
Ascensões em Bucegi Massif

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Mostrando 1 - 100 de 177 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Qualidade Climber
Sat 8th Jun 2024 - Coștila
Ţancul Ascuţit
5 Fisura Întreruptă P1
1 5 Trad lead by Ruxandra V

Bad head day

Trad 60m
Ruxandra V
Sat 8th Jun 2024 - Coștila
Peretele Vâlcelului Stâncos
6 A0 Bivuacul Caprelor
1 6 25m Second

Tree entrance and got lowered to clear the first bolt. Felt very friable and insecure.

2 6 A0 15m Second

Good chimneying, airy exit I couldn't free

3 5 A0 30m Second

Fun chimney, the friable flakes were a tad stressful though. Aided the slab move

4 6 20m Second

Not very rememberable, good or bad

Trad 90m
Ruxandra V
Sat 11th May 2024 - Morarul
Văi şi brâne
1A Valea Morarului Alpine
Ruxandra V
On descent. Some minor avalanches going on in the upper caldera (above the entrance point from Bucsoi), then reasonably uninterrupted good snow down to a bit above the canyon upper end, where I took off my crampons and descended on dry paths to the bottom. Got super lost for a while on the valley exit (fresh, springtime vegetation) and while this is pretty normal for me the group behind me got super lost too, so I dub the "estuary" below the intersection with Rapa Zapezii the Morarului triangle

Sat 11th May 2024 - Bucşoiul
Văi şi brâne
1B Easy Valea Bucşoiului Alpine Classic
Ruxandra V
Perfect snow, little cracking, all obstacles covered. 10-15cm fresh snow above 2200 or so, but really stable. Should be in conditions for another month lol.

At above 2000m, right above Turnul cu Jnepeni, there's a far steeper bifurcation to the right I took for a hundred meters or so. Really cool chimney with two chockstones, and a still-barely-continuous snow ridge in it that led to some pretty fun mixed climbing. above the chockstones the snow disappeared and it all looked quite gravelly and bushy so I downclimbed back to the main line. Pretty sure this is the entrance to Valcelul de sub Varf, but need to read up more on it.

Sun 5th May 2024 - Coștila
Văi şi brâne
1B Valea Coştilei Alpine Crap
Ruxandra V
Retreated at the canyon - a bit too much rockfall going on around me to risk it in the Costila particle accelerator.

Sat 4th May 2024 - Caraiman
Văi şi brâne
1A Valea Albă - with Mircea Bădulescu Alpine Crap
Ruxandra V
Snow, good. Traces of major rockfall at 1900, with microwave-sized boulders still flying around, not good. Our initial plan had been Albisoara Rasucita, but between that and there being less snow than we hoped for....nah.

Sun 14th Apr 2024 - Sinaia
Stânca Sf. Ana Carieră
6a Traseul Negru Sport Very Good
6- Easy Traseul Roşu Sport 15m
5+/6- Easy Traseul Galben Sport 15m Good
5+ Easy Traseul Albastru Sport 15m Very Good
Sun 14th Apr 2024 - Sinaia
Stânca Sf. Ana Brâna
7 ~7+ Muk Sport 20m Average
Thu 11th Apr 2024 - Caraiman
Valea Spumoasă Pintenul Cascadei Inspumate
Meșterică - with Andrei Badea Sport 100m, 16
Ruxandra V
Probably a fun easy slab route when not covered in crap

Thu 11th Apr 2024 - Caraiman
Valea Spumoasă Colțul Berbecului
6+ A0 Fisura Berbecului - with Andrei Badea
1 6- A0 55m Second lead by Andrei Badea

Friable, dirty crap

2 6+ 30 Second lead by Andrei Badea

Took flight with a rock the size of my head... same hold my 3kg lighter partner had put his whole weight on, on lead above crap pitons. No bueno. Spent some time working the moves in the overhang, felt quite proud to eventually manage it without aid. Couldn't do stuff like that last year. The lovely dihedral people mention is... fine I guess, but also short and bushy. Said fuck it and went home

Trad 85m Crap
Ruxandra V
A family of worms crawls out of a pile of shit. Baby worm asks: mommy could we climb in Montserrat? Yes son, we could. Mommy but could we climb in Meteora? Of course, my dear. Mommy mommy, but could we even climb in Costila? Certainly, nothing's stopping us. Mommy, then why are we climbing in fucking Caraiman?

Sun 10th Mar 2024 - Caraiman
Peretele Albişoarelor
2A Albişoara Strungii - with baza Alpine
Ruxandra V
Amazing conditions, perfect snow and just the right amount of drytooling

Sat 24th Feb 2024 - Coștila
Văi şi brâne
1B Valea Coştilei Alpine
Marius B
Sat 3rd Feb 2024 - Coștila
Văi şi brâne
1B Hornul Coamei - with ionut brencea Alpine Mega Classic
Ruxandra V
Up to the Window and rappelled back. Dry start, poor ice on the second major obstacle, more snow above (gets kinda shitty under the Window). Not that cold, but 90km/h gusts, and not a lot of space between.

Rappel line we used with 2x60: one end of the ropes one from the Window to just above the piton at the entrance in Furcile lui Baticu, one 15m one from that to the bolt, one long but not full length one to a 2-piton belay station (on a ledge to the left of the chimney proper) and another end-of-the-ropes one to a few easily downclimbable m above the start

4 Valea Gălbinelelor (principal) - with a merry bunch Alpine Very Good
Ruxandra V
Good snow, all covered

Sat 13th Jan 2024 - Sinaia
Zona Vânturiș
WI3+ ~WI3 Cascada Vânturiș - with Dana Bazacliu Ice Classic
Ruxandra V
Really cool, highly featured ice, the initial pillar almost feels like dancing. Did this once in the morning, came out of it super pumped. Spent the day running laps on the mini-waterfall above it, trying to train my brain in wasting less energy. Tried it again at the end of the day when I already felt tired and beat, came out on top with barely any pump. Yay learning

Sat 6th Jan 2024 - Bucşoiul
Padina Crucii
M2 Muchia Padinei Crucii - with a merry bunch Alpine Don't Bother
Ruxandra V
Worst approach-to-technical terrain ratio ever. 2 very short pitches, at most M2, on friable bullshit that the new bolts improve but can't fix, and you do about 1500m altitude diff on trail and grass face for it. The company was lovely though, and at least it was good cardio, am not feeling v peaky these days

Tue 2nd Jan 2024 - Caraiman
Văi şi brâne
1A Valea Albă - with Dan Colniceanu Alpine Very Good
Ruxandra V
On descent, horribly loose avalanche boulders under the Blid

Tue 2nd Jan 2024 - Caraiman
Peretele Albişoarelor
Brâul Văii Albe - with Dan Colniceanu Alpine Very Good
Ruxandra V
Almost no snow

M3 Albişoara Brânei - with Dan Colniceanu Alpine
Ruxandra V
Good snow up to the Amphitheater, almost none after. Obstacles covered in the lower side, above we had a fun lil bit of drytooling, and an ice chimney that unfortunately mostly had ice on the exit

Thu 28th Dec 2023 - Coștila
Văi şi brâne
1B Hornul Coamei - with baza Alpine Mega Classic
Ruxandra V
Really cool conditions (mostly dry in the lower side, hard ice patches) but after the approach from hell we were out of time. Rapped down from below the Furci icefall (not yet formed).

1B Valea Gălbinelelor (principal) - with baza Alpine Crap
Ruxandra V
Horribly aerated snow up to Saritoarea Mare. Some sort of unholy marshmallow consistency. Nasty rimaye next to the first obstacle

Sat 16th Dec 2023 - Coștila
Văi şi brâne
M2 Valea Gălbinelelor (principal) Alpine Very Good
Ruxandra V
Lovely walk on perfect snow. Rock obstacles barely uncovered, easily downclimbable

Sun 10th Dec 2023 - Morarul
Văi şi brâne
M4 Râpa Zăpezii - Râpa Mare - with baza Alpine Crap
Ruxandra V
Perfect consolidated snow in the lower part. The obstacle below the intersection with Rapa mica was recently affected by rockfall. The lower slab is full of crap, the upper right exit is blocked, and the upper left has you go through a new and poorly consolidated chimney and exit thru a sharp-edged window for a committing, exposed move on friable crap.

Between this and the hopefully-not-tuberculosis cold from hell, I had bad vibes about continuing so we rapped off (we added a second piton to the rap station over the second obstacle - crack could be deeper, but it should do)

Sun 26th Nov 2023 - Jepii Mici
Văi şi brâne
M5 Valea Seacă dintre Clăi - with baza, Dragos Neagu, Marius Alpine Very Good
Ruxandra V
Full start-of-season mixed conditions: wet in the lower third, snowed up in the middle third (I put on my crampons before the second window, later than would have been best), some ice in the upper third (2-3cm thick, easily separable from the rock below, we had some warm days before this). Made for easy but surprisingly cool climbing, esp somewhere in the middle where Baza decided against the classical, pitoned up traverse solution, free soloed some M4 mostly direct, then since I was on toprope and the M4 thing looked a)swingy and b) built for tall people I tried an overhanging direttisima version, maybe M5? There's a really bouldery fit-in-a-tight-box-and-then-do-a-long-move-over-the-overhang bit. Loved it.

Sat 25th Nov 2023 - Jepii Mici
Văi şi brâne
1A Brâul Mare al Jepilor - with baza, Dragos Neagu, Marius Alpine
Ruxandra V
20-30cm powder. Snowfall looking lovely in our headlights

Sun 12th Nov 2023 - Caraiman
Văi şi brâne
1A Brâna Portiţei Alpine Very Good
Ruxandra V
Up to the Portita. Beachtime, and vibing away with the mountain goats.

Sun 22nd Oct 2023 - Coștila
Văi şi brâne
1B Valea Seacă a Coştilei - with marius, elena Alpine
Ruxandra V
Initial plan was Hornul Ascuns, and this as approach. God, but it was less weedy 2 years ago

3 Coltul Prapadit - with marius, elena
1 3 Alpine lead by marius
2 2 Alpine lead by Ruxandra V
Ruxandra V
We were expecting 100% bushwhacking to get there, so imagine our surpride when we got a relatively bush-free scramble, leading to a great view

1A Brâna Caprelor - with marius, elena Alpine
Ruxandra V
From Seaca Costilei to Malin

Sat 21st Oct 2023 - Bucşoiul
Văi şi brâne
4- Valea Pietrelor - with ursuletzii, etc Alpine
Ruxandra V
Nice and dry. Main line. On lead for the main obstacle (only bit we roped up for). There's a manufactured bolt in the middle of it but it's not very useful.

Sat 14th Oct 2023 - Coștila
Peretele Văii Albe
5 ~Ac Lespezi - with andrei badea
1 3 Second lead by andrei badea
2 5 Second lead by andrei badea
3 1 Second lead by andrei badea
4 4 Second lead by andrei badea
5 5 Second lead by andrei badea
Ruxandra V
Partner not feeling well. From the Great Traverse, one can retreat down to the Sarutul Pamantului belay on Terenul de Fotbal in 1 55m rap, and then down the line of the route.

At least I know the way now.

Sun 8th Oct 2023 - Morarul
Văi şi brâne
1A Brâul de Sus Alpine Mega Classic
Ruxandra V
On the northern side, a very fun walk on a nice path with amazing views and 1 easy (if exposed, assuming you're taller than me) rock move.

On the southern side, it's all grass of the sort that gets damn slippery in autumn, so it was a careful and focused traverse.

Views on the north side are really out of this world though. Heavily recommended.

1A Vâlcelul Morarului Alpine Don't Bother
Ruxandra V
The day's plan was Brâul de Sus, but I wanted a belayer for my preferred approach on Valea Adanca, and I couldn't persuade anyone that climbing northern gullies on a day with a meteo alert for high northwestern winds would be type 1 fun. No worries, you can get there on Valea Morarului + grass slope, even if it's boring and you don't wanna. Had a Freudian moment when I came to the intersection between it and this gully though, looked at the red arrow pointing right and continued leftward, still being somehow sure I was on the right path

Realized this wasn't Kansas anymore maybe 150m higher. Up to Brâul Mare al Morarului, the gully is technically very easy ... which made it climbable even while covered in lubey gunk. How to make a 2+ friction slab feel like 4+, basically. Downclimbing it would have been shitty, and I didn't want to descend the left face on 6-7 20m bush rappels either, so I continued upwards, thinking to reevaluate my situation on Brâul Mare. Was quite cheered up by a message from a friend with an encyclopedic knowledge of the area* telling me that the iffiest obstacle of the route was right under the Brâu but otherwise life should be smooth sailing, which arrived just as I was navigating it successfully.

Now, the thing about Romanian scrambling grades is that they rely on the "official" detours being taken. Following the geological line, or taking non-official detours, can lead to a far more fun day than you'd expect given the grade. The second part of my friend's message said that after Brâul Mare, I should leave the gully proper and climb the dwarf pine patch to the right until the end. Dwarf pine bushwhacking for a few hundred meters altitude difference is not my idea of a good time though, and I could see a decent grass face on the left up to Brâul de Mijloc, so decided to find my own way instead.

The grass face went fine. Brâul de Mijloc was also where I thought I'd find it, but rather than traversing on it until the middle of the dwarf pine patch proper, I thought I'd try my way a bit higher on the grass+rock portion under it before rejoining. These tend to be famous last words in Bucegi - for those of you who hadn't had the pleasure, a problem with these slopes is that they're very friable (both the grass pillows and the rocks easily detach from the substrate). So when the angle gets high enough that you're climbing rather than walking, you'd better be very careful about what you're doing, and there's no guarantee you'll be able to reach a point 30m away without gambling your life. It's micro route finding all the way, looking for the holds that are secure enough to take a bit of pressure and the line that will allow you to climb with the minimum pressure, and the micro route finding led me to almost the top of the gully before I could rejoin the bushes (my favourite species in the world by then). Probably the most committing thing I did this year. It was a very fun adventure for this one particular climber in that one particular mood on that one particular day, but I have to rate this Don't Bother because the "official" line will have you dislodging dwarf pine bits out of various orifices for a week after, and the line I took .... well, the sort of thing where you're barely even climbing but if anything breaks you die and everything is very friable and completely unprotectable is a typical style in the wilder corners of the Carpathians, but a very acquired taste.

P.S: the wind was fine, as I guessed, the area would be in the lee of Omu/Bucsoiu/Creasta Balaurului.

*If any of you want a guide for scrambling in Bucegi, Andrei Badea from BackToNature is your man

Tue 26th Sep 2023 - Coștila
Peretele Gălbinelelor
4+ - 6+ A0 Grotelor
1 Second
2 Trad
3 Second
4 Trad
5 Second
Mixed trad 150m, 2
Cristina Podocea
Sat 23rd Sep 2023 - Coștila
Văi şi brâne
2A Valea Urzicii Alpine Crap
Alexandra Ungureanu
Sun 10th Sep 2023 - Morarul
Colţii Morarului
4 Traversarea Acelor Morarului - with Silvia Trad
Marius B
Sun 10th Sep 2023 - Caraiman
Văi şi brâne
5 Valea Seacă a Caraimanului - with baza Alpine Mega Classic
Ruxandra V
Hornurile Vaii Seci version, retreat on Braul de sub Streasina rather than up on Caraiman to save some time. Still missed my train tho.

The inferior part (up until the end of Valcelul Mortului) is pretty much dry - led or soloed most of it (exception: Saritoarea lui Zangur, where I really didn't like using a rotten log and an even more rotten piton as pro, with my last good piece (red Totem) halfway between me and the ground)).

On account of life being very wet, we didn't try the initial chimney of the Hornuri version directly, but did the "classical" version that avoids it on the right. Rest was led by Baza, wet but not horribly so. An extra piton was added in the Big Chimney at the beginning of the crux (rock looks like that's where the Great Snake Accident of 2023 happened).

Took us 12h from Busteni to the top - I'm not the fastest lead, plus we had a lot of pitons to test and hammer back in.

Descent on Braul de sub Streasina + Valea Spumoasa + Braul Portitei + Jepii Mici. Don't really recommend the Spumoasa trick in summer unless you absolutely have to, top part is a shitty grass slope where one slip means you end up a few hundreds of m lower.

Mon 4th Sep 2023 - Sinaia
Stânca Sf. Ana Carieră
6a Traseul Negru Sport
Mon 4th Sep 2023 - Sinaia
Stânca Sf. Ana Brâna
7 ~7+ Muk — 9 attempts Sport 20m
Starting section is really difficult, understood from other climbers there were parts of the rock broken making the first 5 moves harder. There is also a risk of hitting a tree behind you when you fall. Approaching for the right when you have a top rope makes it on par with the difficulty level.

Bau Sport
Before the top the trail vanishes & I finished it in CuCu

Cucu Sport Good
Sat 2nd Sep 2023 - Coștila
Umărul Gălbinelelor
6- A1 Traseul Roşculeţ - with Andrei Badea
1 3+ 35 Trad lead by Ruxandra V

High hopes

2 6- A1 35 Aid lead by Andrei Badea

Tried it on lead first. Tried it free, took a cheesegrater fall right back to the belay ledge (the remaining pitons aren't super useful), then couldn't do it A1 anymore either. Switched leads. Had a hell of a time A1 too. The crack went easy, though - beautiful climbing! Touched a sling for a moment but didn't use for progression.

3 5 30 Second lead by Andrei Badea

Tried it on lead again. Lost my whole goddamn nerve after piton 2, since the solution was not obvious, the obvious solution was committing, and I didn't want to fall on that piton since if it'd break, it'd be a pretty big factor fall (the other one is almost at belay height). My partner had whipped on it with no consequences some years ago, but still. Switched leads again. Fell 3 times above piton 2 until I figured out the trick (there's a jug right in the crack, to get you to good holds on the face that get you to where the offwidth becomes body-size). The dihedral on the second part went easy, beautiful climbing. My partner appears to have had too much fun with my cams to care about the bolt Belayed at the official belay due to rope drag (piton at the base of the dihedral needs a longer sling than Andrei could spare at the moment)

4 5 40 Second lead by Andrei Badea

We belayed at the official belay, and I didn't want to try anything that could be factor-y, so Andrei got that one as well. The "biscuit" slab is amazing.

5 4 15 Second lead by Andrei Badea

Not sure how to make the distinction between leading and following on a no-pro pitch you rappel and then climb a chimney while self-belaying with your rappel gear, but anyway.

Mixed trad 160m, 2
Ruxandra V
Sun 20th Aug 2023 - Coștila
Peretele Gălbinelelor
6+ Creasta Coştila-Gălbinele - with AmeB Trad 510m Classic
Sun 20th Aug 2023 - Caraiman
5c Omida - with Alex Georgescu Sport
Ruxandra V
Pebble practice. This sort of climbing is a Sudoku puzzle. Find the best handhold for the hand you wanna move. Experiment with it until you get the best angle. Let that dictate your core and opposite leg position, step on whatever's best near that. Move the other leg freely to something that'll give you a good wide stance, get up on your feet, restart the process for the alternate hand. Like a spraywall full of small holds

5b Râma - with Alex Georgescu Sport
Ruxandra V
You know the joke about a rest so good you can bivy in it? For this route, it's no joke. Good offwidth on conglomerate that opens up in a flared chimney above a chockstone you can nap on, with a balancy but juggy exit on face right to reach the anchors. Very pleasant climbing.

5a Piranha - with Alex Georgescu Sport 15m
Ruxandra V
Bit of a fear moment, wasted some energy on the traverse

Sat 19th Aug 2023 - Coștila
Văi şi brâne
1A Valea Priponului - with a merry team Alpine
Ruxandra V
1A Valea Scoruşilor - with a merry team Alpine Good
Ruxandra V
4 Valea Colţilor - with a merry team Alpine
Ruxandra V
On lead, which was far more chill than I'd have thought. It's good to have a belay. Great conditions and dry rock btw.

First obstacle goes straight on the faace under the first piton rather than following the still wet crack (I took a slide). 3 UIAA, bunch of pitons in the crack, next time I'll only bother with the first one since it's easy terrain and it only makes it more of a bother for the seconds, if going on the same rope. Tallish btw, 20m of rope to the bolt belay.

Second obstacle went free on the 'window' half (such a great window, too, all twisty) for everyone. Backpacks were a mess tho. Got belayed on the second part (pinkpoint not redpoint since Meehai also wanted to climb it on lead 😃) and if you're not using the in situ rope ladder, it's a honest 5 I think, that move where you get past the overhanging part of the offwidth by using a sideways 1cm ledge for your right foot, a smear for the left and nothing useful for your hands is quite honest.

We did the third optional obstacle as well, it's pretty great. A bunch of slabby 3 UIAA chimney, with a 4 traverse to a window. Make sure to sling the window (120cm sling, dyneema, extend with aan alpime draw) to keep your seconds from swinging into the wall should they fall in the lower part. Preferred not to belay on the string of chockstones above (one goes, all go) but there's a large boulder above that can be slung on a 240 (amd a bit more iffiily on 180

My thanks to a really great team!

Sun 13th Aug 2023 - Coștila
Ţancul Ascuţit
7- A0 Traseul Căţărătorului - with Mara Miron Trad 95m
Andrei Verdeanu
Sat 12th Aug 2023 - Coștila
Ţancul Mic
6+ A1 Hermann Buhl - with Dana Bazacliu
1 6+ A0 40m Second lead by Dana Bazacliu

Split it in two pitches at the intermediate belay since they're not easy pitches anyway. Aided the whole of 1.1, 2 went mostly free.

2 6 A0 25m Second

Cool exit over the ridge, very bouldery, airy move I couldn't free the first time tho

3 5 A0 40m Second lead by Dana Bazacliu

Bushy slog leads to passing a slab blocking the ledge. That'd have been interesting had I not had heatstroke already Took a really annoying pendulum out of the belay

4 6 A1 40m Second lead by Dana Bazacliu

At this point I just wanted everything to be over. Took a pendulum, really flailed passing the crux even on 2 aiders, not my best day.

Mixed trad 150m, 20
Ruxandra V
Note to self, don't climb this in the heat again. Cool route, very varied, got heatstroke

6+ A0 Fisura Răsucită - with Dana Bazacliu
1 6+ A0 40 Second lead by Dana Bazacliu

Rested on the rope a lot to try and clear a stuck tricam

2 6+ 40 Second lead by Dana Bazacliu

Pulled on gear on the friable portion and on the face exit

3 4 20 Second
4 6 35 Second
Mixed trad 140m, 15
Ruxandra V
6+ Fisura Răsucită - with Mara Miron
1 Trad lead by Andrei Verdeanu
2 Trad lead by Andrei Verdeanu
3 Trad lead by Andrei Verdeanu
Mixed trad 140m, 15 Average
Andrei Verdeanu
Did only the first three pitches. Rapped down through Herman Buhl.

Sat 12th Aug 2023 - Coștila
Ţancul Ascuţit
7- A0 Traseul Căţărătorului P1 - with Mara Miron
1 Trad lead by Andrei Verdeanu
Trad 95m
Andrei Verdeanu
Fri 11th Aug 2023 - Coștila
Ţancul Ascuţit
6- A0 Fisura Întreruptă - with Mara Miron
1 Trad
2 Trad
Trad 60m
Andrei Verdeanu
Sat 1st Jul 2023 - Coștila
Peretele Gălbinelelor
6+ A0 Creasta Coştila-Gălbinele - with Doru Buzac
1 4 40 Trad lead by Ruxandra V

Alternative entrance at the first bolt. Tried uniting the first 2 pitches, rope felt a bit short, so I belayed off a boulder after the initial no-pro part of P2

2 3 A0 20 Second lead by Doru Buzac

Can't tag it as aid as a second but pulled on the sling of the piton protecting the downclimb since it's much more annoying as a second.

3 1 60 Trad
4 4 60 Trad lead by Ruxandra V

Found the piton I missed the last time (well actually Doru found it). This time around, I didn't run out of rope, we maybe had 10m free? Belayed off crappier trees than last time tho.

5 4+ 40 Second lead by Doru Buzac

Lost our way here a bit, and Doru had to downclimb some sketchy shit.

6 1+ 60 Trad lead by Ruxandra V


7 6+ 55 Second lead by Doru Buzac

The second half of the pitch felt weirder than last time - had forgot about the initial layback, and I didn't figure it out again at first.

8 5 35 Second lead by Doru Buzac

Tried it on lead first, forgot how sketchy the pro is after the first bolt on the crack, and didn't have anything that'd fit in it either (it'd be pitons or micronuts...). There's a slightly overhanging move there that's kiss the ledge territory if you fall. The crack on the right looks easier though,and protectable with gear that'd hold a fall... the traverse doesn't really have any pro placements though...

9 3 55 Trad lead by Ruxandra V


10 5+ 25 Trad lead by Ruxandra V

Goes easy on the right side variant if using a small friend under the boulder (can be recovered since there's a piton right after). Also used a medium friend right at the exit before the intermediate belay, not the best placement though (flared, dirty crack, a large offset would have been so much better...). Tried to link it with the next pitch, to skip a piton belay...

11 2 40 Trad lead by Ruxandra V

...and failed, since I ran out of rope 5m before the belay. Since this was easy terrain but the pitch before wasn't, didn't want to ask my partner to simul, so I downclimbed to the last piton, extended it with all the slings draws etc I still had on me, downclimbed some more to that, clipped into it, was lowered to the piton below, clove hitched the rope to that and belayed my partner up. Pictures of the whole setup were taken by my partner for blackmail purposes, but he says they didn't come out right and I shouldn't worry.

12 5+ 20 Second lead by Doru Buzac
Trad 510m Classic
Ruxandra V
Fri 23rd Jun 2023 - Coștila
Ţancul Mic
6+ Fisura Răsucită Mixed trad 140m, 15 Classic
Sabina D.
Fri 23rd Jun 2023 - Coștila
Peretele Văii Albe
5 - 6+ A0 Lespezi Trad Good
Sabina D.
Sun 11th Jun 2023 - Jepii Mici
Văi şi brâne
1B Valea Seacă dintre Clăi - with baza Alpine
Ruxandra V
Doing drytooling laps on the main obstacle (all nice and wet after the rain). Climb, downclimb.

Sun 11th Jun 2023 - Sinaia
Cariera din Sinaia
5a+ Didi Sport 17m, 8
Ruxandra V
Rain stopped. My partner led it and left the draws on. Didn't look that bad. Started pouring just after I got past the third bolt, decided to continue and see how high I get. To the top, apparently

5a+ Didi Sport 17m, 8
Ruxandra V
Rain started

5b Chicken Sport 22m, 10
Ruxandra V
Trusting the rock now

5b Chicken Sport 22m, 10
Ruxandra V
In boots, for the hell of it. Almost worked

5b Chicken Sport 22m, 10
Ruxandra V
Placing draws, held onto a couple while clipping

5a+ Twiti Sport 15m, 7
Ruxandra V
Fri 9th Jun 2023 - Coștila
Văi şi brâne
4 Valea Priponului Alpine
Ruxandra V
One of the last days the downclimb to the left of the main obstacle can be done, the rimaye is getting big and the snow ridge is getting delicate

M2 Hornul Coamei Alpine
Ruxandra V
Started off where we retreated last time. The 'window' obstacle is uncovered for 5m or so, quite possibly the coolest bit of climbing I ever did on a gully, and made even better by a) doing it solo and b) having my partner on the last attempt on whatsapp offering support (encouragement, jokes, angling for my Totems if I gank it). Thanks mate. Also, there's a piton stack above it on the right as you climb, black cordelette. Above that, the snow is relatively continuous but with big rimayes so sometimes you're climbing snow ridges, and there's a couple rock ridges as well but nothing harder than M2. Below, as far as I could see, the entrance is dry and the technical part is in great mixed conditions, partially uncovered rock and patches of snow. First 2 pitches of Furcile are also snowed up, the icefall has melted tho.

1A Brâul Strungii Alpine
Ruxandra V
Almost entirely dry. The routes on Umarul Galbinele are in summer conditions as well.

M2 Valea Gălbinelelor (principal) Alpine Very Good
Ruxandra V
Mostly continuous snow in the inferior part. Second obstacle pokes out 2m. Above the split with Hornul Coamei, interrupted snow. Above Braul Strungii, it's dry. Solo.

Tue 30th May 2023 - Coștila
Văi şi brâne
1A Valea Priponului - with baza Alpine
Ruxandra V
On descent. Broken up snow on the upper part, full snow in the valley proper up to the waterfall, which is a waterfall now. Still downclimbable on the left.

6- Valea Urzicii - with baza Alpine Mega Classic
Ruxandra V

Inferior part still fully covered up, although we did have quite a bit of fun exploring the occasional rimaye. Some of them are full caves by now.

Obstacle over BMC is partially uncovered (just below the crux) - we climbed some swiss cheese of a snowblock to get to rock. Crux below the suspended boulder is pretty awesome, some rather marginal crampon and axe holds on the right face (or, in summer, a bouldery undercling on the suspended boulder + smear feet on the right face) that take you to an offwidth crack used to mantle over the face. Decently protectable, there's a good in situ piton (plus a slab that can be tied off with a sling) above the initial ledge, and a crack that takes medium friends on the left after the crux. Easy terrain there, then another fun exit over a spherical chockstone (in situ and not very good piton on the right of it, room for a small friend on the left, but by the time you're above the pro you're home free) - it's all about the feet. There's a new piton 2-3m above the obstacle to the right, and a crack that takes small/medium nuts 1m above the obstacle, so the second has it easy.

Above that, there's an uncovered slab which we avoided on the right due to seeing a bunch of footballs roll down it as we were packing up our gear, and then the valley splits. The rocks had come from the left arm, so we took the right arm (uncovered initial chimney, quite light - there's some red cordelette around a sketchy boulder - probably a rap station - and then pure snow). We first tried a direct exit through the corniche, since it had vastly diminished in size, but we still had 1.5m of snow above, too poorly consolidated to do any overhanging moves on, so we avoided it on the right where a small ridge meant a break in the overhang.

Sat 6th May 2023 - Caraiman
Peretele Albişoarelor
2A Albişoara Brânei Alpine
Ruxandra V
Solo walk up to the first obstacle (knew I didn't want to continue since the exit is heavily corniched)

1B Albişoara Turnurilor Alpine
Ruxandra V
Solo. Lower obstacles already partially uncovered. Felt like I needed a belay

Fri 5th May 2023 - Caraiman
Văi şi brâne
1B Valea lui Zangur Alpine
Ruxandra V
Solo. All obstacles covered or almost covered. An easy, peaceful walk. Tried exiting towards Portita Caraimanului, ended up going back because of iffy snow conditions. A small avalanche started in that area automatically a few minutes after I started descending, so I feel this was the right choice

Tue 2nd May 2023 - Coștila
Colţul Mălinului
WI2 M4 Hornul Ascuns - with andrei badea
1 WI2 35 Alpine lead by andrei badea

Fell on my tools once as I blew a foot when the thin ice I placed it in peeled off.

2 M4 Alpine lead by andrei badea

Interesting leftward traverse right at the start of the pitch (we protected it with a small friend a couple of meters above the belay, allowing the leader to do the traverse on toprope, then the leader clipped into the first piton and I went and recuperated the friend while tied in to the belay with just enough rope to reach it,to prevent the rope literally going Z-shaped).

Interesting exit to the belay too, in summer you chimney it, leader did a pull-up on tools stuck into frozen turf (taller than me) and I did a summer-winter maneuver where I hooked an icicle with one tool (instead of the summer hold, now iced up), to allow me to layback my feet on the left wall for a couple moves until I could reach the chimneyish part.

Alpine 35m Mega Classic
Ruxandra V
The mixed climbing I've been dreaming of this winter. Unlike the rest of 'em, this is really really good in spring.

Tue 2nd May 2023 - Coștila
Văi şi brâne
1B Valea Mălinului - with andrei badea Alpine Mega Classic
Ruxandra V
On descent. Iffy traverse from Creasta Malinului, then run for downhill/run for your lives since it's high noon and high sun and the corniche is spectacular. Wet firn, easy to move on. Rocks the size of a couple fridges and a van have recently falllen from the chimney on the opposite of Valea Hornurilor

Tue 2nd May 2023 - Coștila
Colţul Mălinului
5 Creasta Mălinului - with andrei badea
6 Second
7 Second

Bunch of mobiles mostly used so we don't trip on the rope

Trad Classic
Ruxandra V
Exit from Hornul Ascuns. High sun, high wind, perfect snow. Traverses even easier than in summer

Mon 1st May 2023 - Coștila
Văi şi brâne
2A Valea Urzicii Alpine
Ruxandra V
Solo. Perfect, perfect snow, covering everything under BMC. The major obstacle above BMC is also almost entirely covered - maybe 3m of M2 today. Didn't continue, though, since on such a warm and sunny day there was quite a bit of rockfall, a lot of it funnelled through the obstacle, and considering the visible corniche on the right upper line and that the invisible and theoretically corniche free left upper line involved a rocky friable ridge I didn't yet know if I was ok with unbelayed, I decided against the version of reality where I had a good chance of needing to go down the funnel...err... major obstacle once again 2h later in full noon sun. Easy descent, 90% walking and a bit of downclimbing, on not yet sticky snow, in 1h

Sun 9th Apr 2023 - Coștila
Văi şi brâne
M2 Brâna Aeriană - Creasta Văii Albe - with Gabriel Bazacliu, Dana Bazacliu Alpine Classic
Ruxandra V
On knee high fresh snow and 4/5 avalanche risk, it becomes a completely different route. Pitched the whole rocky part of the ridge, then rapped/downclimbed back on our tracks to avoid the Hornul lui Gelepeanu exit and the associated risk. 18 hours

Sat 8th Apr 2023 - Caraiman
Văi şi brâne
1A Valea Albă Alpine Very Good
Sat 8th Apr 2023 - Caraiman
Peretele Albişoarelor
2A Albişoara Crucii Alpine Very Good
Thu 23rd Mar 2023 - Caraiman
Văi şi brâne
1A Valea Albă - with Andrei Badea Alpine Mega Classic
Ruxandra V
Perfect snow, glissaded most of it down (including Saritoarea Carnului, which had a patch of hard snow that nearly gave me a heart attack)

Thu 23rd Mar 2023 - Caraiman
Peretele Albişoarelor
M3 Albişoara Gemenelor - with Andrei Badea Alpine Mega Classic
Ruxandra V
Perfect snow up to Braul Hornurilor. Above, boulder problem slightly uncovered (from the red cord piton) and covered with ice on the right. We passed it on full belay (0.5 friend, red tricam, a really iffy blade piton) and simulled up to the final part of the exit chimneys which was again on full belay for me

Sun 19th Mar 2023 - Caraiman
Peretele Albişoarelor
M3 Vâlcelul Picăturii - with Gabriel Bazacliu Alpine
Ruxandra V
Lovely spring mixed conditions: all the jungle is under hard snow, and the major obstacles are uncovered and partially iced up

1B Albişoara Turnurilor - with Gabriel Bazacliu Alpine
Ruxandra V
On descent. Knee high soft snow, quite stable and a bit moist. Took the top line, on the bottom half the major obstacles are 1m uncovered, right next to the rap stations

Sun 19th Mar 2023 - Caraiman
Vârful şi Creasta Picăturii
M4 Vârful Picătura - with Gabriel Bazacliu Alpine Classic
Ruxandra V
Part of a whole-ridge attempt we abandoned before Fata Inalta due to iffy snow (v aerated but hard enough to make climbing the rock under it problematic) and a team that wanted to do the last part under star-cross-and-headlight but reasonably speaking shouldn't have tried it that night. Picatura itself is in lovely conditions, decently hard snow and some ice in the chimneys. Approach on Muchia Trandafir is nice and consolidated too, and easily protectable simulclimbing on a 50m rope. On Strungii peak we did about 2.5 pitches on the aforementioned iffy snow, retreated on Albisoara Turnurilor

Sat 18th Mar 2023 - Caraiman
Văi şi brâne
1A Valea Albă Alpine Very Good
Ruxandra V
Walk up to BMC and back. A layer of powder of varying thickness over hard, consolidated snow

Sun 12th Mar 2023 - Caraiman
Peretele Albişoarelor
1A Brâul Hornurilor - with Gabriel Bazacliu Alpine Very Good
Ruxandra V
Somehow the legendarily unprotectable traverse where a slip can peel off the entire team ended up the least sketchy part of the day. We did it like this: simultaneous up until the gendarme (since at least if you fall there the bushes catch you), then we slinged the gendarme with one end of the rope and I went on until finding a patch of hard snow I could at least pretend my Quarks would serve as an anchor in. Then Baza crossed over, reached Albisoara Gemenelor (good, hard snow there) and climbed up a bit to give me a belay for the last portion

2A Albişoara Gemenelor - with Gabriel Bazacliu Alpine Classic
Ruxandra V
On descent from Braul Hornurilor (tagging this as an attempt since the crux of the route in winter conditions is right above Braul Hornurilor). Concrete-hard iced snow, downclimbed the lot of it on belay, without swinging them my tools would often only penetrate if I placed them in my footprints, and the footprints often didn't show any marks for the secondary teeth... Not sure how, but we got to La Verdeata by daylight. Well, dusklight, but you know.

2A Albişoara Hornurilor - with Gabriel Bazacliu Alpine Very Good
Ruxandra V
Polystyrene snow covered by a crust of ice from the rain yesterday. Slippery with a risk of goatfall

Fri 10th Mar 2023 - Morarul
Văi şi brâne
1B Valea Adâncă - with Andrei Badea Alpine
Ruxandra V
Having reached the valley entrance with hours to go, we went back up until 2000m altitude, when the snow got shitty and we got hungry. It's a highway to the ridge basically

2A Râpa Zăpezii - Râpa Mică - with Andrei Badea Alpine
Ruxandra V
Good snow, only the lower major obstacle was slightly uncovered (bit tricky move there). Crossing over Valea Adanca proved unfeasible due to iffy snow, so we went down the way we came

Thu 9th Mar 2023 - Caraiman
Văi şi brâne
1A Valea Albă - with Andrei Badea Alpine Very Good
Ruxandra V
On descent. Good snow, a tad sticky.

Thu 9th Mar 2023 - Caraiman
Peretele Albişoarelor
2A Albişoara Crucii - with Andrei Badea Alpine Classic
Ruxandra V
Great conditions. Under Braul Hornurilor, perfect snow - hard but not impenetrable. A small chimney was partially uncovered. Above that, snow got bigger and softer, plus lots of polystyrene under slabs, but you could still choose a safe line. Rope only used for the small chimney and an area around it, I feel I could easily have soloed it. And perfect, perfect weather. One of those lines that just flows up like honey in antigravity

Wed 14th Dec 2022 - Coștila
Văi şi brâne
1B Hornul Coamei - with Andrei Badea Alpine
Ruxandra V
Climbed up to Braul Strungii but I feel comfortable calling this a tick rather than a retreat since it covers the major technical bits. Lovely condition, rock relatively uncovered, ice enough for screws. We pitched the whole of it on account of a rather newbie second (me). Took the Braul Strungii exit on account of likely major wind slabs in the top funnel - right decision, I feel, considering the amount of slabbage we had to dodge on retreat.

Somewhere in the middle of this I first started feeling like my frontpoints are part of my feet, rather than weird unwieldy tools I need to place from a distance.

4 Valea Gălbinelelor (principal) - with Andrei Badea Alpine
Ruxandra V
We came, we saw, we fucked off. Too much work for an approach route.

1A Brâul Strungii - with Andrei Badea Alpine
Ruxandra V
Short and sweet, had to do a bit of ballet to avoid wind slabs


Mostrando 1 - 100 de 177 ascensões.

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