
Vias como boulder em The Saddle Club

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 115 vias.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Popularidade
Roadside Boulders
V4 Unicorn

Stand start. Establish on the two decent but sloping crimps and use some fancy feet to get to the juggy rail.

FA: Meedu Samaraweera, Feb 2018

Boulder 3m
V0 Triple Crown

Starting on low jug climb straight up along easy holds.

Boulder 3m
V0 Stallion

Starting on big flat hold climb to the top slightly leftwards.

Boulder 3m
V1 Sire

Starting on undercling in roof, climb up the horn and top out.

Boulder 3m
V2 Punter

Starting on underclings under roof climb staright up and into kinda hard mantle.

Boulder 3m
Right Side
V2 Back in the Saddle

From a sit start, use whatever holds necessary to gain the slightly-off-angle juggy rail and mantle the overhanging saddle feature.

FA: Meedu Samaraweera, Hai T & Marc F, Feb 2018

Boulder 3m
Open Project #7

Sit start and make way directly left and over.

V3 Stable Condition

Sit start on the flat rail, breach the dark cave and mantle using whatever means necessary.

Steve's Closed Project

Maybe V5. Rides the entire wave feature R to L.

V4 50-Year Storm

Sit start on RHS of wave feature and traverse leftwards on cool slopey bumps and crimps to a cruxy mantle midway.

Boulder 3m
V2 Hoof We Got Here

Sit start and mantle early.

V2 Chorse

Saddle up for a chossy ride. Traverse left up the jug rail with a right heel. Move to good crimps and sloper jug to top out.

FA: Cameron C, 5 Mar 2023

Chorse Duplicate
V2/3 Shoe In

Sit start on the good sidepull. Up and over the bulge.

FA: Jack Folkes, 3 Apr 2018

Boulder 2m
Open Project E

Same beta as for OPD but alot easier.

BoulderProjeto 4m
V9 Rodeo

Techy climbing from sit start on sidepulls up crimps and pinch to crux at lip on slopers. Absolute classic

Emmanuel Madayag (FA)

Set: Meedu Samaraweera

FA: Emmanuel Madayag, 12 Oct 2020

Boulder 4m
V7 Slapidash

Stand start off the crimps on the higher rail and reach for the sloping lip. Hard slapping/campusing out right on crappy slopers leads to a techy mantle over the upside-down lip followed by a second, easier mantle

Emmanuel Madayag (FA)

Set: Meedu Samaraweera

FA: Emmanuel Madayag, 12 Oct 2020

Boulder 4m
Open Project A

Start on big flat undercling and either dyno to lip or dynamic move. Mantle to top out.

BoulderProjeto 4m
Open Project B

Starting on low sidepull go through rails to slopey lip above. Mantle and top out.

BoulderProjeto 4m
Open Project C

Starting on rail left of OPB move into OPB.

BoulderProjeto 4m
Entry Boulder
V1 Giddy Up!

Stand start on jugs and up the rounded sidepulls to top out over the huge mushroom jug.

FA: Meedu Samaraweera, Marc F & Hai T, Feb 2018

Boulder 3m
V3 Sit Down and Giddy Up!

Tricky sit start with a high left heel and sidepull out right to join into "Giddy Up!" topping out the same way.

FA: Meedu Samaraweera, Marc F & Hai T, Feb 2018

Boulder 3m
V0 Bullseye

Stand start on shelf/undercling. Move up to a right hand hold between giddy up and giddy right, top out on the honeycomb jugs.

Boulder 3m
VB Giddy Right

Something to do before you pop your shoes on. Standing start and up to the rounded jug, topping out beneath the branch on top.

Boulder 3m
V2 Dressage

Start around the corner from 'Giddy Up' on side pull and traverse right along lip, turning the corner and climbing through the other routes. Top out as far right as possible.

FA: Phillip Booth, 19 Nov 2020

Boulder 7m
Slaba Da Bass Mon
V1/2 1

Step up onto easier slab to left side of boulder and up to top out

FA: Donald Gibson, 9 Feb 2019

Boulder 4m
V4 Slip Sliding Away

Step up on to Steep Slab and continue to choose your foot placements wisely, dont slip... stay balanced and top out through left side of large scoop

FA: Donald Gibson, 9 Feb 2019

Boulder 4m
V4 Bare Back Slap

Get into Large Scoop, Daintily Pull over and top out. Mats and Spotter/s Recommended

FA: David Muir, 9 Feb 2019

Boulder 4m
V2 Barn Ball Bass Solo

Start On Low Side Of Arete, Left hand in Good jugy pocket, Rh in Sloper pocket, traverse Right to high side of arete, get a high left toe in perfect toe pocket and rock over mantel to finish on top.

FA: Donald Gibson, 9 Feb 2019

Boulder 3m
Toy Story Wall
Open Projjy #2

Sit start low on jug and make way over slopers on bulge.

V3 Reach for the Sky

Reachy, Flaky, Good!

FA: David Muir, 10 Feb 2019

Boulder 3m
V1 Theres a Snake in my Boot

Up Trending Left Through small ledges to finish at same point as Reach for the Sky

FA: Donald Gibson, 10 Jan 2019

Boulder 3m
V1 To Infinity and Beyond

Start on large flake with good feet and head up and slightly left to rail top out

FA: Donald Gibson, 10 Feb 2019

Boulder 3m
V0 Do you want a Little Buzz?

Up through easy scoop

FA: David Muir, 10 Feb 2019

Boulder 3m
West Wall
Open Project #1

Start as for White Skinhead but top out to the left using small crimps.

V5/6 White Skinhead

Sit start with LH on crimp under the roof and RH on crimp on the right face of the arete. Tricky first move to the set of 3 crimps then easy until the bulging topout sequence ramps it up a notch. Right wall is off

Boulder 3m
V1 700

Layback the old fashioned corner crack in the traditional manner.

FA: Graham Dowden, 18 Nov 2018

Boulder 3m
Open Project #8

Sit start too 700. Might have already been done.

V7/8 Father Stretch My Hands

Sit start on crimps. Using the left wall for feet, move through slopey crimp and big lock off to crimp to finish as for Ultra Light City

Emmanuel Madayag

Boulder 3m
V6 Ultra Light City

A mirror of Ultralight Seam, with a slightly harder reach for the grade.

Start with right hand in the seam and left on anywhere, establish feet on the wall and reach for the edge with your left. Jump to lip and top out.

FA: Meedu Samaraweera & John Bignold, 30 Mar 2018

Boulder 3m
V7 Ultra Light Sit-E

Sit start right hand in hole at base of seam and left hand on crimp rail. Use bad feet in roof or campus up into the start of Ultra Light City. Finish as for that problem

Emmanuel Madayag

Boulder 3m
V5 Ultralight Seam

Stand start on RH jug and LH stacked mono. Plant feet on and reach up to good RH edge, throwing out left to the lip via a double dyno, ninja kick or anything inbetween. John B Meedu (FA)

FA: Meedu Samaraweera, Feb 2018

Boulder 3m
V7/8 No One Man Should Have All That Power

Low start. Adds two hard bump moves with the left hand into "Ultralight Seam". Slightly contrived but very tensiony.

BoulderProjeto 3m
V3 Marc's Line

FA: Marc F, Feb 2018

Boulder 3m
V3/4 Marc's Line Direct

same start as Marc's Line but shooting straight up to sidepull jug at the top without using any intermediates.. fun one mover!

FA: Stephen Rawls, 30 Mar 2018

Boulder 3m
V3 Cavemen

The left hand arete of the cave at far right side of the main wall. Start in the middle of the cave close to the ground and traverse out left up the arete. Carefully mantle to the top. See beta

Set: Roman Rosen Junior; Chris Rosen, 25 Mar 2018

FA: Roman Rosen, 25 Mar 2018

Boulder 3m
V3 Mancave

Almost same climb as Cavemen, same start through underclings in roof towards slopey top out.

Boulder 3m
Open Projjy #3

Make way up left arete of wall.

Open Projjy #4

Start on jug and make way directly upwards.

Open Projjy #5

Start on jug and make way upwards.

Open Projjy #6

StArt on jug and mAke way upwards.

Open Projjy #7

Start on jug and make way upwards.

Open Projjy #8

Start on jug and head right around bulge to top out around right side.

Open Projjy #9

Sit start low on jug and make way up and right to top out.

Out in Left Field Horse's Mouth Boulder
V2 Straight From the Horse's Mouth

Pleasant climbing up huge pockety scoops leads to a cruxy mantle.

FA: Meedu Samaraweera, Marc F & Hai T, Feb 2018

Boulder 4m
V3 R Commitment Issues

Easy slab at the beginning about V1, but very committing mantle move at the top pushes up grade to about V3. The landing is sketchy so good spotters and pads are a must.

FA: Roman Rosen, 21 Apr 2018

Boulder 4m
Out in Left Field Flip the Neighsayers Boulder
Open Project C

Sit start and make way directly upwards using pockets and arete sidepulls.

V0 Jugathalon

Starting matched in low jug make your way up to the top.

Boulder 4m
Open Project B

Stand on two low large pockets and make way directly upwards.

V2 Flip the Neighsayers

Pleasant sit start up the flake feature leads to a blind reach for a pocket on the lip and a cruisy mantle to mix things up a little.

FA: Meedu Samaraweera, Mar 2018

Boulder 4m
Open Project A

Stand start on large sidepull and go directly upwards.

V0 R Knights Armour

Starting matched in low jug make way upwards. Easy but the fall is bad.

Boulder 3m
Out in Left Field Dark Horse Boulders
V4 Yea or Neigh?

Sit start and up the pretty arete on pockets and pinches. Trend right with a span to the juggy ledge. Hard mantle.

NB: some of the lowest pockets are quite thin so be careful not to use unnecessary force on them.

FA: Meedu Samaraweera, Marc F & Hai T, Feb 2018

Boulder 5m
V1 Ride on Time

Stand start up the arete to the top and mantle to the right. Watch for crumbly holds

Boulder 4m
Out in Left Field Jockey Playground
Open Project #24

Starting on low jug traverse left using slopers over top.

Boulder 4m
Open Project #25
Boulder 4m
Open Project #26
Boulder 4m
The Three Musketeers
V2 Hold Your Horses

Stand start with LH in pocket and RH on arete and slab your way up the arete via a delicate sequence to top out over the LHS.

Boulder 4m
V3 Sit Down and Hold Your Horses

Adds a sit start to an already great problem. Finish up "Hold Your Horses".

Boulder 4m
V4 The Mantlepede

Aw maate. Absolutely staunch mantle problem which will test the very limits of your mantling capabilities. Stand on the ledge and mantle up using the weakness over the lip. Jug on top is off unless you specifically wanna take two grades off.

Boulder 3m
Open Project #11

Start on low sidepull and go upwards.

Boulder 3m
Open Project #12

Start on low sidepull and go directly upwards.

Boulder 3m
Open Project #13

Start matched on low undercling and go directly upwards.

Boulder 3m
V3 Bronc-itis

Stand start, hug the arete and up on pinches to slopey mantle.

Open Project #14

Start sidepulls and go directly upwards.

Boulder 3m
Open Project #15

Start on two mini sidepulls and go directly upwards.

Boulder 3m
Open Project #16

Start on either the two sidepulls or the undercling and go upwards.

Boulder 3m
Open Project #17

Start at bottom of the groove and follow it upwards.

Boulder 4m
Open Project #18

STand start on high sidepull and go upwards.

Boulder 4m
V2 Pull Fever

Stand start on large sidepull hole and top out.

Open Project #20

Starting on low sidepull go up through V shaped hold to top out.

Boulder 4m
Open Project #21

Starting on low sidepull go up through huge sidepull to top out.

Boulder 4m
V1/2 Horseshoes and Handholds

Stand start.

V1 Horseshoes and Handholds Sit
V1 Ruby

Stand start.

V1 Pearl

Stand start and slab up on the crozzly pinches.

V1 Pearl Sit
V4 Troublemaker

sit start matched on the broken jug, go up left to side pull crimp, then right hand to nice crimp on the face out right. From there, reposition feet, lockoff on that right crimp and left hand up to big victory jug and then top out

FA: Stephen Rawls, 30 Mar 2018

V5 The Mane Attraction

One-mover. Stand start on slopey sidepulls and up on good holds.

Open Project #22

Starting on far left of cave traverse through the inisde towards the bulge and then go upwards to top out. Looks very fun.

Boulder 7m
The Plateau Boulders
Open Project #10

Looks nails.

Boulder 4m
V2/3 Spread 'Em

Height-dependant lowball dyno. Harder for shorties.

Boulder 2m
V4 Blazing Saddles

Sit start and up the slab to a tricky mantle.

FA: Meedu Samaraweera, Mar 2018

Boulder 4m
V3 "Bitch, I Campus Pink"

A famous quote from the infamous Mr H Rawls.

Sit start and flow right to the slopey jug with a bit of footwork, mantling up and over the mini shelf via a scoop over the lip.

FA: Meedu Samaraweera, Mar 2018

Boulder 4m
V1 Bullethole

Starting matched in oval pocket and follow the pockets towards the top.

Boulder 3m
V1/2 A Horse With No Name

Sit start matched on the ledge and journey through the bowels, The Revenant-style, topping out at the huge jug.

V1 A Horse With A Name

Start low and go directly upwards via massive jugs.

Boulder 3m
V2 A Horse With Two Names

Start bottom left and make diagonally outwards.

Boulder 3m
V2 The Pooper

Stand start on slopey sidepull and traverse right before lunging to big toilet bowl jug.

V3 Footloose

Starting matched in pocket go up leftwards to top out.

Boulder 3m

Mostrando 1 - 100 de 115 vias.

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