
Vias em Plunkett Conservation Park para uma graduação selecionada

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Mostrando os 39 vias.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Popularidade
Ricochet Ridge Powerpuff slab
V1 Halp

The line following the juggy break in the middle

FFA: JoJo, 23 Sep 2018

Boulder 4m
Ridgy Didge Area Pussy Boulder
V1 Octopussy

Start low on big rail at the back of the boulder, follow the rails and top out on the left

FFA: Corey Batten, 23 Sep 2018

Boulder 3m
Ridgy Didge Area Man Hatch Boulder
V1 Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo

Stand Start to the right of C.I.T.C with a choice of good holds. Up you go to a no-fall-zone mantle out.

FA: Jimmy Blackhall, Aug 2020

Boulder 4m
Ridgy Didge Area Keyboard Basher Bloc
V1 A Crack In Everything

FA: Jimmy Blackhall, 2020

Boulder 4m
V1 The Delusion of Grandeur

FA: Jimmy Blackhall, 2020

Logan Pine Cave
V1 Like A Pig In Mud

To the right of the cave the big bulge on the silver wall. Crouch start in horizontal break and pull hard on crimps upwards to a easier finish

FA: Jimmy Blackhall, Sep 2020

Boulder 3m
V1 Pig’s Dinner

FA: Scott Walsh

V1 Pig’s Breakfast Boulder
V1 Warmup Mantle

Sit start on lowest rail, head straight up for a not so easy mantle. Lower rock stub is out.

Boulder 1m
V1 No he can't he's a pig

Start as for Spider Pig, but stay low and continue right along the lip. Top out round the bend.

FA: Nick Foulds, 16 Jul 2023

Boulder 1m
V1 Spider Pig

Up 20ms above LPC sits this little roof Bloc. Sit start in the cobble rock left and blast out of the roof on jugs to a mantle right.

FA: Angus Davidson, scott walsh & Jimmy Blackhall, 2020

Boulder 2m
V1 Amoosing

Left version of Spider Pig

FA: Scott Walsh

Boulder 2m
Logan Pine Cave Passively Agressive
V1 Obviously aggressive

Sit start back to wall. RH arete and Lh on crimp rail, pull up into bat hang and mantle. Lower boulder is out!

FA: arn, 3 Sep 2023

Treachery Treachery wall
V1 Criminals Ladder

Left hand sidepull flake right hand sloper, climbs up and slightly veers left out of hueco

FA: Scott Walsh, 19 Mar 2022

Boulder 6m
V1 But crack

Located about 10m from insecurity boulder, start holding a small crimp and jug, reach up and use a small but surprisingly strong nub/pinch, work way up to top using jug and crack (first time uploading climb, any advice appreciated)

Boulder 4m
Treachery Insecurity boulder
V1 Embrace the Security

Same start as 'Embrace the Insecurity' move through the roof on jugs and head straight up the right side of the arete

FA: Angus Davidson, 13 Mar 2022

Boulder 6m
V1 Sturdy

Stand start on obvious jug horn and climb directly up and mantle over the overhanging rock

FA: Angus Davidson, 17 Jul 2022

Boulder 5m
Treachery Ezy Axis
V1 Some Don't

Same start as 'Some Have It' but instead of mantling over the roof traverse right out on good holds to top out

FA: Kaleb Kennedy, 5 Oct 2022

Boulder 6m
Treachery tyrannosaurus Boulder
V1 Directosaurus

start on the good edge, same start as Flakosaurus V3, pump straight up and mantle out most direct way

FA: John Godwin, 14 Jul 2023

V1 Traversosaurus

Start hands matched on the rail, as for Flakosaurus V3 feed find a good heal hook near hands, bust out left to good edge and travers left along lip, keeping feet above the seem of the rock till you get to the white hold to finish no mantle required

FA: Jeremy Hughes, 14 Jul 2023

Goliath sector David
V1 Gimme Crack

Climb the long crack furtherst to the left of the wall. Hope you can hand jam! The Goliath boulder is out -- only pure crack climbing here.

Boulder 4m
Goliath sector Goliath
V1 Antsie Pantsie

Left line.

Boulder 5m
V1 Walk Before You Run
V1 Just Keep Walking
V1 Run Forest, Run
El Paradiso Paradiso Boulder
V1 Overlooking Paradiso

As good as it gets for the grade. Bomber sandstone up the right trending flake. Start sit started.

FA: Jimmy Blackhall, 17 May 2020

El Paradiso Start Chalking Boulder
V1 Quit Talking And Start Chalking

The beauty streaked face to the left of the huge paper bark tree. Squat start on sandy jugs and straight up the technical face. A must do!

FA: Jimmy Blackhall, 17 May 2020

Boulder 4m
El Paradiso Russel Coight Boulder
V1 Coight Dance

A nice warm up. Site started LH on high yellow/white crimp and RH on jug. Move up and left. Enjoy

FA: Jimmy Blackhall, 17 May 2020

Boulder 3m
Two Smoking Boulders
V1 Solutions for show, Miura’s for pro’s

The boulder to the right of CE and EC. Sit start with LH undercling and RH crimp high. Worth doing

FA: Jimmy Blackhall, May 2020

Boulder 3m
Off peak boulder
V1 Skidmark

Sit start. R sidpull, left on large bright coloured hold.

Southern Land Hill Top
V1 Tiny T's

start left hand on good crimp and right hand on small edge. Shoot up to crimp and top out

V1 Cow Corner

Start on the Left arete

V1 Trust The Thrust

Stand start on crimp and trust the smeary feet to victory

FA: Zac Marsden, 17 Sep 2023

V1 Choose Your Own Adventure

Starts standing with right hand on side pull and left hand palming the wall, trend up and right over crimps to top out

FA: Zac Marsden, 17 Sep 2023

V1 The Art Of Standing

Starts left hand palming/pressing and right hand in the undercling

FA: Corey Batten, 17 Sep 2023

V1 Tread Leftovers

start in scoop on the right side of the boulder and move up and left.

V1 NATO's Tendons

Start on crimps in break. Work your way up the face of the slab.

V1 Parietal Postosuchus

Start on right arete

Weathertop Ridge Bikini Bottom Boulders
V1 Sandy Cheeks

Far Right boulder

FA: Zac Marsden, 13 Jul 2023


Mostrando os 39 vias.

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