
Vias em 遇龙河地区 YuLong River

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Mostrando os 74 vias.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Popularidade
邻居山 The Neighborhood
5.11a 欧美达英文书院 Omeida Language College

FA: Andrew Hedesh, 2012

Sport 25m, 9
5.12a 肥子米粉 Fat Guy Rice Noodles

FA: Andrew Hedesh, 2012

Sport 20m, 8
5.11b 狗窝 House of Dog

Same start as Fat Guy Rice Noodles.

FA: Andrew Hedesh, 2012

Sport 20m, 8
5.11c 风拂柳枝 Whispering Willows

FA: Andrew Hedesh, 2012

Sport 25m, 9
5.12c 黄真小子 Huang Zen Guy

FA: Han Yi, 2012

Sport 20m, 9
5.11d 表哥的酒吧 Cuz'n Joe's

Set: Andrew Hedesh

FA: TJ, 2012

Sport 30m, 10
5.12b 加油站山 Sunoco Hill

FA: Andrew Hedesh, 2012

Sport 30m, 10
5.11a 乌节路 Orchard Lane

FA: Andrew Hedesh, 2012

Sport 30m, 11
老铁山 Lao Tie Mountain
5.10c No name 1

FA: Lao Tie & Simon Lu, 2000

Sport 16m
5.11a Lil'Dumpling

FA: Matt Krakowski, 2013

5.10b No Name 2

FA: Lao Tie & Simon Lu, 2000

Sport 15m
5.9 No Name 3

FA: Lao Tie & Simon Lu, 2000

Sport 20m
大屋檐 Dag Crag
5.10c 扑通 Plop

this is not a warmup route. unpleasant...

FA: J Murphy, J Viitalia & R Sheldon, 2004

Sport 33m, 9
5.12a 不坐竹筏 No Bamboo Rafting Today

You should climb this route. nothing else needs to be said.

FA: B Mock & H Gargitter, 2007

Sport 35m, 14
5.12c 钢管舞 Tufa Reality
1 5.12c 24m
2 5.12b 11m

If both pitches are climbed without a rest at the middle anchor, the route is graded at 5.13a.

FA: B Mock & H Gargitter, 2007

Sport 35m, 2, 18
蝌蚪山 Baby Frog Buttress
5.9 事半功倍 Sting in the Tail

Good Climb but short. position on tufa is excellent for such an easy route. If you climb it on the face... the grade should be easier.

FA: Paul Collis & Ton Ton

Sport 10m, 4
5.10c 傻子 Shazi

Long and Good. small holds

FA: Joe Langwald & Jeff White, 2005

Sport 25m, 12
5.8 青蛙特工 Frog March

maybe the best route for first time climbers anywhere in the world.

FA: Angela Carlin & Hotrocks, 2004

Sport 17m, 4
5.9 骗子 Liar

Worth a shot... kind of punches you in the face, exactly like when you realize your friend is lying to you.

FA: TonTon, Paul Collis & ChinaClimb, 2008

Sport 15m, 5
5.10d 世界末日 Judgement Day

hard for the grade, but totally worth it. The tufa up high stays wet longer than usual.

FA: Juha Viitala & James Murphy

Sport 30m, 11
5.11a 青蛙马戏团 Kermits Hopping Bouncy Circus

Crap route or at least kind of scary. careful... could be missing a couple hangers. The route doesnt climb the beautiful upper wall, instead it climbs the massive crack on the right.

FA: James Murphy

Sport 27m, 11
5.10c 青蛙王子 Frogs Traverse


FA: Irgo Braun & Hotrocks, 2004

Sport 20m, 8
5.9 小蝌蚪第一段 Baby Frog Pitch 1

Really? a trad route at this crag?

FA: Boudwin Docter & Rabbiya Patel

Trad 20m
5.9 小蝌蚪第二段 Baby Frog Pitch 2

FA: Peter Thomas & Ingo Braun

Trad 27m
5.9 小青蛙找妈妈 The Lost Baby Frog

FA: Cosmin Andron & O Fischler

Trad 55m
5.8 皇后驾到 Fruit Flavoured Frogs

super fun and not difficult with varied climbing

FA: Paul Collis & Echo Wu, 2004

Sport 17m, 7
5.10a 青蛙柯密特 Kermit

Same start as Ribbit, it moves left

FA: Ricky Young & Hotrocks, 2004

Sport 15m, 5
5.8 蝈蝈 Ribbit

Same start as Kermit, it goes straight up

Set: Andrew Hedesh

FA: Fred Blancher

Sport 18m, 8
5.9 癞蛤蟆 Toad in the Hole

FA: Ricky Young & Hotrocks

Sport 18m, 8
5.10b 滚石 Rolling Stone

FA: Simon Wilson, Turtle & Jeff White

Sport 25m, 11
5.9 飞龙 Dragon Fly

FA: Simon Wilson, Turtle & Dan Kinch

Sport 20m, 9
5.10b 蛙在边绿 Frogs on Edge

NOT worth it! anchor is in bad position with a bunch of rope drag. hard deadpoint in otherwise ok climbing.

FA: Veronica Robertson & Ashby

Sport 25m, 9
5.7 土豆 Potato

lead-it or scramble up through the worm hole to set a top rope. On the Pilar to the right of the crag.

FA: Simon Wilson, 2005

Sport 10m, 5
5.7 西红柿 Tomato

lead-it or scramble up through the worm hole to set a top rope. On the Pilar to the right of the crag.

FA: Simon Wilson

Sport 10m, 4
白岩 The White Cliff
open project Wilsons Wall

Open Project. Sparingly Bolted. On the far left of the Carpark Face.

Set: Matt Denton, 2005

SportProjeto 18m, 6
5.11b 你好,可口可乐 Hola Hola, Coca Cola

FA: Ernesto Lopez & Ephraim Stern, 2012

Sport 15m, 7
5.11b 白巧克力 Chocolate/Blanco Suizo

FA: Ernesto Lopez & Ephraim Stern, 2012

Sport 15m, 7
5.11b 菲尼克斯 Phoenix B.V.

Follow the white tufa. Exit direct or to the right.

FA: Boudewin Docter, 2004

Sport 15m, 6
5.11a 湿乎乎 Wet Nelly

If dry climb the tufa on the left. If wet stay right.

FA: Matt Denton, 2005

Sport 15m, 9
5.11a 你好!外国人!Hello! Wai Guo Ren

Set: Kevin Wotjon, 2013

FFA: peta barrett, 2013

Sport 15m, 8
5.11b 降级 Misconduct

Shares a similar start to the climb on it's left then heads right up the huge tufa.

FA: Johnny, 2013

Sport 15m, 9
5.12c 赎罪 Redemption

Set: Juan Holquin, 2015

FA: TJ, 2016

Sport 25m, 11
5.11d 重生 Resurrection

Set: Andrew Hedesh, 2015

FA: TJ, 2015

Sport 22m, 11
5.11a 占有 Possession

FA: Andrew Hedesh & C. Dritsas, 2012

Sport 28m, 10
5.12a 殴打罪 Aggravated Assault

Long long route with a lower off anchor at half height. The full route goes all the way to the top of the wall.

FA: Andrew Hedesh, 2012

Sport 36m, 16
5.12b C Jerry’s arete

On the left side of Skullduggery & Anaphylaxis

Sport 27m, 11
5.10c 过敏性反应第一段 Skullduggery & Anaphylaxis pitch 1

FA: Colin Edwards, 2004

Sport 17m, 7
5.10c 过敏性反应第二段 Skullduggery & Anaphylaxis pitch 2

FA: James Murphy, 2004

Sport 4
5.10d 蜻蜓 Dragonfly

Everyone that climbs it says it's way harder than the grade

FA: Colin Edwards, 2004

Sport 17m, 7
5.12b 蜻蛉 Damselfly

FA: David Hood

Sport 27m, 11
5.12a 芝加哥公共电台 Chicago Public Radio

Intraspective, introverted, internomical and last but not least intergalactic!!

FA: Ryan Weller, Andrew Hedesh, JJJ & SMU, 2011

Sport 25m, 8
5.11d 服药过量 Overdose

FA: Guitang Jia et al from Shenzen, 2003

Sport 30m, 10
5.11a 固醇王 Steroid King

FA: Guitang Jia et al from Shenzen, 2003

Sport 30m, 8
5.11d 武士道 Samurai Chivalry

FA: Wu Bai

Sport 30m, 9
5.13a 最后的心跳 Palpitation

Set: Adam GoHard, 2013

FA: DaWei, 2014

Sport 30m, 9
5.13c 刀片 Blade

Set: Andrew Hedesh, 2013

FA: DaWei, 2014

Sport 30m, 9
5.12b 联系不上 Missed Connection

Set: Andrew Hedesh, 2013

FA: Jon Graham, 2013

Sport 30m, 9
5.11d 圣诞快乐 Merry Christmas Birt Bacharach

FA: Karl Shimanski, 2004

Sport 15m, 8
5.12d 脚启动 Kickstarter

FA: 2016

Sport 25m, 11
5.11b 一对一 Mono Yi Mono

Good quality.

FA: Guitang Jia et al from Shenzen, 2003

Sport 25m, 9
5.11a 肢体语言 Body Language

Excellent route.

FA: Guitang Jia et al from Shenzen, 2003

Sport 25m, 9
5.11c 螳螂攀 Screaming Mantis

A new route on the right side of the South West Face. Fun climbing to a stout, thin crux near the top.

FA: Kre Reishchel & Fred Vanden Bergh, 2010

Sport 20m, 8
龙牙山 Dragon's Tooth
5.7 Smaug

Short and scruffy. Ignore this route. Dirty with loose rock and with NO BOLTS!!! You can only set a top rope from the nearby route. Not worth it

Sport 8m
5.9 埃利奥特龙 Elliot the Dragon

A new bolt has been added to the bottom, no longer run out.

FA: Kalle Juhani Viira, Dingo & dan Kinch, 2003

Sport 11m, 5
5.8 非林佛龙 Felinfoel

Nice climb on good holds.

FA: Paul Collis & Brad Stappeferne, 2006

Sport 11m, 5
5.9 偷偷摸摸的龙 Sneaky Dragon

Interesting climb with a few good moves.

FA: Paul Collis, Kalle Juhani Viira & J Viitala, 2006

Sport 10m, 4
5.8 Shortstack

This is a new route on the left of "Puff the magic dragon", it starts stepping on a high ledge.

Sport 10m, 2
5.8 魔法龙 Puff the Magic Dragon

The best climb at the crag but much harder then the grade suggests.

The last bolt before the anchor, there are two options, a bit of rope loop or a bolt. Either works.

FA: Dan Kinch, Dingo & Kalle Juhani Viira, 2003

Sport 13m, 4
5.9 火舌 Orange Flame

Set: CMDI, 2009

Sport 13m, 6
5.10d new route 2

This new route has been added between Orange Flame and Dragon's Lair. It starts inside the cave.

Sport 12m, 6
5.10b 龙宫 Dragon's Lair

Set: CMDI, 2009

Sport 14m, 6
5.10d 想入非非 Winged Fantasy

Set: CMDI, 2009

Sport 12m, 5
流浪谷 Dingo's Dell
5.9 Free

A little bit pumpy with steep moves at the top.

Sport 13m
5.10a Kwai Lehr / Happy

A few tricky moves makes this climb interesting for the grade.

Sport 14m

Mostrando os 74 vias.

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