
The Mitt

  • Contexto da graduação: FR
  • Fotos: 6
  • Ascensões: 121




Classic Thailand tufa and stalactite climbing. Great quality rock.

Questões de acesso herdado de Koh Yao Noi

Dec 2019: according to local shop, many crags are closed!

Dec 2023: climbing is possible on the areas behind the Paradise Resort, but not allowed on the 4 crags farther north on the northern tip (only reachable by boat).

According to the park rangers, the bolting efforts drove the native birds and monkeys away from the cliffs which is why they prohibit climbing. Locals advise against rock climbing and will provide little information due to trouble with national park rangers a couple of years ago.


Walk via the jungle trail (either from the beach, or from the resort trail) to reach the intersection with a sign (8.177877, 98.636376). The path up leads to the crag.



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Route starts off the boulder on the far right of the crag. Clip the sling for safety. Belay either on the boulder or in the cave entrance........Great climbing and solid.

share start with White Monkey.

share start with Tarantula.

share anchor with The Red Line.

1 6b
2 7c

share anchor with Tufa Walker.

1 6a
2 6c+

share anchor with Mixed Fruit Shake and Koh Yao Wild.

share anchor with Balancing Act and Koh Yao Wild.

1 6a
2 7a+

share anchor with Balancing Act and Mixed Fruit Shake.

Route climbs up left of Koa Yao Wild and finishes at its own anchors.

share start with Lobster Claw.

share start with Grey Box.


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Sun 21 May
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