
Petit Nixon 🚫

  • Contexto da graduação: US

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This is the cliff on the left you can more easily see from the road. Most of it is either granite slab climbing or off-width cracks.

Questões de acesso herdado de Mont Nixon

The Club Montagnards Laurentiens and the FQME are working to get a official access to this cliff, any access will put in jeopardy the work they are doing for all climbers.


The access as well as the crag are all on private property and the owner is not friendly towards climbers due to damage and people not following the rules. The access to this crag is thus very fragile. Many crags around the area have been closed off for this very reason.

Lets change that.

Be extremely respectful of anyone you cross. Do NOT camp. Do NOT make fires.



To get to the "Petit Nixon": From the parking lot, walk north along the road for about 100m and turn right on the obvious trail (just before the road turns). At some point, you will see a trail branching left, take it. After walking for around 100m, head right into the woods. There is no trail from this point. Look for the cliffs. It shouldn't be any farther than 300-400m.


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Wed 24 May
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