
Waterproof wall

  • Contexto da graduação: FR
  • Fotos: 13


A steep 30 meters cliff with a huge roof. Stays dry in pretty much any weather.

Questões de acesso herdado de Medero Waterproof

So far, no problem. Please don't give money or do anything that might jeopardise access

Ética herdado de Medero Waterproof

Routes have been bolted from the top.


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Three separate cruxes of easier sections

Nice crux at the 2nd bolt, then sustained 7a to the belay.

Some difficult moves in the corner lead to a rest before a superb ending. Make sure you tie a knot at the end of the rope. 60 meters rope just reaches the ground.

FA: Bruno Karaboghossian, 14 Nov 2020

No hard crux, but a very sustained section. Caution, a 60 meters rope is just enough.

7a to a rest before the overhang. Still to open after the break of the best hold of the crux, Penelope will probably have to wait a long time... Make sure you tie a knot at the end of the rope. 60 meters rope just reaches the ground.

slightly overhanging wall, perfect rock, nice moves

Easiest route of the sector. Two starts possible, same difficulty.

Start as for Source then follow the bolts left under the overhang.

FA: Bruno Karaboghossian

First route opened in the cliff, under the rain. A rest with a good jam after the crux.

FA: Bruno Karaboghossian

FA: Bruno Karaboghossian, 3 Oct 2020

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Mon 22 May
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