
Vias em Honeysuckle Crag

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Mostrando os 33 vias.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Popularidade
Right Group
17 Live Injection

A fine hand crack, and a good warm-up for Blind Freddy and Faded Youth. Coordinates -35.5943, 148.96969. To find it, stop at the rock cairn 40m below the top of the walk up track and look to your right. You will see a yellow-tagged faint footpad, follow this for approx 80m on the same level and you will find the Live Injection boulder. (5m to the right of live injection is a gnarly-looking thin crack with 3 ancient wires embedded in it).

FA: Ray Lassman & Norm Booth, 1974

Trad 15m
20 Vice Squad

The off-width three meters right of Live Injection

FA: B Aikman, 2019

Trad 12m
21 Blind Freddy

Keep following the yellow-tagged track right of 'Live Injection' for about 90m. Blind Freddy is the overhung corner crack, mostly hand jam size. Coordinates -35.59474, 148.96907.

FA: Dave McGregor & Bill Begg, 1984

Trad 10m
22 Faded Youth

Continue diagonally right and uphill from 'Blind Freddy' on the yellow-tagged track for around 190m. Faded Youth is the thin hand and finger crack splitting the boulder. Coordinates -35.59607 148.96844.

FA: Dave McGregor & Bill Begg, 1984

Trad 10m
15 The Journeymen

The clean cut corner crack 30m uphill from Faded Youth

FA: B Aikman, D McGregor & G Butler, 2019

Trad 6m
Main Crag
11 Moondance

On the main crag at the far right, 25 metres right of 'Andromeda', below a leftwards sloping crack.

  1. 18 metres - Up the crack, move left and up to a sloping ledge.

  2. 22 metres - Move right along the ledge, then up the slab.

FA: John Eiseman & Lincoln Hall, 1974

Trad 40m, 2
15 Andromeda

Now chossy. Start 45 metres right of 'Deep Space' at a groove.

  1. 20 metres - Crux. Climb the groove to a tree.

  2. 26 metres - Up the cracks to a ledge, left to a mossy slab and up to bushes.

  3. 44 metres - Up the easy cracks on the right.

FA: Norm Booth, Lincoln Hall (alt.) & Reed Dowdle, 1973

Trad 90m, 3
18 Who Put the Benzedrine in Mrs. Murphy's Ovaltine?

Start 10 metres left of 'Andromeda'.

  1. 15 metres - Crux. Up the leftwards leaning crack, then traverse right to a tree. Follow this and belay on it further up.

  2. 42 metres - Right up the slab to join 'Deep Space'.

FA: John Carlson & Matthew Larkin (alt.), 1982

Trad 57m, 2
20 Herbal Enema

Worthless but scary! Start 10 metres right of 'Deep Space'. Up the wall to a nutless bolt, then straight past this to a break. Traverse left and easily up the unprotected slab to the second belay on 'Deep Space'.

FA: Mike Peck & John Carlson, 1984

Mixed trad 48m, 1
15 Deep Space Variant St.

Start at the crack four metres right of Deep Space. Up this and beyond to a horizontal weakness. Traverse left to first belay on Deep Space.

FA: Lincoln Hall & John Elseman, 1974

Trad 28m
16 The Hyperspace Express Route

Start as for Deep Space. Initially up the pinnacle and at 5m take the right-hand crack straight up. After the horizontal break go straight up the slab past a couple of carrot bolts. Another carrot then rejoin Deep Space at the steep headwall before the ledge.

FA: Wade Stevens

Mixed trad 80m, 3
16 Hyper Space Express Route-Sickle

Add the final pitch of Sickle to take you to the top.

Trad 90m
16 R Deep Space

A good second pitch. Start at a flake pinnacle at the lowest point of the cliff.

  1. 26 metres - Climb the pinnacle and the crack above the apex, moving left to belay on top of a flake.

  2. 34 metres - Straight up the unprotected slab to a sloping ramp. Right along the ramp and up a short wall to belay on the ledge.

  3. 30 metres - Up the slab above by a shallow groove.

FA: Reed Dowdle, Lincoln Hall (alt.) & Norm Booth, 1973

Trad 90m, 3
16 Deep Space - Sickle

The first two pitches of 'Deep Space', followed by the last pitch of 'Sickle'.

FA: Unknown

Trad 90m, 3
21 Suspect Device

The diagonal thin crack a few metres left of Deep Space. Tenuous undercling slabbing with increasing difficulty, finishing at the first belay on 'Deep Space'.

FA: Joe Lynch & Tony Barten, 1984

Trad 18m
20 On the Way to the Sky

"A silly route but quite good". Start at a fused corner 20m left of 'Deep Space'.

  1. 35 metres - Boulder the start, then more easily up the the dark water streak. Belay below a short steep wall.

  2. 3 metres - A one move wonder up the wall.

  3. 30 metres - Up the lovely grade 17 slab just right of the finish of 'Sickle'.

FA: John Smart, Mike Law-Smith & Paul Daniel, 1982

Trad 68m, 3
20 Romantic Friction

Very thin for the first three metres and then you are away. Big holds at the top compensate for the lichen.

Start 3m left of 'On the Way to the Sky'. Smear up the thin wall past four bolts then left to join 'East Coast of South America'. Up it for a few metres to rap station. A combination with 'Icy Universe' is a really good route up the cliff.

FA: Andrew Bull, Tim Chapman & Craig Kentwell, 1990

Mixed trad 25m, 4
20 Mel and Kim Go Boxing

Start 3m left of 'Romantic Friction' and just right of 'Sickle'. Up the slab past four bolts. At the flake slot in a nut and either step left to continue up 'Sickle', or continue up 'East Coast of South America' to rap point.

FA: Craig Kentwell & Tony Barten, 1989

Mixed trad 18m, 4
14 East Coast of South America

From the top of 'Mel and Kim Go Boxing' continue delicately up the flake below and right of 'Sickle' to DBB. Rap off or traverse right to join 'Deep Space'.

FA: Anne Hastings & Ken McConnell, 1987

Trad 20m
16 Sickle

An excellent multipitch at the grade. The rightwards curving crack under the overlap. Start in the corner at the left end of the slabs.

  1. 12 metres - Climb the left-hand (or the easier right-hand) chimney to the top of the huge block.

  2. 30 metres - Step off the block and climb the crack to a sitting stance.

  3. 15 metres - Constricted moves over the water runnel to a bush belay.

  4. 23 metres - Move back left past the bush for a few metres, then pull onto the wall above, and delicately along the thin diagonal to gain the handcrack (phew!). Cruise to the top.

FA: Steve Lumsdaine & Peter Riddy (alt.), 1973

Trad 80m, 4
20 Icy Universe

Climbs the overlap and the slab to the left of the final pitch of 'Sickle'. Start off the spike left of the 'Sickle' belay. Two bolts.

FA: Adam Blizzard & Neil Montgomery, 1990

Mixed trad 20m, 2
16 Unknown Pleasures

Up the curving corner, step right, then up the crack.

FA: John Carlson, Matthew Larkin & Mike Peck, 1982

Trad 20m
17 Schoolgirl Lingerie

Very dirty. The thin, sword-grass infested crack up the slab a little left of 'Unknown Pleasures'. Walk up the slab to belay.

FA: John Carlton, Matthew Larkin & Mike Peck, 1982

Trad 25m
16 A Learning Experience

You'll learn that brushed slabs revert to lichen in 30 years. The slab five metres left of 'Schoolgirl Lingerie'.

FA: Matthew Larkin, Mike Peck & John Carlton, 1982

Trad 20m
22 Smear Campaign

Climbs the line of most resistence around In City Dreams. The direct start is described - below a bolt about 5m right of In City Dreams - but it's also possible to start as for ICD to its second bolt.

  1. 35m (22) Fingery climbing past a bolt and more easily up to the second bolt on ICD. Traverse right 7m to another bolt. Straight up to the 3rd bolt on ICD. Continue straight up to the "ledge". Dodgy belay on small gear.

  2. 25m (21) Climb out right to a bolt. Up to the lichenous corner with a rusty peg. Hard moves to get established. DBB shared with ICD.

FA: Joe Lynch & Tony Barten, 1984

Mixed trad 65m, 2, 4
19 In City Dreams

A superb slab on the grippy rock up and left of 'Sickle'. Start below the shiny bolt (shared with CBaC). Pad up to clip it, step down then trend right along easy slab groove past the second and third bolts. Step right to a line of good holds. Up those to a stance (small gear). Straight up and past the final bolt to DBB below blocks at the top.

FA: John Smart & Mike Law-Smith, 1982

Mixed trad 50m, 4
20 Corned Beef and Cabbages

Another quality slab. Start as for ICD directly below the first bolt. Pad up past 3 bolts before drifting right to the 4th bolt on ICD. Finish up ICD.

FA: Mike Law-Smith, John Smart & Geoff Robertson, 1982

Mixed trad 45m, 4
15 Water Run


Start below the water streak to the left of 'Corned Beef and Cabbages'. Cruise straight up (unprotected).

FA: John Smart & Mike Law-Smith (solo), 1982

Trad 20m
Left Group
22 Future Tense

Interesting wall climbing on the far side of a large boulder 40 metres to the left of the main cliff. Climb the right-hand cleaned strip past a bolt.

FA: John Carlson & Mike Peck, 1983

Mixed trad 10m, 1
22 Young Slugs

The brushed wall three metres left of 'Future Tense'. Up the wall with RPs for protection and a superfluous bolt with no hanger.

FA: Mike Peck, John Carlson & Matt Madin, 1984

Mixed trad 8m, 1
17 Crawfish Fiesta

On a large group of boulders 300 metres left of the main crag.

Start above the huge overhanging boulder. Up the leftwards sloping ramp, then follow the crack to the top.

FA: Mike Peck (solo), 1982

Trad 15m
11 Small Torque

Looking uphill, this crack is located about 30m below and left of the start of ‘deep space’. Perfect hand and foot jams up the low angled crack.

FA: Cads (solo), 27 May 2018

Trad 8m
18 Space Oddity

Short steep crack climb

FA: Andrew Cadogan-Cowper, 24 Feb

Trad 8m

Mostrando os 33 vias.

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