 25th Apr 2021 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time - with Lucas C, Paul Frothy Thomson Mixed trad 20m, 7 Mega Classic
Will Vidler
A long lap for photos straight after Passchendaele. I was fkn spent!

Fri 16th Apr 2021 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time - with Paul Frothy Thomson Mixed trad 20m, 7 Mega Classic
Will Vidler
Punted 😢 (x3)

Thu 15th Apr 2021 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time - with Paul Frothy Thomson Mixed trad 20m, 7 Mega Classic
Will Vidler
Got to the crux on my first go after a warm but had made a lot of mistakes and was far too pumped. (x3)

Mon 12th Apr 2021 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time - with Paul Frothy Thomson Mixed trad 20m, 7 Mega Classic
Will Vidler
I’m enamoured.

Sun 1st Nov 2020 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time - with Gerry Narkowicz Mixed trad 20m, 7
Patrick Munnings
Didnt get past the 25 crack start. Way too tired. Super cool movements.

Tue 31st May 2016 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time Mixed trad 20m, 7 Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
Knee troubles... Spent most of the day on Top Rope or Top Rope Solo, just doing the final crux again and again and again ad infanitum (because it didnt aggrevate my knee, and I figured at least I can TRAIN for this, even if I can't climb it properly). Had one lead attempt at the end of the day, and made okay PROGRESS, but only because I know the route so well... I climbed it poorly.

Sat 21st May 2016 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time Mixed trad 20m, 7 Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
5 more shots, struggling with too hot conditions again. 1st was a warmup. 2nd was my best lap ever until I slipped off a footer mid-final-crux. 3rd I ALMOST stuck the hold to finish the crux. 5th shot -after the sun went down- I stuck the move to end the final crux, but was so tired after all these laps that I could do little more hang on it... Why couldn't I stick it 3 shots earlier??? (before I was worn out).

Wed 18th May 2016 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time Mixed trad 20m, 7 Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
2 more shots. To the last move of the final crux as a warmup in slightly damp early morning conditions on the 1st lap. I made it half a move higher on my 2nd lap (in ideal conditions), then the rope ended up on my crucial footer and I couldn't move it before I fell off . Then the full sun came out and it all went to hell.

Tue 17th May 2016 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time Mixed trad 20m, 7 Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
4 more laps - 1 a throwaway to re-equip it. No new highpoint, bit best shot was a fall 1-move from the end of the top crux. Struggled with the heat today, and my lack of patience to wait for the good conditions. My best shot was done after sundown. PACIENCE GRASSHOPPER.

Sun 8th May 2016 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time Mixed trad 20m, 7 Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
2 more shots. Rubbish conditions today with a lot of moisture in the air and damp holds. Slimey polished slimpers are not a recipe for success. Managed a "2nd best" highpoint (1 move from the end of the final crux) despite conditions. And after a brief rest went from below where I fell to the top clean (almost slipping off a wet sloper near the top).

Sat 7th May 2016 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time Mixed trad 20m, 7 Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
4 more shots. 1st to re-quip the route. 2nd was feeling the best into the 2nd crux I've ever felt, when I missed the hold I was aiming for and fell. Then the wind vanished, the sun came out, and it turned into a spoogefest. 3rd shot was a disaster. 4th was an end of day lap when tired just for the hell of it, climbing to just before the 3rd crux, but was just worn out and the whole thing was a battle. Am I ever going to tick this?

Mon 18th Apr 2016 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time Mixed trad 20m, 7 Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
3 more shots. Second shot was my best lap yet, linking on lead all the way up the crack and through both cruxes, falling a mere 5m from the anchors on grade 24 terrain (I hesitated on a move, and didn't have the momentum to carry it through). After falling, I had 1min rest, then climbed from below the 2nd crux to the top. So. Damn. Close! 3rd shot my belayer almost dropped me on the ledge, and I lost confidence to commit to the moves. Hopefully I can get this done before I have to leave Tas...

Wed 13th Apr 2016 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time Mixed trad 20m, 7 Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
3 more laps. Hideous conditions and my foolish decision to get drunk as a skunk last night left me shakey and short-of-breath. Still, despite this mixed bag, I still managed some of my best linkage, getting this more-or-less down to 2 falls, and linking almost the entire face section (after the bottom trad component) in one go on lead. Getting there.

Tue 12th Apr 2016 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time Mixed trad 20m, 7 Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
Rapped in from the top to put the gear back on the route, and did one quick lap on Top Rope Solo to remind myself of the moves. As a warmup, in the full sun, I did this with 3 rests... can't complain too much.

Tue 29th Mar 2016 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time Mixed trad 20m, 7 Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
3 more laps today. 1st 2 x laps I was making progress, but slowly and I wasn't sold on being able to tick this anytime soon. 3rd lap I linked (on lead) to the bolts after the grade 26 Trad crack section. Had 1 fall before improving beta for this move. Then 2 more rests to the top, both of which were because I was getting pumped clipping off miniscule holds... But now I've found ways of clipping from above the bolts, off better holds! I should be 1-falling this soon. Psyched!

Mon 21st Mar 2016 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time Mixed trad 20m, 7 Classic
Paul Frothy Thomson
Project shopping. Hard work getting to the top in full sun, with no chalk on anything (and slightly dirty from the recent floods). But I managed it, and also managed to sort all the sequences (and repeat them). Took some monster falls putting it together. Would be a tough link, but totally my style, and intriguing climbing. After the burly overhanging crack start, its extremely technical steep face climbing, and unrelenting to the anchors. I finished feeling utterly trashed! Trad gear still in.

Sun 20th Mar 2016 - Bare Rock
28 No Space in Time Mixed trad 20m, 7 Very Good
Paul Frothy Thomson
Climbed to 2nd bolt after the crack before my belayer had to leave. Left my gear on it so I can have another look tomorrow. Probably solid trad 25 to the 1st bolt after the crack, then it gets thin, fingery and powerful. The rack listed in the ClimbTas guide might be great if youre dogging the gear in, but is fucking stupid if youre trying to push yourself on the onsight burn (bring cams 0.3-3 if you want to try onsight, and swap for wires on loweroff... the wires recommended are hard to place!


Mostrando os 37 ascensões.

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