
Narrow Kloof & Wigwam

  • Contexto da graduação: SA
  • Fotos: 3
  • Ascensões: 16




2 short kloofs both accessible from the same resort.

Questões de acesso

Go to Wigwam Hotel. Sign in and tell the guard you are there to climb they will let you park in front of the gate. This is a private resort and the owner has kindly granted permission. The previous hotel / club house has closed down and we weren't ask to pay for the 25R day pass anymore (2018-11-25). Please behave when in the property, horseplay and noise will be really bad for the way the owners view the climbers. Be polite, it all helps to secure long term access.


To get to the kloof walk up from the gate along the tarred road. To Wigwam go past the church on the left, you will find a path shortly following water pipe behind it. It is an easy short walk, nearly flat.

To Narrow kloof go more right toward the prior restaurant. There is a sign marking the start of a "Mountain walk". Follow this sign and follow the track (looks like it has been made by a quad bike or similar) up the hill to where the path splits, creating an island with a tree on it and taking a right into the narrow looking kloof above. There are kerns on the path. To enter Narrow Kloof (climbing side) one must walk over the top of the first section of kloof and enter the second section where the gulley is formed from above.


No fire allowed as per “No Fires in Magaliesberg Policy”. There is currently a moratorium on bolting in Magaliesberg.

Please ensure that whatever you carry into the kloof, you carry out. The kloofs are narrow and access is fairly limited, make sure you go to the bathroom before entering. Please DO NOT urinate or deficate in the kloof as the water is currently pure enough to drink, lets keep it that way. If you have to go make sure you exit the kloof before you get down to business. Please bury your deposits to avoid nasty surprises. If you see litter (and there often is in the kloof, due to baboons raiding the hotel bins) make an effort to pick it up on your way out and put it in a dustbin.

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Tue 30 May
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