
Publications linked to and above Helzapoppin

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Author(s): Riccardo Innocenti

Data: 2016

ISBN: 9788897299929

A comprehensive guidebook describing the rock climbing and sport climbing to the south of Rome towards Napoli.

Setores: Lazio

Author(s): Riccardo Innocenti

Data: 2016

ISBN: 9788897299745

A comprehensive guidebook describing the rock climbing and sport climbing to the north and east of Rome.

Setores: Lazio

Author(s): Fabrizio Antonioli, Riccardo Innocenti & Luigi Filocamo

Data: 2008

ISBN: 9788887890570

A comprehensive guidebook describes some of Italy’s best multi-pitch sea cliff climbing between the Circeo Cape and Gaeta, to north of Napoli (Nalpes).

Setores: Sperlonga - Gaeta

Author(s): B. Moretti, T. Sciannella, B. Vitale

Data: 2012

Climbing guide to the Sperlonga / Gaeta area with a total of 900 routes - mainly sport climbing routes and some classic climbing routes (long routes / multi-pitch in Gaeta).

Setores: Gaeta

Mostrando os 4 publications.

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