
Via em Oaxaca para uma graduação selecionada

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5.7 Fish oil

a somewhat short crack climb, ending with a mussey hook, and a chain for backup. this route is excellent for beginners looking to practice lead climbing, as the bots are close together. this route can be accessed to trop a toprope by walking around the corner and scrambling up the back way. you will easily find the rear access, with prominent bolts. use a 60-100cm personal anchor for these bolts, as its a class 4 scramble and the rock is dirty.

the route can be seen from the path, and is immediately before the Lighthouse Hardrock route. often there is a large black iguana (Iguanacio) at the top of the pitch, or several vultures. Be careful when you climb this route, becuase Iguanacio may be sleeping in the crack. He isn't agressive, but you may startle each other and slip.

Set: David Stall

FFA: David Stall, 25 Jul 2022

Sport 8m, 6

Mostrando os 1 via.

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