
Nodes em 刁花峪洞 Diao Hua Yu Cave

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刁花峪洞 Diao Hua Yu Cave


Diao Hua Yu Cave is a large north-facing cave located in Zibo's quiet Boshan district. The inner section of the cave has no sunlight all year round making it ideal for summer climbing. With a steep gradient lending to tougher routes (5.11+), the cave has almost 40 established lines with a lot of potential for more hard routes. Bring a brush, helmet and clip stick.

洞口右侧 Right Wall
5.11b 烟雨蒙蒙



Starts under the obvious crack system on the right hand side of the wall. A complex and varied sequence of moves make this a tough nut to crack, making this classic face route an excellent challenge to onsight.

3rd bolt should be skipped or use extended quickdraw. Due to the less than ideal position of the anchor this line isnt suitable for toproping, recommend rappelling with an atc when cleaning anchor.

5.11c 柳暗花明
5.12b 白家丸子
5.13a 愤怒的公牛
5.13b 正白龙
5.12d M2

与 '鲤鱼跃龙门' 共顶

5.12c 拭目以待
5.11a 糖醋鲤鱼
5.12a 鲤鱼跃龙门

'糖醋鲤鱼' 延长线

5.13a 甜品

与 '中国王者' 共顶

5.12d 兔子
5.11c 剪刀手
洞区 Cave Area
5.11b 梁上君子
5.11b 月亮之上
5.11c 和平鸽

与 '月亮之上' 共顶


与 '太阳女神' 共顶

5.12d 太阳女神
5.12d 王者归来
5.12a 620
5.13a Follow Me
5.14b 世外桃源 Hidden Paradise
5.14d 中国王者 King China


This route shares the first few bolts with Hidden Paradise, but then goes straight up to the highest anchor on the left of Hidden Paradise.

5.8 启点
5.10a 保护神

与 保护神 共顶

洞口左侧 Left Wall
5.12a 小题大做

起步就在世外桃源 / 中国王者的左边。

Starts just left of Hidden Paradise / King China.

5.11b/c 犟驴


Prepare yourself for either a massive reach or a dyno!

5.12b/c 九个糖糕
5.11d 三人行


The tallest of the routes here on the left of the cave.

5.12c 谷雨
5.12a 雨过天晴
5.12b 岁岁重阳
5.12b 虎年上岸
5.11a 道义有道


Follows the obvious crack



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