

  • Contexto da graduação: AU
  • Ascensões: 1


Climbs described left to right.


Questões de acesso herdado de Gibraltar and Corin Road

Some of the crags in the south of this area (e.g. Cantaloupe Hill) were burned in the 2020 Orroral Valley bushfire. Please exercise caution in fire affected areas.


From the uphill side of the Nailbiter boulder, head towards Canberra and steeply downhill for 30m, initially with the 'Egg Cave' area to your right and then down a short gully. As you go down the gully the Marzipan area is to your right.



Alguns conteúdos foram fornecidos sob licença de: © Canberra Climbers' Association (CC BY-SA) © ANU Moutaineering Club (Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike)


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The short thin crack on a boulder 30 metres below 'My Generation'. Up the awkward thin crack to some hard slabby moves onto a ledge. Move right and up the easy hand crack.

FA: Mike Peck & Adam Blizzard, 1988

Start on a boulder 50 metres below 'My Generation'. Climb up the dirty crack and slab without using the dead tree.

FA: Tony Barten (solo), 1987

The brushed slab with two bolts four metres left of 'Return of the Marzipan Kid'. Take wires.

FA: Mike Peck & Craig Kentwell, 1988

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Fri 2 Jun
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