
Ascensões em Oceania por Paul Frothy Thomson

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 4,242 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Local de escalada Qualidade Data
Via ferrata
M1 Via Ferrata Via ferrata 25m Blue Mountains Mega Classic Sun 6th Sep 2015
Repeat. Stunning steep pumper on immaculate rust-coloured holds that seem to appear right when you need them. I was climbing so fast I almost pumped-out and fell off.

25 Hermaphrodite Hamster Unknown 20m, 6 Blue Mountains Very Good Sun 28th Sep 2014
Exploratory lap. Thin as, bro... And bloody sharp at that. The "crystal crimp" crux hold is malevolent. The main crux involves a lot of moves on tiny edges, for a mere 5m of upward climbing. Totally doable in cooler temps and with skin on my fingers. Worthwhile, and a touch different for a Blueys slab and one to come back to for sure.

- Mr & Mrs Attila the Hun Unknown Blue Mountains Sat 6th Aug 2022
Awesome rock at the crux. Seems doable. Someone should go send it.

24 Talk is Cheap - with Gerry Narkowicz Mixed trad 220m, 99 Mount Brown Main Face Very Good Sat 16th Jan 2016
Amazing exposure, position and moments of brilliant climbing. Marred by the worst rock I've climbed in Tassie (choss, dirt and flakiness), and some contrived bolting to force inferior climbing. Led P2, P3 & P4 (Link), P6, and P7 & P8 (link). 2nd Clean all others. Fell of on the last hard moves of P2 grabbing rubble instead of rock on the final throw (needs another bolt, took a bad whip on the slab)... I went Direct (felt 25), but chalk shows most people going way out right to avoid the crux??

26 Siblings Of The Sun Mixed trad 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge Mega Classic Fri 25th Jul 2014
With JengA. About 9 hours car to car. Every pitch on this is worthwhile, and every pitch is a sustained challenge at the grade. Led the even # pitches. Unfortunately broke footers on P1 and P4 and fell while cruising. Took an upside-down whipper off the last move of the 24 pitch (just missing the onsight). Did all the moves on 2nd (with quite a few rests) but got spanked by the 26 pitch. A stunning, intimidating, all-day epic. Completely worthwhile and inspiring.

26 Siblings Of The Sun - with Tom Collins Mixed trad 260m, 61 Bungonia Gorge Mega Classic Sun 28th Jul 2019
Came back for the crux pitch. Thought I'd be able to dispatch this in a day, but it was bloody hot, I was spent from Air Malta the day before, and it's just a very power-endurancy pitch. Good improvement throughout the day, and I came close to victory, but couldn't quite fight the pump. I think fresh, with the beta, this should go down with another day of effort. The final moves to the anchor are terrifying on link (when pumped out of your mind).

25 Jump Master - with Heath Black Mixed trad 200m, 60 Bungonia Gorge Mega Classic Sat 12th Aug 2017
Absolutely brilliant. One of my favourite multis at Bungonia (possibly my favourite?) with consistently good climbing on every pitch. It took 3.5hrs for Neil and I to get from the car to the Evolution Cave, as we danced up each pitch. P1 - 2nd Clean (kinda hard at the grade, the short traverse was gripping. Great rock!); P2 - Onsight (Substantially easier than it looks. Great slabbing on improbably good holds); P3 - 2nd Clean (More great slabbing with a variety of moves and no "hideous thin moves". The traverse at the end of the pitch is engaging); P4 - Onsight (50m of continuously cool moves at about the same great, with obvious gear and no rope drag); P5 - Pink Point (Weirdly tricky steep-ish climbing. None of the moves were hard, and I wasn't pumped at all, I just totally misread the moves after the 5th bolt. Quite technical, despite its steepness. Thanks for coming back down to give me another shot for the send, Monty); P6 - Dog (Fell off on -literally- the last move to turn the top of the cliff on the Send shot. Awww. Not too hard at the grade, with 4 no-hands rests separated by harder moves. The two main cruxes are both very cool on stunning rock, but that final move could be -and was for me- a heartbreaker).

25 Jump Master Mixed trad 200m, 60 Bungonia Gorge Mega Classic Sun 13th Aug 2017
3 x Laps of the entire top (crux) pitch clean on 2nd via TRS, taking off the gear as I climbed on every lap (to make up for my failure to tick the pitch yesterday). Still not a true "tick", but harder than Seconding the route normally, and if I never get back to tick this properly (which, difficulty-wise, is almost superfluous at this point), then I'll just have to be happy with lapping this thing. A great pitch and fun even after so many laps.

25 Jump Master - with Stephen Varney Mixed trad 200m, 60 Bungonia Gorge Mega Classic Wed 30th Aug 2017
P6 (crux pitch) only. 1st Shot today placing all gear on lead. We chose to finish up this pitch rather than the normal jungle-dawdle exit pitch to Evolution. Psyched to punch this out clean after 240m of clean climbing on Evolution. A brilliant pitch and superior finale.

24 Evolution - with Stephen Varney Mixed trad 220m, 55 Bungonia Gorge Classic Wed 30th Aug 2017
I finally got to do the 3 "classic" pitches on this route, and sure enough, they WERE bloody classic. P1-P3 - Repeat, Lead Clean (I've onsighted them previously when I climbed Aurora) - Very slabby. A Poxy start pitch, a very thin middle pitch, and a bold (but not as hard or as scary as I remember) finale pitch. Not as terrible as I remember; P4 - 2nd Clean - Probably the hardest bit of climbing on the route. I found this sustained, pumpy, technical and with terrible feet. Great!; P5 - Onsight - Great, sustained technical climbing up a vague corner-system. A proper classic. P6 - Onsight - Extremely juggy, steep-ish climbing on perfect rock. Very straightforward, but tonnes of fun in an exposed position. P7 - We chose to finish up the top (crux) pitch of Jumpmaster instead of the normal finish (which I ticked first go today placing all gear on lead).

25 The Bridge to Total Freedom Mixed trad 190m, 48 Bungonia Gorge Mega Classic Sat 15th Apr 2017
With Carlos. Audacious to attempt this after Masters of the Universe the day before (we were both pretty spent) and in the full sun, but the opportunity was just too good to pass up. Almost no chalk on the entire route. 9.5hrs car to car. My second favourite multi in Bungers (after Siblings of the Sun), and the Money Pitch on this (P7) is possibly the single best pitch of climbing I've done here (210m off the Gorge floor). P1 - Dog (didn't find the trick hold at the end of the initial pumpy section, and also slipped off the gnarly slab move). A Pitch of two halves. Very cool, but pretty sandbagged at 22. P2 - 2nd Unclean (random foot slip after sticking the challenging slab crux). Sustained 21 slab, with a single nails sequence. P3 - Onsight. Kind of a joke grade at 19 (try 21), and kinda sketchy in the pro department. A fun, tough boulder-problem for the first 5m, then easier, runout slabbing. P4 - 2nd Clean. A brilliant pitch of complex face climbing with an appropriate mix of gear and bolts. Hard at the grade. Very worthwhile. P5 - Dog (fell off the final moves of the top crux on my Onsight). Two hard sections split by easier, enjoyable climbing. The final traverse and boulder-problem crux are very cool moves. P6 - 2nd Clean. Probably more gr23. Hard start to gain a very-strange overhanging, arcing V-groove system, the interesting face climbing above. Quite a fair bit of gear, that is a bit tricky to place. P7 - Dog. A brilliant, varied pitch in an amazing location. Sections of steep jugs, with technical boulder-problems separating them. A wide-array of moves and styles, and some demanding final moves.

25 The Bridge to Total Freedom Mixed trad 190m, 48 Bungonia Gorge Mega Classic Sun 13th Aug 2017
2 x Laps of the entire top (crux) pitch on Second via TRS, taking off the gear as I climbed on every lap. On my 2nd lap I JUST managed to climb it cleanly (by the skin of my teeth). As with my laps on Jump Master, this is not a "true tick", but is still harder than seconding the pitch normally, and I'll have to be satisfied with this if I never come back for the lead. This remains my all-time favourite hard pitch of climbing at Bungonia, with only 1 no-hands rest, and continuously engaging, sustained climbing throughout. There are so many moves you could fall off on this, right up to the very top of the pitch, I'd definitely call this soft-ish 26 (feels a grade harder than Jumpmaster for sure!). I love the moves out of the pumpy jugs, across the thin face, and into the quarryman-esque hanging blade feature. A dream pitch.

14 Sweet Dreams Mixed trad 130m, 20 Blue Mountains Very Good Fri 1st Jan 2010
Sometime 2010.

14 Sweet Dreams Mixed trad 130m, 20 Blue Mountains Very Good Sun 6th Oct 2013
Repeat, taking Guns on his first ever multi (he lead every pitch). The climbing is very average, but the grade is reasonable, and the position is spectacular. It's popularity is justified.

19 21 Long Distance Relationships Mixed trad 50m, 20 Blue Mountains Good Thu 14th Nov 2013
Climbed from the ground to the top of the cliff in 1 50m pitch with two ropes and only minor rope management. I actually thought Screen Gems had been Retrobolted and I was following that line. Took a rack of cams and I'm glad I did, though it's still excitingly run-out at times. I think the crux move is probably more 22 than 19, though the rest of the route is about right at 19-20. I got confused with the divergent carrots at the crux and rested to try and figure it out. Not bad. Adventurous!

14 Sweet Dreams Mixed trad 130m, 20 Blue Mountains Very Good Sun 1st Dec 2013
Repeat. Climbed out with (heavy) packs rather than walking out of the crag. Lead Pitches 1 & 2 (linked) and Pitch 5 via the grade 17 variant. Entertainingly picturesque.

22 Strangeness and Charm Mixed trad 150m, 20 Bungonia Gorge Classic Sat 5th Jul 2014
With Cam from QLD. An ALMOST-bold classic with an old-school mentality: mostly trad wtih a few spaced bolts, a tad wandery, run-out but not TOO run out. Great! O/S Pitches 1, 3 and 5; 2nd Clean 2 and 4. Stoked with the pitches I got to lead. The traverse on P2 isn't as scary as it looks. P3 is the crux for sure, and comprises a nice sustained awkward crack-outing. P5 doesn't seem to see much traffic and was dirty and a bit obscure, but was actually great climbing.

25 Red Edge - with Heath Black Mixed trad 190m, 20 Blue Mountains Classic Sun 28th Aug 2016
6.5hrs car to car! A great, heady, adventurous multi-pitch adventure with a decidedly old-school feel. Have your headgame in check before you attempt this one! All but 2 of the pitches have real quality. P1 (23) - 2nd Clean. Great, pumpy climbing right off the ground. P2 (22M1) - Onsight. I had a huck at the 25 free version, but the crimp-dyno off the belay was kind of hideous. Funky hard start (after the aid move), then average wandery, dangerously runout rambling on easy-ish terrain and dubious rock. P3 (22) - 2nd Clean - The slab-arete start is brilliant, after which its just enjoyable orange thinness. Easyish for the original 23 grade? P4 (24M1) - Onsight. Had a bit of a go at the free version, but it's very its very illogical from below (it only made sense when I was well above it). Onsighted the 24M1 version by pulling on a single bolt to gain the next hold. A thrilling, and terrifyingly committing sequence to gain and turn the arete (feet first?????), then technical thin climbing up the left-side of the arete to the top. Brilliant. P5 (24) - 1 Fall (right at the end of the hard moves) on 2nd. D'oh! A brilliant, pumpy, power-endurance pitch on great rock, and quite sustained for the first half. Super-exposed position. P6 (10) - Onsight. A junky, loose exit pitch. Meh.

14 Sweet Dreams Mixed trad 130m, 20 Blue Mountains Very Good Wed 5th Oct 2016
I had an hour to kill, so I free-solo'd this. Much more fun without a rope. Fairly enjoyable for a low-grade Blueys multi, and the high winds added an element of cataclysm. The only pitch I didn't enjoy soloing was the last one, due to the poor rock quality.

16 14 Sweet Dreams - with Heath Black Mixed trad 130m, 20 Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 14th Jan 2017
Another repeat, this time via the Narcolepsy (gr16) finish. With Neil Monteith and Simon Carter, the 8th and final route of Neil's 11hr 30min 1112m climbed #40pitches40years . In the full sun, and as a group of 3 at the end of the long day, we climbed it in 1.5hrs of time on route. Fun and easy, and a laugh with mates (even if it was 1,000,000 degrees celsius). And a great end to the day.

27 Litany of the Long Sun - with Simmo, Rick Webb Mixed trad 75m, 20 Blue Mountains Classic Sat 22nd Jul 2023
What a journey! Surprise send, after spending the morning on Simmo's route, and only tackling this at the end of the day with a view to sorting out the "send logistics" (with a route this long, steep, and wandery... It's fair to say that it's involved).

There's just so much here to remember, and with it being so steep, you're always on a timer to get it done. Steep, gymnastic, and sometimes quite technical. Would be megaclassic, but the rock is only about as good as Sunny Side Bell, so far from the best the Blueys has to offer. It's almost too hard to sum it up at an experience, even with the copious amounts of hyperbole I can command

2 Full days working the bottom 26/27 arete, and the effort I originally put in to climb Gaze a Gazely Stare (as well as a few repeated laps for fitness and training). On the send, I committed to constant 5m+ runouts to avoid dealing with rope drag.

26 Koyaanisqatsi - with Will Vidler, Heath Black, Glen Thomson Mixed trad 70m, 17 Blue Mountains Very Good Tue 29th Oct 2019
Led all pitches, done as a 15m pitch (P1) and a 55m pitch (P2-P4) belayed from the ground. Old school equipping and commitment, and as psychologically demanding as it is physically demanding on the crux pitch. Rope management is crucial to keeping this safe. P2-P4 (as a giant pitch) probably warrant "classic" status for the unrelenting arête-y nature of the climbing. P2 is crazy overhanging in the first half!

26 Koyaanisqatsi - with Lucas C, Magdalena de la Torre Mixed trad 70m, 17 Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 27th Feb 2021
Repeat attempt (not clean today). Pitches 2 & 3 only (as a giant pitch).

Sure, this is obscure, but P2 is radical bold-ish gritstone-style arete climbing. Better than I remember, and also quite a bit harder.

25 Cicada (Cicada - PROJECT PAUL) Mixed trad 45m, 16 Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 21st Sep 2013
P1 (Grasshopper Access Pitch) ONLY - Flash. Probably grade 15-16 climbing, but with the amount of dirt in it at the moment it felt hard. Bring a rack of wires.

25 Cicada (Cicada - PROJECT PAUL) Mixed trad 45m, 16 Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 21st Sep 2013
P2 - Flash to the crux (last 8m of climbing) then took two big falls figuring out the crux. On the 3rd attempt I figured it out and climbed to the anchors for this pitch. Absolutely brilliant technical climbing. Sustained 21 from the start to the crux 20m up, then 23ish to the anchors. One of the best pitches I've bolted.

25 Cicada - PROJECT PAUL Mixed trad 45m, 16 Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 21st Sep 2013
P3 - I Broke off a hold I'd always planned to use, and couldn't do the crux between the 2nd and 3rd bolt. There are other holds here out left, but I haven't explored/cleaned them, and was just throwing to them blind (and getting tired of taking big falls trying). I need to rap the route again and clean/tick-up what I need to use before I can get the send. Since I couldn't pull through this move, I ended up backjumping and bailing. Technical and strenuous to the crux moves. Could be great.

25 Cicada - PROJECT PAUL Mixed trad 45m, 16 Blue Mountains Classic Sun 6th Oct 2013
Pitch 2 (23) ONLY - Sent 2nd shot today. Probably the best single pitch of climbing I've ever bolted. Super technical, moderately pumpy, with an exciting final sequence which could be a heart-breaker. Mostly brilliant rock, and every bolt is spot on. Probably soft at the grade, but would be solid at the grade for anyone shorter than me (6ft 2in). Super psyched!

25 Cicada - PROJECT PAUL Mixed trad 45m, 16 Blue Mountains Classic Sun 6th Oct 2013
Pitch 3 - Still can't do the crux move, even after rapping the route and working out a new sequence. The move is there, and it will go, I just need to actually TRAIN to be able to send it. This one could be a bit of a long haul.

25 Cicada - PROJECT PAUL Mixed trad 45m, 16 Blue Mountains Classic Wed 11th Dec 2013
P3 only. Rope soloing lap. Can now climb every move in good style EXCEPT for the crux move. I'm going to move one of the bolts and redirect the route slightly.

25 Cicada - PROJECT PAUL Mixed trad 45m, 16 Blue Mountains Classic Sun 5th Jan 2014
2 x Rope Soloing laps to warm-up and practice the sequences. Everything was clean but both laps I fell off the top (heartbreaker) crux.

24 Cicada Mixed trad 45m, 16 Blue Mountains Classic Sun 5th Jan 2014
Pitch 3 (24), finally! A great sustained pitch with no rest until just before the final (third) crux at the top. Technical, pumpy and crimpy in a radical position. Perhaps tarnished by the reinforced flakes and a repaired hold (broken during the first attempt to free it), and a bit wandery... but in an interestingly old-school sporty way. Stoked.

24 25 Cicada Mixed trad 45m, 16 Blue Mountains Classic Sat 17th May 2014
Repeat. Pitch 2 (the slab) only to get to the half-way anchors. Climbed clean placing the crux draws (Gene placed the draws on the lower section). Still a great pitch of slab/face technical climbing, with some "gritty" (but not bad) rock. I surprised myself by sticking the crux sequence without being able to see the crucial holds. would be a great climb at somewhere like Cosmic County.

22 Ice Cream Mixed trad 65m, 16 Blue Mountains Classic Fri 17th Oct 2014
With Gene. Both pitches onsight. Brilliant. Far better than Wally World if you can handle the much harder climbing and having to place some gear. The first pitch is a long one of stunning face climbing (with a VERY hard crux, I suspect its gr24, with another gr23 move higher up) on good rock, in an amazing position, and the gear placements only add to the experience. I'd recommend it to anyone.

24 Redneck Love Mixed trad 35m, 16 Bare Rock Mega Classic Fri 9th Jan 2015
My favourite route at the Boneyard, and also the most frustrating. Definately 25! Sustained, long, super-thin technical seam climbing with as much trad gear as bolts and many, many hard moves. I got stomped by the bouldery upper-crux (30m in) leaving the crack and got shut down for quite a while. Even the final slab is hard!

25 Chainsaws, Guns and Dogs Mixed trad 30m, 16 Bare Rock Classic Tue 24th Feb 2015
Now this was a long fight, and hard work for a warmup. A long, wandery adventure. I used a #2 and #1 cam, but could also take a #0.75 and #3 if you dont like runouts. Only a short crux section, but lots of techy thin moves throughout that would be easy to mess up. The rightward traverse below the roof is a real chinese puzzle in itself. Quite stance-friendly. I totally bogged down below the final roof for a good 20min before suddenly unlocking it and scoring the onsight. Stoked!

23 Infant Terror Mixed trad 45m, 16 Blue Mountains Classic Sun 19th Apr 2015
Far superior to Spoilt Brats and Gash Attacks! Some of the best rock in the Blueys. A hard warmup. Climbed the 2 main pitches as a giant 45m pitch. Seconded the doddle trad access pitch; Pink Point the traverse (I ended up too low (below the roof) mid-traverse, had to do a DESPERATE move to get back on-line, then ended up going too high and falling off right at the end. It went 2nd shot); Onsight the pumpy top pitch despite epic rope drag and mega flash pump. Brilliant climbing as a big pitch.

24 Redneck Love Mixed trad 35m, 16 Bare Rock Classic Tue 29th Dec 2015
1st shot today as a warmup for the Alzheimer's Onsight. Not a grain of chalk on it! Quite hard at the grade even for Tassie, with some tricky to read sequences, some rad hard trad, and an utterly diabolical final slab that almost spat me off. Only marred by sections of friable rock. A great, long, rarely repeated gem.

25 Cicada - with Will Vidler Mixed trad 45m, 16 Blue Mountains Very Good Thu 26th Apr 2018
Nothing like getting schooled on your own routes (as a warmup, in the sun). Clean lead P1. Bungled the crux at the end of P2 for a single fall. Linked into P3, which involved many falls on all 3 cruxes P2 is a cool slab with a rad finale. P3 is really great climbing up a soaring exposed face, but the rock is rather sharp, and -I hate to admit it- my bolting from 2013 is not great (in terms of bolt positioning). I'll fix this up (and move some bolts) within the next month.

25 Cicada - with Will Vidler, Ben Sanford Mixed trad 45m, 16 Blue Mountains Very Good Fri 16th Aug 2019
Repeat attempt (not clean) trying (yet again) to climb this as a 40m monster... unsuccessful (yet again) as I dogged the hell out of the upper pitch. Old Frothy was MEAN with his route grades! (24???), but at least with the repositioned bolts this is fine for the ground-up attempt. With better rock this would be classic, as it is... its an upper-tier very good.

25 Cicada Mixed trad 45m, 16 Blue Mountains Very Good Mon 1st Jun 2020
Repeat attempt (not clean). This is almost starting to feel like a ritual: repeat lap(s) on Grasshopper followed by one hail mary attempt at le grande link. This is just so hard absent beta and chalk. Still... probably my best "ground up" attempt yet, mostly turning pear-shaped on the upper crux and battling through the rest.

8 Hocus Pocus Mixed trad 49m, 15 Blue Mountains Classic Wed 16th Nov 2016
Morning onsight free solo. Hehe... grade 8? This would be like 16 at Shipley Great climbing on perfect rock.

25 It Came from Outer Space Mixed trad 70m, 15 Blue Mountains Very Good Sun 20th Nov 2016
Would be a Classic with a rebolt, and without the utterly hellish mantle on P1. With Hugh. Lead all pitches. P1 (Dog) - Fell off at the mantle (15m up), then various falls working out the other nails moves. Quite a bit of gear to supplement the 8 bolts on this pitch (I brought all the wrong gear, so got to place "bad gear" instead). P2 (Dog) - A single fall at another very improbable mantle at the 3rd bolt, but otherwise clean. P3 - Onsight. P1 has a very "gritstone" trad start at about gr22 up to the V5 mantle, which I could do all the "sections" of, but have no chance in hell of linking into the rest of the pitch. After that its a series of extremely powerful (but rad) face moves, then tenuous and desperate (and scary!) moves up the arete to the fully-hanging belay. P2 - Has a steep start, a nutty V3 mantle (think "Dynamics of Change" on the Grit), then tenuous (and run-out) moves up the arete. P3 - A slabby exit pitch. Nothing special.

25 It Came from Outer Space Mixed trad 70m, 15 Blue Mountains Very Good Sun 29th Sep 2019
Yep, that mantle is still nails. V5ish? Had no trouble on the rest of this route this time (probably hard 25 without the mantle) and its a bloody awesome line to climb as a giant push from the ground, with great run-out arête climbing... Just that damned mantle to contend with... ugh.

15 Night Moves Mixed trad 30m, 14 Kaputar Good Sun 14th Apr 2013
Some interesting climbing with okay gear, but rubbish rock. Quite dirty and loose, with a rather runout start.

25 Lodestone - with Jared Anderson, Michael Lehmann, Gerry Narkowicz Mixed trad 30m, 14 Bruny Island Classic Tue 26th Apr 2022
Went for the unchalked, spoogey onsight, and managed to make it to the roof before falling. After that it was bolt to bolt. Happy with my effort and the fight at EOD, cause it is proper stemmy stem insecurity to the roof.

25 Lodestone - with Jared Anderson, Michael Lehmann, Gerry Narkowicz Mixed trad 30m, 14 Bruny Island Classic Wed 27th Apr 2022
2nd shot total. Scrapped by way up this with the help of some funky crux beta from Michael -necessitating some gnarly foot-above-head insanity to work with my physiology- which was key to my success without working the route. It's far from over even after sticking the roof, and I felt like I was questing desperately all the way to the anchor. Highlight of the Bruny trip for sure.

19 Жар-пти́ца (The Firebird) Mixed trad 50m, 13 Blue Mountains Good Wed 8th Apr 2015
First shot today, in the freezing gale-force wind. Entertaining traverse, bizarre overhanging arete-feature (full of huge holes), and a thin face climbing finale. It's a shame about the terrible rock on the arete feature, because the climbing, the feature, and the exposure are outrageous. Coupled with the mixed-bag first pitch this probably doesn't deserve a star, but it's still a crazy adventure!

24 Right in the Bunghole - with Tom Collins
1 19 30m lead by Tom Collins
2 24 25m lead by Paul Frothy Thomson
2 24 25m lead by Paul Frothy Thomson
2 24 25m lead by Tom Collins
3 19 30m
4 15 45m
Mixed trad 180m, 13 Bungonia Gorge Classic Sat 28th Sep 2019
A great addition in a style that is perfectly appropriate for Bungonia. P1, P3 and P4 are pleasant run-out trad slabs with the odd bolt when it gets worrysome (in a style similar to Iron Curtain), but P2 is a classic pitch of steep face climbing on gear, with two back-to-back verdon-esque technical boulder-problems. I 2nd shotted P2 after falling on the final few moves of the boulder, then did a 3rd lap on Second so Tom could tick as well.

21 The Bachelor - with One Day Hero Mixed trad 130m, 13 Bungonia Gorge Very Good Sun 29th Sep 2019
Didn't re-climb P3 (shared with Right in the Bunghole). P1 is a pleasant ramble with a few tricky face-moves, but P2 is an awesome, old-school wandery slab-venture with spaced gear and bolts, and some improbably steep sections at the grade. Probably one of the better routes here for getting acquainted with the Gorge.

Lifeless Nobody - Project Paul - with Jared Anderson, Marty Doolan Mixed trad 45m, 13 Blue Mountains Mega Classic Sun 28th Nov 2021
2 shots. Refamiliarising with the top half of One Somebody, and sussing how this will go with rope drag and associated shenanigans.

Maybe the best pure resistance route of this grade in the Blueys? Unrelenting.

Lifeless Nobody - Project Paul - with Match Mixed trad 45m, 13 Blue Mountains Mega Classic Sat 4th Dec 2021
3 more shots. On my last shot of the day, in spoogy conditions, I managed to link all the way to the last bolt before falling off... Took a 12m fall as a result, but damn it was awesome fun!

Lifeless Nobody - Project Paul - with Gavin Mixed trad 45m, 13 Blue Mountains Mega Classic Sun 12th Dec 2021
3 more shots. No new highpoint, but made it through the crux of Life Without Meaning all 3 times (best ratio yet), and refined the moves on the Two Nobodies traverse.

Last week I thought I fell off from the top bolt on link cause I was tired at the end of a long day... Today I learned that I fell off because its hard to have much oomph for those final moves at the end of such intense climbing, regardless of how fit you're feeling. Linking that top move will be haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard.

Lifeless Nobody - Project Paul - with Match, Nathan Kenny, Matt King, Michael Moore Mixed trad 45m, 13 Blue Mountains Mega Classic Sat 18th Dec 2021
Day 4: 3 more shots, but apparently 30 degree weather isn't ideal for climbing the hardest you've climbed. Probably had my 2nd best effort so far, despite this.

Still haven't managed to link the entire upper section in one, though

Lifeless Nobody - Project Paul - with Martin Cankov Mixed trad 45m, 13 Blue Mountains Mega Classic Sun 26th Dec 2021
2 Redpoint burns. Worst conditions I've had here yet, and probably my worst laps on this in months. Quite frustrating. Slimed off at the worst point and took the scariest fall possible on this route. After that, I didn't have much psyche for another lap.

17 Sweet Dreams Left Variant (Sweet Dreams Variant) Mixed trad 120m, 12 Blue Mountains Very Good Fri 1st Jan 2010
Sometime 2010.

17 Sweet Dreams Variant Mixed trad 120m, 12 Blue Mountains Very Good Sun 6th Oct 2013
Repeat, seconding Guns on his very ever Multi. Probably the best pitch of CLIMBING on the entire route. Actual climbing moves, nice exposure, and an interesting final exam to any prospective multipitcher.

17 Sweet Dreams Left Variant (Sweet Dreams Variant) Mixed trad 120m, 12 Blue Mountains Very Good Sun 1st Dec 2013
Finally got around to actually LEADING this one (after all these years). Pleasant climbing in a great position. Bring some wires a few medium cams for the top seaction.

22 Pole Dancer Mixed trad 40m, 12 Cape Raoul Classic Mon 12th Jan 2015
14 hour day car to car (including 2 hour detour to climb the Finger of Blame during the exit). With Gene. O/S the doddle P1, flash the money P2. A great pure-arete P2 in a monolithic position at the end of the world. Arete-slapping, hooking, laybacking and WORKING for the tick (hard for the grade) on this sustained number. Worth the monster day for this beauty.

23 Primavera - with Gerry Narkowicz, Michael Lehmann, Jared Anderson Mixed trad 28m, 12 Bruny Island Classic Tue 26th Apr 2022
Mega! The slightly annoying trad start is long forgotten after you tackle the sustained overhanging stemming grooves. Even in todays wetness, this was just too much fun!

21 Stiletto Mixed trad 90m, 11 Wolgan Valley Classic Sat 28th Sep 2013
P1 - Clean 2nd; P2 & P3 (linked) - Onsight. Much better than Day of the Long Knives. Pitch 1 is a sustained endurance test piece, with two distinct crux moves that keeps you fighting to the belay 45m off the deck. Technical and demanding. Pitch 2 is bold at the grade, with two hard moves a long way above the gear, and spaced bolts in-between. I linked it into Pitch 3 (the top 20m of Scimitar) necessitating challenging 2-rope management to avoid drag from the 15m traverse in the middle. Great!

29 Serpentine Mixed trad 75m, 11 Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Classic Fri 8th Jul 2016
2nd pitch only. 2 laps Top Rope Solo piecing it together. Quite a marathon session on the wall sussing it all out. Struggling with the 2 crimp cruxes (cant do the last move of the fat-fingered crux yet). Seems quite sustained though no sequence seems harder than 26. Much better linkage on the 2nd lap. A rather scary rope solo. The start, groove, turret and some of steep sequences are pretty rad. I found the crimp cruxes unpleasant and painful, and sections of the juggy rock is quite sharp... but the position and engagement are rad. Maybe not quite as good as its reputation.

29 Serpentine Mixed trad 75m, 11 Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Classic Sat 9th Jul 2016
2 more laps on Top Rope Solo. Pretty psyched with my linkage today which encompassed most of the route. Managed to sort out the lower crimp crux (still feels hard and unpleasant to me, though), but havent QUITE put together the last move of the Fat-fingered crux. I'll come back after a few rest days and see where im REALLY at with this.

29 Serpentine Mixed trad 75m, 11 Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Classic Mon 11th Jul 2016
1 more lap on Top Rope Solo. Linked everything EXCEPT the two main crimp cruxes, which I dispatched as isolated sequences after a brief rest... FINALLY managed to stick the last move of the fat-fingered crux (still feels nails to me). I also find the opening roof-boulder awkward with my height (but doable).

29 Serpentine Mixed trad 75m, 11 Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Classic Wed 13th Jul 2016
One last lap, taking my gear off as I went up, as a warmup. Proper bloody arctic today, even by my standards. Fell off the turret for the first time in a while from the Screaming Barfies, then 1-rest on each of the two crimp-cruxes, linking all the rest of the climb taking out the gear. Maybe a 10% chance to tick this on a lead shot now, but damn it'd be unfair on any belayers. VictArctica is in full effect at the moment!

22 Swooping Pterodactyls - with Emil Mandyczewsky, Gerry Narkowicz Mixed trad 75m, 11 Moonarie Classic Sun 14th Apr 2019
Steeper than you think, and very Taipaneque. Sloper-love! P1 only on Emil's gear. No boring bits from when you leave the ground, until you turn the top overhanging crack. Low admin, and high quality. Get on it.

27 Just Barely Breathing - with Will Vidler, Glen Thomson
1 25 15m
2 27 25m
3 27 20m
Mixed trad 60m, 11 Blue Mountains Very Good Wed 2nd Oct 2019
23 Stolen Valor - with Heath Black Mixed trad 35m, 11 Blue Mountains Very Good Sun 2nd Feb 2020
Quite worthwhile, and general good quality rock once the initial crack is dispensed with. Sustained, with no real defined crux, but a few unlikely sequences, and a potentially heartbreaker finish.

28 Life Without Meaning (Project Paul #2) - with Stephen Varney, Ben Sanford Mixed trad 40m, 11 Blue Mountains Classic Fri 1st Oct 2021
2 shots. HARD! Some of the most complex and technical steep climbing I've ever done. The dyno at half-height through the roof is outrageous, and the top 15m headwall is nearly Hairline-levels of mega, up a series of improbable linked features. Still one move I've never worked out near the start.

28 Life Without Meaning (Project Paul #2) Mixed trad 40m, 11 Blue Mountains Classic Wed 6th Oct 2021
3 more shots. Twice fell off the final crux right at the tippy top. The low crux is still giving me a lot of grief, though. So much fun, falling off doesn't matter all that much (though running out of climbing partners does ).

28 Life Without Meaning (Project Paul #2) - with Vicky Chen Mixed trad 40m, 11 Blue Mountains Classic Sun 10th Oct 2021
Day 4, 3 more laps. Falling off the final moves at the top of this is fast becoming a theme, here. The sequence is hard in isolation, but after 35m climbing it's hard to have the internal discipline to boulder it out. I put in a lot of effort to refining the sequence, and I think I have finally sorted it out (albeit with the loss of a LOT of skin). The biggest concerns now are exhausting all my (wonderful) belayers, or it getting too hot this season.

28 Life Without Meaning (Project Paul #2) - with Match Mixed trad 40m, 11 Blue Mountains Classic Sat 16th Oct 2021
Day 5. 3 more laps, and twice more the final move gets me. Groundhog day, much?

28 Life Without Meaning (Project Paul #2) - with Match, Luke Hef Mixed trad 40m, 11 Blue Mountains Classic Sun 24th Oct 2021
Day 7 - The closest I've come yet. Now including the bottom boulder problem into the rest of the pitch, I fell off on the final moves of the lower half before the no-hands rest. Then on the "one-sit" attempt, I actually stuck the move I normally fall off at the tippy top, but bungled a footer and didn't make the easier moves... But at the end of a big day, I was wrecked.

28 Life Without Meaning (Project Paul #2) - with Match Mixed trad 40m, 11 Blue Mountains Classic Mon 1st Nov 2021
Day 8. No new highpoint, though I came up with more reliable (though burlier) beta for the first boulder crux, and totally new beta for the move I fell off on my highpoint (which means I should never do THAT again... assuming I ever get there again).

28 Life Without Meaning (Project Paul #2) - with Jared Anderson Mixed trad 40m, 11 Blue Mountains Classic Wed 3rd Nov 2021
Day 9. Equalled my 2nd best highpoint 3 times (out of 4 redpoint burns) but still didn't push any higher. This still makes it my best ratio going through the low crux. More epic beta refinement until I was so tired I could barely jumar out. Forgetting my brush did NOT help things today.

28 Life Without Meaning (Project Paul #2) - with Will Vidler Mixed trad 40m, 11 Blue Mountains Classic Sat 6th Nov 2021
Day 10 - 4 more redpoint burns, new highpoint on the jug one move from the no hands rest, on my last shot of the day, pumped to oblivion and unable to finish it off. Got unlucky on the first 2 burns (one fall I ended up BELOW Will after falling off), and had a dry slip while crushing on my 3rd.

2 more days of good connies and I reckon I can get this done.

28 Life Without Meaning (Project Paul #2) - with Match Mixed trad 40m, 11 Blue Mountains Classic Sat 13th Nov 2021
Day 11: Just the one redpoint burn before bailing from the worst conditions I'e ever had. After all the rain the waterfall was pumping, but the 80kmph gusting winds were blowing said waterfall all over the route, and the belay.

On my one burn I powered through the crux like a boss, only to have an epic clipping at the end of the sideways runout due to clipping hold being proper wet. After this I went from below this sequence to the anchor. I just seriously need a bit of luck out here.

28 Life Without Meaning - with Stephen Varney Mixed trad 40m, 11 Blue Mountains Mega Classic Wed 17th Nov 2021
Day 12, sent 2nd redpoint shot today. Finally, after struggling with conditions, weather, injuries, belayer mutinies ( ), and some hideously unlucky throw-away laps, I managed to keep it together despite a really inopportune foot slip, and score the FA. At the top I started shaking, and and had to RAWR the rock into submission for the final moves. This is one of only a handful of times I've ever celebrated on a Send. One of my top 3 lines I've ever put up for sure.

18 On Both Sides of the Glass Mixed trad 80m, 10 Blue Mountains Good Sun 22nd Apr 2012
Clean except for 1 rest on the traverse... Yes, I freaked out!

Sparse gear on the first pitch, and some hard, scary moves. Short, funky and airy second pitch, but the break gets wet after rain. Third pitch is just generally awesome, with some actual moves despite the grade. Fourth pitch is a dirty doddle to the top.

21 Spoilt Brats and Gash Attacks Mixed trad 57m, 10 Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 14th Jul 2012
Solid 22, more like, but still quite reasonable. Really cool climbing. The first half is quite technical, then the last half is pumpy thugging. The traverse on the first pitch is a bit of a nuisence (and run out), but the semi-hanging belay makes for a nice position to view the climb and bask in the beauty of the valley below. Enjoyed it!

14 Darkside Mixed trad 110m, 10 Blue Mountains Good Fri 30th Sep 2011
Sometime late 2011. Great first pitch (led by No-Chalk Rob). Every pitch after that manages to be worse than the pitch preceding it.

22 Latex Evening Mixed trad 40m, 10 Bare Rock Good Fri 9th Jan 2015
Just like being back on dogface! Very long (40m) mostly offwidth crack climbing woth a few.bolts in the worst of the choss, woth a spicy layback and thin stemming steep-corner leading to an intimidating sentry-box roof. Not great... but made for a bit of traddy old-schoolfun.

24 Land of Green Navels Mixed trad 30m, 10 Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 24th Sep 2016
Adventurous! Not much chalk, and it clearly doesn't get climbed much. A single 0.5 cam (purple) is all you need for this. As per the guidebook I took a tonne of gear up, and needed none of it. Sustained complex and varied sequences all the way up, separated by massive rests. The top crux is dissappointingly sandy, but features radical and improbable shouldery moves. The top roof was a waterfall today, which made for an exciting onsight.

25 Soul Catcher - with Will Vidler
1 20 20m
2 25 40m
Mixed trad 60m, 10 Blue Mountains Good Sun 29th Jul 2018
Onsight P1. Interesting climbing, but consists of actual disintegrating sand-choss for much of it.

Linked into P2 to try and climb it as a giant singlepitch, before getting scared of the rope grinding on the choss below and the alpine winds got the better of me. Reversed the crux and backjumped to the belay. Might be okay, but requires bolt plates, and probably a 0.5, 0.75 and 1 BD Cam to make it comfortable.

21 Mr Ordinary - with Gerry Narkowicz Mixed trad 55m, 10 Moonarie Very Good Tue 23rd Apr 2019
Onsighted both pitches, thought both were hard at the grade, but very worthy. P1 is a cryptic techy thin arete, and p2 is an aesthetic set of steep scoops with a thin crux.

25 24 Oranges Poranges - with Will Vidler Mixed trad 45m, 10 Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 24th Aug 2019
Tried bloody hard on the no-beta flash, surviving flashpump into debacle after debacle of misread moves, until finally falling off on the last hard move, 3m from the top, screaming and whimpering all the while. Aw well, I can't say I didn't give it everything. Maybe not so nails for the chalksight, but I found it quite cryptic and insecure. Mega position and climbing, average rock and access. Wandery, varied and super-sustained. Probably 25 (as per the current guide).

25 Oranges Poranges - with Will Vidler Mixed trad 45m, 10 Blue Mountains Very Good Sat 24th Aug 2019
EOD lap clean on 2nd taking off the gear and bolt plates. No time (and mixed motivation) for another lap on lead, so this will have to suffice for the interim.

25 24 Oranges Poranges - with Will Vidler Mixed trad 45m, 10 Blue Mountains Very Good Wed 28th Aug 2019
Had to come back to get this one squared-away. Still had to try hard, but felt in control the whole way. If the rock were better, and the access not so irritating (though to be expected for this part of the world) this would be a proper classic. Still very worthy, though.

25 Lebensraum - with Christopher Glastonbury Mixed trad 55m, 10 Mount Buffalo Average Sun 29th Dec 2019
Despite the writeup in the guide, the only thing going for this route is the position (great views of the North Wall classics). Shit rock, mossy, dirty, sharp. Lots of deathy things moving as you pull on them. Tried hard, got scared, took some exciting falls, complained a bunch... Pretty much standard fare for any but the 20-odd routes at Buffalo that actually get traffic.

23 Spoilt Mercy (Link-up) - with Ben Jenga Mixed trad 32m, 10 Blue Mountains Classic Sat 21st Mar 2020
A super-logical linkup on generally great rock (marred only by the traverse being kinda contrived). Quite pumpy and sustained. The whole upper half is brilliant.

24 Oranges Poranges - with Josh Mackenzie, Jared Anderson Mixed trad 45m, 10 Blue Mountains Classic Sat 18th Jul 2020
Repeat. Seconding Josh's Send. Very "out there" and featuring some dubious rock... but freaking mega regardless. Better and more fun (and easier) than I remember. A pleasure

25 Soul Catcher - with Stephen Varney, Martin Cankov
1 20 20m
2 25 40m
Mixed trad 60m, 10 Blue Mountains Very Good Wed 29th Dec 2021
2nd shot. Put in a proper good effort on the "onsight" and just didn't find a single hold mid-crux. Committed, tried hard, read the route right. Gotto be happy with that.

A 5m section of hard arete climbing on P2, but the rest of the pitch is only about gr23.

Still cool, but looks better than it is, and its quality is tempered by the hideous 1st pitch, and the terrible equipping. Bareback is better.

Bring 4 x Bolt Plates, a 0.4, 0.75 and #3 cam -to supplement some crazy runouts and the bad bash-in carrots.

21 Peer Review - with Jared Anderson, Michael Lehmann, Gerry Narkowicz
1 21 28m
Mixed trad 28m, 10 Bruny Island Very Good Wed 27th Apr 2022
Great warmup. Climbed both pitches as 1 big pitch. Beautiful climbing up funky grooves on P1, and easier but worthwhile box groove traddy stemming on P2. I brought a rack of medium wires, and cams 0.3 - 1 for the top.

24 M1 Iron Curtain - with Match, Simmo
1 24 M1 Trad
2 21 Trad
3 21 Trad
Mixed trad 58m, 10 Blue Mountains Classic Sun 6th Aug 2023
A genuinely mega trad route, that should be on everyone's "classic cracks" list. The roof of the first pitch is all-time mega steep crack climbing, with great gear, and stacked moves all the way to the anchor. And yes, Anton Korsun they're actual crack moves

The 2nd pitch has a scary start, but otherwise is great crack climbing. I linked the pitch into the top pitch (which was rather gnarly, having only brought 3 bolt plates).

Pitch 3 has a very hard start through a rooflet, followed by pleasant facey rambling. IMHO, I'd suggest continuing up the grey slab to the top, rather than traversing out left to carrots. (I did the traverse, and just found it contrived.)

Regarding my 24M1 grading on P1:

I never managed to do 1 move off the ground (between the slippery righthand crimp, and the first tight fingerlock -which I can only just fit back-3 1-pad in with careful placement- with no feet) so climbed with the left hand pre-set-up, then up to the top (hence a point of aid off the ground). I'm not sure whether the collapse of the foot pedestal at the base of the route may be a factor, or whether I just have to concede that the start is too thin/hard for me. Regardless, doing it with a point of aid off the ground was still great climbing

I had some bad luck on the rest of the First pitch; breaking off a key hold, pinching a nerve in my hand so bad I had to drop off to recover, and taking a gear-ripping fall at one point. As such, my ascent was far from perfect style. Still, the fact I totally rate this crack despite these setbacks, is a testament to how good it is

25 The Conflagration - CLOSED PROJECT Mixed trad 36m, 9 Blue Mountains Very Good Wed 17th Sep 2014
Top Rope solo lap to make sure all the moves went before bolting this. Feels like a long adventure incorporating all styles of climbing. Will be in the 24/25 range, with a traddy boulder-problem crux down low, and a more powerful boulder up high. Totally worthwhile.

24 The Conflagration Mixed trad 36m, 9 Blue Mountains Very Good Wed 25th Mar 2015
2nd shot today. Cruxy 24, but mostly a sustained old school long adventure around 21/22ish. The crux will likely be harder if you're short, but can be pulled past with the help of 1 bolt. Varied climbing in a variety of styles and utilising both new and old technologies. Easy slab, crack, dihedral, finger crack, techy face, rooflet and thin finger-jugging with at least 4 no-hands rests (once the real climbing begins). Keep it together for 45m!

27 World Party Mixed trad 53m, 9 Mt Stapylton Amphitheatre Mega Classic Thu 7th May 2015
With jengA. Belayed from the ground using a single 80m route. Only worked P2 to sort the moves. Linked P2 into P3 for a mega pitch testing mental and physical endurance. P1 - Onsight; P2 - Pink Point (ticked 5th shot, and continued into P3 without resting); P3 - Flash. What a route! P1 is okay. P2 is enjoyable bouldery fun, but P3 is utterly mindblowing through a roof, and steep slopey water scoops. A lot of effort to work, but worth the investment.

25 Mildly Amused Mixed trad 35m, 9 Mount Wellington Classic Thu 24th Dec 2015
Super-psyched! It's not often I get to boast about onsighting a 35m gr25 mixed climb in Tassie! Engaging crack climbing for 15m on gear (at about grade 23) with some involved and improbable gear-protected moves. Then an outlandish fridge-hugging sequence past a square-cut rooflet and into technical face climbing (with a few token arete slaps) for the remaining 20m of climbing. Perhaps not too tough for the grade but with no chalk on it, and some wet holds, I'll take it!

27 Project Paul Mixed trad 40m, 9 Blue Mountains Classic Sun 5th Sep 2021
2 laps on TRS. Arctic weather, with the wind blasting me with waterfalls from either side. Made some progress.

27 Proleptic Decrepitude and Despair (Project Paul) Mixed trad 40m, 9 Blue Mountains Classic Wed 8th Sep 2021
3 laps. Got some good linkage, but the full link is going to be an endurance test. Bloody steep! 27ish? Perfect conditions today, I hate to think how hard this would be if it was humid.

27 Proleptic Decrepitude and Despair - with Stephen Varney Mixed trad 40m, 9 Blue Mountains Classic Sun 12th Sep 2021
3rd shot today (8th lap total over 3 days) placing gear on the send.

Almost botched it through the steep prow at the top when -pumped to blazes- I got the key cam stuck with only half the lobes in, and was unable to fix. In the end I just went for it anyway and committed to the runout, but I would not have wanted to fall!

I used 9 bolts and 8 bits of trad over the 40m, but there are other trad options available as well. Super steep climbing in an outrageous position, with an awesome mix of powerful and technical moves. Marred by some coarse rock, and wandery sequences (though I see the latter as a positive ).

Might be 26, but it usually doesn't take me 8 shots to climb a 26 these days, so who knows.


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