

  • Contexto da graduação: FR
  • Fotos: 4
  • Ascensões: 25
  • Aka: Secret Donkey Crag




Location: 36.8660309, 30.4510609

Questões de acesso herdado de Geyikbayırı

Access is easy, by car or minibus, via a single paved road. Depending on where you stay furthest access is about a 30 minute walk.

Ética herdado de Geyikbayırı

There are no restrictions aside from respecting the environment as the local government has been very tolerant and we don't want that to change. All bolting is stainless steel and not more than 10 years old. Between 20 to 30 new routes are opened every year and visitors are welcome to contribute to that with local advice.


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Around the corner

1 7a
2 proj

Shares first part with 7a to the left. To the intermediate chain is kind if 7a

Technical Face Climbing up the Arete

Veer right just before the Anchors of "Little Rainbow"

FA: Tobias Haug, 2012

Shares the Same anchor as "Over the Rainbow"

Fixed quickdraws. Start on the poor quality rock then to a small roof and perfect climbing all the way to the top.

The rightmost route

Informação importante

Este local de escalada não possui uma descrição. Você poderia escrever uma breve introdução?

Se você pode ajudar a fornecer informações de qualidade para a comunidade de escalada, clique no botão 'edite esta área' próximo ao topo da página.

Selected Guidebooks more Ocultar

Author(s): Öztürk Kayikci

Data: 2023

ISBN: 9786259930107

A definitive rock climbing guidebook for Antalya describing all the sport climbing to be found at Geyikbayiri, Olympos, Yarasali, Citdibi, Beycik, and Kaputas.

Acomodações próximas more Ocultar

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Mon 22 May
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