
Via em Four Mile Creek Falls para uma graduação selecionada

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20 The Killip-Stazewski Route On The East Face Of Four Mile

Start: At the far right-hand side of the buttress, east wall. The corner with blocks in it and a large tree at the base. Sickle-shaped crack up higher. Bob was simply going to call it The Sickle, a nice name. But he failed to do the sickle crack, side-stepping to the left. Hence this wonderful name. The sickle off-width awaits a first ascent !

  1. 40m Up corner then traverse left under the roof into flake system, then right to ledge under off-width.

  2. 40m Up off-width to a manky ledge, then up corner off-width to the start of sickle shaped crack.

  3. 30m Traverse left then up crack to roof. Left around roof and up to small fig-tree and ledge.

  4. 20m Right into cracks, then traverse right and up line to top.

FA: B.Killip & R.Stazewski (Some aid 2nd pitch) (alt.leads), 1975

FFA: J.Friend & B.Killip, 1977

Trad 110m

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