
Ascensões de The Entrance

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Mostrando os 5 ascensões.

Grade Via Estilo de equipamento Qualidade Climber
Mon 22nd Nov 2021 - Peer's Cave
Amadeus Wall
18 The Entrance Sport 3 Average
Bruce McD
Cool but over in a second. Not hard if your head is cool

Mon 5th Apr 2021 - Peer's Cave
Amadeus Wall
18 The Entrance - with Christina Arnoldy Sport 3 Good
Rowan Douglas
18 The Entrance (The Entarence) - with Wian van Zyl, Ceci Cerrilla Sport 3 Average
Varalika Jain
Pumpy (and mentally scary) to warm up on. Got on second attempt. Didn't particularly enjoy the climb.

18 The Entrance (The Entarence) - with Varalika Jain, Ceci Cerrilla Sport 3 Very Good
Wian van Zyl
Pretty tough overhang, could be close to 19.

Sun 19th May 2013 - Peer's Cave
Amadeus Wall
18 The Entrance Sport 3 Good
Cormac Tooze
Short, but good.


Mostrando os 5 ascensões.

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